#had to call my parents earlier to be like 'UM? Y'ALL FINE?' because while i had heard there was a hurricane.
essektheylyss · 1 year
It is really astounding how many times a person can see the word "unprecedented" and somehow still not lose their goddamn mind.
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skinnyducky · 3 years
unexpected visits // v.h.
I got this idea from a movie (She's Out of My League). This scene in particular was one that nearly made me piss my pants and I knew I had to write something similar to it. I just really wanted to do something so kooky and funny and I felt this definitely fits that. I categorized this as fluff but idk. N E ways, here it is. Hope y'all enjoy it!
link to part 2
Word Count: 1420, slightly edited
WARNING: sexual themes, heavy make out session, language (once again...I think), mention of alcohol, and a very flustered vinnie
You threw your head back in laughter as Vinnie had cracked another joke. You two had just left your date at BOA Steakhouse and due to the night being so great, you decided to invite Vin back to your apartment to hang out. Granted, you had no intentions of giving him the goods, at least not yet. You didn’t want to rush into that with this relationship. With so many of your previous relationships, you’d give it up and then they’d leave. You didn’t want that with Vinnie. Hell, you at least wanted him to meet your parents before any of that.
“You are a mess,” you giggled, stopping in front of your apartment door.
“Eh, I try to not to be.” He replied, making a funny face.
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your keys. You fumbled a bit before finding the key to your apartment. As you opened the door, you immediately dropped your bag and headed straight for the kitchen.
“You want anything to drink? A soda or water?” You asked, opening your fridge. “I think I may even have a White Claw or two.”
“Just a water’s fine.”
You nodded and grabbed two waters. You watched from behind the kitchen island as he glanced around your apartment, admiring the décor.
“This is a really nice place.” He gasped. “It’s even nicer than-…”
He stopped mid-sentence, staring at the horse of a dog that stood right before him. He gulped and backed away as the male Doberman began to growl at him.
“What the hell is that?” Vinnie asked, holding his hand out in defense.
Giggling, you walked out from behind the counter. “That’s Mac. I’m watching him for a while until my family gets back from Puerto Rico.”
“Oh wow,” Vinnie replied, “he’s got some teeth on him.”
“Yeah, you should sit down. He hates when people stand up; makes him antsy.”
Vinnie wasted no time taking a seat on your sofa. Mac took note of this and laid down. Taking your place on the sofa next to Vinnie, you passed him his water before taking a drink of yours. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to do or talk about. That was until you grew tired of the quietness and decided to make a move. You leaned in close to him and grabbed his chin to make him face you. The two of you stared deep into each other’s eyes, slowly moving in closer until your lips brushed against each other, but before you could get any closer, you pulled back.
“Wait…wait,” you breathed. “I’m really want to, but I don’t wanna move too fast, y’know?”
“No, no…I get it, I totally do.”
“Believe me, I want to so bad, but…I just don’t want you to leave.”
He furrowed his brows. “Wha-…Why would I leave, Y/n?”
“Because everyone else does. Every time I meet someone nice, I get pretty generous and give it up within the first couple of days and then never hear from them again. I just don’t want that with you.” You explained, cradling yourself.
Vinnie sighed, wrapping an arm around you. He gave you a comforting smile and pulled you into his side.
“Y/n, I like you so much, I didn’t even think it was possible to like someone so much. So, regardless of whether or not we do anything, I have no plans on dipping anytime soon. Heck, I tend to be pretty generous too.”
You smirked to yourself. Never once has someone made you feel so secure, so warm inside. You knew Vinnie was definitely the one, and you also knew that you wanted him here and now. Without a thought about, you straddled him—much to his surprise. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before attaching your lips to his. As expected, the kiss was better than you ever could’ve imagined. All you could focus on was how amazing his lips felt against yours. It was like they were sculpted for each other. Not to mention, his were so soft, it made you nearly faint at the slightest touch.
His hands gripped your waist tightly, causing you to whimper in pleasure. Your lips then found their way to his cheek, to his jawline, and then ended at the base of his neck. He groaned and moaned, wrapping his muscular arms around your frame. You continued to nip at his neck, all while steadily grinding in his lap.
“Oh my god,” he breathed against your ear. You mentally smiled at this and kept up with what you were doing.
Poor Vinnie felt helpless against you. Never had been with someone who could make him feel the way he felt with you. It was as if he was merely nothing but putty in your hands. And he like it.
He swallowed a large lump in his throat, feeling himself nearing the edge as you proceeded to roll your hips. He couldn’t help it, he knew the longer you worked your magic, the sooner he would burst.
And that’s exactly what he did.
Though, as he practically creamed his drawers, the doorbell rang. You immediately stopped what you were doing and hopped off of Vinnie. To his dismay, he glanced down at the crotch of his jeans to find a small dark spot. With a groan, he tried rubbing his hand against it, hoping the spot would go away.
You were completely oblivious to what was going on with the boy. You had adjusted yourself and then ran to open the door, revealing none other than your grinning parents.
“Mom, dad!?” You squealed as they pulled you into a hug.
Vinnie nearly lost his shit as he heard those names leave your mouth. What the hell could your parents be doing here, especially at this hour of night. “This can’t get any worse,” he thought to himself.
“I thought you guys weren’t coming back until tomorrow?” You said as you led your parents into your living room.
“Well, we were but your father’s job called, and we had to leave earlier than expected.” Your mom spoke. Her eyes went around the room before landing on Vinnie, who now sat cross-legged on your coach. “Y/n, who’s your little friend?” she smiled.
“Oh, this is Vinnie!” You laughed.
Your dad stepped up beside you sticking his hand out at Vinnie. “Y/f/n Y/l/n,” your dad greeted, obviously trying to intimidate Vinnie.
Instead of getting up to shake his hand, Vinnie remained seated with his arm out. The distance between the two wasn’t small enough for him to reach, and knowing your dad, he wasn’t about to move. Once Vinnie figured this out, he retracted his arm and shook his head.
“U-uh, nope. I’m not really a, uh, a handshaker. You know, germaphobe and all of that.” said Vinnie. “I’m sure you guys are uh…tired and worn out from your flight. You should, um, take a seat and…stuff.”
You and your family stared at the boy in confusion for a minute. After a few seconds of awkward silence, your mom took a seat at the end of the couch.
“Germaphobe.” Your dad huffed to himself, sitting next to Vinnie.
You contained your embarrassment—not only for Vinnie, but for yourself—and sat down in the armchair. Vinnie began at attempting to make small talk, hoping that he could still win your parents over, but that was cut short when Mac found his way over to Vinnie. The large dog began sniffing at the stain as if he was smelling a homecooked meal.
“Oh no, Mac.” Vinnie whined.
