#hail works so hard n perhaps also needs a nap :x
chimeric-art · 2 years
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There were many nice places to curl up for a nap, but one in particular stood out as her favorite.
Hail belongs to @miss-mossball <3
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malereader-inserts · 6 years
Soothing Your Nightmares
Fandom: Sherlock BBC Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Male!reader Summary: Sherlock does anything to help you sleep, even if it means to admit his feels. Word Count: 1559 Request: could you do a Sherlock x m!reader, where the reader tends to have nightmares and tries to, hid it from Sherlock but (of course) he can tell and helps the reader? thanks in advance 
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Your head was fuzzy, and you felt the world spin. You groaned as you realised it was the fifth sleepless night. The bleary red lights were screaming 5:38, and you had calculated that there was no utter point of trying to catch some sleep as you knew that Sherlock wanted you to keep him company around nine.
Breakfast was seemingly started to get earlier and earlier for you. You had a few naps, here and there, to keep you somewhat functional and sane. But, they lasted from five minutes to half an hour. Food was struggling to keep you sustained since you felt like you were never craving for food.
You took a shower around eight, placing your sunglasses and stared at yourself through the mirror. The sunglasses were just excuses for you not to show Sherlock, you were impressed by yourself. It had been a good few days that Sherlock had not mentioned anything about your unhealthy routine.
Running your hand through your shaggy semi-long hair before leaving the bathroom. Tiredly slipping your shoes and jacket on before scooping up your keys and wallet and leaving your apartment. You figured that hailing a cab was much easier than driving as you locked the door and waving your hand for an empty cab.
The journey was short since it was a Sunday and traffic were barely an issue. You stepped out the cab and paying for the trip, before making your way to the famous black door. You slipped in the key into its lock and turning it, you feel the soft click before pushing the door open.
It was agreed by the whole inhabitants for you to own a key yourself, since Sherlock likes to invite you at unholy times of the night, so it was preventing you to knock on the door, waking up Mrs Hudson, falling from Sherlock’s living room window, this has happened on many occasions and also preventing you from breaking Sherlock’s windows.
You shut the door by your heel and see John coming down the stairs, obviously in a hurry.
“Morning (Y/n), he’s up there, waiting.” John greeted before looking at you, “What’s up with the glasses?”
“A killer migraine,” You replied smoothly, shrugging your shoulders as John’s eyes soften, “You know how Sherlock is, he will never take no as an answer.”
John scoffs, “He’s in bed still, just make yourself at home. You know where everything is, don’t hesitate to leave the house if Sherlock gets too much.”
You snorted as John gives you a small smile of amusement, he didn’t pause as he looked at you.
“Listen, if your migraine gets worst call me?” John asked, not caring if he was running late to work, “I know how bad they get.”
You nodded as John places a soft hand on your shoulder before moving it to your cheek and then leaving the house. You sighed as you slowly made your way to the apartment. Pushing the door gently you see Sherlock in the kitchen, peering down the microscope.
“Morning, Sherlock,” You greeted as you face planted his sofa, letting out a relaxed sigh.
Sherlock hums, a sign he was acknowledging you but prefer not to even spare you his glance or voice. You didn’t mind that much, you spent days like this quiet and out of Sherlock’s way, his company was nice and keeping you from losing the plot.
You found yourself dozing off on the sofa, you didn’t know how since you fell into an uncomfortable position as you were lying on top of your hand. But, the lack of sleep was catching up to you and you were wondering when Sherlock was going to insensitively call you out on it. 
You groaned as you sat yourself up and made your way to the kitchen, making yourself a coffee as Sherlock leans his head out of the microscope and to watch you move around his kitchen. 
How you weren’t bothered by the human body pieces lying around and how you had memorised where things were about. You stir your mug before turning to look at Sherlock, tilting your head to the side.
“What is it?”
His eyes narrowed, calculating you as his eyes dilate as his eyes travelled to scan you. 
“You hate coffee,” Sherlock dumbly stated, “You don’t have a migraine either, you know better not to drink coffee but, rather drink tea and sleep.”
