padmeonline · 5 years
Location: Floor 52, Nova Hospital
Players: @hadeswrxtes and Padme
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“How’d you convince them to give you the green one? I love the green ones.” Jude held up her red Jell-O and gave it a sad, though not very convincing, frown. She wiggled it once, smiled, then looked back at Leo, eyes raking over the bandage on his shoulder. She was in a wheelchair herself, her leg still badly thickly bandaged and not yet up for use, though the head injury she’d also sustained was keeping her quite blissfully out of pain. The doctors didn’t seem to find this as exciting as she did. 
Then again, it wasn’t the only fight she’d gotten into on the hospital floor either. Having wheeled out of her own room to find Hades was certainly going to get her into trouble later. But she didn’t care about that right now. 
Jude was a notoriously bad patient, always quick to remind the NPC doctors that she had far more medical training than a computer could, and she didn’t need them. This wasn’t true, of course; she could barely moved, and her hand shook just trying to scoop out some of the Jell-O. Luckily, she was so doped up on whatever they kept giving her in the IV, this didn’t concern her very much either. 
“I wish we could get scars,” she said, resorting to stabbing her Jell-O. “We could have matching bite marks.” 
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ofsyphon · 5 years
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Randy Menifeild
Username: RanD4U
Class: Archer
Level: 65
Randy is what you might call a bad influence. their relationship developing after a night of drunken revelry . Syphon wouldn’t go so far as to call the other a friend. But if you are looking to have a little fun then he is your man. Entering the game with his girlfriend Mandy. But don’t let his cavalry and haughty attitude full you. The man is a genius when it comes to electronics and robotics. Before getting trapped in the game. He was top of is class at  Carnegie Mellon University Institute. With a job as cheif engineer and technology line up at Richard Aspens company.
No one thought a kid out of West Philadelphia on the wrong side of the tracks would come so far. Randy learning early on that if he didn’t want to end up in a gang or flipping burgers for the rest of his life. He would have to put in the work to make a better life. Cause no one was going to give you opportunities… you had to take it.
Getting stuck in a game by his future boss threw him for a loop early on. He stayed out of the fray for the most part. Letting the other hooplehead heroes do the work of clearing the floors. Focusing his efforts on trying to find a way to hack into the system. The one person he cares about getting out of this place is Mandy—his girlfriend and arguable his better half. Syphon was a welcome distraction and an into one of the largest guilds in the game. A friendship of convenience, he got information and bonus got to have a little fun on the side.
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kaliloggingon · 5 years
kali → hades.
kali: psssssst
kali: psst
kali: are you sleepping?
kali: i have something to teell you
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Droplets of dew clung to his skin, as he rolled over on his other side. The tiny pricks of grass, forcing him out of the dark, deep sleep he was in. Images flashed behind closed eyelids. He could remember the pain, everything hurt. Remember the distinct sound of bones breaking, the electric pain that shot through his arms and legs. Those were quickly pushed away by another set of images. Howls echoed in his head, he could see the creatures running. One, then another and another.
Fear took over him for a second before a calming presence could be felt. Soon he was running, chasing after them, passing a few of them keeping stride with the largest leading the pack. 
There was more, but as Rowan’s eyes open. The morning light greeting him. He couldn’t  recall them clearly. Even though he know what had happened… he had turned for the first time.
“ Here,” the voice came from above him.
The sun obscuring his face, but Rowan recognized the voice. Taking a firm grip of the others hand, he rose slowly to his feet. Every inch of his body was sore- but in a good way. Like he had done an extensive workout and the adrenaline was still running through him.  That feeling of euphoria only lasted a couple more seconds before Rowan started to realize he had no idea where he was.
And that he was very much naked.
Wordlessly, the man in front of him ( who wore jeans  and nothing else.) handed a pair of sweatpants to Rowan. Wordlessly giving his thanks. Tripping over his feet as he tried to put them on quickly. Where the fuck was his clothes?
“After you shift a few more times, you’ll start to remember things that happen during your phaseing.” the man; Leo said.
Right, he was a wolf now. Or, a werewolf. it was still bloody confusing and hard to wrap his head around.  “ From what I do remember I think I’ll pass,” he mutters looking around them now. Standing in an empty clearing. Trees surrounding them in a half-circle. As tall grass and the hint of honeysuckle and other wild flowers surrounded them.  It was just the two of them there, but Rowan could swear he hears laughter and music coming from somewhere.
Dark eyes were on the other man as he let out a chuckle.
“ We still have a trek before we meet up with the others,” he said clapping him on the shoulder.
