#had to provide photo evidence ofx
satellitesunset · 2 years
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I have more thoughts about this than I probably should, but I was actually actively thinking about this seeing some babysos sleeping on the bus/van pictures, because one they look too young to be that tired and two all four of them sleep in distinct ways?? I am personally fascinated by cake sleeping, because Luke usually tries to make himself seem smaller when he's not on stage (where he is larger than live, love that for him) but when he's asleep he usually takes up the space you expect someone as tall as him to take (i would provide visuals but I'm on my phone but like the video of him and Calum in the seat of the van where he's taking like 70% of the space or even that pic that you reblogged from me yesterday) and Calum usually sits like he's trying to take as much space as he can (if you look up manspreading you'll find a picture of Calum, true story) but totally curls into himself when he sleeps, and also the way he always has his arms like he's hugging something makes me thing about that interview were malum says they are the big spoon always and lashton say they like to be the little spoon, and I strongly believe it hat Calum is the only one of that will always try to be the big spoon because he looks like he likes to hug things when he sleeps. Also Crystal has provided multiple situations where Michael was the little spoon, so like, babe don't lie you like to be held, it's okay.
Michael asleep is exactly what I expect him to be while sleeping, and by that I mean he's a cat. I'm pretty sure I have a set of Michael sleeping (i do, it's here) he either curls up into himself arms folded across his body or just full on drops his full body weight on whoever is closest to him and that just makes me want to scream if I'm honest, unless the person next to him it's Luke, then they are just there leaning into each other and that's adorable and soft and aaaaaaa. There's not a lot of Ashton asleep content, at least I can't seem to find all that much, maybe that's because he's the one taking the sleeping videos and pics usually, but if no one is sleeping on him he is kinda like a little ball?? And that's so soft considering his usual tired dad stance (What is is with 6 feet something men and trying to be small while sleeping?? Why is that so endearing?? Let me run my fingers through your hair while you sleep please)
I could actually write multiple essays about them sleeping jspsksoskspsk
Sorry this is long but I'm bored and trying to district myself and I have many many thoughts so I'm inflicting them on you jspsksoskspsk
anna hi yes thank u for gracing me with your thoughts I love them.
"they look too young to be this tired" ok yes thank you for casually just hurting me 😃 I'm fine.
ok yes excellent observation, I love the juxtaposition between now luke always makes seem smaller except when he's sleeping or performing, and If I think too much about it I'll cry.
Calum !! yes !! my guy is a just curls up around something and it's the sweetest thing ever especially when as u said he's a professional manspreader <3
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there's no doubt in my mind michael is a lil spoon, he was totally lying in that interview 💀 and yes he is so similar to a kitten it's almost funny. ( honourable mention to muke cuddling bc 🥺🥺 )
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and yes ashton (in rare the photos we have) does seem to curl into a ball and I think when you compare with how he always seems to hold himself it's so- many feelings ykwim
anyways thank u for indulging me in sleepysos thoughts because they're precious and I love them
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