#hahahhaa cute af
bitc0insteven · 1 year
+mood visualizer // davey - next in line
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your home boi back at it again with yet another late af life update becos the ano the life kasi pare HAHAHHAHAH anywayss hello universe, been a whileee whiiiiie!
everything is slowly going bacc to normal and i am in a love-hate situation with this setting. i like dis shet because i can finally go out with friends and hug em and have coffee dates with em and yenno do typical things we do pre pandemic. but this red school thingy jahsfdgkjasfdgajksdf i dont even wanna talk about it man o my gawd. Kaya pala madali makapasok di2 kasi ang hirap pala makaalis HAHAHAHHAJGSDKJAGSDFKJASH 
// mechanicaaaal engineeeeringhuhu
Currently on my 5th year and all i can say is damn ang hirap naman papi lods HAHAHHA kung kelan umunti subj saka naman humirap ang everyone everytime everywhere at everything HAHAHHAHAHAH anywayss still lucky for my friend because they make all of this mess bearable. I am looking forward to finishing this course soooonest. Fingers crossed that everything will go as planned becos di ko na alam HAHHAAH 
PS2 and COMPRE be gud 2 me naman mga acla :))))))
// raaki chan
i love you my pup wala ako masasabi at di mo naman to mababasa pero i really enjoy going home because of u. i hope you grow fatter and fluffier and cute and plis wag ka na mag wiwi sa room ko lawak na lawak ng bahay HAHAH love you doggooo mwa mwaaa!!
// sad bois club
i cant believe that we are actually going different ways becos of this red school hahahah di na tayo nakakalabas masyado because of the schedule but im still happy that we doin the things that we have 2 do and prioritize the stuff that actually matter. 
for now tiis muna tayo sa ating dates sa jabi tuwing friday at madaming gawain sadya HAHAHHAh again, more kopi shap dates mga bayot labyu gaiz 
to Z4LDX thank you pi always lalo na sa pagkuha ng water lily forda PS2 mwa. Salamat sa pag dayo ng inom di2 sa bahay lagi labyu bhi3
to P4MC i labyu pero wag ka patamad tamad plizzzz i belib in u the bff almighty alam kong kayang mo lahat yan extra effort sa mga bagay bagay ang need u at tandaan mo all ears kami lagi labyu mwa mwa
// dabeh
i never told u eversince how i am thankful to have u as a brother. kahit di ako vocal ay i know that u feel it naman lagi ko sinasabi na i labyu at tunay yon HAHAHAH salamat sa pagsalo always rooting for u dabeh mwa mwa d2 lang ako kahit lagi ka naman natulog sa inuman di ka pa mautas HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
// mam :))))))
i know that everything is kinda awkward and unclear but i just wanna let u know that my intentions are clear and i reaaaaally like u pi wag mo ko sabihan na babae becos HAJHAGSDKJAGHSDJHAS BENT NGA DIBA TANGA MO NAMAN MAM HUHUHU MISS U LOVE U HAHAHA i hope that u achieve what u deserve dito lang muna ako sa gild tahimik na inaadmire ka hehehhehhehehe yun lang gl po hahajgskjaghsdjfkhasjhfd
// ailuuuughh
miiiiii hahahhaa wala na din ako masabi sayo lalo na sa kabaitan mo sakin hayss baka crust mo ko ha HAHHAHA i enjoy spending time with u esp yung mga kape shet naten i know you do great thought di ko nasasabi sayo. thank you always for having my back ill be you clyde, ill be your sonny! mwa mwa
// 04 fam
nothing makes me happier than seeing my friends achieve their goals. little by little napapatunayan na natin ang mga kakayanan natin. i am very proud of how 04 fam is doing in lyyyyf soon engineer na tayo lahat. next in line na tayo huhu cant wait!!! CONGRATS nga pala kay madam at rueeeeeel tanginanyooo mamaaaaaaaw!!!! SANA PALARIIIIN!
anywaaaays yan lang muna HAHAHAHHA brb ulit next year or years bahala na bye aral na KO EME hahahahahhahahahha MWA MWA GUYS C U SOON
BITC0000IN +030623+ // 12:59 A.M.
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arbihtrary · 5 years
the whole week got me so exhausted that i ditched my last class yesterday just to be able to get the sleep and rest that i needed. i got an exam every day and 4/5 are my major subjects. i honestly do not know how i managed to stuff all those information in my brain in such a short amount of time but i’m glad i did even if i know to myself that there were a lot of things that i forgot during my exams. i’m just glad i survived this week despite the countless public and private breakdowns and my deteriorating mental health.
so anw, side kwento about how brave i was last night lol i honesly didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone the whole week but there will always be someone who will make you think twice, right? syempre, marupok ako eh HAHAHA.
i went to sleep as soon as i got home and woke up at the last few minutes of the night just because i miss her. we don’t usually text or chat but i’ve always wanted to tell her that i miss her whenever i feel like it but i’m scared that it’d just creep her out :—( BUT LAST NIGHT WAS DIFFEREEEENT. the brave soul jumped out.
i tried to shoot my shot and messaged her right away. i knew she wasn’t home yet.
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i know that “Pinapasabi siguro to ni Lord” was a deadass lame excuse HAHAHAHAHA but u cant blame me!!!! it’s my first time shooting my shot :((( who was i kidding?? of course i knew what to say. i wanted to remind her that she needs to get some rest. having no sleep the whole week with dance training until 10 pm (or sometimes 3 am) and having to study afterwards for our exams is no joke. i know she’s a smart girl who knows everything already (except the fact that i like her ugh manhid af) bUT she still needs to get some rest.
at first, she found it cute but was creeped out after kasi she’s praning af and really thought that it was really the ~Lord~ telling her to get some rest. kala raw nya premonition na HAHAHHAA. HELLO ATE GIRL it’s just me missing you and being clingy!!! 🙄
it felt really nice saying those words to you kahit na i got really nervous. it was a relief that i got to say what i wanted to say PLUS i had the reason to wait for her to get home ~~para hindi ako maguilty pag may nangyaring masama sakanya~~ HAHAHA. sometimes i hate the things love make me do pero willing naman ako mag antay every day hanggang makauwi sya ng safe. long story short, i waited until 3 am just to make sure she’s home safely. and it felt reallllllyyyyy good kahit na sobrang hapdi na talaga ng eyes ko kasi i was so tired nga talaga and sleepy ahuhu
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