harminuya · 1 month
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Armenian Rug Hadrut 1901.
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metamorphesque · 23 days
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For those who are confused about the situation in Artsakh (part 1)
To anyone even remotely knowledgeable about the history of the region, the azerbaijani claims that Artsakh belongs or belonged to them, or that they are the natives of the land, sound not only incorrect but also hilariously pathetic. The earliest evidence of Artsakh’s ancient history dates back to the earliest stages of the Stone Age, specifically the Acheulean and subsequent periods (800,000 to 100,000 years ago). These include stone and bone tools found in the caves of Orvan-Msoz, Tsatsakhach, and Khoradzor. Excavations of settlements and tombs from the Bronze and Iron Ages (Stepanakert, Khojaly, Karkarjan, Amaras, Madagis, and the valleys of the Khachenaget and Ishkhanaget rivers) indicate that this area was part of the Kur-Araxes cultural system formed in the 4th-3rd millennia BC. The Kur and Arax are rivers in the Armenian Highlands; Arax is even considered the “mother river” of Armenia and is referred to as “Mother” in many Armenian poems and songs.
Artsakh was the northeastern boundary of the region where the Armenian people formed ethnically. This has been mentioned many times in the works of Strabo (64 or 63 BC – c. 24 AD, a Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian), Ptolemy (c. 100 - c. 170 AD, a renowned Greek geographer, astronomer, and mathematician), and many other non-Armenian geographers and historians. For over 3000 years, Artsakh has been inhabited by its natives, the Armenians.
You might ask, what do these historians write about the azerbaijanis? Well, nothing—because azeris did not exist back then and wouldn’t exist for at least the next 3000 years. How, then, could they have been the natives of the land?
Furthermore, aren’t azeris Muslim? In that case, how is it that right after Armenia adopted Christianity as its official religion—being the first nation to do so—many churches were built in Artsakh, not mosques, but churches? For example:
Gandzasar Monastery (4th century) and St. John the Baptist Church (1216-1238)
Dadivank (4th century) and Katoghike (9th-11th century)
Amaras Monastery (4th century)
St. George Church of Tzitzernavank (4th-5th century)
Gtichavank (4th-13th century)
Monastery of Apostle Yeghishe (Jrvtshtik) (5th century), Mataghis
Vankasar White Cross (5th century)
Kataro Monastery of Dizapayt and Holy Mother of God (5th century)
Mokhrenis Okht Drne Monastery (7th-17th century)
Kolatak St. Hakob Monastery (9th century)
Tsori Holy Savior (9th century)
Tsamakahogh St. Stephen (9th-10th century)
White Cross Monastery of Vank village, Hadrut (10th century)
Desert Monastery of Elisha Kusi, Chartar (12th century)
St. George Church of Jankatagh (12th century)
Khotavank (12th-13th century)
Holy Mother of God Nuns' Monastery of Karvachar (12th-13th century)
St. Savior Church of Poghosagomer (12th-13th century)
Shoshkavank Holy Mother of God of Msmena (13th century)
Horeka Monastery (13th century)
Kavakavank (14th century)
And many, many more. It pains me to tears to say that these churches, along with hundreds of others, are being destroyed by azeris to wipe out the evidence that Armenians lived there, pushing their false narrative that they are the natives of the land. Since the 2020 war, azerbaijani forces have destroyed over 570 Armenian cultural sites, with 3 to 4 monuments being demolished weekly—not to mention the desecration of both old and new Armenian graves.
So, the next time an azeri tries to argue that they are the natives of Artsakh and Armenia, just laugh at their faces. I’m sure I’ve got socks in the back of my drawer that are older than their “nation.”
