#hah oh well! today we're honoring artistic growth and gazing at our old works with fondness instead of cringe
moonsugar-and-spice ยท 10 months
Hello, I don't know if you're still active, but I was rereading through storms of fire and ice, and was wondering what happened to your other Katara x Ozai fic? I really enjoyed it, and had read it many times(it's a comfort fic for me). It's no longer on your ao3 page...:((
Hey there! I'm still around (not so much in the writing sphere of late, but I'm not gone! just on a life-imposed hiatus).
First, I'm touched that you've enjoyed my Ozara fics. To know that something I wrote is another person's comfort fic is an honor. Long story short, earlier this year, I found myself cringing at some of my older work (as I'd guess most writers/artists who have grown can relate) and despite my efforts to view it through the lens of creative growth, I made the decision to file Electrify under Anonymous with a Note on why I chose to do so (for those who knew the story/author). I couldn't orphan it because it's still near and dear to my heart as my first fanfiction, among other reasons.
However, as it turns out, you're the third person recently who's reached out about Electrify. I guess I had the "head knowledge" of the notion, but you've helped me grasp the heart of it โ€” that no matter how critically we as authors might perceive our own works, for someone else it may be comfort food, something returned to again and again because it's warm and familiar, and the world is... well... *gestures vaguely*
I have taken said fic out of Anonymous and returned it to its rightful place. ๐Ÿ˜Š You should be able to find it under my works again.
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