#had a good flow these couple days by simply sitting down in bed and doodle what comes to mind
jajna · 7 months
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It's a grand mix of fanart and OC action tonight JUST LIKE IT SHOULD BE! <3 Herman is not giving Jackie a break. Dragora's mun are planning on cutting the djinns hair. Xhuuya got 'surprised' by fireworks at a festival. Toshinori's hair are golden silk <3 My hero academia/Toshonori (c) Kōhei Horikoshi Jackie and Herman @greekceltic Dragora @lotuseaterdragora Huugin @thoughtfulraven Xhuuya @onsilentwings
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totallyseventeen · 7 years
Soulmate AU | Soonyoung
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In which you and Soonyoung are soulmates.
Non-Idol Soonyoung x Artistic Reader
This is my first work ever posted to Tumblr, so I really hope you enjoy!
It all started in kindergarten. You were sitting at your little desk while meticulously coloring, and you saw a crudely drawn smiley face appear on the top of your hand. Like any five year old would do, you stand up and scream. The teacher rushed over to your side, and after hearing what happened, she told you about soulmates.
It wasn’t an unfamiliar concept to you; your parents had mentioned the term numerous times before, but you just brushed it aside. Your teacher explained that everyone has a link to their soulmate, but those links vary from couple to couple. She then told you about your link. Whatever you soulmate wrote on himself, you could see and vise versa.
You stared at the smiley face on your hand and admired it. Yes, it was a very bad smiley face. The smile was very crooked and the eyes were so off it was laughable, but it was from your soulmate. You ran back to your desk and snatched a baby blue magic marker and wrote “Hi :)” in sloppy letters on your forearm.
That was the first time you and your soulmate ever had contact, but that was years ago. Now, you are nineteen and have much more knowledge about your soulmate. You learned that he was Korean very quickly, as having strange characters pop up on your arm worried both you and your parents. You learned the language over a long period of time, and your soulmate learned some English, but he is still learning.
He loves to dance. You learned that when he scribbled odd lines and dots along your arm. After a few minutes he wrote an explanation on his hand saying how it was choreography. You attempted to decipher and do it yourself, but you couldn’t distinguish what he meant by the mess of lines mapped out on your arm.
He loved his friends, as well as making people laugh. He would often write down really cheesy jokes where he knew you would see it just so you would laugh. His friends were also very prevalent in his life. They would often prank him by drawing things on him which transferred over to you too. You didn’t mind it that much though. It was a (rather unfortunate) method to discovering more about him and his life.
You also tried to show him a part of yourself. You loved to doodle on yourself. Art was a form of expressing yourself when words couldn’t do justice. The doodles ranged in size from a small little flower blossoming from your nail bed, to a beautiful, intricate lion that took up your entire hand. What you didn’t know was your soulmate watched the creations come to life. It was the highlight of his day to see the ink from your pen magically appear on his skin while swirling into intricate designs he could never have imagined. It was like a window into your emotions. The doodles depicted an aspect of your mood to your soulmate, and he treasured your doodles. He would even flaunt them to his friends and brag about your talent.
Of course, both of you attempted to divulge your names or your location. When you tried to write that information down, the ink swirled around like it was mixed with water. It swirled around which made the writing illegible. It was a very frustrating ordeal, but it did create a wonderful water-color like design. You supposed it was like the universe saying sorry for the trouble.
You woke up on this particular day and were immediately dreading the day. You moved to Korea about a year ago. You made this big leap to try to become one step closer to meeting your soulmate. You let your soulmate know through a vague message that simply stated “I’m moving to you.” He immediately began writing when he saw that message, but it was all blurred out. A small smile made its way onto your face when you saw how excited he was.
You have been here a year, as said before, and you are working in a little coffee shop in Seoul. It is a quaint little shop that has a feeling of peace within it, well, when it isn’t full of customers. The shop is located near a fairly busy street that creates a lot of foot traffic, generating a good crowd. The only bad thing about this set up is that most of the people who come in the shop are pompous and arrogant businessmen and women. It very aggravating to deal with a customer that lets you know they could do your job better than you do. You have to stick with it and hope you won’t slap someone, but you get by most days with the help of conversations betwixt you and your soulmate.
After working for about six hours for your morning shift, you return to the counter to attempt to gain some extra spending money. The familiar ding of the bell on the door sounds and you turn to the door to recite your required greeting.
“Welcome to Jeonghan’s Cafe!” The cheer in your voice is obviously forced, as well as your smile. The man that just walked in returns your false smile with a genuine one that seems to be overflowing with joy. His dyed blonde hair sticks out and grabs your attention, as does his smile. His chubby cheeks accentuate his smile in the most precious way and you can’t help but be shocked at how smokin’ hot he is. You shake your head to remove those thoughts and turn to the register where the man is currently waiting to have his order taken.
