adorablele · 4 years
killer latte art; l.mh
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❦ pairing; lee mark x reader ❦ genre; fluff, just pure cotton candy sweet fluff ❦ word count; 4.2k + (officially my longest fic yet) ❦ summary;  your friends swore to you that this ‘mark’ guy created some killer latte art; however, as you stare at the white blob in your cup, you can’t help but think they were blinded by the sparkle in his eyes. 
HAPPY MARK DAY!!! I hope that he’s eating and sleeping well. I hope that he’s staying hydrated and staying safe. I hope that he’s laughing a bunch and smiling until his cheeks hurt. 
❦ a/n; uhm, so in the process of making this, I fell in love with mark. please enjoy <3
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“Alright, that’s pretty much everything.”
“But I haven’t learned how to make lattes yet?” you asked, a little unsure if Jeno, your co-worker, purposefully left out that detail.
He snapped his fingers, “You’re right! Thanks for reminding me.”
“No problem…” you trailed off. He most likely didn’t hear your response, having already focused his attention on someone behind you.
“Mark!” he called out.
The aforementioned barista was currently struggling to tie his apron around his back. He didn’t waste any more time on the task and quickly waved goodbye to a customer before promptly picking up the empty cup left behind. When he made his way over to the counter, he smiled at jeno, “Hey man!” he then turned to you, “and hello newbie.”
You smiled at the bright boy, the curves of his mouth somehow very contagious. Lamely, you waved in return.
“My name is Mark, you can Mark me in your heart,” he greeted. 
In return, he was met with silence. 
You were standing there with a small smile, trying not to dwell on the fact that you were too tongue tied to utter the word ‘hi’ and chose to wave instead. His greeting, albeit quite cheesy, somehow did implant its way into your heart and you refused to open your mouth in case you were to mutter incoherent remarks. With that in mind, you decided to soak in the features of the beaming barista in front of you; simply for observation and not because you thought he was cute, of course. The dazzle of his smile was loud, glimmering like the sun’s reflection on a lake. Your eyes followed the contour of his face, trailing past the apples of his cheeks and to the starry night sky- wait, correction, to his eyes. 
Mark started to awkwardly laugh, “Wow, I- I can’t believe I just said that.”
Jeno cleared his throat, “He makes some killer latte art, so he’ll be the one to teach you.”
It then clicked in your head.
“So you’re the guy that everyone raves about!” you exclaimed.
Mark raises his eyebrows, eyes darting from you to jeno then back to you. He points at himself, “M- me?”
“No, the cup next to you,” you deadpanned.
“Oh…” he frowned, lips pursing slightly.
“No, silly! Of course I’m talking about you,” you laughed.
“Oh,” he chuckled, smile instantly back on his face. The tips of his ears reddened slightly and he turned back to cleaning the cups in the sink. “That’s cool...bro.”
“Yeah, you’re pretty popular. My friends always told me to try your lattes some time. I didn’t realize you worked at Cafe Dream,” you shook your head lightly, “but now, I can see the behind the scenes.”
“Exactly!” Jeno perked up from behind you, “mark, you can show them the ropes of making a latte. I’ll be going now since my shift ended a little bit ago.” Jeno smiled at you, giving you a thumbs up and a ruffle on the head. “Good luck!”
You turned to Mark, surprised to find his eyes already on you. “Alright, are you ready?”
“What’s your favorite latte?”
“Cinnamon dolce latte,” you answered easily.
Mark nodded, checking the cup one last time to make sure it was dry. “Good choice! We’ll be making that today then.”
He had a cute pout on his lips as he scooped tiny bits of espresso. Liveliness swirled in his eyes when he turned to you, mouth moving as he talked about the flat surface that should make an appearance after tampering it. You nodded, not entirely focused on what buttons he was pushing on the machine. Instead, you admired the way his eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration. He turned to you and you quickly moved your eyes to the brown liquid that no longer dripped from the tubes of the machine. 
