just-jammin · 4 years
Word Count: 2024
Summary: The obscure yet infamous game of Sburb has probably caused some trauma & all-around bad times within the Chaos Family.
Their resident Protector can tell you all about it, and about how this predicament can be solved...
So. It’s been a while.
Not in the sense that I haven’t spoken to anyone in a while, just that I haven’t written a journal since... yeah, it wasn’t that long since I did that, but my point still stands.
Look, this whole Sburb thing is crazy ever since I first knew about it, but this is just outright ludicrous. The world-ending meteor shower, trying to process the abstract concepts & lore within the game, witnessing death itself... it’s not my cup of tea when it comes to first-hand experiences.
All of this reminds me of... something. It reminds me of a story that I’ve heard once while participating Mass, in a Homily. I can’t help it but think that it’s so much similar to our situation as of now.
How? I’ll tell it here.
>> —^— <<
In a dark, quiet room, there were four Candles.
Peace, Faith, Love, & Hope.
These four elements are very important to the story, as it is related to the people’s thoughts & actions. The Peace within the group, the Faith of triumph & joy, the unconditional Love for each other, and the Hope fueling our will to go on & go forth.
It’s all present in this session, as the Chaos Family. Even though we never formally met each other until the game started, and somehow one of us was accidentally sucked into it, we still have some camaraderie with each other.
And that’s when things started falling apart.
>> —^— <<
While talking to each other, the Candles noticed that Peace was melting.
You see, we never had proper Peace. We’re all about Chaos, right? But this is our kind of Peace; knowing that everyone is having fun & laughing along to our antics is our kind of Peace. It means that every single member is getting to know each other more.
Yet somehow, when we entered the Medium, things got serious. When I thought setting up a Zoom call tutorial thing for the extremely confused members was a mess, I didn’t expect our problems to be worse when we got our own Planets.
Don’t get me wrong, all of our Sprites did say that our Planets’ purpose was to strengthen ourselves. But all I could feel was insecurity. Scared of moving forward. And I bet the others felt that too.
Basically, our first impressions of our planets are outright Hell.
I think this is why fights started breaking out whenever we talked to each other. Whether it was a memo in Pesterchum (which we had to download), or just meeting up in one of the Planets, arguments are thrown here & there. Unfortunately, it escalated to rowdy fistfights that we had to have a hard time to let them struggle & break it up.
To be fair, sometimes I was in those fights. It was... rough.
Needless to say, this was a different kind of Chaos. It wasn’t the one we’re used to, nor the one that brings people together. It was the kind of Chaos that tears relationships apart and basically destroys everyone, inside & out.
When Peace had been standing in its final moments, it cried out, “Oh, what’s the use of me being here?! Everybody has been making a fool of themselves by causing nonsensical conflict!
“That’s it! I’m done here!”
There’s no Peace in there. Not anymore.
Its light flickers out.
>> —^— <<
There were three left.
And it had been for days.
Until one time, while the Candles were talking, they noticed that Faith was melting.
Faith. It’s hard to say when it was there in the first place.
I mean, to be fair, a lot of things are difficult to see in this Family, or the rest of Tumblr, actually. (Heh... I miss Tumblr...) But Faith comes in small things, like the friendships of others. And even full-on relationships. Little things like that can let us keep on believing that we can do better for ourselves.
That was... unfortunate.
Although entering the Medium was a win for all of us, there were also some losses for a handful of us.
It included our friends outside the Chaos Family. And even some of them in the Family.
Almost everyone not participating in our session is dead.
Dead. Gone forever.
It was a hard one to take in. Some of our real-life family relatives in our houses are still alive, but our Tumblr friends impacted some of us the most. People were crying. Like real tears.
And for some reason, I didn’t.
Almost all of my friends are here, my brother is here, and honestly, I didn’t have much back on Earth. Sure, my parents and relatives are gone, so that’s... depressing. But I can cope with them here. They’re the reason why I’m thriving.
The others? Not so much.
Faith had shouted while getting weakened, “Look, my own Faith is dwindling too, y’know?! They’re moping around in their own disbelief!
“I’m out!”
I guess I’m the only one who had more of it. But only by a smidge.
Its smoke wafts away in the dark.
>> —^— <<
And then there were two.
Unfortunately, Love was next to melt.
Ah, Love. This one is somewhat different from the story I’m telling than the source material.
You see, our Family’s Love never dwindled. We all still care for each other, no matter what happens to any of us. Through thick & thin, we helped each other to get ourselves up & going.
Heck, some of them got together romantically. Not that I’m too envious of them, but to be honest, they’re really cute with each other. A handful of them loved those outside of the Family, but you know what happened...
It’s just that we talked to each other less over time, either because of the missions we were given or because we just didn’t feel like talking to each other. It’s ok, I do respect their reasons, whether good or bad.
