alvadee · 7 months
widow's peaks are so fucking hot. balding too on the right men.
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katchappslondon · 6 months
Understanding FUE Hair Transplant
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hayatmed · 6 months
Male enlargement surgery, also referred to as cosmetic phalloplasty, penile augmentation, and pneuma implants, permanently enlarges the length or girth of the penis.
Men looking at their cosmetic phalloplasty options can choose from different options. As you would expect, the permanent male enlargement surgery cost will vary between the different methods. Read more!
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drturkaa · 9 months
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🇺🇸 Discover a new you with our advanced hair transplant techniques! Achieve natural-looking results tailored to your unique style. Your confidence awaits.
🇩🇪 Entdecken Sie Ihr neues Ich mit unseren fortschrittlichen Haartransplantationstechniken! Natürlich aussehende Ergebnisse, individuell auf Ihren Stil abgestimmt. Ihr Selbstvertrauen erwartet Sie.
🇫🇷 Découvrez votre nouveau moi avec nos techniques de greffe de cheveux avancées! Résultats naturels adaptés à votre style unique. La confiance vous attend.
🇮🇹 Scopri il tuo nuovo io con le nostre tecniche avanzate di trapianto di capelli! Risultati dall'aspetto naturale, su misura per il tuo stile unico. La fiducia ti aspetta.
🇪🇸 Descubre tu nuevo yo con nuestras técnicas avanzadas de trasplante de cabello! Resultados con aspecto natural adaptados a tu estilo único. Tu confianza te espera.
🇹🇷 Kendi yeni seni keşfet, ileri düzey saç ekimi tekniklerimizle! Eşsiz stilinize özel, doğal görünümlü sonuçlar. Güveniniz sizi bekliyor.
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📲 +90 552 633999
🌐 www.drturka.com
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hairtransplanttur · 10 months
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hairrestorationuk · 1 year
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area, usually the back or sides of the head, and implanting them into the recipient area, where the hair is thinning or balding. Unlike traditional hair transplant methods, FUE does not require a linear incision or stitches, making it a minimally invasive procedure with a shorter recovery time.
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✏️Note: Turkish,English and German description is below.
🇹🇷🇹🇷Saç ekiminde artık klasik hale gelen FUE (Folicular Unite Extraction) yönteminin bir şekli olan DHİ(Direct Hair Implant) geliştirildi.
👉👇DHİ tekniğinin avantajları;
👉DHİ(kalem tekniği de denir) yönteminin FUE’den farkı saç greftlerinin tek tek alınıp, tekrar tek aşamada ekilerek, greftlerin daha az zarar görmesi sağlanır.
👉FUE yöntemi gibi mikromotor kullanılır, ancak kullanılan ‘Choi implanter kalemi’ çapı daha azdır(0.6-1mm arası).
👉Dönor alanda hiç iz/ skar kalmaz.
👉Dönor alandan alınan greft oranı %3’ü geçmez ise gözle görülür seyrelme anlaşılamaz. 👉Her saç grefti, 1-2-3-4 saç teli içerir( ortalama 2.5 saç teli).
👉Tek aşamada yerleştirmede mantık tekli olanların en öne ve asimetrik( düz şekilde ekilmez), diğerlerinin sırasıyla arkalara yerleştirilir.
👉Tek tek yerleştirilen greft oran daha fazladır, yani yüksek sayıda ekime oşanak sağlar.
👉Titiz çalışmayı gerektirdiğinden normal seç ekiminden(ortalama 6-8 saat) daha uzun sürer(10-14 saat).
👉Daha doğal ve saç ekimi ‘yapılmamış’ gibi saçlar çıkar.
👉Tek dezavantajı Choi kalemleri kişiye özel olduğundan maliyeti yüksektir.
✏️Note: Turkish, English and German description is below.
🇻🇬🇱🇷DHI (Direct Hair Implant), which is a form of the FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction) method, which has now become a classic in hair transplantation, has been developed.