“First step done!” he excitedly announced. Mark held one large, round mug in his left hand and held the espresso in the other. He swished the drink and transferred the drink into the porcelain mug. “Once that’s done we’ll warm up the milk,” he promptly took the container of milk, “some high-quality milk.” 
You watched with a raised brow as his hand moved with each word. “Is it now?” you mused. 
He nodded, mouth moving to ramble about how this is the best milk in the business. Mark wasn’t looking at you. His eyes were darting left and right as his heart sped up to be in time with the words that seemed to endlessly flow out of his mouth. He was well aware that he was giving you a ted talk that you didn’t sign up for, but his brain deemed it best to show just how many adjectives he knew to describe milk. 
Amusement was etched in your eyes and to help save the poor boy, you put a hand on his shoulder. “This milk is very good, I understand.”
Rather quickly, his mouth lined shut. Mutely he nodded and pointed to a line in the measuring cup. Once he remembered to finally use his words, Mark’s voice cracked. “This-” he cleared his throat, “you’ll measure it up to here.” You fought the urge to laugh as a wide grin stretched across your face. Of course, you weren’t looking to where he was pointing. No, you were basking in the light hue of red that adorned his cheeks. 
“Oops,” he muttered, chuckling nervously, “it went over the line a little bit…” Your eyes darted down to the cup when he flickered his gaze to you. 
“Relatively there,” you swiftly commented. Heat rose to your face, but you tilted your head at Mark like you weren’t admiring his face a second ago. 
Averting his eyes, he muttered a ‘yeah’ in agreement before turning around to the machine located behind him. Take some mental notes; that’s what your brain was advising you to do. And for the most part, you were. You knew that that lever pushed out the steam and that that spout was where the steam flowed out from. You knew that you had to place the spout a certain way or something to incorporate air into the milk...whirlpools were mentioned? Slowly your interest faded and your eyes wandered away to important information that would help you with keeping this job. 
If all you were going to do was stare the boy, you should’ve applied for a full-time Mark Lee admirer rather than a part-time barista. 
The banging of the cup against the counter caused you to jump out of your thoughts, quite literally. Mark looked at you with round, apologetic eyes, ‘sorry’ sliding between his teeth. His eyebrows rose up a bit, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Your heart melted at the concern floating in those round pits of warmth he called his eyes.
“It’s okay,” you waved off, slight embarrassment creeping up your neck. He didn’t say anything, simply just keeping his eyes on you. You moved your eyes to the cup of steamed milk in his hand and gestured towards it, “So, that uhm...the milk. The high-quality milk.”
Mark blinked, “Right, yeah! So it should have this glossy texture to it and if there are any bubbles, just make sure to tap it onto the counter.”
You nodded. Anticipation rose high in your chest as he grabbed the white mug with the espresso resting at the bottom. 
“First, tilt the mug to where the espresso is about to come out. It won’t, though,” he reassured, “and then pour a little milk as your base.”
Suddenly, it was really hot in the cafe. Sweat beaded along the line of his hair and he gulped nervously. “Make sure to bring the cup real close,” he instructed, “and I’m not really good at talking while pouring, but I’ll try my best.”
You hummed in acknowledgement and he started to pour. 
“Make sure you aim in the center of the cup. Make sure it’s stable.” 
Going against his own advice, Mark’s hands started to shake, and he hoped you didn’t notice. He tightened his grip on both the cups. Wait, he didn’t know what he was making! A swan? No, it’s too late for that. A tulip? That doesn’t look like an option. It’ll just be a heart, he decided. He focused back on the cup, panic rising when he realized just how fast the coffee was rising.
In your eyes, you had thought everything was flowing just fine; you didn’t see his shaky hands, you didn't notice the indecisiveness in his eyes, you didn’t detect the nervous tilt in his voice. For once, you were actually focused on the task at hand. Everything happened quite quickly, which was quite the opposite in Mark’s eyes. 
