#haha oh sweet shizuma
sir-klauz · 2 years
I’m so tired I keep writing “Shizuma” (Ikushima) as Shinigami or Shitazuma or something, my brain is broken lmao.
Imagining Shizuma looming behind Minato as a floating Death God as Minato keeps writing any girls names in the Death Note if they even look at Shizuma once.
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amaya-chwan · 3 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game Restart Chapter 18
Hi lovelies! 💜❤️💛
Thank you again for your lovely comments and messages for support and patience! Really makes my day! 🥰
Quick life update before I get to our beloved dorks:
I GOT THE JOB! 🎉 I got a few job offers the past few weeks while job hunting, so I spent the last week reading through agreements and stipulations (which I HIGHLY recommend doing before signing anything!) and comparing which workplace is a better fit for me! I'm really excited and also nervous, but my new team at this new company is super sweet and communicative, and I'm all for that! 🥰 Also had to break the news to my current work, which was really awkward, but they understood! Bless their understanding hearts! I also have lots of maid of honour/bridemaids duties lately, AND currently helping a friend write out the piano part of her love song to her soon-to-be husband, so I've been a little busy! 😅
Again, thank you for your patience! NOW onto our loveable dorks, Shizuma and Minato!!!
📣PSA: If you missed out on Hinohara-sensei's limited goods shop, have no fear! I just found out from this month's Dear+ that there are a few goods left in stock on this website, BOOTH!
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This is what the BOOTH page looks like!
I assume you'd still need to use a proxy service, but I'm not too sure if they'd sell to proxies? But if you're in Japan/know someone in Japan, maybe they can order the goods for you if you're missing any!
OKAY! Now onto our takeaways~ In this chapter:
Yas, domestic Shizuma and Minato, leisurely eating on the couch after their yabai love time, bless! 🥰
Can I just say, Sensei's colouring is just top knotch this chapter! 😍
Aww, Minato isn't so much jealous as he is concerned for Shizuma! Bless, bb, your development! 🥺🥺
WOW, Shizuma, that's love! That is love. ❤️😭
AWWW, yes, Minato, that is also love! You're so understanding!💛😭
Ohh, sneaky extra STEAMY yabai scene in this chapter too, hehe! 🔥🔥
OH MY GAWD, poor Shizuma! I... would also be very embarrassed! 😅
Hmm, I wonder what's up with that stare, Onodera. 🤔
But LOL, a short Tatsumi appearance, but his face!! 🤣🤣
Bless, the apartment hunting is back on track! AND Shizuma and Minato look like models! 🥰😍❤️💛
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! I'd like a slice of all the googly, lovey-dovey, intensingly-staring-lovingly-at-you eyes these dorks have been giving each other this whole chapter, haha!
As always, for a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! There may or may not be a surprise (or a few more) there. Please keep reading if you want to see~😉✨
Our chapter begins with 2 back-to-back colour pages. The first features Shizuma and Minato in the shower, with the text saying, "In the bathroom, we're doing good things, and some bad things, and I'm being polished. // As though I were a jewel meant only for Shizuma-kun."
We then find our dorks lounging on the couch, with Minato, who is lying very comfortably on Shizuma, being fed some delicious meat.
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Shizuma continues the story, telling Minato that due to Tono-kun's fear of men, he ended up sitting in the corner of the rooms. But in the end, Tono-kun also went on a rampage when Onodera was treating him. After listening to Shizuma, Minato is glad that Shizuma had a fun time. And while Shizuma agrees with him, he lets out that his impromptu cafe stop with Onodera made him embarrassed because he was still in his scrubs, and the whole cafe was looking at them.
Minato, unaware of this little pit stop, repeats what Shizuma has said as a means of confirmation, getting slightly irritated, and Shizuma picks up that he might have made Minato misunderstand again.
