#hades video game stuff
innepttia · 2 years
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Header by @markmefistov for a WIP I’ve been slowly working on for Mass Effect involving minor characters aboard the Normandy! Fic to be posted soon.
(updated 7/29/2022)
Mass Effect, Hades (game), and Destiny 2 things I’m working on, things I’ve written, things on hiatus!
For Star Wars please go to my side blog
Mass Effect:
Mass Effect:
As It Was: a multi-chapter series about Nihlus x Samara (Nihmara, if you will), enemies to lovers. Nihlus lives-and-becomes-a-squadmate-in-ME2 AU. Samara tells her story about how she chased Nihlus across a planet for two weeks. Squadmate heavy story, very little Shepard in this fic. Full disclosure: I love this fic to death, but I am horrible at updating it. (Rated T)
Lungs: a multi-chapter drabble about Thane/fShepard. Just a bunch of stories about them falling in love and being a mess in no particular order. (Rated T)
Departed: a two-shot AU about Legion falling in love with fShepard, but she’s already in an established relationship with Garrus. Told from Legion’s POV. During the Quarian-Heretic Geth battle above Rannoch, a piece of Legion’s code gets downloaded, rewritten and sold. It’s uploaded as a passenger ship’s AI. Shepard and Garrus have booked passage on this ship, under the guise of needing to be transported to a far off planet. The pair uncover a shady secret on the ship while also trying to free this small part of Legion, who becomes more and more unstable. Lots of OC murder involved. (Rated T)
Hades (video game):
Nocturne No. 1 in D Minor: a multi-chapter fic about Zagreus and Thanatos between escape attempts. Established lovers. Lots of fluff and smut. (Rated E)
Completed fics that I’m excited about:
Empty Crown: a Mass Effect shrios one-shot. My fave fic I’ve written so far. You like dark Thane and a damaged fShepard? Then you’ll like this. (Rated E)
Rebel Yell: a multi-chapter vakarios fic. Mostly smut set between Shepard’s death and resurrection. What if Garrus and Thane met before ME2? What if they fell in love? (Rated E)
The Dreamer: 🚨cursed fic alert🚨Illusive Man/fShep. Nothing but smut. Little to no plot. Just Shep day dreaming and touching herself over some deranged power crazed old man. (Rated E)
hope is a dangerous thing: a Mass Effect fShep/Kaidan retirement fic. Pure fluff. (Rated T)
casual sabotage: a Mass Effect one-shot 100% crackfic. Thane/fShepard pairing. Shepard takes the crew to a galactic fair (similar to state fairs) and just straight up shenanigans occur… plus a sneaky BJ lol (Rated M)
Staying Up (Nightmare): a Mass Effect one-shot shoker fic. I am embarrassed to say I didn’t know about this pairing until I wrote the fic. Written for the Shadow Broker Files prompt: Nightmare. It’s a deeper dive (ish) into Joker’s reunion with fShepard in ME2. (Rated T)
On Hiatus:
Fire In My Head: a multi-chapter Mass Effect shakarian AU. fShepard is a rogue Spectre and Garrus is the new turian Spectre tasked with hunting her down and eliminating her. Enemies to lovers. (Rated M)
How Not to Drown: a Hades (video game) Thanatos/Zagreus two-shot. An exploratory fic into their early relationship. (Rated T)
F is for Friends who do stuff together: a tumblr only ficlet series about the presidium gardenkeeper x dark star lounge bartender, idiots to lover style (Rated G)
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