He slowly jerked his hand in order to save anything from spilling. Unfortunately, the coffee spilled anyway. It dripped down the rim of the cup, slowly slid down the edge and mocked the tips of his fingers. Though, the sting from the heated liquid was nothing compared to the burn that spread up his neck, passed through his ears and rooted itself in his cheeks.
A wide grin stifled the laugh bubbling in your throat. Embarrassment adorned mark as he shot out apologies like his life depended on it. He went to reach for some napkins, but you placed your hand on his wrist.
“You should go run your hand under cold water,” you suggested, taking the cup from him, “I’ll take care of the drink.”
Sheepishly, he made his way over to the sink. At the same time, you took the napkins he initially reached for and dried the mug. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the blob in the cup; it wasn’t even centered.
Mark walked over to you, hands twisting under a towel, “I’m not usually this messy, I promise.”
“It’s okay,” you giggled, “everyone has their...off days.”
He laughed along with you and nervously rubbed the nape of his neck, “Can you at least tell that it’s a heart.”
You stared hard at the cup.
“Yikes,” he frowned, “that bad?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you excused, “as long as it tastes good, right?”
“I guess,” he shrugged.
You bring the cup up to your lips and, luckily, the drink doesn’t disappoint.
“This is really good!” you praised.
Smiling seemed to come naturally when you were around Mark. How could it not? Especially when his eyes lit up like fireworks during a disney parade.
He stood up straighter, “really?”
“Yeah, it makes up for your quote unquote killer latte art,” you teased.
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Mark peered over your shoulder.
“Put it a little closer,” he advised. 
You did as he told you, only lowering the cup full of steamed milk slightly. Without hesitation, he wrapped his hands over yours. The palm of his hand was warm, comfortably covering your own. 
“It should be about this distance.”
Mutely, you nodded. Precipitation made its welcome on your skin and you stared harder at the cup in front of you. Mark’s fingers slightly tightened as he guided you in tilting the cups. He muttered instructions, but they were muffled against the pounding in your ears.
In a matter of seconds, the design was finished, yet his hand was still on yours.
“We did it,” you smiled, gazing proudly at the heart centered in the cup. You turned to look at mark, “Well, I mean, you were the one doing everything-”
“You held the cup!” he interrupted.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
The two of you stood there, side-by-side, hands still touching, and eyes still staring.
“Do you have a map?” Mark asked.
“Uhm, no,” you laughed, “why?
“Because I got lost in your eyes.”
You stared at him in disbelief, “You didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did.”
From across the cafe, Jaemin paused his task of wiping down a table. He chuckled at the scene and turned to Jeno who was fixing the books in the corner library that they recently added. 
Jeno dusted off a book.
“Psst!” Jaemin repeated, a little louder this time.
He placed the book back on the shelf. 
“Jeno!” Jaemin drawed out in an annoyed tone.
Jeno jumped. “What?” 
Jaemin rolled his eyes and walked over to the boy. He then nodded towards you and Mark, still standing in close proximity to each other. The light that in your eyes were as bright as Mark’s, and it was comparable to the sun setting in the horizon. 
“Are we sure they’re not dating?” Jeno sighed.
Before Jaemin could answer, a girl walked into the store. The two boys shared a look, smiles wide as the girl stepped closer to the cashier.
Once she stood at the counter, she pushed up her sunglasses. “You guys are a really cute couple!” she commented with a grin.
Jaemin snorted while Jeno held in his laugh when you and Mark jumped away from each other. In the process, you managed to successfully spill the latte on your shirt. Mark’s eyes widened and he quickly grabbed some tissues. He dabbed, once, twice, three times before he stopped.
At the same time, Jeno and Jaemin bursted out laughing. Mark sputtered apologies to you, practically throwing napkins in your direction before turning to the customer waiting at the counter. 