You and your family watched in bewilderment as the dog proceed to growl during his sniff session.
“Mac.” Your dad said, snapping at him to get his attention.
Trying to push Mac away didn’t help either in Vinnie’s case; Mac was too determined to get to the bottom of what he was smelling. So, doing the only thing he could do, Vinnie stood up onto your couch and stepped over your parents. Reaching the end, he hopped off and turned to look at the frowning couple.
“I, uh…thank you for having me. This has been really great.” He said, turning to look at you. “Goodnight.”
And with that, the boy rushed out of your apartment, nearly tripping over himself along the way. You could do nothing but look at your parents with a worried grin.
“That’s, uh…that’s Vinnie for you.” You chuckled.
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Something About You - Duff McKagan [part 1]
A/N: It's probably really bad. I hope y'all enjoy it.
L E N G T H: 1,196 words
W A R N I N G: language
Plopping down on a bench out and slowing running my fingers through my hair, I grunted in frustration while holding one of my math assignments. I one was Mr. Clarke's top students and always got above 85 on almost everything. Everything was quite easy, all you have to do is stay focused, pay attention, and ask questions, but now Mr. Clarke wanted to put us to the test and see if were pay real close attention. I've always been for a challenge, but this time he set the bar way too high. I knew there was nothing I could do about it and that I should just suck it up. 
Being too busy fussing over my assignment, I hadn't noticed that my best friend sat next to me. 
''Hey, [Y/N]. What's the matter?'' his he leaned forward with hands on his knees. He adjusted his eyes on the paper and snatched it out of my hands. 
"Give back, man!"
"What the hell is this? Jesus, [Y/N], Mr. Clarke really went all out this homework." He chuckled and handed the paper back. 
"Tell me about it." I shook my head and stomped my foot. 
"Duff, can you help with this? I can't just go to Mr. Clarke and tell him that I can't do this. He'll lower my grade! My parents will kill me!"
Duff lit up a cigarette and took a puff, "Calm down, [Y/N]. You'll be fine. One failed homework assignment doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Besides, we don't hang out as much as we used to anymore. You're always studying and rarely call me unless you need something." 
I sighed and shook my head in regret, he was right. I was always trapped inside, forcing myself to study as hard and long as I could just to satisfy my parents. I realize now how blind I've been these past few years. 
"You're not as energetic and happy as you were when we were in 8th grade. I miss that and I miss you." Taking a long drag of his cigarette, he stood up. 
"Duff, I'm sorry. I really am. I should've realized earlier. Hug..?"  He smiled and nodded, getting closer. We wrapped our arms around each other, feeling each other's warmth. Pulling away, I slid my hand into my pockets, "I'm gonna call you tonight, Duff. And it's something important, but I can't say it here 'cuz it's kinda weird. Also if I forget to call you, then call me." He nodded and walked off. 
"Do you she'll go to prom this year?"
"She won't, she's too worried about her books." Their faces saddened. 
All these voices similar, high-pitch. Turning my head, I spotted the popular girls: Lisa, Katherine, Kelly, Monica, and Karen.  
Pressing my lips into a fine line, I packed up my stuff as quickly as I could to go home.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Are you going to prom this year?" the leader of these mindless slaves, Katherine, asked.
 I pressed my lips into a fine line, ''Well, I don't kno-"
"You should, like, totally come with us! It's gonna be really fun!!" Katherine spoke.
"Really, guys..? I don't know if I should.
"Aww, come on [Y/N], don't be such a buzzkill!" Monica complained, placing her hand on her hip. 
"Well, you see, I already had someone in mind to go with." They all squealed in excitement. 
"Who is it?!! We gotta know!!" Their eyes were all over me, examining every inch. 
"It's a surprise. You guys will have to be there to see. 
"You're such a fucking tease, [Y/N]!" We all laughed. Katherine pulled out a little slip out of her mini purse and handed it to me.
"We'll see you there!" Katherine winked. 
I got home and dashed up the stairs to my room. Locking my bedroom door, I made my way to my nightstand, where my lamp and radio stayed, next to it was my wooden crate full of my favorite records. I turned on my radio and tuned it to my favorite rock music station. My favorite host on, Kevin. 
"Here's Foreigner." 
Feels like the First Time starting to play. I jumped and turned the knob of the small machine that radiate music. The music started to burst out. I sang along, smiling from ear to ear.  
I would climb any mountain
Sail across the stormy sea
If that's what it takes me baby
To show how much you mean to me
And I guess it's just the woman in you
That brings out the man in me
I know I can't help myself
You're all in the world to me 
I sang as I jumped on my bed, my hairbrush in hand. 
It feels like the first time
Feels like the very first time
It feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time 
I have waited a lifetime
Spend my time so foolishly
But now that I found you
Together we'll make history
And I know it must be the woman in you
That brings out the man in me
I know I can't help myself
You're all my eyes can see
I smiled widely, moving side to side with the rhythm. Time flew by as I sang my heart out to the song. I leaned back and fell back, my body hitting my bed as I giggled. I extended my arm over my head to the knob of the radio, turning my hand counter-clockwise to lower the volume. My heart was pumping from my mini jam out session I just had. I decided to calm down a bit by taking a few breaths. Time slowed down as my breaths got longer and longer, my eyes began to droop. My mouth slowly opened, letting out a yawn. Turning to side my to my side, I wrapped my blanket around my figure and lost the battle I fought with melatonin. 
T I M E  S K I P 
My ears picked up the sound of a telephone. My eyes slowly opened to see that it was my phone that was ringing. I reached over and pulled the handset towards the side of my face. 
"Hello..?" I mumbled in a sleepy tone. 
"Um. [Y/N]. You were supposed to call me a few hours ago. It's 11."
"11! How the fuck is it 11? I could've not slept for that long, did I?"
" I suppose you did. So what was the important thing you wanted to tell me?"
"Promise you won't hang up on me when I tell, okay?"
He laughed, "Why would I hang up?"
"Because it's weird and I don't know how you'll react."
"C'mon, [Y/N]. Let it out."
"Fine. I was wondering if you would like to go to prom with me..?" 
"Oh, damn. [Y/N]... um."
I bit my bottom lip as I waited for another response.
"Are you sure?" his voice sounded uneasy, but hesitant.
"Y-yeah." my lips pressed into a fine line as pondered what to say and how to react.
"Ahhh, I don't know, [Y/N]. I don't really like public events like that. I'm sorry."
"Hey, no need to apologize. I totally get it." I nodded my head as I spoke
"Yeah, I'm sorry, [Y/N]... I gotta go now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah.. see ya." I hung up.  
To Be Continued...
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part 21: The Cabellos (pt.2)
Unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive that someone who hurt you, unless you forgive the situation, and unless you realise the situation is over, you cannot move forward.