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
Armenians have demanded that Azerbaijan agree to open up a humanitarian corridor, allowing aid in and refugees out. The key conduit is the Lachin corridor, a winding highway that leads from the Armenian city of Goris through the village of Tegh before crossing into Karabakh and the city of Berdzor, which Azerbaijan calls Lachin. Armenian police have established a checkpoint that prevents regular citizens from driving further into Karabakh, where the road is blocked by Russian peacekeepers and Azerbaijani soldiers. Last week, Armenians gathered for a protest in Republic Square in Yerevan, Armenia’s capital. Among them was Lucy Muradyan, who was born in the Hadrut region and has lost touch with her family in Karabakh. “We are here in the square because our relatives, our parents, our family members are there surrounded by [Azerbaijani] troops,” she said. “Now the only thing we want is for our loved ones to be safely taken so that the road is open: men, women and children. Not just women and children, as it’s currently said.” Fears that men could be filtered out at Azerbaijani checkpoints and tried as terrorists for fighting in local defence forces go back to before this month’s offensive, when men travelling from Karabakh into Armenia were sometimes “kidnapped” at a checkpoint held by Azerbaijan along the Lachin corridor. [...] The Lachin corridor remains closed. At a police checkpoint near the town of Kornidzor on Friday, a dozen or so men from Karabakh waited for news in the hope that their relatives might have made it to the border. But no one has been let out. One father of two smoked nervously as he looked across the valley into Karabakh, where his children live with their mother. He was trapped outside the region when Azerbaijan launched its blockade nine months ago and has not seen them since.
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politiciansstuff · 2 years
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Ana Vətən Partiyasının
XX əsrin 80-ci illərinin sonları və 90-cı illərinin əvvəllərindən başlayaraq Ermənistan Azərbaycanın tarixi torpaqlarına qarşı açıq formada ərazi iddiaları ilə çıxış etmiş və ölkəmizə qarşı hərbi təcavüzə başlamışdır. Nəticədə Ermənistan tərəfindən torpaqlarımızın 20%-ni işğal edilmiş və həyata keçirilmiş etnik təmizləmə nəticəsində bir milyondan artıq soydaşımız öz doğma yurd-yuvasından didərgin düşmüşdür.
Ermənistanın həyata keçirdiyi təcavüzkar milli təhlükəsizlik strategiyası və hərbi doktrina, işğal edilmiş ərazilərdə qeyri-qanuni məskunlaşdırma siyasətini genişləndirməsi, “yeni ərazilər uğrunda yeni müharibə” çağırışı, mülki şəxslərdən ibarət “könüllü dəstələri” yaratmaq qərarı, 2020-ci il iyulun 12-də Ermənistan - Azərbaycan dövlət sərhədinin Tovuz istiqamətində təxribat törətməsi qoşunların təmas xəttində fasiləsiz olaraq gərginliyi artırması, cəbhə xəttinə yaxın ərazilərdə qoşunlarını cəmləşdirməsi və böyük həcmdə silah-sursat toplaması Ermənistanın genişmiqyaslı hücuma hazırlaşdığını göstərirdi.
Ermənistanın təxribatına və növbəti hərbi təcavüzünə cavab olaraq, Azərbaycan xalqı torpaqlarımızın işğaldan qurtarılması, BMT Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının məlum qətnamələrinin tələblərinin yerinə yetirilməsi, məcburi köçkünlərin öz doğma torpaqlarına qayıtması və ədalətin bərpası üçün Vətən müharibəsinə başladı. Bu müqəddəs amal uğrunda bütün Azərbaycan xalqı səfərbər və həmrəy oldu. 44 gün sürən hərbi əməliyyatlar nəticəsində Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan, Prezident İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi altında rəşadətli Azərbaycan Ordusunun qəhrəmanlığı nəticəsində Cəbrayıl, Füzuli, Zəngilan, Qubadlı şəhərləri, Azərbaycan xalqının tarixində, mədəniyyətində və qəlbində xüsusi yeri olan, Qarabağın tacı sayılan Şuşa şəhəri, Hadrut qəsəbəsi, Laçın, Kəlbəcər və Ağdam rayonlarını, Tərtər, Ağdərə, Xocavənd və Xocalı rayonlarının bır sıra kəndləri və çoxsaylı strateji yüksəkliklər işğaldan azad olundu.
Azərbaycan xalqının əzmi və iradəsi, iqtisadi gücü, müasir ordu quruculuğu və xalq-iqtidar birliyi ölkəmizin qələbəsini təmin edən mühüm amillər oldu. Ulu əcdadlarımızın zəngin dövlətçilik və hərb tarixinə söykənən Azərbaycan xalqı daha bir şanlı qəhrəmanlıq salnaməsini yazaraq, özünün qalib xalq olduğunu bütün dünyaya nümayiş etdirdi.
Erməni faşizmi üzərində tarixi qələbəmizdən keçən 2 il ərzində işğaldan azad olunan torpaqlarımızda ölkə prezidenti cənab İlham Əliyevin yüksək təşkilatçılığı ilə geniş bərpa və quruculuq işləri aparılır, bölgənin siması tamamilə dəyişərək müasirləşir, soydaşlarımız öz doğma yurdlarına qayıdırlar.