“The rest of your… pack?”
“Our pack. You survived your shift Rowan,  you’re one of us now.”
Rowan didn’t know why but the idea that he had pleased this man made him… happy? Which didn’t make sense, because it was Leo who had totally changed his life and he didn’t know if he was happy about that?
Nodding his head apprehensively, he started to walk with the other man in silence for a moment.
“Where exactly are we going?”
Leo’s eyes on Rowan, his smiled growing- “ Your welcoming party.”
Part 1
Send a 🐺for a Werewolf AU
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userluna · 5 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. | for @hadeswrxtes
Their first impression of your muse: Oh god, he’s huge he could probably kill me without trying. Why couldn’t I have just stayed with Felix? At least I knew he wouldn’t be able to kill me without some effort.
Current impression: HE’S HER DAD
Are they attracted to your muse?: Oof that’s awks bc she was a bit in the beginning before she started to see him as a father figure.
Something they find frightening about your muse: Nothing really ties him to Catalyst anymore. She’s scared that he’s going to leave again, and this time he won’t come back.
Something they find adorable about your muse: That he can’t really say no to her when she asks. Also his apron in the kitchen that is now Hades’ Apron that no one is allowed to touch.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: In a heartbeat.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic: Even platonic, date seems like the wrong word lmao.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: tragichero (i’m making it one word fuck off)
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: no. well, maybe, if he tried to leave again.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: she’s hugged him before a few times, and will again, but one time she accidentally kissed him on the cheek like she used to do with her dad and she has tried to erase it from her brain and convince hades that it was a hallucination. 
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playerkitty · 5 years
@hadeswrxtes || she wasn’t saying it was a genius idea to follow the NPC waiter back into the kitchen where they kept the drinks, she was saying it was a fucking brilliant idea to follow the waiter back into the kitchen where they kept the drinks. kitty walked back into the dance hall with a full bottle of champagne with a very content smile on her face only to run into her second favorite catalyst member, and he was only second favorite because naturally achilles was her first. 
“i’m a genuis i’d just like you to know, any guild would be so lucky to have me.”
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playermercutio · 5 years
“ i have no doubt from the bottom of my heart that this guy could easily kick my ass. pretty sure he’s the best archer around velia and honestly, if you are on his bad side, i would worry. ”
“ look, i don’t really want to say anything negative about the guy. he’s my friend and i respect the hell out of him. what i will say though is this. he needs to find a better way to handle when things --- go wrong instead of pushing aside people who care about him. ”
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crcket-blog · 5 years
rumor has it that your brother's friends only care about you because of him. in reality, if you didn't have him -- you would be screwed.
“...The thought has crossed my mind, but I’ve spent almost three years without them knowing who I am. Yes, maybe Leo helped a bit, but my friends-- No. My family. I they chose me regardless of my brother. 
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As for being screwed without him... I dunno what I’d do without him. I had a taste and even with knowing he was still around somewhere, I didn’t like it. Gone completely though? I don’t want to know,” @hadeswrxtes
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crcket-archive · 6 years
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sephonline · 6 years
☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm
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It was hard to comprehend his words, he was no doubt reprimanding her. She shivered, still soaked from the rain. Lydia hadn’t known where else to go, she probably looked so pathetic, she thought, standing at her ex-boyfriend’s door in tears. She sighed as he pulled a sweater over her head, one of his. “Thank you.” she said quietly. 
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padmeonline · 5 years
Location: Catalyst HQ Players: Padme and @hadeswrxtes​
She hadn’t been pleased when he told her he was leaving, not that she’d shown it; she had been all smiles and supportive nods, helping him to get out of bed and even offering one of her own crystals so he could teleport away from her--away from her care, away from any chance of them spending this horrible time together, any possibility of bonding and helping each other through the pain. She never wanted to be the nagging girlfriend, never wanted to ask for more than her boyfriends were willing to give. So when Rowan decided he needed to go on a solo vacation, she’d smiled through that too; when Hades wanted out of her company, she’d gritted her teeth and tried to convince herself it wasn’t personal, that everyone just needed some time alone, that he wasn’t scared of her, wasn’t avoiding her.
But then he’d told Rowan what had happened, told him in a way that made Rowan worry, made Rowan ask her about the fight she had wanted to forget. If he was over it, if things were as “fine” as he’d promised her on that hill when he’d told her not to apologize, when he told her it didn’t change how he saw her, how he loved her, she wouldn’t have had to relieve one of the worst moments of her life to the one person she’d hoped would bring happiness and a loving escape when finally he returned. 