Letting go is incredibly difficult.  And no matter if we cling to worries about the future, or if we keep replaying the mistakes of the past over and over again; it would still be quite painful to move on. To accept the things we cannot change. Even though these things once hurt us, we make a desperate attempt to hold on to the things that were familiar to us; even though it may limit us in reaching our full potential of happiness that we so rightfully deserve.
As they say, you should forget what hurt you, but never what it taught you; because all that hurt, all that pain shouldn’t be for nothing. The hurt, the pain, it molded you into the person that you are today.
It’s not going to be easy to let go, to move on. It’s going to hurt. It’s going to tear you apart, having to walk away from the memories of the person you lost. But would you rather walk away or sit there; over thinking a million and one questions running through your head. You’re unable to sleep. You’re creating different scenarios in your head, while you’re making a mental list about all the things you could’ve done to stop that person from walking away.
But the thing is, and you need to get this in your head, you cannot keep blaming yourself for someone’s inability to love you.
Today is going to be just like all the days before, when you were holding on to that last ounce of hope; difficult as hell, but once you let go, once you realise that you deserve more, you’ll be fine.
You’ll get over it.
You’ll be fine.
“Mummy?” Camila heard her daughter’s voice call out to her from the living room.
“Yes, baby?” She popped her head into the room. “What’s up?”
The child was sat on the floor with papers and crayons sprawled around her. Why on earth was she doing this when she had to head to school in a couple minutes? No one really knows what goes on in a child’s head.
“Here,” Izzy handed her mother a drawing. “I made this for you.” When Camila took the paper from her daughter, she saw a drawing of what she assumed to be herself and her daughter. She smiled when she saw what was written on the bottom of the sheet. ‘I love you, mummy,“ was sprawled across it. "I was bored and I wanted to draw something for you. I also made one for mama.”
“Made what for, mama?” Lauren asked as she entered the room. She sighed heavily when she saw the mess on the floor. “Princesa, you have to go to school soon.”
Izzy handed her other mother the drawing. “I made this for you. I’ll clean up now.”
“Aw, princesa,” Lauren stooped to her daughter’s height and wrapped her arms around her. “I love you too. I love you so much.” She picked her up in her arms and spun her around. “How did I get so lucky to call you mine?” She placed various kisses on the child’s face. “C'mere, Camz. Group hug.”
Camila laughed and wrapped her arms around her family. “I love you, Izzy,” she kissed her daughter. “I tolerate you, Laur.”
“Ouch,” Lauren fake pouted. She placed Izzy back on the floor to pack away her crayons. “I always knew you were with me for my money. She placed Izzy’s drawing into her workbag. Most of the drawings their daughter gave her, Lauren would have them in a portfolio on her work, or stuck around her office. It always made her feel closer to her family, when she wasn’t with them.
Camila laughed. She placed Izzy’s drawing on their refrigerator and smiled when she looked at it. "I make more money than you, babe.” She said from in the kitchen. Pouring herself and Lauren a cup of coffee.
“Thanks, amor,” she kissed her wife on the cheek. “You do, but it doesn’t mean that I’m broke. Why does everyone act as though I am?”
“That’s because you don’t have your own private jet,” the singer stated. “Or you don’t buy me the shoes that I need when we go shopping.”
Lauren shook her head and laughed. “Oh wow. Definitely why people think I’m broke.”
“What’s your net worth anyway?” Camila kinked an eyebrow. She took a sip of her coffee. “I wanna know how much I’m entitled to.”
The photographer shrugged. “About 30?”
Lauren laughed and rolled her eyes. “Milli, babe. Milli. See? Not that broke.”
Camila nodded. She placed her empty cup in the sink and turned back to her wife. She took Lauren’s cup out of her hands, and wrapped her own around her wife’s neck; while her wife’s went around her waist. “I love you, money or no money, you know that right?”
“I know. I love you, even though you accuse me of cheating for almost a year straight and prioritise your career over your family.” Camila rolled her eyes and was about to pull away but Lauren tightened her grip. “I’m in love with you, Camila Jauregui. You’re the light of my life.”
Camila leaned in closer, until her lips were ghosting her wife’s. “I love you too. I thank God for you every single day.” She captured Lauren’s lips in hers and instantly felt a surge of emotions run through her. Kissing her wife, loving Lauren, it was the best thing on this Earth. “Even though, I’m worth like 5 times more than you.”
Lauren laughed and playfully pushed away her wife. “I hate you. You’re annoying.” She said as she walked away and scooped their daughter up into her arms. Who was obviously looking on at the interaction between her parents. “Are you driving to Briggs? Or do you want me to drop you off too?”
The younger woman thought about it for a while. She wasn’t the best driver and she did have to parallel park when she pulled up by Doctor Briggs, but on the plus side, she can blast some sad songs and enter her feelings. “I think I’ll take my car.” Camila walked towards her wife and child. She placed a kiss on Izzy’s forehead. “I love you, baby. Be good and have fun at school.”
“I love you too, mummy. Tell abuelita I said hi!” Izzy smiled brightly at her mother.
Lauren pointed to her lips. “What about me? My lips are lonely,” she pouted.
Camila sighed heavily for dramatics. “Ugh, fine. If you insist.” She placed a lingering kiss on her wife’s lips. “Make good choices!” She yelled as they pulled away from the curb. She watched as Lauren’s Porsche disappeared from her sight. She smiled happily. Everything seemed to be falling into place.
Lauren and her were getting back on track. Izzy seemed to be doing a lot better than she was at first. Camila’s relationship with Becky; the sister she always wanted was blossoming, and though she still didn’t necessarily like Valentina, she was trying to let go of that one bad part of her life.
Camila unlocked her Ferrari, and slid in. Even though she was a terrible driver; on most days, she could drive perfectly, but when it came to reversing, parallel parking, and well, basically driving was a fucking trap.
Who even invented that?
It took her almost thirty minutes to reach to the office, as she had gotten lost. Usually the other therapy sessions, Lauren would’ve drove or Maggie. She never found the need to learn the route. What caught her attention was the Escalade SUV that was parked outside of the building. Doctor Briggs, along with Becky, Valentina and her mother were all standing outside.
How on earth did they always seem to arrive before her?
Camila parked her car and got out. She approached her family and Doctor Briggs. “Hey. I’m sorry late. I um…got lost,” she mumbled. Only Becky had heard and snickered. She playfully glared at her sister, but she pulled her into a hug. “I missed you, loser.”
“I can’t say the same,” Becky shrugged, but she caved when she saw the look on her older sister’s face. “Okay, fine. I missed you loads.”