👉👇Advantages of DHI technique;
👉The difference between the DHI (also called pen technique) method and FUE is that the hair grafts are taken one by one and replanted in a single stage, ensuring less damage to the grafts.
👉A micromotor is used like the FUE method, but the diameter of the 'Choi implanter pen' used is less (between 0.6-1mm).
👉There is no trace/scar left in the donor area.
👉If the graft rate taken from the donor area does not exceed 3%, visible thinning cannot be understood.
👉Each hair graft contains 1-2-3-4 hair strands (average 2.5 hair strands).
👉The logic in single stage placement is that the single ones are placed at the front and the others are placed asymmetrically (not planted straight) at the back respectively.
👉The rate of grafts placed individually is higher, which means it allows for a higher number of transplants.
👉As it requires meticulous work, it takes longer (10-14 hours) than normal planting (6-8 hours on average).
👉More natural hair looks like it hasn't been transplanted.
👉The only disadvantage is that since Choi pens are personalized, their cost is high.
✏️Hinweis: Die türkische, englische und deutsche Beschreibung finden Sie unten.
🇩🇪🇩🇪DHI (Direct Hair Implant), eine Form der FUE-Methode (Follicular Unite Extraction), die mittlerweile zu einem Klassiker in der Haartransplantation geworden ist, wurde entwickelt.
👉👇Vorteile der DHI-Technik;
👉Der Unterschied zwischen der DHI-Methode (auch Stifttechnik genannt) und der FUE-Methode besteht darin, dass die şHaartransplantate einzeln entnommen und in einem einzigen Schritt wieder eingepflanzt werden, wodurch eine geringere Beschädigung der Transplantate gewährleistet wird.
👉Ein Mikromotor wird wie bei der FUE-Methode verwendet, der Durchmesser des verwendeten „Choi-Implanterstifts“ ist jedoch geringer (zwischen 0,6 und 1 mm).
👉Wenn die Transplantatrate aus dem Spenderbereich 3 % nicht überschreitet, ist eine sichtbare Ausdünnung nicht nachvollziehbar.
👉Jedes Haartransplantat enthält 1-2-3-4 Haarsträhnen (durchschnittlich 2,5 Haarsträhnen).
👉Die Logik bei der einstufigen Platzierung besteht darin, dass die einzelnen Pflanzen vorne und die anderen jeweils asymmetrisch (nicht gerade gepflanzt) hinten platziert werden.
👉Die Rate der einzeln platzierten Transplantate ist höher, was bedeutet, dass eine höhere Anzahl von Transplantationen möglich ist.
👉Da es sorgfältige Arbeit erfordert, dauert es länger (10–14 Stunden) als das normale Pflanzen (durchschnittlich 6–8 Stunden).
👉Mehr natürliches Haar sieht aus, als wäre es nicht transplantiert worden.
👉Der einzige Nachteil besteht darin, dass die Kosten für Choi-Stifte hoch sind, da sie personalisiert sind.
‎✏️ملاحظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية أدناه.
🇮🇶🇸🇷تم تطوير تقنية DHI (زراعة الشعر المباشرة)، وهي شكل من أشكال طريقة FUE (استخراج وحدة البصيلات)، والتي أصبحت الآن كلاسيكية في زراعة الشعر.
‎👉👇مميزات تقنية DHI؛
‎👉الفرق بين طريقة DHI (وتسمى أيضًا تقنية القلم) وطريقة FUE هو أن بصيلات الشعر يتم أخذها واحدة تلو الأخرى وإعادة زراعتها في مرحلة واحدة، مما يضمن ضررًا أقل للبصيلات.
‎👉يتم استخدام محرك صغير مثل طريقة FUE، ولكن قطر قلم تشوي المستخدم أقل (بين 0.6-1 ملم).
‎👉 لا يوجد أي أثر أو ندبة في المنطقة المانحة.