With a flushed face, Mark opened his mouth to explain that the two of you were not dating. However, the only thing that came out of his mouth was, “Boss?”
Your eyes widened. You peeked over at said ‘boss’ and realized that she was indeed the lady who hired you, also known as, the owner of Cafe Dream.
 Kara tsked. “Mark, it’s okay to spend time with your significant other, just don’t act all lovey-dovey during your shift.”
“Boss we’re not-”
“Surprise me with a latte Mark,” she instructed, “I’d like to request a swan please.”
“Yes ma’am,” he sighed. 
Jeno and Jaemin shook their heads as small laughs continued to fall out of their mouths. Mark glared at them from the counter to which they responded with a mock of the previous position that you and him were in.
Jaemin leaned into Jeno's arms, holding the empty coffee mug in his hand and looked up at Jeno dramatically. “Oh handsome one, do you have a map?” he exaggerated.
“I do wish I did, but, as the fates have it, I do not,” Jeno solemnly replied, head bowed and hands also holding the coffee mug in Jaemin’s hands.
Jaemin turned to Mark with a wide grin, “Ah what a shame! It seems that I’ll just forever be lost in your eyes.”
Mark pursed his lips and decided to ignore his obnoxious friends.
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The following week was filled with awkwardness.
You and Mark would take turns glancing at one another, only for the both of you to turn at the same time before quickly looking away. You would share small ‘hellos’ and ‘goodbyes’ when the two of you passed each other. Red faces and shy apologies always made an appearance when some sort of physical contact was ever made. 
“Is there a reason why you’re avoiding him?” Jaemin asked you one day when you insisted that you needed help with creating a seven stacked tulip. 
“I’m not avoiding him,” you shrugged.
“Really?” he asked, “so you wouldn’t mind if I called him over?”
“Sure,” you replied nonchalantly.
“Okay, hey Ma-”
“I’m just kidding!” you yelped, glaring at Jaemin. 
“Thought so,” he stated smugly.
You rolled your eyes at him, “whatever.”
“So, back to the original question.”
You frowned at the misshapen tulip in your mug, “Because…”
Jaemin gave you an unimpressed look, “Do you not like him?”
“What? No!”
He raised his brows and glanced at the customers in the cafe who turned their head at the commotion. “That’s a very strong no.”
You apologized with a quick bow before turning to Jaemin. “Isn’t it obvious I like him?”
Jaemin snorted, “Yeah, you practically have heart eyes everytime you look at him.”
“Which is exactly why I’m avoiding him.”
He was now confused. “I don’t get it.”
 “I’m sure that last week he understood that I liked him and he’s been awkward around me since; therefore, I can conclude that he doesn’t like me back,” you explained, leaving behind a puzzled jaemin to process your words while you served a customer your messed up tulip.
When you walked back to the still bewildered Jaemin, he asked, “And did you ask him?”
“Ask him what?”
“If he knew you liked him?”
You laughed, “What are you crazy? Of course I didn’t!”
“So how do you know that he’s avoiding you because he doesn’t like you back?”
“Why else would he be avoiding me, Jaem?”
“Because he likes you and thinks that you don’t like him back,” he answered with a gleaming smile.
You gave him a ‘really?’ look.
He shrugged, “Miscommunication happens all the time.”
You shook your head, “I’m sure this is properly communicated to me; and the message is that I ruined my friendship with Mark.”
“Guess we’ll have to turn to the storage room,” Jaemin sighed, sending an exasperated look to Jeno.
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The storage room. 
It’s a nice, small space that can comfortably fit, at max, two people. It was filled with, as you might expect, extra ingredients and supplies needed to run the cafe. There was a small light switch, hidden behind the box of brown sugar on the third shelf located in the back of the closet. Usually, you would just leave the door of the room propped open instead of delving in deep to turn on the light – it was easier for you. 
You frowned and sighed for the nth time. Jaemin had told you that the ingredients for his rice milk latte were gathered in a blue bag hidden in the back shelf. ‘Around the same area as the light switched,’ he referenced. But you just couldn’t find it. 