Doctor Briggs cleared her throat, interrupting the sister’s mini reunion and addressed everyone. “Well, it’s nice of you to finally join us, Camila. Today, we’ll be going on a…field trip for the lack of a better term.”
“Where exactly?” Sinu piped in.
Doctor Briggs pointed to the SUV. “I assure you, it’s no where bad. This is your final stage in your healing process,” she addressed Camila. “So if you all may,” her chauffeur stepped out from behind the car and opened the door for the women. She was a slim built, African American woman, that had a glint of crazy in her eyes.
“The name’s Angela. But y'all can call me Angie. You’re in safe and capable hands,” she grinned at the women and gestured towards the car. Once everyone got in, Angie slid into the driver’s seat and began their journey towards the unknown destination.
Despite her almost crashing the car as she was on the phone talking to, what Camila assumed was her 'baby daddy’, the ride itself hadn’t been entirely bad.
She and Becky, even though they spoke every other day, they did their catching up. Meanwhile a few words were passed between Camila and Valentina, in the sake of humanity.
*At the cemetery*
Once everyone exited the car and came face to face with the reality of where they were, that’s when they realised where they were.
“What are we doing here?” Valentina was the one to address the therapist.
Doctor Briggs turned towards the group. “With some research, I was able to find the whereabouts of Mr Cabello’s grave. I didn’t want to mention this earlier, as I didn’t want any one of you to grow uncomfortable and therefore not come to today’s session.”
Camila shook her head 'no’. “What kind of sick joke is this? Why did you bring me here? I’m not ready for this!” She was trying to contain herself, but her breathing had become laboured. Her chest was heaving. “Please,” she mustered out weakly. “I can’t do this.” Camila walked away quickly wiping at her tears.
“Wait,” Becky held Sinu back. “It’s okay. I’ll go after her.” The woman nodded and allowed the girl to go after her sister.
A short distance off, Camila propped herself against a tree, trying to slow her breathing. She had never visited her father’s grave before, sure, she thought about it but it was too hard. Standing over his tombstone would have made his death seem all too real.
It would’ve finally sunk in that he was gone and never coming back.
“Hey…” Becky rested a hand on her sister’s shoulder; Camila tensed a bit but relaxed after a few moments. “Are you…are you okay?”
“I just…I just didn’t think we would’ve been coming here, you know?” Camila turned to face her sister. She gestured to the cemetery. “I don’t think I’m ready to say good bye.”
“Who said anything about saying goodbye?” Becky asked. “I mean, I know it’s kind of like a goodbye. The final stage of letting go, so it should count as a goodbye, but it doesn’t mean that you have to let go of dad himself.”
Camila sighed heavily. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “It’s just so hard being here, you know? It’s been a decade and I never truly accepted the fact that dad is actually…gone.”
Her sister nodded in understanding. “I feel you. Sometimes, I still feel as though he’s still alive. That he’s still here with me, but I know that he’s not. And it’s just the memories of him that I’m keeping alive.” She took Camila’s hands in her own. “Just because dad isn’t alive anymore, doesn’t mean that he’s dead. His memories, I know they’re still as vivid as you can remember. Hold on to them.”
Camila sighed. “Why are you so wise?”
“It just goes to show…I got the looks and the brain,” Becky teased her sister.
Camila laughed, she threw an arm over her sister’s shoulder. “After all these years, I can’t believe how lucky I am. I got to be blessed with a sister like you.”
The younger sister smiled. “I can say the same about you. To think I didn’t like your music. I mean it’s still not all that,” Camila pouted playfully. “Now Lauren however, she seems like she can make some bomb music.”
“Okay. Shut up. Let’s go back?”
Becky laughed, she nodded and led her sister back to the group. They had reconvened by Alejandro’s grave. Camila’s steps slowed as she approached her father’s grave. Becky tightened her grip on her sister’s hand.
“It’s okay. I’m here,” the girl ensured her sister. “I’m here.”
Sinu approached her daughter. “Are you okay, mija?” Camila nodded. The elderly woman wrapped her arms around her daughter and placed a kiss on her head. “We’re all here for you. Even Valentina.”
Camila snorted. “Right.”
“Camila?” Everyone turned once Doctor Briggs addressed them. “Are you alright?” She nodded. “Let’s get to it shall we?”
All Alejandro’s family members surrounded his grave. Camila looked at the tombstone and sighed.
In a way, the words written on tombstones are your last words to the world about the person buried under there.
Those who died yesterday had plans for today. Those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don’t take life for granted. Don’t take the ones who you love for granted because in a blink of an eye they can be snatched away from you.
Everything can change.
Forgive often. Love with all your heart. You’re never going to get these moments back.
“We’re all here as the final stage in letting go of all this hurt. Camila? I’ll like for you to speak first and then you, Becky,” Doctor Briggs directed the two sisters. She handed Camila some flowers that she had brought with her.
Camila knelt by her father’s grave. She placed the flowers and ran her hand over his tombstone. “Papá…I don’t know if you can hear me. I don’t know if you’ve heard me all these years crying out to you…but I want you to know that I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts. It physically pains me how much I miss you,” her voice had began to break. “Everyday I wake up with so much regret. I should’ve visited you in the hospital. Even if it was just for a moment…to tell you…that…that I forgive you.”
When those three words left her mouth, Camila’s heart instantly felt lighter.
“I must’ve forgiven you a long time ago, but it was so hard to say, papá. I love you. I could never hate you,” Camila turned to look at Becky; stretching a hand out for her to take, joining her at their father’s grave. “Becky and I…we finally met. And I just know how proud you would be of her. She’s pretty much amazing. The best little sister anyone could ask for.”
Becky smiled. She placed her flowers beside Camila’s. “Papi, I miss you. It’s been so long without you. I forgot your voice. Sometimes, I have to look at the pictures of you because I start to forget what you look like,” she sighed. “But I can’t forget how much I love you. I wish I had more time with you, but you can’t get everything that you want.” She ran her hand along her father’s tombstone.
Sinu and Valentina looked on at their daughters. They knew how hard it was for their girls to have lost their father at the age they did. But now that they had each other, it seemed as thought their healing process would finally be okay.
“I love you, papi,” Becky turned towards Camila. “And I love you too. I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I love you. You’re my sister. My blood. You’re such an incredible woman and I can’t believe that I have you in my life.”
Camila choked back a sob. She smiled and pulled her sister into a hug. “I love you too, Beckster. I love you so much.” She had her sister in such a tight hug. “I don’t think I want to let you go,” she laughed but eventually pulled away.
“Do you want to tell your father about how you felt over the years when he left you and your mother?” Doctor Briggs asked her client.
