lcveblind · 1 year
❦ || @jesterofinaba​​
A snort. 
“Yeah, yeah,” she said, red eyes rolling with a lazy wave of her hand.
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“Heard ya loud and clear already, Peaches. Just get those assholes out of here before they tear a new one into the bar.”
It was practically routine at this point, honestly. Either it was a peaceful night where they could relax in the atmosphere of the bar, or it was one of those nights where some grade-A idiots decide to let the alcohol get to their heads and throw tantrums. Unfortunately for them, she thought, swiping the broom and dust pan from the storage room, it was the latter. 
Damnit. And to think she was optimistic enough to believe she’d get some time to get rid of this damn headache, too...
At least she came back just in time to watch Adachi kick the two drunkards out on the street. That was always something worth seeing—-especially for someone as scrawny as the man that did it. A small huff of amusement escapes her then as she sweeps the debris into the waiting mouth of the dustpan.
“Never one to skip out on leg day, are you?” came the dry comment. “And to think I used to wonder why they never hired a bouncer around this place...”
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