Suddenly, you heard the door close. 
“Very funny Jaemin,” you muttered, standing up and turning around to open back up the door.
However, you ran into something, or rather, someone.
You screamed and jumped back. You continued moving away from the unknown entity in the closet. Your hand frantically pushed the ingredients off the back shelf to find the light switch.
 You paused.
“Y/n, calm down. It’s just me.”
You heard footsteps coming closer to you. “Don’t move!”
The steps paused. You resumed trailing your hand against the wall and finally found the light switch. Upon flicking it on, you saw that the guy was not lying to you; it really was Mark.
“Oh thank the heavens up above,” you whispered, relief washing over you. Without a second thought, you rushed forward and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso. Mark, on the other hand, stood there in shock. When you realized what you were doing, you quickly let go.
You cleared your throat, “Sorry.”
He lightly chuckled, “No, you’re fine.”
“So, uhm, we should probably get back to work, huh?” you suggested.
“Yeah! Of- of course,” Mark smiled, turning around to open the door. He chuckled nervously, continuing to twist the door knob.
“It’s not opening, is it?” you asked.
You cursed Jaemin under your breath. “We’re locked in here,” you stated. 
Clicking your tongue, you made your way over to the door and started pounding on it. “Jaemin, open the door!”
No answer.
“I know you can hear me!” you shouted, fist against the wood never seizing.
Still no answer.
Just as you were about to shout again, Mark spoke. “I’m sorry.”
“That you scared me? It’s fine, I should’ve turned on the lights right away,” you waved off.
“No, I’m sorry that I’ve been avoiding you.”
You stood there, limbs unmoving and back faced towards him.
“I just- we- you-” Mark sighed, “I really like you. Like, like-like you. Like more than a friend.”
If you weren’t bewildered by his confession, you would’ve teased him about the amount of times he used the word like. You turned around and pointed an accusatory finger at him, “Did Jaemin tell you to say that?”
He furrowed his brows, “Wha- no!”
You leaned back with squinted eyes and crossed arms, “was it jeno?
“It...it wasn’t Jeno either,” he answered, scratching the nape of his neck. 
“Mark, if you’re messing with me-“
“Why would I do that?” he asked, voice soft, “why would I confess something that could potentially destroy our friendship?” Mark shook his head, “I understand that you don’t feel the same way, but-“
“Woah woah woah,” you interrupted, “I never said I didn’t like you back.”
He tilted his head, mouth opening before shutting close.
“I’m just...suspicious of your truth,” you squint. 
Mark laughs. His shoulders shake, his feet shuffle, his hands clap and the joyous sound propels out from his wide opened mouth. He slightly scrunches his nose in a lovable manner, eyes crescents as he starts to calm down.
You watched in admiration and, also, concern. 
He starts to walk towards you, top row of his teeth still shone bright as the corners of his mouth curved upwards. You don’t pull away when he takes your hands in his. Softly, his calloused fingers slot themselves in between your own.
“I’m so relieved!” he exclaimed, head thrown back. 
“Are you just going to leave me in confusion or…” you trailed off. Disappointment swirled in your stomach when he let go of one of your hands, but it turned into butterflies when he cupped your face.
“I can reassure you that I like you and it was my decision to confess. No Jeno, no Jaemin, no one told me to say anything,” he paused, “unless… you consider my heart as someone.”
You chuckled.
“Then I guess you could say that my heart told me to tell you that you-”
“Mark, I get it.”
He smiled, “Right. Rambling again, huh? I seem to do that a lot, but mostly around you. During my freshman year when I was presenting-”
You gave him a look.
He cleared his throat, “So, do you like me?”
“Do I-” you stared at him, flabbergasted. You sniffled lowly and turned you head, hoping you looked like you were gazing off cooly in the distance. With a nonchalant shrug, you mimicked the way Mark favored the word ‘like.’
