#hacash's adventures in cooking
hacash · 2 years
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Baked some apple and chocolate muffins which then didn’t a: catch fire, b: sink in the middle, or c: taste like a rusty nail due to an over-abundance of food colouring. Pretty proud overall, ngl.
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hacash · 2 years
easy shrimp and chorizo pasta
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First one done, 728 to go! this is really tasty, would highly recommend to anyone who likes paprika flavours or just likes lobbing shit in a pan and frying it up. Most of the prep is cutting up chorizo and crushing garlic, so if you have a garlic crusher this recipe is golden for the low in spoons. (I’ve included the source recipe for purists, though I increased the garlic/paprika/chili flakes because it’s a mommy blog).
as much long pasta, chorizo and prawns as your heart yearns for
olive oil
3 cloves garlic 
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes
Salt and pepper
Cook your pasta in salted water, drain, and set the pasta to one side (keeping the pasta water).
Cut the chorizo into discs and then heat some oil in the pan. You want to be generous with the oil as it will form the sauce at the end (rather than just using a teaspoon or two).
Fry until the oil is looking nice and golden from the leaked chorizo oil. For Europeans this will probably take less time than for Americans, as Spanish chorizo tends to be cured and edible straight out the packet (and therefore will be a bit chewy if you fry too long) whereas I think Mexican chorizo isn’t?
remove the chorizo from the pan and add the paprika, chili flakes and garlic for a couple of minutes. if you have pre-cooked prawns then add them at the end for the last 30 seconds; otherwise add them from the beginning of this step until cooked.
(at this point the recipe said to add 1/4 cup of the pasta water to the oil and bring the sauce to a simmer. I don’t think this added all that much so would leave out this step in future)
Add the chorizo and pasta and toss to coat the pasta well in the oil sauce, serve and delight in spicy goodness.
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