Camila turned back to look at her father’s tombstone and sighed. “I missed you all those years, papá. I was so mad and so hurt when you left me for her,” she glanced at Valentina for a moment and she could’ve seen the regret in her step mother’s eyes. “I hated growing up without you. All those years, without you that I’ll never get back hurts. But…but I still love you, and that will never change, papá.”
Becky held Camila’s hand and played with her fingers; soothing her sister. She knew just hard it was to grow up without a father. The thing about death is that it leaves a heartache that no one can heal, but as everyone says, you just have to wait for it to pass with time.
Those who we love can and will never leave us. Though, death may take the person away from us physically, the memory and love that we have for them, will never truly fade away.
“Tell him how you felt when you found out he was sick,” Doctor Briggs told Camila. “And tell him your regrets; about him dying and you not visiting him at the hospital.”
Camila sighed. “I regret so much about your death, papá. I regret not going to visit you at the hospital, but I don’t think I could’ve done it. I couldn’t see you in that hospital bed. I couldn’t look at the man that I always knew and see him suffering,” she struggled at the thoughts of seeing her father sick. Seeing him there in that hospital bed would’ve broken her heart. Seeing your loved ones laying in bed, and you can’t do anything to help them. “I felt helpless.” Camila admitted. “I prayed for you. I prayed for your peace, even if you started this whole war in me. I know you did your best, and maybe if you didn’t…I know you were a troubled man. But I love you.”
Valentina interrupted her stepdaughter. “Camila… I have something to give you. I don’t think I can hold onto it any longer.” She reached into her purse and handed her an envelope. “Your father had written this may years ago when he was still alive; but sick at the time. He wanted you to have this…and I think now is the best time.”
Camila stared at the envelope in her own hands. She didn’t know whether to open it or not. But she really wanted to know what her father had written to her all those years ago. “Can I?” She sought permission from her therapist who nodded.
“Go ahead, Camila.”
When she tore open the envelope, she saw her father’s scrawl on the worn out paper. The tears began to flow freely down her cheeks.
Dearest Camilita, I’m writing to you because I’m too scared to say all these things to you in person. I want to say how sorry I am for hurting you all those years ago and for still hurting you. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you and your mother. You didn’t deserve any of that. You never did, but I was a foolish old man. I broke my little girl’s heart for my own selfish desires. I know I don’t deserve it, and I may never deserve your forgiveness, but I just want you to know, that from the bottom of my heart…I am sincerely sorry. I’m so proud of you, Camila. You will grow up to be an extraordinary young woman one day. I can only hope that you find a love that is oh so deserving of your pure heart. I hope you start a family and you don’t make the same mistakes that I made. I would give everything just to walk you down the aisle, and to see the man that has stolen your heart. Whatever path you decide to go on career wise, I want you to know that I am proud of you already. Law may not have been something you wanted to pursue, but how can I ever be mad at you for not following in my footsteps? You were always your own person and that was something I always loved about you. Your independence, your passion and drive. When you wanted to achieve something, you would never give up until you got it.
My biggest regret is that I will never get to watch you graduate high school, I would never get to see you collect your degree as you cross that stage, I won’t get to pretend to be that disgruntled father when their daughter is spending too much of their money for her wedding, I won’t be able to meet and hold my very first grandchild, and lastly…the most important is that I won’t get to be a part of your life.
By this time, you must’ve met Rebecca…your sister. I hope that one day you can learn to love her the way I loved you. Many times did I speak about you to her. She was young then, so I don’t think she can remember, but I wish for the two of you to have a relationship. Don’t let my stupidity ruin your sisterhood. I may no longer be there with you, but I will always be a memory in your heart, if you choose to keep me there. Until my dying breath, I’ve thought about you, Camila. You were one my greatest treasures, along with Rebecca that is. I know you would turn out to be a lot better than I could’ve ever imagined.
                                     Love Always,                                      Papá.
After reading her father’s letter, Camila couldn’t stop her tears from flowing. The paper had a few tear droplets on it, but nothing to smudge one of the last remaining memories of her father. Becky wrapped her sister in her arms.
Moment by moment, the tears fell. Salty drops fell from her chin, drenching her sister’s shirt. Perhaps those tears would wash away the pain that Camila felt inside reading these words her father wrote.
She sobbed into Becky’s chest unceasingly, her hands clutching at the girl’s denim jacket. Becky held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked her chest. A tiny lapse of time allowed her to pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears. Sinu knelt besides her daughter and wrapped her arms around her as well. Valentina chose not to interrupt as she was sure her presence would not be wanted.
Doctor Briggs didn’t say anything. She knew just how painful sessions like these would be. So she allowed her client to cry her pain away.
The pain must have came in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for Camila to recover her breath. Only for her to be hurled back into the outstretched arms of her grief. It could’ve been a few minutes or hours, Camila wasn’t sure about time, until her tears began to cease.
“I forgive you, papá. I love you. I love you so much,” she glanced around at her family members. She saw Valentina standing a distance off. She held an outstretched hand towards the woman. At first, she was a bit take aback, but she took Camila’s hand, hesitantly. “I forgive you too.”
Valentina opened and shut her mouth. Not a word came out.
“He didn’t ask me too and I’d love to hate you,” Camila paused. “But that’s not the type of person I am. I’m letting go of this hurt, of this pain. So Valentina…I forgive you.”
“I..t-thank you,” Valentina stuttered out. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I am beyond grateful for it. I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am, but please know, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”
Camila had a small smile on her lips. “All is forgiven, Valentina. Without you, I wouldn’t have had my sister that I love so much. I wouldn’t have grown into the woman that I am today without the lessons I was taught by my hurt. Though, it wasn’t ideal, and our relationship got ruined over the years, I’ll love to eventually rebuild one with you.”
Becky smiled and wrapped her sister into a hug. “Dad was right.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have an incredible heart. He’ll be so proud.”
Sinu smiled. “He would be so proud of the both of you. You’re both incredible young women with hearts of gold. You’re both just like him. It sickens me that you’re not even remotely similar to me,” she looked at her daughter who laughed softly. “But if you had to be like anyone, I’m glad that you’re like your father.”
“I love you, mami. I love you so much.”
“And I love you.”
Doctor Briggs cleared her throat after all the heartfelt exchange between the family, to direct them back to the matter at hand. “Camila?” The singer looked at her therapist. “Care to tell your father about your family?”
At the mention of her own little family, Camila felt her heart soar. “I’ve been married to the woman I’ve loved since I was 16. Though, Lauren isn’t the man you wanted me to be with, and I’m pretty sure she would never pass your level of expectation but I’m so in love with her. Every time I’m with her, she makes me feel as though I’m the only woman in the world. She makes me extremely happy. And papá, your very first grandchild was born five years ago. Her name is Emilia Isabella,” Camila smiled when talked about her daughter. “She used to ask about you, but I would always change the topic…but now? Now, I’m going to tell her all about you. About our little family,” she looked at Becky and Valentina. “I want you to meet them.”
