#had lot of fun putting my normally cheery persona into a more 'dark' theme
toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
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Did I spend my whole afternoon making my silly codsona? Hell yeah, I did So here’s my Sona! Name: [Redacted] [Redacted]; Goes only by their call sign (which yes is Many, as in, a lot.) Got their call sign after not ever revealing their name and so whenever someone asked she would just answer: ‘Call me whatever you like’. And after being passed around too many times. So after awhile whenever anyone asked her call sign she would just go: ‘I have many’. So that’s how his call sign came to be. Did, however, get the nickname: Handy Manny (yes after the cartoon) ‘cus she seems able to do pretty much everything. Tho her especialities are close Combat (goes absolutly bat shit with a knife) and Sniping (one hell of a fucking aim). Kinda considered a cryptic taking in count they cover themselves completly and always seem diferent everytime you look at him No age, no name, no idetifiable identity, uses She/he/they, tall as fuck... big whatever type of vibes
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