“Yeah. I like you like a little bit, you know, like nothing major.”
“I’m just going to ignore the fact that you attacked me for no reason.”
“Do like what you want, it’s like whatever, you know,” you grinned teasingly.
He shot you a playfully disappointed look. “Is it too late to take back the fact that I like you?”
“Well, it wouldn’t be fair if you marked yourself in my heart and then just decided to leave.”
“Oh my- you still remember that?” he whined.
“My name is Mark, you can Mark me in your heart,” you winked. 
He shook his head, “Gross.”
“Such a way with words,” you teased, “so poetic. Shakespeare is shaking.”
More breathy laughs were exchanged between the two of you before silence enveloped the room. His hand was still comforting your face and your stomach was still filled with butterflies. You felt like your heart would leap out of your chest when he started to lean in; his wide, doe eyes slowly closing shut. You mirrored his actions and started to lean in too.
“Why is the door locked?” someone asked from outside.
The both of you jolted forward at the noise, foreheads bumping roughly. With a wince, you turned towards the intruder.
Jeno’s eyes widened and he muttered a quick apology before closing the door. It didn’t shut, however, because he pushed it back open and grinned at the doorway. 
“Nice!” he nodded, “you guys made up-”
Anything else he was about to say was cut off by you. 
“Go Mark, do it!” you shouted, arms clinging around Jeno in hopes to hold him down.
Mark was quick to move and started to noogie Jeno. 
“Ow, ow, ow! Hey, I’m not the one who locked the door, alright? Jaemin was the mastermind behind all of this!” Jeno tried to explain.
“But you still pushed me in the room!” Mark frowned, stopping his poor revenge on the boy.
You let go of the victim and scanned the cafe. 
Many of the customers were staring at the fiasco in amusement; however, there was one specific person who looked annoyed. You didn’t pay that person any mind, focusing on the barista untying his apron. 
“Would you look at the time?” Jaemin nervously laughed, “it’s my break!”
He gently placed his untied apron on the counter by the register and smiled at you, “Gotta blast!”
And you would’ve chased after the blue haired boy who ran out of the cafe, but that one annoyed customer approached the counter. 
“You know, I keep telling myself ‘I hired them for a reason,’ so please,” Kara said carefully, “prove me right.”
She sternly squinted at you, then to Mark, and lastly, to Jeno.
“What about Jaemin-” Mark started.
“Should you really be worried about him right now?” 
“No boss.”
Kara nodded and smiled sweetly at the three of you. “Are drinks on the house?”
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adorablele · 4 years
hi!! im so glad i found your blog i really love what you've written 🥺🥺🥺 from the prompt list in your navigation, could i request fluff no 3 with mark? thank u so much 🥺💚
thank you for requesting cutie!! I’m happy you love what I write 🤧🤧
[9:24 am] “have you seen my hoodie?” mark called out, walking to the kitchen.
you pushed up the sleeves of the comfy clothing as the pancake sizzled softly on the pan, “nooo.”
“you’re wearing it, aren’t you?” he sighed, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.
oddly enough, satisfaction swirled in his stomach at the sight of your body swallowed by his hoodie. you didn’t acknowledge him, continuing to flip the pancake.
“I need my hoodie,” he finally said.
“your hoodie?” you turned off the stove, shaking your head, “I’m pretty sure this is mine.”
mark was silent as you turned around with a plate full of steaming pancakes proudly extended towards him. his heart skipped a beat as you cutely grinned at him with sweater paws and messy hair.
you pouted when your roommate didn’t react. you walked past his motionless figure, placing the plate on the kitchen table and reaching for the syrup. “okay, okay, I’ll give you your hoodie back.”
“but,” you added, flipping the cap of the bottle open, “you got to eat breakfast with me first.”
what was with him this morning? all you did was invite him for breakfast, so why was his stomach fluttering so much? mark shook his head, he couldn’t be late.
