#had an idea with how his curse is broken that even then he’s still boarish and still chewing on that idea
gruvu · 2 years
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Here have some Stefan doodles, cause he’s one of the more fun shapes I like to draw lately. Boars have funky features and it’s nice to mess with them.
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unenchdol-blog · 7 years
Personality of Unench Dol
Ahjier has been in Eorzea, bordering 5 years. In this time he has been broken, remade, broken again, remade once more, found family, found love, made enemies, slain enemies, and made friends. What’s most prominent, however, is his love for his Kin, and his unwavering loyalty to those he trusts. He is often quick to spark a fight if his kin are involved, and more times then naught, he finishes that fight too. Despite his willingness to constantly smack somebody around, he can be rather..soft. At times his boarish, and loud personality is stricken with undertones of constant worry, care, and parenting that not many see. If it involves his mate, it's a completely different story; At all times, he is readily caring, affectionate and incredibly tame, but even a single blade of grass could set him off it means she becomes hurt. 
His vision to become Surgagch, made true one day, was his goal to be able to better watch his Kin that they may always return home, even if bloodied and bruised, at least alive. His ogre-like strength of body and will are helpers in this as well; with very few being able to match him in raw power
Not one to argue or stir the pot, Ahjier is often quiet in conversations with others. Good or bad. Most of the time he will sit and watch, in the back of the room, making sure everyone is okay, at times speaking up only when he believes someone is wrong in something they have said, or is being a general nuisance.
When it comes to Children, Ahjier is an idiot. He often has no idea how to speak to them and will revert to speaking to them like he would a mature adult. Gory details, sometimes a curse or two. All in all, he's confused about them. Despite this however; multiple experiences have proven Ahjier to be a capable "Father Figure" in terms of teaching right from wrong, strengthening the child, and explanations to ease them.
Loyal: Ahjier's most redeeming, and most damning, quality is his loyalty. When one has gained true trust from him; He will consider their word above all, his childish side would be shown, and in some instances will show deep affection for in terms of feeling the need to watch over and guard. This Loyalty, however, is also a curse. Many times has his trust been won, and turned against him. As such; His caution at times outweighs his want for companionship, leading to a very select few truly being in his eye.
Singular Strength: When it comes to proving oneself, Strength of will, body, and mind are in Ahjier's top requirements. Those that cannot prove this strength to him are often left with the title "Small one" Or "Little" Brother/sister. His own colossal strength is evident on the idea that it takes a great deal of work to not only earn his respect, but to leave the title of "Little".
Honest: Ahjier's second most redeeming, and again, damning, quality is his Honesty. Since birth (as much as he can remember), he's had a constant pressure on him to tell nothing but the truth. Albeit at times he will bend AROUND the truth in efforts to better aid another; however he has never once told a blatant lie, or fabricated a story for better. Following with his ideal of strength, a lie is a form of weakness to him, that he could not overcome due to his lack of ability or will. As such; he will never lie so long as he breathes.
Dual Personality: Ahjier's memory is foggy from when he was a child; And due to past trauma, has left his head a little broken. His normal every-day stance, is often displayed as a sometimes Cold, headstrong Warrior, who has no real ambition or goal forward. However; if one can spot it, Ahjier's second personality is that of a child, in almost every way. He is easily entertained, sleeps a lot, is easily upset, and readily shows affection or opinion. Past trauma, however, has led his childish side to be rare and shown only to a loyal few.
Hair-Trigger: Ahjier's most damning quality is his random temperament. His soul harbors a deep-rooted hatred of all things, that is often kept in check by his child personality. This hatred has gained manifest and at times will send him on a blind rampage. His last known incident was over three (In Character) years ago. Only a single person to date can contain him in such a rage; as well as holding the ability to unleash it. In normal day to day life; It may leak out at random. A toothy grin, a desire to kill, empty, soulless eyes. Yet it remains contained still.
Visual Cues:
- Scratching the back of his head: He is unsure - Cracking his bones: Flustered / Angered - Tail curling: Furious - Scratching his cheek: Shy / Bashful - Raised brow: You have his attention - "<Mm?>" : Continue / Yes
Ahjier often refers to -everyone- as "little" or "small" with their title. To him, this is a form of affection, as well as mental rank. Those who can match or best his willpower, strength, or mind, eventually lose that mental rank, and with it, the name of "Small" or "Little"
Ahjier’s Bio
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