You stared at him, “I found myself liking the bitter taste.”
“Hmph,” Sherlock flickered his eyes down his scope as you rolled your eyes.
You watched him for a couple of minutes before placing the mug in the sink to be washed later, “Your eyes dilated, Sherlock, if I’m right-”
“You haven’t slept in five days.”
Sherlock interrupted you, his heart pounding the moment you hard started to talk about his eyes, he knew there was a reason why he liked you some much. It wasn't because you were simply a nice person who found his unnecessary rambling entertaining.
When he first deduced you, he found that you were an insomniac who suffers on and off with nightmares. He noticed that you were a closed off person and prefers the lonely hours than the busy hours of the day. His mind screamed that you were careful, afraid of love and very observant. He likes you, that’s what he deduced you from he met you, and he was terrified of what he could feel.
You lie down on the sofa once again, feeling jittery. Your fingers tapping annoyingly against your stomach as Sherlock sighs.
The chair scrapes before you turned to watch Sherlock emerge from the kitchen and taking long strides towards you. He crouches down and gently slips your sunglasses off you.
“Sherlock?” You quietly asked.
“I was wondering if you were going to be smart enough to come to me about your nightmares,” Sherlock spoke gently, uncharacteristically, “But, I can no longer bear to see you suffer.”
“Sherlock... It’s nothing.”
Sherlock ignores you as he opens his mouth to ramble, “Nightmares in adults isn’t as common as it is in children, but they are known to be due to stress, trauma or some condition of mental illness. I know that you do not suffer any mental illness nor have gone through any trauma. I suspect it must be work, the overwhelming stress that has been placed to you.”
Sherlock deduced as he beckons you to move, You comply, wondering what he was doing as he slips onto the sofa as well but, somehow as had you on top of him. For a lanky guy, he was surprisingly strong to keep you still because you refuse to accept the comfort you deeply needed.
You stop the struggling as you felt yourself get comfortable in his hold, your head against his chest as you listen to his deep voice and his irregular heartbeat. Your mind racks up in confusion before putting things together.
His eyes dilating because he was in love with you, so his heartbeat was concerning because he was out of his comfort zone and he was pretty nervous about what you may think.
“I believe, from what I heard from John, is that talking is good for you.”
You were silent for a moment before speaking, without looking up to Sherlock, “Why?”
“Why what?” Sherlock mused out, wanting to continue.
“Why are you like this. You hate physical contact, people and everything else. You hate feelings, you admit that feelings revolt you so why are you doing this for me?”
Sherlock was hesitant, “I used to think that, but, I have had the change of heart. I did not know what I was capable of feeling, but the moment I set my eyes on you I knew you were most definitely interesting.”
“Mhm,” You urged him to continue and that you were still awake despite his calming voice was putting you to sleep.
“I had to know you, your little annoying habits and stupid caring gestures.” 
You grinned as you wrapped yourself closer to Sherlock, who softly hummed with a gentle smile placed on his face.
“Sherlock Holmes has feelings,” You propped your chin on his chest as you stared at his bright blue eyes, “Who would have thought?”
“I have...” He was hesitant, “feelings for you, I care, mhm, a lot, um, for you.”
You chuckled, “I care about you too Sherlock, thought you would deduce that about me?”
Sherlock’s smile falter before beaming at you, “Perhaps, I prefer to understand you the normal way than me deducing you.” You made a small noise as Sherlock watched you lean your head back on his chest, “You need to sleep, we can talk later when you wake.”
“You don’t want to move from me?”
“I believe cuddling helps people to sleep, it may get rid of the nightmares you have been suffering,” Sherlock spoke softly, “I also know that cuddling release dopamine, serotonin,  and the aforementioned oxytocin.”
You hummed quietly as you fell asleep, Sherlock was going to continue but found himself admiring how soft you looked when you were asleep, so he was content in kissing your head and falling asleep to.
When John returned from his half day work day, he found you and Sherlock asleep on the sofa. His lips turned upwards and shook his head.
“About time.”
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