Ermənistan və onu himayə edən Rusiya, Fransa və İran kimi dövlətlərin məkrli siyasi dairələrinin ən müxtəlif hiylələrinə baxmayaraq, qısa zamanda Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan, cənab prezident İlham Əliyevin qətiyyəti və diplomatik məharəti sülhməramlılarının müvəqqəti nəzarəti altında olan ərazilərimizdə də suverenliyimizi təmin edəcəkdir.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Chronicles of Victory: October 16 2020
BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 16. The Azerbaijani Military launched a counter-offensive operation, later referred to as the “Iron Fist”, on September 27, 2020, in response to the large-scale provocation of the Armenian armed forces alongside the frontline, Development reviews. The erupted 44-day Second Karabakh Warfare ended with the liberation of Azerbaijan’s territories from almost 30-year Armenian occupation. Development presents the chronicle of the twentieth day of the Second Karabakh struggle: – President Ilham Aliyev interviewed by A Haber TV channel. – “Azerbaijan’s superb Military has liberated Khirmanjig, Agbulag and Akhullu villages of Khojavend district. Lengthy dwell Azerbaijan’s Military! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a publish on his official Twitter account. – The artillery battery belonging to the Armenian armed forces was destroyed, and the deputy commander of the forces regiment was injured. An inventory of the tools of the Armenian Armed Forces destroyed at night time was disclosed. – The Azerbaijani Prosecutor Basic’s Workplace reported that 47 civilians had been killed and 222 injured on account of shelling of Azerbaijani settlements by the Armenian armed forces. – The Azerbaijani Protection Ministry shared footage from villages of the Khojavend district of Azerbaijan, which had been liberated from the Armenian occupation. – The Armenian armed forces, grossly violating the humanitarian ceasefire, continued shelling the territories of Goranboy, Tartar, Aghdam, Aghjabadi and Fuzuli districts of Azerbaijan. – The Armenian armed forces launched a missile strike on the territory of the Ordubad district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. – The Armenian aspect bombarded a cemetery in Ahmadaghalilar village, Aghdam district. – The Azerbaijani Protection Ministry shared new footage from the liberated Hadrut settlement. – The state flag of Azerbaijan was raised above the border outposts liberated from Armenian occupation. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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massispost · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2022/10/caucasus-heritage-watch-documents-destruction-of-armenian-church-in-hadrut-region/
Caucasus Heritage Watch Documents Destruction of Armenian Church in Hadrut Region
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The Caucasus Heritage Watch (CHW)has released a new report on satellite monitoring…
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metbuat · 2 years
Hadrutda Anım Günü qeyd olundu - FOTO
Hadrutda Anım Günü qeyd olundu – FOTO
Hadrut qəsəbəsində 27 Sentyabr – Anım Günündə Vətən müharibəsi şəhidlərinin əziz xatirəsi yad edilib. APA xəbər verir ki, Anım Günü ilə bağlı keçirilən tədbirdə Qarabağ iqtisadi rayonuna daxil olan işğaldan azad edilmiş ərazilərdə (Şuşa rayonu istisna olmaqla) Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin xüsusi nümayəndəliyin əməkdaşları, hərbçilər, hüquq-mühafizə orqanlarının nümayəndələri, din…
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elshanr · 4 years
Təbrik edirəm! Bu gün Azərbaycan ordusu Hadrut qəsəbəsini, Çaylı, Yuxarı Güzlək, Gorazıllı, Qışlaq, Qaracalı, Əfəndilər, Süleymanlı, Sur kəndlərini işğaldan azad edib. Yaşasın Azərbaycan! Hədəf bütün Qarabağı işğaldan azad etməkdir! 🇦🇿
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arameofficial · 4 years
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2019 հիշողություն❤️ մենք կհանդիպենք նորից ու նորից✊🏻 2019 воспоминания❤️ мы ещё встретимся, снова и снова ✊🏻 #arcax#hadrut#peaceforArcax https://www.instagram.com/p/CGUFRLsh0jS/?igshid=fax7nyzaupn0
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harminuya · 11 months
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Armenian family from Dzoragyukh, Hadrut, Artsakh, 1939.