‎👉إذا كان معدل التطعيم المأخوذ من المنطقة المانحة لا يتجاوز 3%، فلا يمكن فهم الترقق المرئي.
‎تحتوي كل طعمة شعر على 1-2-3-4 خصلة شع (متوسط ​​2.5 خصلة شعر).
‎👉المنطق في وضع المرحلة الواحدة هو أن يتم وضع المفردات في المقدمة ويتم وضع الآخرين بشكل غير متماثل (غير مزروع بشكل مستقيم) في الخلف على التوالي.
‎👉معدل الطعوم التي يتم وضعها بشكل فردي أعلى، مما يعني أنها تسمح بعدد أكبر من عمليات زرع الأعضاء.
‎👉 نظرًا لأنها تتطلب عملاً دقيقًا، فهي تستغرق وقتًا أطول (10-14 ساعة) من الزراعة العادية (6-8 ساعات في المتوسط).
‎👉يبدو الشعر طبيعيًا وكأنه لم تتم زراعته.
‎👉العيب الوحيد هو أنه نظرًا لأن أقلام تشوي مخصصة، فإن تكلفتها مرتفعة.
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searchnow1 · 1 year
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thehairmdindia · 2 years
Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +912071177333.
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vivaaestheticclinic · 2 years
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Points to Remember when going to Hair Transplant
🤔 Sapphire Technique? DHI procedure? No. of Grafts? Don't fall prey to such technical things. When it comes to Hair Transplant, trust the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai Dr. Deepam Shah. With over 3000 successful hair transplant surgeries, be assured of the doctor and technique he uses.🤝
He is certified by AHI, London and the protocols are followed as per international standards. 🥇
Contact Hair Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Deepam Shah for hair loss treatment apt for your age.
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dermaclinix · 2 days
"Celebrating Dr. Laila Haffejee's Completion of a Two-Month Fellowship in FUE Hair Transplantation with KSK Surgicals and DermaClinix!"
We Congratulate Dr Laila for completing 2 months fellowship training & educational program in FUE hair transplantation with KSK Surgicals in association with DermaClinix under the guidance of Dr. Kavish Chouhan & Dr Amrendra Kumar.
We wish you all the best for your future endeavours!
For details on Hair transplant Training program, visit ,https://www.dermaclinix.in/training.html
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Revitalize Your Confidence: Expert Hair Growth Solutions at Elegance Clinic Surat
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At Elegance Clinic Surat, we specialize in advanced hair growth techniques designed to restore both your hair and your confidence. Our expert team provides personalized consultations to ensure you receive tailored care and effective treatment. Begin your transformation journey with us—simply WhatsApp 'Hi' to +91 76980 46805 for inquiries and appointments.
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katchappslondon · 7 months
Geographic Location: The location of the clinic or surgeon's practice can significantly impact the cost. Procedures in major metropolitan areas tend to be more expensive than those in smaller cities or rural areas.
Surgeon's Expertise: Highly skilled and experienced surgeons often charge more for their services. It's important to choose a surgeon with a proven track record and expertise in hair transplantation.
Clinic Facilities: The quality and reputation of the clinic or facility where the procedure is performed can affect the cost. State-of-the-art facilities with advanced technology may come at a premium.
Procedure Technique: There are different techniques for hair transplantation, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUE is generally more expensive because it is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.
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evolvedclinics · 11 days
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Hair Growth Cycle After Hair Transplant
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drturkaa · 1 year
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✨Our dear patient from Germany🇩🇪 chose Turkey for their hair transplant journey. The successful procedure delivered impressive results, transforming their appearance and confidence.
📲 +90 552633999
🌐 www.drturka.com
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bioinushealthcare · 12 days
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Bioinus Healthcare offers the best hair transplant services in Siliguri, providing effective and natural-looking solutions for hair loss. Our team of experienced specialists uses advanced techniques to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction. From initial consultation to post-procedure care, we deliver personalized and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. Trust Bioinus Healthcare to help you restore your hair and confidence with our expert hair transplant services.
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