“I actually met her already,” Becky stated.
Her mother cleared her throat. “What do you mean, Rebecca Marie?”
“I uhh…nothing!” Her mother gave her a look, saying as though they would discuss this further when they were alone.
Camila shook her head smiling and looked back at her father’s tombstone. “I don’t know where you are. I don’t know if I believe in the afterlife, heaven or hell…but for your sake…I hope that heaven has given you a second chance.” She stood and dusted her pants; everyone else following suit. She pressed a kiss to her fingers, then ran her fingers over her father’s tombstone.
Death is a painful truth, is what some would say. But death is nothing but a foggy road, and we must get through that fog; what I would like to call life, to see that clearing. It’s another path that we are fated to walk, but who’s to say that it would be our last?
Life may be the beginning, our very first path, but we aren’t sure if death is our final destination. What if when we die, death is the middle of the story, and we have to read through that to get to a place beyond death? Who knows? But right now, Alejandro was dead, and maybe when Camila were to die, she would be reunited with her father and she would get to tell him how she had forgiven him.
But now?
This would have to suffice.
Once Doctor Briggs had realised that Camila was finished. She pulled her aside from everyone else. Sinu, Valentina and Becky were telling Alejandro their farewells.
“Thank you so much for being so forthcoming with everything, Camila. I know this wasn’t what you had in mind when I mentioned an impromptu field trip, but it was necessary,” Doctor Briggs told her client. “How are you feeling now?”
Camila inhaled deeply. “After reading that letter, I feel so relieved. I said everything I need to say. I know it’s not the same thing, but maybe he’s out there listening to me and he heard me tell him that I forgave him…” She trailed off.
“We’re taught that death is something we should away from, and try to forget about, but for you Camila, you needed to make peace with your father. You needed to tell him these things, you needed to accept everything and to let it go. And upon letting go, you can finally start to move on.”
Camila nodded in understanding.
“People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter, of the hurt and move on,” Chelsea had the hint of a smile on her lips. “And after today, you are on the path of moving on. You should be proud of yourself, Camila.”
The singer smiled. “I am. I never thought I would ever be able to let go of the pain that I was harbouring and I think I have. So thank you.”
“It’s not me you have to thank, its yourself, Camila. You’re the one behind your recovery. I’m just the one guiding you through it.”
Camila looked at her family and smiled. “I know but still, thank you. Without you, I wouldn’t know what would’ve happened.”
Once they had returned from the cemetery, everyone had headed on their way home. When Camila reached to where she had parked her car, was shocked to see Lauren leaning against it. She had Izzy in her arms and they were engrossed in conversation.
As soon as the child saw her mother, she started squirming in Lauren’s arms until the woman had let her go. Camila picked her up and placed chaste kisses all over the child’s face.
“Hey, amor,” she kissed her wife on the cheek. “Doctor Briggs.” Lauren greeted their therapist.
Camila smiled. “What are you doing here?”
“Izzy got off school early and she insisted that we had to come see you…so here we are,” Lauren shrugged.
“Lauren? Can I see you in my office for a moment?” The therapist asked and Lauren nodded.
“I’ll be right back.” Upon entering Chelsea’s office, she pulled out her notepad and wrote in it.
“I have an assignment for you,” Doctor Briggs started. “After today, Camila seems to be moving on quite well with everything. But what I need for you is to get her to talk about her dad more, especially to your daughter. Izzy should know about her grandfather but it will help Camila in learning to talk about him,” Lauren nodded. “However, try to ease her into it. All the pain that had been build up over the years, wouldn’t go away just like that.”
“I understand. I’ll try to get her to tell Izzy about him from time to time.”
“Oh and Lauren?”
“Next session will be you and your family’s. Please don’t forget to invite your father, mother and sister,” Lauren sighed but nodded nonetheless. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
*** Wattpad:Commander_Camrenl
Update, Family, Angst/Drama, Humour, Camren, G!P, Romance/Fluff
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praphit · 6 years
Slender Man: They hate him cuz they ain't him
It was a big weekend in movies! We were torn between two films. There was of course "BlackkKlansman" - this movie has strong acting, the amazing and quite possibly the angriest director out there Spike Lee, and even that Adam Driver guy I feel has been on the come up. Tons of social commentary: important thangs to talk about concerning race, this nations history with slavery, and the current state of our government... good stuff! Hittin all of the issues! -  BUT, that's not the movie we chose to see.
We naturally went with "Slender Man" instead.
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You might say "But, John Praphit, BlackkKlansman has Denzel Washington's son, important issues, and powerful directing... what were you thinking?"
Hey, don't sell The Slender Man short - he has with him... um... Joey King! And... Julia Goldani Telles.
You say "Who the hell are they?"
Yeah, idk. I've also never heard of the production companies or the director, BUT that might only mean they haven't had their fair shot; this could be it! And maybe Slender Man is also filled with the social issues of the day; you don't know! - but I'm here to tell you:)
Let's take a look at SM here -
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He's really rockin that no face thing isn't he?? See, many might try hair with the lack of a face. I think no hair is a good call. Imagine Slender Man with an afro;
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he'd look ridiculous. And that suit - are you kiddin me??! YES! I mean, idk why he needs a nice suit when he only hangs out in the woods, but... he's prepared. We all have that friend who's always overdressed; though we may make fun of them, part of us kinda wants to be them. Idk what's going on with those tentacles/ tree limbs growing out from behind him... he must be self-sonscious of them though, because whenever they start to show in this film, they cut away. He's got too much style to be a horror movie monster. Perhaps this well dressed creature is simply misunderstood.
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Despite his dreaminess, this movie stars more than SM, but these fine what's-their-name actresses. The movie starts off with four girls, who have been close friends for a while, who have a hangout featuring vodka, porn, and occult stuff. One thing I appreciate about this movie is that they get into the horror quickly. There's a lil build up to show how close they all are, and some family atmosphere, but then we're right into the scary.
I have to mention the family dinner :) It must be an art form to capture genuine dinner scenes, cuz this one didn't have it. One of the daughters in the dinner scene only drank water... I mean no eating of anything... she had food, why just the drinking of water... curious. And there's a dad in the beginning dinner scene who's buttering his bread for like 5 mins. I was thinking at the moment "Is anyone going to bring up daddy's butter problem?" He was just buttering and buttering and asking the kids about their days, and right back to buttering.
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(the war ain't over for this family)
Sooooo, back to the vodka, porn, and occult.