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yesmilletinsesiinfo · 3 years
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#Prezident İlham Əliyev Hadrut və Tuğa səfər edib gönderdi
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hctirdle · 3 years
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List of conflicts in Europe post-WW2:
1944–1956 Guerrilla war in the Baltic states
1945–1949 Greek Civil War
1946–1948 Corfu Channel incident
1947–1962 Romanian anti-communist resistance movement
1953 Uprising in East Germany
1955-1959 Cyprus Emergency
1956 Uprising in Poznań
1956 Hungarian Revolution
1956–1962 Operation Harvest
1958 Opération Corse
1958 First Cod War
1959–2011 Basque conflict
1961–1967 South Tyrol insurgency
1962–1964 Jura conflict[3]
1967 Greek coup d'état
1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia
1968–1998 The Troubles
1970–1984 Unrest in Italy
1972 Bugojno group
1972–1973 Second Cod War
1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus
1974 Carnation Revolution
1975–1976 Third Cod War
1975 Portuguese coup d'état attempt
1976–present Corsican Insurgency
1981 Spanish coup d'état attempt
1986 Evros River incident
1988–present Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
1989 Romanian Revolution
1990–1991 Soviet attacks on Lithuanian border posts
1991 January Events
1991 The Barricades
1990 Log Revolution
1991–2001 Yugoslav Wars
1991–1992 Georgian war against Russo-Ossetian alliance
1991–1993 Georgian Civil War
1992 Transnistria War
1992 East Prigorodny Conflict
1992–1993 War in Abkhazia
1993 1993 Cherbourg incident
1993 1993 Russian constitutional crisis
1994–1996 First Chechen War
1995 1995 Azerbaijani coup d'état attempt
1995–1996 Imia/Kardak military crisis
1997–1998 Cyprus Missile Crisis
1997 Albanian civil war of 1997
1997–present Dissident Irish Republican campaign
1998 Six-Day War of Abkhazia
1999 War of Dagestan
1999–2009 Second Chechen War
1988–1994 First Nagorno-Karabakh War
2008 Mardakert clashes
2010 2010 Nagorno-Karabakh clashes
2010 2010 Mardakert clashes
2012 2012 Armenian–Azerbaijani border clashes
2014 2014 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes
2016 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
2018 2018 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes
2020 July 2020 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes
2020 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war
2021–present 2021 Armenia–Azerbaijan border crisis
1988–1991 Karabakh movement
1991 Operation Ring
1992 Capture of Garadaghly
1992 Battle of Shusha (1992)
1992–1993 Operation Goranboy
1992 Mardakert and Martuni Offensives
1993 Battle of Kalbajar
1993 Battle of Aghdam
1993 1993 Summer Offensives
1993–1994 Operation Horadiz
1993–1994 Operation Kalbajar
1988 Zvartnots Airport clash
2020 Madagiz offensive
2020 Battle of Hadrut
2020 Aras Valley campaign
2020 Lachin offensive
2020 Battle of Shusha (2020)
1991 Ten-Day War
1991–1995 Croatian War of Independence
1992–1995 Bosnian War
1998–1999 Kosovo War
1999–2001 Insurgency in the Preševo Valley
2001 2001 insurgency in Macedonia
1992–1994 Croat–Bosniak War
April 23, 1998 April 23, 1998 Albanian–Yugoslav border ambush
December 3, 1998 Albanian–Yugoslav border incident (December 1998)
December 14, 1998 December 14, 1998, Albanian–Yugoslav border ambush
April 3, 1999 Albania–Yugoslav border incident (April 1999)
1997 Operation Libelle
2001 Georgia, Kodori crisis
2001 Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia
2004–2013 Unrest in Kosovo
2004 Georgia, Adjara crisis
2004 Georgia, South Ossetia clashes
2006 Georgia, Kodori crisis
2007–2015 Civil war in Ingushetia
2008 Russo–Georgian war
2009–present Insurgency in the North Caucasus
2014–present Russo-Ukrainian War
2015 Kumanovo clashes
2020–2021 2020–2021 Belarusian protests
2004 2004 unrest in Kosovo
2008 2008 unrest in Kosovo
2011–2013 North Kosovo crisis
2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine
2014–present Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation
2014–present War in Donbas
2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian crisis
2022–present Russian invasion of Ukraine
👀 👀 👀
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metamorphesque · 3 years
George Orwell said If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever. And to that I add If you want a picture of the present, look down.