You scamper over to the register as quickly as humanly possible and turn to face the gentleman. “Hi! How can I help you today?” You notice some of the fake cheer in your voice has disappeared, and the same has occurred with your smile. They aren’t completely fake, which is a first for this job. You wouldn’t hit on him or anything though; he has a soulmate of his own and you respect that.
“Ah, yes. Can I get an Americano please?” His voice was comforting as opposed to the brash and hateful voices you have grown accustomed to hearing day after day.
“Yes sir. Will there be anything else?” The man shakes his head with the same smile adorning his face. “Okay. Your total is 2900 Won. May I get a name to go with that order?”
“Soonyoung.” The name fits him. And, he didn’t notice that this shop didn’t require you to get his name for his order. You walk over to make his drink after he pays you and he takes a seat in a nearby booth. You pour the drink into the cafe’s signature cup and walk it over to him.
“Thank you so much,” Soonyoung states with thanks evident in his small, expressive eyes. He grabs the cup and holds it with both hands, which conveys a child-like innocence. After mumbling out a quick thanks, you rush back to the counter to try to hide the subtle blush creeping up your to cheeks.
You look around the shop and see that Soonyoung is your only customer and it is in the middle of the afternoon lull, so you pick up a pen that happened to be lying nearby. You then begin to doodle on your hand.
You begin at the tip of your middle finger and create small precise lines flowing down to the middle of your hand. You begin to branch off of the little lines to create more lines with several scattered leaves along each line. You drew the most magnificent and unique tree on your hand that you could imagine. After about five minutes, you hold your hand infront of yourself and marvel at your work. You usually dislike your handiwork, but this time was different. You felt proud.
You then remember that you still have a customer and turn your attention to him. His coffee is half gone, and he is currently looking down at the table like he is in deep thought. Well, that is what it looks like from your view in which his back is facing you. In reality, Soonyoung is still entranced by the way the ink flowed onto his skin and by his soulmate’s artistic ability. He looked at what he assumed to be the finished project and was stunned at how talented his soulmate truly was.
The familiar chime of the door’s bell rang again and a group of three men walked in. They all seemed to radiate a certain confidence, and they walked with a certain graceful air about them. You assume that they are dancers due to those observable facts. You have been learning a lot about dance ever since you discovered your soulmate enjoys it, so your assumption may be correct.
After reciting your usual greeting, they all give you a small smile before looking in the direction of Soonyoung. They begin to walk over to him and they greet him with big smiles, which Soonyoung returns wholeheartedly.
They sit down and Soonyoung immediately displays his hand to the three people. “Guys! Look at how talented my soulmate is!” He nearly shouts his comment in the poor boys’ ears and they examine his hand while marveling at the work of art sketched onto their dear friend.
“You have a very talented soulmate, Soonyoung. I just wish you wouldn’t scream every time she draws something,” one of his friends with sharp, piercing features states while still examining Soonyoung’s hand.
You regret to admit that you had been listening to their conversation, but you were now interested and ecstatic. From what has been said, it sounds like Soonyoung could possibly be your soulmate. The thought of your assumption being wrong slips into your mind, and you refrain from going over there to confirm your theory.
“Hyung, can you buy me a brownie?” The shortest of the group asks with a cute, unintentional pout on his lips.
Soonyoung sighs in an overly dramatic manner, “Just this once, Chan.” With that he stands up and proceeds to walk over to you. You rise up from your position slouched over on the counter and prepare to take his order.
“May I please have one brownie?” His eyes dart to the display containing numerous delicacies and sweets.
“Sure! One second, Soonyoung.” You retrieve the brownie and place it neatly on the shop’s special napkin. You grab the four corners of the napkin to hand it to him, as it is a strange habit you have developed . Soonyoung reaches his hand out to get his friend’s treat, when he suddenly froze and his eyes seemed to double in size.
He looked at you and then his eyes traveled down to your name tag. “Y/N. I knew my soulmate would have a beautiful  name.” His cheeks redden from the cheesy line he just used as your jaw drops. He then shows you his hand with the exact same drawing of a tree sketched onto the skin.
You snap out of your shock-induced trance and look into his eyes. They are full of compassion and, dare you say, love. “It is nice to meet you, soulmate.” A bright smile takes over your features as you say this.
Soonyoung’s smile somehow grows bigger and he lets out an adorable little giggle. “It is nice to finally meet you too, soulmate.”
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