Well, here’s 1.
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asknueidentified · 9 years
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“Define ‘blood ties’.  I had some wild nights back in the day, so I might qualify.”
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kandykeine-blog · 9 years
Keine x Keine x Keine. Go big or go home.
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immortalwildfire · 9 years
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeAesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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shotokuisms-blog · 9 years
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeAesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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asknueidentified · 9 years
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“Oh my.... I had no idea yours was an open relationship, half-teacher.”
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honorablejournalist · 9 years
History Teacher Gets Horny As Fuck Under Full Moon
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tengureporter · 9 years
swooces right into your inbox with this here URL
Do I Follow Them?: Ye ye.
Why Did I Follow Them?: I think I followed Orin first, but you were the only Keine around at the time, and your muses are rad.
Do We Role Play?: Moreso with your Rin, since she’s by far your most active muse, and moreso on Skype.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Ye. Use Patchy more too.
An AU Idea For Our Muses:
A Song For Our Muses:
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Well, we rp MeiPatch regularly, and I love me some KeneMokou. 
What I Think About The Mun: Pretty rad, all things considered.
Overall Opinion: The url is accurate.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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yamaisms · 9 years
↖ If indeed they ever met at all.
Day: ???Month: ???Year: ???
Today I met someone most curious in the human village, at first glace she seemed Human, but turns out she’s actually a were-hakutaku. It seems she’s taken it upon herself guard the village, or perhaps it was a task given to her. It wasn’t my place to pry.
She also appeared to be a school teacher, a commendable occupation...even if not everyone values education now days still. The fact that she has students is a sign of good things to come, I believe.
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honorablejournalist · 9 years
Kakashi Week in Review - 7/19/2016
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A history teacher struggles to separate substitute teaching applications into Yes, No, and Maybe piles, a string of kidnapping attempts perpetrated by Suika Ibuki once again goes unnoticed, and a refrigerator dreams of taking over the world after being cleaned. Now presenting an online news recap article which is poised to redefine the entire cultural landscape of online news recap articles and Tengu news recap articles in general, this is the Kakashi Week in Review!
In what many would call an astonishing yet exciting turn of events, the guardian of the bridge to the underworld Parsee Mizuhashi has come out and identified herself as a feline other-kin. The news of her other-kin nature came during a time when a multitude of Gensokyo denizens were curious as to what exactly a Persian was, at which point it was suggested that a Persian was a type of feline creature. It was at that time that the Persian Persian, in the middle of a cat fight at the time, reportedly made her courageous declaration that she identified as the species of feline in question. She has since denied having taken these actions, which has caused others to speculate as to whether the act was one of courage or simply a new breed of publicity stunt. At press time, she was reported to have switched her spoken language mid-sentence when asked if she was a dog.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that in order for her to maintain her maximum levels of hatred and thirst for vengeance, Hourai Immortal Fujiwara no Mokou carries a picture of her nemesis Princess Kaguya Houraisan literally everywhere she goes. Notable locations to where she brings this picture of her enemy of a thousand years include her yakitori stand, her daily escort missions through the Bamboo Forest, and even the bathroom. “I takes it to the bathroom,” said Mokou in affirmation of the previous statement, “and I sleep with it on the other pillow by my face.” In order to achieve even higher levels of hate and anger toward her nemesis of a millennium, Mokou reportedly also hangs a much bigger picture of Kaguya just above the back of her bed frame where she lays her head to rest next to the smaller picture of Kaguya.
In response to a poll released last week by the Bunbunmaru criticizing the chief editor of Kakashi Spirit News, the staff at Kakashi Spirit News announced their strong disapproval of the shameless and unfounded accusations leveled by the rival tengu newspaper. Citing several articles in the Bunbunmaru as evidence, they have since leveled a number of accusations of their own toward the head of Bunbunmaru Aya Shameimaru, claiming that the rival reporter “is an old-news hack who relies way too heavily on guest writers to do her work” and “should seriously consider changing her first name to ‘raven’ if she wants to keep accusing a crow of being black”. The head of Kakashi Spirit News further criticized Miss Shameimaru of having an otherwise “lame-ass” newspaper, adding that she could try taking some good pictures to support her claims and articles if she wants people to pay attention to her paper again.
...and in local news, yes, the Kappa make nanomachines, son; no, they are not telling you how.
In other news, the Judge of the Dead has crushes as numerous as the stars, a mysterious man in a moustache takes control of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for a short period of time, and Satori Komeiji wears crocodiles that look like shit and make her feet smell.
Speaking of which, Satori really needs to take off those fugly “shoes”, get her fashion-destroying ass back to Chireiden, and stop throwing bombs at my face for that one article about her. Seriously, it’s difficult enough to be a journalist as is. She and the rest of you, in order to stay on top of current events, should be sure to visit my blog at Next Gen Journalism and give it a follow or two, instead!
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