“as much as those pancakes smell delicious, roomie, I have an important project at the library to do today,” he sadly smiled, making his way closer to you, “so I’d appreciate it if you gave me back my hoodie.”
“mmm,” you hummed, ignoring him as you chewed the fluffy pancakes that you cooked, “these pancakes are scrumptious!”
you cut another piece, shoving it in his face, “try my delectable pancakes!”
he wanted to say no, but something about your soft, sparkling eyes made his knees weak and he found himself saying, “okay.” giddily, you fed the pancake to him.
maybe he could spare a few minutes.
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adorablele · 4 years
[1:22 am] “hey there!”
“oh my- what have I told you about randomly showing up like that?” you scolded, clutching your erratically beating heart. you glared at spiderman!mark who hung upside down from the balcony above you.
he took off his mask, flipping around so he wasn’t upside down.
“and what have I told you about staying up?”
you shook your head, “I wasn’t staying up. I’m just having a hard time falling asleep.”
“miss me that much, huh?” he cheekily grinned, now standing in front of you.
you rolled your eyes, “I’m not tired.”
“are you sure?” he asked, eyes analyzing your face with concern as he brushed away your hair, “cause you look a little tired.”
you squinted your eyes at him, about to tell him not to make fun of your eye bags. but he cut you off, letting out a soft ‘ah’ before nodding his head.
“I think it’s cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
“this is where I shut the door in your face.” you gave him a sarcastic smile and walked from your balcony back into your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
spiderman!mark knocked on the glass door, a pout on his lips. his breath fogged up the window.
‘in, pls?’ he wrote, eyes widening when it quickly disappeared.
you laughed, “the door’s open silly.”
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adorablele · 4 years
[1:30 pm] you smiled from behind the camera.
bestfriend!mark blabbered away as he leaned against the railing, the bright afternoon sun accentuating his figure. the cute quirks of his lips and the tiny twinkles in his eyes led you to three words.
“I love you.”
before you could even process what you just blurted out, you shot the photo. it was silent for a moment before bestfriend!mark started laughing nervously at you.
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adorablele · 4 years
hi! can i request something with mark where he is your best friend and you are both in love with eachother and he asks the reader out and the reader starts crying because they didn’t think mark liked them back so he panics?
[3:38 pm] he opened his eyes, his hands resting on the strings of his guitar.
you only stared at him blankly before blinking and then clapping, way too enthusiastically.
“that was so good, mark!” you smiled, something dimming the sparkle in your eyes.
he smiled, heart fluttering at your comment, “thank you.”
you nodded, eyes wandering down, “uhm, so...who’s it for?”
mark tilted his head, eyes furrowing in confusion. he thought he made it obvious that this song was dedicated to you.
“well,” he cleared his throat, “it’s for you.”
in an instant, your head shot up and you looked at him with glossy eyes.
he scratched the nape of his neck, “do you want to go out with me?”
you stared at him as the tears started falling, your mouth formed into an o shape.
mark started panicking, his heart racing and regret swirling in his stomach. he knew he shouldn’t have done this. how stupid was he to ask out his best friend? should he hug you? would you push him off? is this the end?
“that’s what I’m planning to say,” he lamely added, hoping that it’ll save him. he refused to look at you, eyes finding everything around you much more intriguing as awkward silence filled the air.
he nervously chuckled. “you don’t have to give me an answer. it’s okay if you don’t return my feelings. well, not really. it hurts a lot. like,” he whistled, “a lot- but I don’t want to force you or anything...”
you sniffled, “yes.”
“I don’t know if we could be friends after this though,” he continued to ramble, not hearing your answer.
“man, this was kinda stupid of me, huh?”
you stood up, lifting his chin, “mark, I said yes.”
mark stared at you with wide brown eyes. “yes? like, yes you’ll like go out with, like, me?”
you smiled, leaning closer to him and pecking his cheek, “yes. like yes, I’ll like go out on a like date with like you.”
he rolled his eyes at your teasing, fingers delicately touching his cheek, “so why did you cry?”