Minato turns around to face him, asking what they spoke about at the cafe. Shizuma says it wasn't anything important, yet Minato asks the exact same question again. He reassures Shizuma that he isn't angry and is just genuinely curious, although his face says otherwise. He also says, "If you don't have a guilty conscience, then tell me everything."
While Shizuma awkwardly looks away from Minato's gaze, Minato is enraged, unknowingly repeating what Onodera said about the fragility of their relationship and that Shizuma should nip it in the bud if their first year is already full of stumbles and falls (see Chapter 15 takeaways for more on this).
While Minato wonders if that was actually something Onodera said, Shizuma apologises for speaking with Onodera about their previous issues, and after he told her that he didn't appreciate the extreme relationship advice she gave him, she was understanding of his situation. Minato doubts the genuineness of Onodera--she is someone who takes people around to places that is unrelated to their work, talks about their private lives, and cannot read the room. Minato even says there's a possibility Shizuma could be slapped with some sort of ridiculous sekksual harr*ssm*nt case from her soon enough! (Apologies for the random spelling. Trying not to be ⛳'d)
Shizuma tells Minato he understands and tries to get him to calm down, but Minato asks him if she's done anything to him. Despite answering that everything is okay, Minato asks him again, asking for his honestly. Shizuma realises that Minato is moreso concerned for his well-being and is worried rather than jealous.
Shizuma asks Minato if he really depises Onodera, and he replies: "Yes, I hate her the most in this universe." When asked about his stress level, Minato says it's reached disastrous levels. Minato's mini rage rant continues: "If only she weren't a woman! // I'd beat the living daylight out of her! // I'll teach her a lesson!"
Witnessing the stress and rage Minato is currently unleashing on his pillow, Shizuma offers him this solution while opening up a bottle of wine.
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Minato is taken aback, but Shizuma seems to have it logically all figured out: Minato dislikes Onodera, so by working at this clinic, Shizuma would have to constantly interact with Onodera. If he is mindful of the timing and job searching, it'll be possible for him to change jobs. While he does say it isn't rare for newly graduated vets to do something like this, he still would prefer to gain more experience at another clinic if he did have to change jobs.
Minato is silently looking on at Shizuma, who seems a bit down while fiddling with the wine cork, and begins thinking: I really do not like her being near Shizuma-kun. That much is true, but until he got used to the clinic, he had such a hard time. Just when he's begun to enjoy his work, why would he...
Minato asks Shizuma if he's sure he'd do this just because Minato has vocalised his disdain for Onodera. He asks how he can so easily give up something important to him. Shizuma tells him that it isn't easy for him either, especially since he is grateful for Onodera's clinic for taking him in when he's inexperienced and that he'd like to repay this favour back to them over time.
Still unsure why, Minato asks again. And Shizuma replies:
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Minato, after some more silence, asks Shizuma what he would do if, at this 'new place', Minato once again becomes jealous of someone and snaps. He believes Shizuma, being the way he is, would always try to make time to meet Minato, like he is now, and if Minato ended up becoming quite the handful/dangerous (ヤバめ) and a lunatic, that it would just ruin Shizuma's life.
While spurting all this out to Shizuma, Shizuma is speechless, and reassures Minato that he doesn't think that would ever happen. Minato snuggles up to his pillow, blushing, his inner monolgoue revealing that he is overjoyed by what Shizuma has offered to do for him, and mentally apologises to Shizuma.
Minato reaches out to grab the wine bottle in Shizuma's hand. Shizuma calls out to him, wondering if something is wrong, but then Minato asks him if he is satisfied at his clinic right now. After hearing him say he is, Minato tells him, "Then, you don't have to think about quitting. It'd be a waste, anyway."
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Shizuma, slightly blushing, looks on lovingly at Minato. He then remembers that he also has something else he can 'show off' to his co-workers about their relationship and how close they are. He grabs his phone and shows Minato an important email--on his next day off, they'll have another chance to inspect apartments! And he can boast to Onodera about them living together!
