#habits/speech/personality/dislikes/likes/mannerisms/opinions/political opinions/sides you've taken/areas you associate with
lains-reality · 1 year
I don’t actually really know how to apply any ND knowledge.
I know that there is nothing to do, but everybody seems to get the hang of it somehow and I just don’t.
I can’t really see the difference between my ego saying that everything is perfect or ME saying it. I try to remember that I am Self and I don’t need anything because it is perfect, but I don’t feel as if I am progressing.
I feel as if I am not applying anything I have learned properly. Any advice?
"I don’t actually really know how to apply any ND knowledge."
here's a practical guide.
all you need to do is act from this.
take it seriously. really remind yourself of it.
getting annoyed? 'this is not me, but the character'
walking outside? 'oh wow its kinda crazy this is just a dream'
making food? 'rice only exists because of my thought of it, i wonder what would happen if i stopped thinking of rice's existence lol'
seeing people talk on the phone? 'that body and life is also mine...'
"but I don’t feel as if I am progressing."
let go of the idea of progressing. just allow yourself to be. do you see that you want vanessa to see that shes Self? vanessa wants progress. Self already is.
edit: if can't detach from everything, then accept more. accept more bodies and circumstances. get used to really pondering over 'wow that culture, way of life, style etc is also mine'. by accepting more, you'll end up negating what you aren't - a body-mind. bcs there's no way you can be all the bodies but are stuck to one clump of cells and a thought.
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