However, it just made me more concerned. I bet the others feel the same about that, but I think it’s been taking over my brain recently. I even tried talking about it to the closest people I know in the Family. No responses were made.
It doesn’t help that I have to literally build my way up, going through a complicated labyrinth of temperature-changing caverns filled with walking & talking thorny devils that hate me so much they shoot blood from their eyes at me.
Not to mention that I only have my annoying older brother with me, who only set my issue aside when I tried telling him. It sucks.
So no, our Love never dwindled.
It just became more isolated.
And yet, Love sobbed out, “Come on! Why am I not strong enough for them?! I thought I can keep all of them together!
“I can’t take this anymore!”
It just... feels like before. Numb all over.
Hehe, shit. I’m too familiar with that...
Love’s warmth faded away soon.
>> —^— <<
Only one was left standing.
The Candle of Hope.
Well, that’s the only one that’s actually relevant to our session, huh?
It’s one of the main Aspects of Sburb, so of course it’s relevant! According to my Sprite, Hope is the embodiment of all positive emotions & beliefs, including Hope itself. It’s a pretty nice Aspect, in my opinion.
Anyway, Hope’s the one that got us through all our shit. Yes, even the very bad times. It’s basically a lifesaver for the Chaos Family and the rest of Tumblr. It can be distributed in many ways, from simple things like compliments, to posts like those ‘One Note a Day’ ones and a bunch of others like that.
But this, this is what I thought we were lacking the most at the time.
By that time, a little girl came running inside the dark room.
She noticed the other three Candles, melted & burnt out.
“Peace? Faith? Love?” she tried to call out.
I... didn’t think it was there when we started the session, nor when the fights started to break out. Not even when... when my friends started struggling with themselves.
Heck, some of them wanted to let their lives go to get to God Tier... or for worse intentions...
Shit, everything sucked.
The girl started tearing up, calling the other Candles repeatedly.
“Why?!” she finally sobbed. “Why aren’t you still burning?! You’re supposed to stay till the end, right?!”
At least, that’s what I thought... before, uh, that happened.
You see, it was one day while I was struggling to find my way through the Land of Rumors and Elements when someone stood in a distance away from me. When I tried to process who it was, they somehow got to me in quick speeds & punched my glasses off of me.
I was at a disadvantage by then. I tried to use my two knives (alchemized ones; they looked cool & they were more fit for fighting) to get them, but my eyesight is pretty crap. I missed my slashes so many times.
Then I felt them getting one of the knives, and it turned into what was basically a very inconvenient sword-fight. It went on for a long time, trying to injure free spots before getting parried repeatedly.
I then noticed a sharp pain on my right side.
When I turned my head towards the feeling, my right arm was on the ground.
Bleeding. Aching. Hurting.
I faced the person one last time, and I only see a silhouette. On their head is a mint-colored circle with three wisp-like appendages... a symbol...
The next thing I knew, I was lying on stone. I was... weak. And tired.
On my side was my Sprite, a golden retriever with water buffalo horns & a fedora. She had a mournful look on her face.
I closed my own eyes & took a deep breath when I realized.
I was dying.
She cried out before falling to the ground, practically drowning in her own tears.
Then I felt as numb as I could ever be.
>> —^— <<
Then she heard a voice.
It said, “Worry not, child. I’m still here.”
She looked up to see the remaining Candle in the room.
“Why should I not worry, then?” the girl questioned.
It replied, “I can relight the others if you truly acknowledge my presence.”
She perked up at the response she was given. Crawling closer towards the Candle, she followed up with, “And why is that?”
A soft chuckle came out from it.
“Well... isn’t my name Hope?”
>> —^— <<
I didn’t expect to feel a burst of cool air from where my arm was cut off. At least, I didn’t expect it to be the first thing I felt since I died.
Then I felt something on my back, pushing me up & up until I recognized it as floating in the air. Little by little, my senses came back to normal. The numbness had subsided, replaced with what I think was... power.
My lungs breathed air again; I can make sounds; I can see, smell, hear, feel...
I’m human again. Alive. Awake.
Unfortunately, living again came with having to deal with pain. Remnants of the aching on my right arm arrived, so naturally, I let my left hand clench where it hurt. There was a scar on where I was touching, but I can unusually feel the rest of my arm...
Yep, I got my arm back. Nice, I guess. Let’s set that aside for now.
One other detail I noticed was that I was wearing a mostly yellow outfit: a sleeveless shirt, some leggings, and dark green boots, along with long fingerless gloves. I then took a look at a puddle to see that my reflection has a superhero-like mask on my face.
I did not know how the fuck they got on me.
Yet one thing’s for sure: I’ve ascended and went to God Tier.
And my role?
I relight our Family’s bond & trust with the help of Hope.
With shining eyes, the girl picked the Candle up and lighted the other three.
Peace, Faith, & Love.
All together, alight again, in the dark room.
>> —^— <<
I am the Rogue of Hope, the one who distributes Hope to others.
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