#hahah Alastor's insecurities are so much fun
allastoredeer · 14 days
Do you know when the chapters for the fic will come out? Like is there a schedule or just whenever (I hope this doesn’t come off as rude I’m just asking to see if I should check on specific dates!!💙)
Hello! No worries, I don't mind ^.^
I don't have a for-sure date the chapters will come out, but I have goal dates depending on how long I think it's going to take to write and edit.
My goal for posting Chapter 2 of "Chaggie's Dating 101" is May 1st. If it finishes sooner, whoo! It it takes a few more days, that happens. But May 1st is what I'm shooting for :3
The last chapter is going to take longer though. I split the fic apart to make editing and posting easier, but I couldn't find a natural way to break up the last bit, so chapter 3 is gonna be roughly 6,000+ words, which is gonna take longer than editing the 3,000-4,000 words of Chaps 1 & 2 😅
I also make a post on my Tumbr when a fic is posted or a chapter is uploaded, so if you're following me, you'll likely get those too!
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