#had to call duff big bird sorry mckagan lol
julessworldd · 2 years
Requested by anon.. poly guns where the reader has hate from reporters about being with the boys. My poly reader is fem, language, mentions of being drunk, smut implied between Izzy and the reader, reader uses a knife to slash papers!
Being with a famous person has its perks and also the negatives in life. Fans being jealous and saying nasty things because you got with their idol. Reporters need a juicy story so they still have a job and the same with paparazzis. But going out with five rockstars of the biggest band in the world. It has its perks, each boy brings something wonderful and different. I love them with all my heart, would go to war for them. Here lately, nobody has said anything and our relationship has been amazing. Nobody has been fussing at each other, little too amazing to not have a storm coming in. But, why worry about the future if the present is so good?
Duff and Izzy had an interview, I tagged along since we haven’t had a day out. Even if they were working, the other boys had separate interviews and errands. Kelly Nickels and Tracii Gunns had an interview right after the boys. “So what’s Miss Y/n been up to?”, Kelly asked.
“Not much, just been at rehearsals with the boys. What about you guys?”, I asked. “Talking about an album, possibly, got a new car”, Kelly grinned. Kelly had always been one of my friends and supporters since I moved to LA. He was the one who pushed me to be with the boys, “Have fun because life is too short, buttercup”
The door opened, “Let’s go, Y/n”, Izzy said, kinda grumpy like. “Oh okay. See ya guys later”, I stood up and looked at Izzy. “Fucking hate people”, Izzy grumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows, “What happened, Iz?” He shook his head. “Izzy, spill”, I grabbed his hand, rubbing his knuckle with my thumb. “It’s nothing, Angel”, he smiled, rubbing my cheekbone. “Don’t lie to me, Jeffery”, I deadpanned. Duff was outside smoking, “Hey Michael! Why is Izzy being an ass now?” Duff dropped his cigarette. I never call them by their actual name unless I’m pissed off.
“I told you to tell her”, Duff rolled his eyes.
“I’m too pissed off”, Izzy grumbled. Duff narrowed his eyes at Iz. “God damn it, Izzy” “Tell me what?”, I asked. Duff sighed, looking at me with a sad look on his face. “Duff?” He pulled me to his car, “See ya at the house, Iz”
“Please don’t let me find out from MTV later in bed”, I said. “I know. Just don’t want your feelings hurt, baby girl”. Duff sighed, grabbing my hand. “You know we love you very very much, right?” ‘Ah hell, they’re breaking up with me. Now, big bird has to do it, the sensitive romantic one’ my mind said to myself. “The reporter said some very nasty comments about you and the relationship you have with us. Izzy pulled an Axl and left half way through the interview. Cussed the reporter out, I had to grab him before he did anything else. But nothing he said was true, we love you very much, baby”, Duff had tears in his waterline.
“Nothing, I’ve probably not heard before. I love you guys very much, nobody’s comments bother me anymore. Fuck, who cares who I’m fucking or how many at the moment. I wouldn’t trade our relationship for the world”, I sat on Duff’s lap. “I know,
Doodle. But just Izzy is upset and you know he hates reporters being nosey”, Duff rubbed my hip. “Yeah I know.. I love you, Duffy”, I kissed him passionately. “Do you care if I stay with Izzy tonight? He’s upset you know.” “Not a problem, gorgeous”, Duff smiled. “Don’t worry about the reporters okay?”duff said, taking me off his lap. “Fuck em”, I grinned. “Good girl”
We pulled in, everyone was home, everyone had already heard about the reporter. “You think he’s lit?” “Good chance, just come get me if he does anything mean. Love you baby”, Duff kissed my temple. Izzy was in his room, on his bed, bottle of Jack not open. “Knock knock”, I smiled.
“Hi baby doll. I’m so sorry”, Izzy got up from his spot. “Thank you for defending my honor, my knight in shining armor. I love you”, I kissed him, pulling him close to me. “Always will, Y/n”, he laid his forehead on mine. “Don’t tell the others but you’re my favorite”, I giggled. “Our secret, honey”
I woke up before Izzy, heading down to the kitchen. “Good morning” I smiled. “Here’s the mag about you, love”, Slash handed it to me. “Biggest whore in the world?”, I joked. “Just our whore, Y/n/n” Slash kissed my cheek. Y/n L/n, GNR’s latest groupie. Girl is busy with boys of the band 24/7
I walked over to the set of knives, “Excuse me, Duff”, I went back to the magazine. “Y/n!” Duff said as I slashed the magazine to pieces before going outside. “She seen the magazine Huh?”, I heard Axl say as I shut the door.
“Fucking reporters!”, I said, lighting a cigarette.
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