THAT, my friends is a hell of a weekday (school night) hangout. The gathering around the Tv for pornography and summoning of demonic beings are to be expected - their kids, let them have fun! BUT, the drinking! - Parents, be better! Their ruined teenage livers are on you.
It's straight forward. They watch some weird vid (kinda like "The Ring") and the craziness begins. Apparently, after watching this vid, you may start to see The Slender Man; if you do he's got you. You will either end up missing or go crazy... or both, I guess. One of their friends goes missing, and they begin their search for answers. They end up asking some stranger that they met on the internet for advice, and this stranger tells them to offer Slender Man something of value to them in exchange for their friend.
Ok, so let's rewind. They follow a STRANGER'S advice to go into the woods and sacrifice things of value to some supernatural being. They do this dumb thing, but they kinda half-ass it. Their "things of value" end up being a photograph, something one of them made in arts & crafts... and like a lucky T-shirt or something. Your friend has just been kidnapped! You may want to dig a lil deeper. "Here Slender Man, let me offer you my last chicken nugget. I'm full anyway. Can I have my friend back?" 
The Slender Man must have thought to himself "Arts & Crafts? Really? These girls must be trying to punk me." He then spends the rest of the movie making them regret their poor sacrificial decisions.
When the cool and creepy gets going, it doesn't stop, and it's very effective. I love how they mess with the audiences heads with the imagery. You'll start seeing Slender Man everywhere. They don't rely on cheap gore scenes and jump scares, which I also appreciated about this movie. They even use scenes that lead you to believe something horrific is about to happen, but then it won't... not in a disappointing way, but it's intense. Well done!
The two actresses that I mentioned earlier are also good in this movie.
One of them has that glassy-I-could-cry-at-any-moment-eyes. She'll make you feel her pain.
There's another actress in here who does a good job at making us believe she's scared. It's like they gave her hallucinogens and filmed her having a bad reaction.
This is another one of those supernatural monster movies when everyone just kinda has to guess what to do. Sometimes, in these types of movies there's an expert of sorts, but the only "experts" here are strangers online.
I enjoyed this movie:)
Though, when I say they had to figure things out (and I understand that), there are things they should have known to do and to not do. There are plenty of things that the writers either didn't think about or didn't care about.
The kids for example, run out into the middle of the woods AT NIGHT to sacrifice their items, which no one told them to do. Literally, the middle of the woods! Forget Slender Man, there are all kinds of things that could happen out there. Which again, parents, you're bleeping up!
And about these parents, where the hell were they?! Some of these parents are barely around (buttering bread), while others are never around. One of your kids was just abducted! More of them are losing their minds! WHERE ARE YOU?!
There is one slight spoiler I'll throw in - one of their friends (who happens to be black)... something happens to her, and when her friends find out the state that she's in, they simply say "I knew something was up with her", and keep going! They could have helped her, but NOPE.
What about the teachers? These kids are in highschool. One of the kids actually gets lost on a school trip. No help from the school. No accountability, apparently and no concern. Some of these kids are losing their minds on school property. Those teachers just kept on with the lessons. Not even the other students help out these main girls or are even concerned. We're all just going to pretend like students are going crazy and missing?
Lastly, the police! Almost no police in this movie. No one questioned, no protection, no investigation. It's kinda like kids get screwed over so much in this town that the police have given up.
This all sounds like a lot bad writing ( and it is), but it also kinda adds to the fun. There will be those who will heavily downgrade this movie, because they are Slender Man lore purists, and apparently on that level this movie doesn't begin to measure up. Idk nothing about that, soooo I went in fresh, and enjoyed my new friend Slender Man. That's right, he's my buddy. I still say he's misunderstood. I mean, he IS out in the woods, and we DO see him coming after the kids, but what does that prove?. Maybe SM is a nicely dressed homeless man just trying to get by in the woods. Maybe these kids are just out in the woods doing shrooms (way to go, parents) and falling into holes never to be seen again. Live the Slender Man alone! The man doesn't have a face! - I'm sure his life is hard enough as it is.
Or maybe he's murdering kids out there, idk. You be the judge. Though I admit that certain pics you'll find on the internet aren't helping me prove his case.
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Grade: B
Everyone who factored into this movie's 15% rating on RT are just haters. They're just jealous of my main man SM and his fly suits. They hatem cuz they ain't him.
Some of you might be saying, "But, Praphit, I'm sure this movie is aiight, but BlackkKlansman had those important social topics!"
I could argue that "Slender Man" does as well.
#1 - The black girl that her friends just kinda leave behind. I mean, seriously, what the hell? #blacklivesmatter
#2 - Lesbians - two of the friends in the group sure were close... like real close. Some may think I'm reading into things that aren't there, but I say these characters were forced to remain in the closet. But, maybe their parents found out... maybe that's why none of them are ever around. They couldn't bear that forbidden love. Apparently, The Slender Man does his thing around the bible belt.
#3 - Missing Kids! Not something I used to think about, but now whenever I go into a new town, I check to see how many kids go missing there and how often. If it's an alarming rate, I'm out! When SM is done with the kids he might start on the adults. Besides, if the cops are letting this many lost kids slide without an investigation, what else would they turn a blind eye to?
#4 Mental Illness - perhaps people we label as mentally ill are the ones in the know. Maybe we should all start listening a little more.
Y'all can come to me. I'm here for you. I'll listen. The next time you're out in the middle of the woods (because a stranger online told you to) and you notice a man with no face, wearing awesome suits, with trees growing out of his ass you can tell me. I'll listen and get you the help you need:)
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murvinetaylor-blog · 6 years
The Second Blow: Chapter 6: Stay Stay Stay
It was already five o clock when Mrs. Puff was done calling the girls' parents. While she was preparing dinner, she heard the doorbell ring. When Mrs. Puff answered, it was Mr. Krabs, Lana's parents, and Anna's parents.
"We are here to drop off our daughters' things," Lana's dad said.
"Come on in," Mrs. Puff said, "You can set their stuff in the foyer. I will get the girls."
Mrs. Puff then came downstairs to the basement to unlock the door. She then said to Pearl, Anna, and Lana, "Girls, your parents are here with your clothes."
"What for?" asked Pearl.
"Well, I have called them to tell them that you will be staying here for quite a while," Mrs. Puff said, "I am going to give you a chance to talk to your parents one last time. They are in the living room."
When the girls went to the living room, Mr. Krabs said to Pearl, "Pearl, what in Davy Jones Locker, is wrong with you? I can't believe you lied to your own dad that you were sick and snuck out with your friends. Not only that, but you hurt Mrs. Puff severely. I hope living with her will teach you a lesson."
"Lana," Lana's mom said, "I can't believe you and Pearl injured Mrs. Puff."
"I agree with your mom," Lana's dad said, "You know she won't recover for a long time."