The first photo shows the president of azerbaijan walking smugly in the “bloody museum” constructed in the center of baku. The helmets that you see belonged to Armenian soldiers killed during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war.
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Hundreds of helmets of Armenian soldiers killed in the war are displayed in the park of human madness, as well as wax mannequins of Armenian soldiers, mocking the pain and the hell my people went through during the war. The pain which, to this day, haunts us and is pouring out of the eyes of the parents, who lost their sons, the children, who lost their parents. And of the nation, who lost his faith in humanity and in justice.
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You can see dozens of graphic videos depicting azerbaijani servicemen cutting off the heads of and murdering Armenian men and prisoners of war beginning from the final days of the six-week war unleashed by baku against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). (The videos and pictures are linked. I am warning you that they’re very graphic and contain inhumane images of torture. I would’ve posted the pictures, but I can’t bring myself to put you through the agony they awakened in me and in people who saw those pictures.)
 In mid-October, a video that contained graphic images and was spreading on social media showed azerbaijani troops shooting two Armenian POWs dead. Footage depicts the killing of a young soldier and an elderly man after being taken prisoner by azeri troops, who are seen grabbing the old man from his jacket and pushing him to the ground. The azerbaijani soldiers then wrap both of them in Armenian flags and shoot them from machine guns for a long time. Armenian authorities identified the men as Benik Hakobyan, 73, and 25-year-old Yuri Adamyan.
 Furthermore, a young man was beheaded alive while he struggles to get away. azerbaijani soldiers, meanwhile laughed, cheered, and celebrated the slaughter as one of them uses an ordinary knife to cut his throat.
An elderly Armenian man was filmed begging for his life, but an azerbaijani soldier held him down and cuts his throat. 
 Other videos depicted azerbaijani soldiers executing an Armenian civilian, dragging others out of their homes to the sidewalk and then executing them, burning the body of an Armenian.
The murder of a woman and her disabled son in Hadrut.
Both during and after the hostilities, prisoners of war from Karabakh were regularly made fun of by azeri troops who also mutilated the bodies of fallen Armenian servicemen. The videos depict azerbaijani captors variously slapping, kicking, and prodding Armenian POWs, and compelling them, under obvious duress and with the apparent intent to humiliate, to kiss the azerbaijani flag.
This is just a non-exhaustive list of what war crimes azerbaijan committed against Armenians, which is far from what some in baku apparently consider "dignified" behavior on the part of their military.
George Orwell was speaking of the future of humanity. I, quite frankly, don’t believe that humanity has one.  
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Chronicles of Victory: October 11 2020
BAKU, Azerbaijan, Oct. 11. The Azerbaijani Military launched a counter-offensive operation, later referred to as the “Iron Fist”, on September 27, 2020 in response to the large-scale provocation of the Armenian armed forces alongside the frontline, Development experiences. The erupted 44-day Second Karabakh Conflict ended with liberation of Azerbaijan’s territories from almost 30-year Armenian occupation. Development presents the chronicle of the fifteenth day of the Second Karabakh battle: – President Ilham Aliyev in reference to the shelling of Ganja: the Azerbaijani aspect will give a worthy reply to all this! – President Ilham Aliyev: The missile assault on Ganja was carried out from the Vardenis area of Armenia. – President Ilham Aliyev: These dishonorable deeds of Armenia can by no means break thewill of Azerbaijani individuals. – First VP Mehriban Aliyeva: I name upon the worldwide group to not stay detached to all occurred. – The Ministry of Protection issued a press release that the data disseminated by the Armenian aspect in regards to the alleged killing of civilians in Hadrut by Azerbaijani servicemen – a girl and her disabled son – is groundless, not supported by information and is geared toward deceptive the worldwide group. – The Ministry of Protection issued a press release that the data disseminated by the Armenian aspect in regards to the missile strikes allegedly inflicted by the Azerbaijani military on settlements within the occupied territories is a lie and disinformation. – Azerbaijani Ganja metropolis as soon as once more below hearth. – Because of the following shelling of Ganja by the Armenian Armed Forces, 5 individuals had been killed and 27 had been injured. – Details about the shelling of Baku doesn’t correspond to actuality. – Armenian armed forces launch missile assaults on Azerbaijani Mingachevir. – Azerbaijani military delivers hearth strikes in opposition to the Armenian Armed Forces. – Deputy regiment commander of the Armed Forces of Armenia