Jude arrived in HQ with a basket under one arm. It was filled to the brim with scones and muffins and mini cakes, for if there were was one thing Jude never failed to accomplish--though it felt like she was failing everything else and everyone else these days--it was stress baking. She found Leo’s room and was about to knock on the open door when she noticed the work he was supposed to be letting sit until he was better.
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She cleared her throat to announce her presence. 
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zyrahaas · 5 years
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours @hadeswrxtes
Why so serious my dude? Hades walks around like he got punched in the gut, while simultaneously smelling something funky. Though he seems to be in a better mood recently, maybe he’s getting some? Maybe he was always gettin‘ it but now it’s better? I don’t know, I just hope it last cause he’s way to attractive to be walking around with a perpetual Batman scowl all the damn time. 
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kaliloggingon · 5 years
"I need to hang out with someone I like. Can we pretend to be working for an hour?"
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Kali looked up from the table that held a bunch of Vixen plans she was trying to redo for Catalyst, getting frustrated with the ill fitting translation, to find Hades standing in the doorway, looking perfectly exhausted. She set her pencil down and gave him a small smile, “I’m down for a break, your numbers are only slightly infuriating.” Extending a bowl of pretzels out to him, she nodded her head in the direction of the chair across from her, not down to give him the pity or ‘tough love’ everyone else had been giving him. She understood grief, he had been there for her when she needed him and some of her best days had been when the two of them sat and talked about everything and absolutely nothing, unfortunately the roles were reversed this time, but she was going to make sure he knew he had her. 
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usernameachilles · 5 years
“i am broken, and healing, but every piece of my heart belongs to you.”
Rowan turned to face Leo now. Leo’s words he was sure, meant to try to reassure him but.. did that matter when he was still walking away from him? When he was walking away from Jude? They were all broken they were all trying to heal. A part of him so desperately wanted to be selfish and make him stay. Make Leo say how much he loved him to tell him he thought it was a mistake - but how could he?
Leo wanted to be better. To work on himself because that was what he needed. How could Rowan ask him not to. How could he look the man he loved so much - his best friend and tell him that he didn’t care that he was broken.Jude had told him once before - that it wasn’t his job to fix her. He couldn’t fix Leo either-not in the way he needed. 
He knew what he was trying to do but ultimately he was just making things harder on him. “ I know that,” the words were so soft nearly above a whisper. Large hands turned into fist as he turned away. Knowing that if he kept looking at him. Just an arms length away; he would do something that he couldn’t take back. He would break his word and instead of letting Leo go Rowan would hold onto him even more tightly than before. “You should go now… I’ve… I’m suppose to meet with Kali soon.” 
It was a lie, there was no meeting. But Rowan just needed some space. Needed  a little more time; so he could let him go.
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playoracle-blog · 6 years
Incorrect quotes!
oracle: there’s only one thing worse than dying 
oracle rips off paper to reveal “radish dying” 
hades: RADISH 
oracle: NO!
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userluna · 5 years
“I was frightened of every little thing that I thought was out to get me.” - Felix
lorde sentence starters for @felixwrxtes (a throwback!)
Luna leaned back against the soft cushions they’d pulled from the couches in one of the communal rooms and tossed onto the floor in a circle. After the new rookies had finished the last of their official training, they’d taken to celebrating– which meant booze and party games. The mentors had found them about an hour ago and while most of them left them to it, Felix had stayed behind for a drink someone offered him. He was quiet for most of the rounds, though everyone had winced and made sympathetic sounds when Jared shared the story of how he lost his virginity and ended up in the hospital on the same night. When they got to Never Have I Ever, one of the strong-jawed jocks proudly stated, “Never have I ever saw another player I thought I couldn’t beat in a fight,” smirking as he held his cup out and most of the circle drank, Felix included.
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“You? You mean you didn’t come into Velia, sword waving and intimidating?” Luna had never seen Felix as someone who got scared easily. From the moment she met him, he was a capable, level-headed, mentor. He was fully capable of handing someone’s ass to them and lightly dusting himself off afterwards, as though the only inconvenience he’d come across was some light pollen falling upon him. His confession knocks her off center a bit, reminds her that people might be shocked to hear the same thing about her, no matter how true it might be. Or maybe it’s just the drink.
He shrugged, tongue loosened from the couple of drinks he’d had at this point. “I was frightened of every little thing that I thought was out to get me.” He says it nonchalant, almost a joke, as he takes another sip, but Luna watches his eyes go sharp. Alert. Luna is stronger now, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgotten what fear felt like. Neither has Felix. She takes a gulp before she realizes they’re already on the next round.
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