Visibly shocked, Minato asks Shizuma if he's kept in contact with the real estate agent this whole time. Shizuma says he has, ever since he apologised for their last-minute cancellation with the last inspection, and the agent berated him to make extra sure to come to the next inspection!
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Then we are met with Minato's inner monologue again.
Shizuma-kun is kind. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't be able to say anything about changing jobs or moving in together so easily. If I were told that my partner had a problem, I'd just try to soothe them nonchalantly. It would be so easy for me to deceive my partner, too. He's stupidly straightforward, and kind, and he's wasted on someone like me.
They enter a feverish kissing frenzy, which does escalate to something more yabai in nature. For more of that short scene description, please click here! It is quite short, so when you're done, please come back and finish reading the rest of the takeaways!
As Shizuma goes to caress Minato's face, Minato once again sees the bruise on his wrist. He's glad that it's getting better, yet is still shocked that he became that rough with Shizuma in the first place. While he thinks he's shaping up to be no good and goes to hold Shizuma's wrist, Shizuma notices Minato's upset face. He says that the bruise is gradually fading, and a slightly shocked Minato simply agrees. Shizuma then tries to raise Minato's spirit, saying that his grip strength (to form the bruise) was, unsurprisingly, not that strong, hence nothing really for him to worry about. Shizuma smiles up at Minato, and Minato, looking lovingly at Shizuma, thinks, "If she... If my mother also had someone like Shizuma-kun by her side, I wonder if things wouldn't have turned out the way they did.
Shizuma caresses Minato's cheeks and kisses him gently, asking what's on his mind since he seems to be thinking of something. 
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Shizuma answers with "...Me too!" as they fall back onto the bed. Minato then remembers something. He looks on at Shizuma with an evil grin, saying that since his bruise is all healed, he can give him a different kind of bruise. Shizuma wonders what 'other' kind of bruise he could get.
We then change locations to the clinic. And Shizuma has returned to work.
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One of the nurses berates him, saying the youth of today no longer have anything to be shy about! Shizuma tells her that Minato has allowed him to hide the hickies once everyone has seen them, so now that everyone has, he will go change his clothes.
Onodera looks on at Shizuma, staring coldly at him, and then immediately turns away.
We change scenes one last time in this chapter, and this time, we find Shizuma in town. It is now May, which means Summer is upon them. On Shizuma's phone, we see Minato has texted him, asking if he's gotten to their meeting spot yet. He replies that he is almost there. As he is walking closer to Minato, Minato tells him, "Well done. You're actually on time today."
We see Minato in a really simple outfit, unlike all the usual colourful, loud outfits we're used to seeing. Shizuma tells him the air around him is different, and his current look is quite refreshing. Minato says that first impressions matter during appointments like these, so he went with his simplest, basic outfit. When he asks Shizuma if he looks all proper for today, Shizuma answers, "Yes, you look adorable," with Minato thanking him right after.
Looking over at Minato, Shizuma asks if he is ready to go. Minato looks back and says he is. And this is the final page of this chapter:
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 While I am a little curious as to why we didn't get anything on Onodera this week, I'm loving that the focus is on our dorks! Loving the domestic vibes in this chapter! AND BLESS! Sensei gave up another slight steamy scene--I do hope you all get to see that soon! 😭 BUT OMFG ALL THOSE HICKIES! 🤭🤭🤭 Bless Shizuma, you're a champ! Also, loving the apartment hunting! And that last page too, wow! Chef's kiss! 😍 AHHH! I'm so excited to see what's next!
Thank you again for reading this far! Let me know your thoughts! I do have a feeling we're reaching the end of TGR, though... 😭
EDIT 2202-03-12: OH GOSH! Thank you for being so patient! I got a little busy, eek! 😭 But I'd edited a few lines here and there for better clarity and ease of understanding!
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books, CDs, and merch! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of my posts! Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
Chapter 19 is listed to be in next month's Dear+, so I shall see you all again then to find out what happens next! 🥰
As always, please stay safe during these especially turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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