"Anna," Anna's mom said, "Why would you go ditch school with both of your friends? Not only that, but you all tried to run away from the accident instead of checking to see if Mrs. Puff and her student were okay and calling 9-1-1."
After the girls were done talking to their parents, Mrs. Puff then told the parents, "Don't worry about them. They will be in good hands."
When the parents were gone, Mrs. Puff told the girls to sit on the couch because she was going to talk to them.
"Okay," Mrs. Puff said, "As you know, this will be your new home. I will take you to and from school. Every day you will wake up at 6:30, you must always keep your room clean, and I will be assigning chores for you. If you don't do what I say, there will be punishments, and when I mean punishments, I mean SEVERE punishments."
Pearl, Anna, and Lana all nodded nervously.
"Now I will serve you dinner," Mrs. Puff said, "And it will be my homemade chili, like y'all had for lunch, and if you don't eat it, I will cut off your face."
"Oh no," Lana said, "I am not getting sick again."
"Too bad," Mrs. Puff said, "Now all of you sit down, while I heat up and serve the chili."
The girls obeyed, but when they got their chili, Lana just sulked and stared at her chili, while Anna and Pearl ate a little bit of theirs.
"Lana," Mrs. Puff said, giving Lana an icy stare, "Why aren't you eating your chili?"
Lana then said in a rather snarky tone, "Because I got poisoned by it earlier. I was puking and I nearly died thanks to you."
Mrs. Puff then said, "Remember what I said; if you don't eat your chili, I will remove your face."
"Like you would ever do that," Lana said, "And even if you tried, you wouldn't succeed because you are so crippled that I would beat you down before you could remove my face."
Mrs. Puff then dragged Lana by her foot with one hand and the walker in the other. She may have still had to use that walker and was without her inflation sac, but she still had strong arms. Lana then started to scream loudly,
"Too bad," Mrs. Puff said, "You should have eaten your chili."
Mrs. Puff then picked up a knife, by the handle, with her mouth and continued to drag Lana into one of the rooms in the basement.
As soon as Mrs. Puff was out of sight, Pearl said, "While Mrs. Puff is gone; let's quickly hide our food, so that she thinks we have eaten it."
"Great idea," Anna said. They then started to dump their food down the sink and washed away the evidence. After that, they finished their drinks and ate some real food out of the fridge. While they were munching on some of Mrs. Puff's diet chocolate cake, they heard Lana's scream from the basement.
"Um, Pearl," Anna said, "I think we need to see if Lana is okay."
"She'll be fine," Pearl responded.
"Um, Pearl, I think we need to go check," Anna said back.
The girls then rushed to the basement and the scream got louder. One of the doors then opened with Lana, whose face was now removed, and Mrs. Puff, who was holding a bloody knife.
"Did you eat your dinner, girls?" Mrs. Puff asked, "Because you don't want to end up like the poor turd, who now looks like a zombie."
"Yes," Pearl said.
"Yes, what," Mrs. Puff said.
Pearl then corrected herself and said, rather nervously, "Yes ma'am."
"Good," Mrs. Puff said, "Now start cleaning the kitchen. CHOP! CHOP!"
"Yes, ma'am," all three girls said.
They all got to work, except for Lana who was icing her under-face.
"Lana," Pearl said, "You are supposed to be helping."
"But I am in a lot of pain," Lana said, "And I am bleeding."
"Suck it up," Pearl said, "We shouldn't have to do all of this work just because you are in," Pearl made a quote sign with her fingers, "pain."
"My . . . under-face hurts so freaking bad," Lana whined.
"Quit your moaning, and help with the dishes for Neptune's sake," Pearl said.
"Now Pearl," Anna said, "I think that Lana needs to rest, okay. She has had it pretty rough back there. Lana, I think you should lie on the couch, and I will see if Mrs. Puff has any pain killers."
Pearl then said, "Great, now I have to do all of this work."
"Pearl," Anna said, "Just continue working so that Mrs. Puff doesn't get angry with us while I find some pain killer."
Pearl then said, "Alright fine, I will do the rest of this chore," and continued to clean reluctantly.
Anna started searching in cabinets and drawers. She also searched the counters until she could find Mrs. Puff's pain medicine that she had been taking for the pain from her injuries.
Anna then walked up to Lana with Mrs. Puff's prescription and said, "Here take this."
"Are you sure?" Lana said, "You don't think I will die from taking it."
"Trust me," Anna said, "I have taken this medicine before when I had to go through major surgery to have my appendix removed and now I am just fine."
"Okay," Lana said, "But if I get sick, it's on you."
She then took the pill.
"How do you feel?" Anna asked.
Lana just stared and in a few seconds, she was knocked out. It was kind of gross to watch Lana's eyes close by rolling into their sockets.
"Eww," Anna whispered.
She then picked Lana up and carried her into the guest room. After that, both Anna and Pearl continued to clean the kitchen. They washed all of the dishes, wiped down the counters, chair, and table, and swept and mopped the floor. They also wiped down all of the appliances. When they were done, the girls felt exhausted.
"Man," Pearl said, "I don't think I have ever done that much cleaning before."
"Me either," agreed Anna, "I am so tired that I may go to bed right now."
"Me too," Pearl said.
The girls put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth, and then hit the sack. They went to sleep in the guest bed. That night Pearl dreamed about the whole incident and woke up at two in the morning, screaming. Lana then threw a pillow at her.
"Pearl," Lana said in a cranky tone, "We are trying to sleep."
"Oh sorry Lana," Pearl said rather weary, "I had this scary dream that we got kidnapped by a deflated puffer fish, who made us live with her, and who cut off your face." She then looked at Lana and said, "Holy Neptune! It's true! AHHHHH!"
Pearl's scream was so loud that it woke Mrs. Puff up. She walked to the guest room, in a lavender night gown, with her hair in rollers.
"Who did that screaming?" Mrs. Puff asked in a cranky tone of voice.
"I did," Pearl said nervously.
"Well if I catch the next person who screams," Mrs. Puff said, and in a deep Satanic voice, she said, "I WILL CUT OUT YOUR TOUNGE."
"Why," said Lana, sarcastically, "You have already cut off my face. What else are you going to remove; our vocal chords so we can't scream or our legs so we can't run away from you?"
"Maybe," Mrs. Puff said, "Just don't let me catch any of you three screaming thus causing me to not get my beauty sleep."
"I don't think that sleep is going to make you look any better," Pearl said, "I mean you will still be ugly."
Mrs. Puff then became furious and knocked Pearl down with her walker and hit her with it. Mrs. Puff also jumped on her and beat her until she was unconscious.
"NOW GO TO SLEEP!" Mrs. Puff said, and she left the room.
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