destroyed. – Numerous forces and gear of the Armenian military destroyed. – On October 11, round 08.00, an unmanned aerial automobile (UAV) of Armenia, which tried to fly within the Mingachevir course, was destroyed by the air protection models of Azerbaijan. – The forces and technique of the Armenian Armed Forces, which tried to go on the offensive, had been destroyed. – The Prosecutor Common’s Workplace of Azerbaijan reported that as a results of the shelling of Ganja by the Armenian Armed Forces, 7 individuals had been killed and 34 had been injured. – The Armenian Armed Forces fired at an ambulance with a white flag on it, which was selecting up the our bodies of the Armenian navy. – The demise toll in Ganja because of rocket assaults from the Armenian Armed Forces has reached 9. – The Prosecutor Common’s Workplace of Azerbaijan reported that for the reason that starting of the assaults of the Armenian Armed Forces, 41 civilians had been killed and 205 civilians had been wounded. – The Azerbaijani Protection Ministry acknowledged that the duty for the aggravation of the scenario within the area lies totally with the management of Armenia. – Azerbaijan destroys one other Armenian UAV. – Video of the second of the missile strike on Ganja launched. – Armenian armed forces undergo heavy losses as results of airstrikes. – Azerbaijani MoD publishes footage of liberated Dashkesan village. – Kub anti-aircraft missile system of Armenian armed forces destroyed. – Azerbaijani MoD publishes footage of liberated Horadiz village. – Azerbaijan reveals newly liberated Sugovushan village of Tartar district. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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what you mean what?? everyone knows that theres a story of a big knife wielding girl who got wasted by the cops. Im asking if you think it makes sense that the cops saved a life and yet people are saying he should have done nothing and is a racist for preventing a murder. Her name is supposedly makiah bryant anyway.
do you know that turkey, utilizing NATO spec ops training gleaned from the US and its operations in iraq and Afghanistan, extended this training to azerbaijan as well as supplementing Azerbaijan with frontline mercenaries from Idlib, which both Turkey and Azerbaijan denied being present despite the syrian rebel mercs posting social media posts about being there? Additionally, civilians in hadrut and other later captured karabakh artsakh lands in the south remarked on strange plain clothes people who infiltrated these towns days before invasion, raising speculation of them as scouts for the azeri/turkish forces. The identity of these clandestine troops is still a mystery. Western media ran cover for the belligerents of this war as they began to behead, rape and multilate armenian civilians and soldiers alike who fell behind enemy lines. Since capture, Azerbaijan has embarked on a campaign of cultural genocide, razing churches, pledging the end of the hellenistic era tigranakert ruins and demolishing medieval churches alike.
However, you wouldn’t hear about any of this, because this war instigated by Azerbaijan, where state officials bribed UNESCO to look away as they committed cultural genocide (see: the julfa monuments and their documented erasure) and the us and europe, which maintains a trade relationship with azerbaijan over oil pipelines that match and counter russian/chinese influence and its own oil and gas infrastructure into europe.. also also maintain this relationship to pry azerbaijan from relations with and to apply strategic pressure on russia. and yet the west, and particularly the USA, maintains a monopoly on protecting the freeworld and humanitarian causes. In a way, here, in this aftermath of the war, the wokey united states reveals itself as functionally the head maiden of the Fascist International, running cover for genocide and human rights abuses.
crazy shit
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xiyade · 4 years
Azeri propaganda ranked by its stupidness
#5. Aliyev stating that they had taken Hadrut and not a day later Artsakh's president AND Russian reporters take videos in Hadrut showing how there are 0 azeris there
#4. This beauty
Apparently Armenian shells are super gentle and very thoughtful <3
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#3. Yet another supernatural Armenian shell entered a house without damaging the roof, kings of being mindful of the environment <3
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#2. Ibrahim, the Naruto of azeris. This guy somehow is an elected politician, a soldier who liberated an "Armenian woman from Armenian occupation", and a reporter who survived severe bombing (if you wanna have a laugh just watch the video with him being a soldier, the worst acting I've seen -100/10)
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#1. Armenia attacks azeri populated places using alien technology and creating super massive black holes
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#. An honorary mention
They claimed to have destroyed the Armenian navy. Armenia is a fully landlocked country and has no sea borders.
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