“because,” you shrugged, “my eyes were already brimming with tears thinking that you were going to confess to someone else, and then when you asked me out, they just fell.”
you brushed a hand through his hair, “but I’m glad you like me back.”
“like?” he asked, taking your other hand and kissing your knuckles, “I’m sure this is love.”
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adorablele · 4 years
debut stage; nct dream
✨ genre; fluff
💌 requested; yus
❄️ a/n; honestly you could be any position in the group (which is pronounced joo-el btw) but I just added in the bullet points to show what position I was imagining the reader to be in,, also you can imagine the dreamies as idols or not it’s up to you :))
you’re the maknae of the group, known to have talent in every area (rapping, singing and dancing) so you don’t have a confirmed position
mark took a bite of his meal, his eyes wandering over to the tv.
“what’re we watching?” he asked, swallowing down his food.
“this new girl group, JIUL I think their name is?” jeno replied, looking over at jaemin for confirmation.
“yeah, it’s their debut today,” jaemin added, giving mark an excited smile.
mark nodded, waiting for the performance to start. his eyes scanned over the members of the group, eyes instantly focusing on you. he found it hard to look away, especially when you rapped.
he abandoned his food, eyes analyzing your movements whenever you were in view. he liked your style and how you presented yourself on stage. not to mention that your voice was smooth.
“she’s pretty good,” he commented, “what’s her name?”
“interested?” jaemin cheekily grinned.
“just a little,” mark shrugged, still waiting for your name.
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you’re main vocalist
he was in denial that he loved your voice. a predebut video of you singing a cover had greatly promoted your group and that may or may not have been why renjun was impatiently waiting for your performance to start. now, he wasn’t in love with your voice (even though he wished you sang him to sleep), he was simply just curious to see if you sang like that live.
of course you did, sustaining a high note that beautifully harmonized with another member that made him forget that you were a rookie.
“she’s okay.”
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you’re the main rapper
he was blown away by your passion. it was obvious how happy you were to be on stage. it showed through your dancing. it showed through your smile. it showed through the fire in your eyes.he smiled, able to relate to your joyful vibes. 
he also thought you were a pretty good rapper.
“she’s spitting some bars though...”
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you’re the lead dancer
it wasn’t hard to notice you. you were in the front a lot. you mostly sang the chorus parts. the power in your moves created a strong stage presence for donghyuck.
the dance break with another one of your members had his jaw dropping. the control you had over your body completely amazed him.
what blew his mind further was discovering that you had only been a trainee for two years. either you were a quick learner, or a hard worker. he wouldn’t be surprised if it was both.
“she’s not real.”
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you’re the leader
you didn’t have much lines and that already piqued jaemin’s interest. he had read that the song lyrics were based off of a poem you created. another surprise to jaemin was how you were positioned in the back, rarely in the spotlight.
he thought you were camera shy up until you sang a verse and winked at the camera. he didn’t know that he could feel attacked like that.
“so, she’s the leader?”
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you’re the face of the group
“they look familiar,” chenle muttered to himself, stopping mid scroll on his instagram feed. a light bulb lit in his head, his brain registering that it was you, y/n from JIUL. he had briefly read a headline about you and how you were the first member to be revealed.
he clicked on the link, the video loading on his screen.
when the performance started, he realized just exactly why you were chosen for that role.
your face stood out from the rest of your members and it only added beauty to the grace of your moves and the soothing sound of your voice.
“I see why they call you angel,” he whispered breathlessly.
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you’re the main dancer
much like donghyuck, he admired the way you danced. you were stiff for the first like ten seconds of the choreography, but eventually you loosened up.
and when you did, your moves had this languid, yet powerful and graceful nature to them that shook jisung to the core. he honestly could watch you all day.
“you sure she’s not floating?”
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