#haha I hate Oren
Relationship Snippet Tag
was tagged by @outpost51, thanks!! tagging @drippingmoon, @drabbleitout, @pertinax--loculos, @druidx, and anyone who wants to do this ✌🏽
Rules: Share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your WIP.
As usual I went ham oops.
A few from the Darkspace Portent series, centering Warren and Thrive:
Thriving: Eternal—
"Groundmasters," Thrive said. "The most expendable of the ranks." "The higher-ups must have a lot of faith that you won't obliterate them," Warren said. "Mostly unfounded." Warren snorted and climbed into the shuttle. A silver tendril whipped out and grabbed him by the wrist, the sharp edges digging into his skin, and though he couldn't feel it, Thrive stepped up and separated the limb from the beast's body with an effortless tug. It wailed and slammed itself into the wall as the other two did nothing. Black fluid leaked from its wound and Thrive carefully freed Warren's wrist. The cut wasn't too bad, not compared to every other wound he'd received during his never-ending adventure. It stopped bleeding as soon as Thrive touched it.
Thriving: Meridian—
[Vriea] looked around the comm hub. "Well...we're hanging in there. If you're looking for [Thrive], I can grab him real quick." "No need. Can you run me through to his office?" "Sure...I need to warn you, though, he's not in a good mood. He's just returned from Leviathan." Warren stretched his back. "Great. I'll handle it." Vriea signed off and routed his call to Thrive's office, and after a second he connected on what appeared to be the wall panel beside his desk. He stood at the picture window, staring outside, a deep frown on his face. "Hello, love of my life." Thrive turned his scowl onto the screen.
Centering Guetry and Scotty and his other partners:
Thriving: Aurora (Guetry/Scotty/Mercury)—
"I am now in control of armor and form suit regulation," Scotty said. "Provided I choose not to completely take over autonomy and run a rampage through Torris before fleeing the planet via any one of you, I will monitor your vital signs and administer temperature control." Warren snorted, yanking the lever back on his rifle and setting off the neon stripe on the side. "Guetry, get your boy." "Bad Scotty!" Guetry barked. "If you're gonna take over anyone's body, it's gonna be mine." "That's a visual I really am not proud of having," Mercury groaned.
Thriving: Rebirth (Guetry/Scotty)—
[Guetry] pointed to the empty stretch of space, where the Palace's cloak failed and fell away like the petals of a dead flower. His port eased into a low lavender shine, and he stared as it traveled down his arm tattoo. "I apologize for the delay," Scotty said. "Traffic was heavy." Guetry let out a deep exhale and screwed his eyes shut, the ghost of a smirk crossing his features. "…Feels so good to have you inside me again, Scotty." "You'll just say anything at all, won't you," Warren muttered.
Guetry and Oren—
[Oren] snickered and leaned back, throwing an arm over the back of the couch. "Alright. Maybe I deserved that. What's the set for the next gig?" "Don't pretend you give a shit about my music," I laughed, already halfway into loading the beat guitar with loops from our latest tracks. A couple of favorites, actually—ones Alec had put together and got bouncy whenever she played them. "Hey, I'm trying my best, here." A bit of Oren's levity faded and I desired very strongly to see if I could make it disappear altogether. Before I could, though, he leaned toward me and rapped the instrument on my lap with the tip of a finger. "I'm here, and I'm asking, and I'd actually like you to play me something right now." I dropped the tablet onto the couch next to me and folded my arms. "How about instead of doing that, you come see a fucking show? Throw a few slats our way, buy a couple shirts, stop being a goddamn deadbeat for once in your life, Altavian?"
Uh...Guetry and Oren 😬—
I kicked a discarded box over to the couch and perched on it, pipe and bottle in one hand and the other still clutching my gun. I used the edge of the bottle lip to scratch my temple. "I'm so fucking tired of you," I grunted, my hoarse voice breaking an unknown curse of silence. Oren leaned forward, frowning deeply. "Look...you didn't deserve that. I never should've done it." "Did you fuck her in my bed?" "No," Oren said immediately, which meant it was a lie. Fantastic. "I wouldn't do that to you." "Oh, but you'd go behind my back and hurt me like this, no problem!" "Can you blame me though, man?!" Oren bellowed at me. "Whenever I'm with a guy I get to a point where I start craving pussy real bad. You can't provide that for me, so I lose my head a little. I'm weak!" "You're weak?! You're pathetic!" Anger building in my chest again, I got to my feet and punted the box across the room. It smashed through a glass wall and embedded itself into my bedroom door. "Fucking Christ, Altavian!" "Hey, don't lose your head, Guetry. I love you, okay? I'm sorry. It's never gonna happen again." I'd already halted dead in my tracks, frantically dragging from my pipe to erase the path toward a total meltdown from in front of me. "You love me," I muttered. I eyed the shards of glass on the floor, dreading the cleanup. Prickling arced over my face and down my throat. My heart startled against my ribs. "You're fucking trash, dude."
Guetry and Scotty—
You've done more than most, Guetry. How many humans out there are willing to hold children of a different species in their last hours and tell them repeatedly that they are loved? This quality is rare, a precious gem hidden among humankind. You have given your life to protect others. My eyelids pried themselves open, nearly glued shut with a layer of crust, and through a blurry film, right over my head, beneath the dimmed lights of my hospital room, floated a gently spinning ball of glowing neon purple, bigger than my head. It seemed like he was smiling at me, but I couldn't have even told you my name at that point. For all I knew, I'd hallucinated everything. Scotty's mechanical rings rotated around his nucleus and I watched them with wide, barely-functioning eyes, a breathing tube doing a fine job of making sure I still had no gag reflex. It is high time someone protected you.
Guetry and Mercury—
"This is where we part ways, I'm afraid." I tipped my head, my lips curling into a bittersweet smile that I didn't want to maintain for too long. "You sure?" "Yeah." Mercury turned away from me to watch the ships coming into dock for a moment. "I think...maybe you've got a lot goin' on." "I'm pretty unattached, actually. I've got some time off and I haven't had any of that in a long while, and…" When Mercury imparted a knowing and sympathetic look onto me, I sighed, nodding. "I know. It's...a lot. And I wouldn't ask you to deal with it." Mercury searched my face. "We'll see each other again. I know it. If we're supposed to, we will." I sniffed. "Are we supposed to?"
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