suboceansong · 4 years
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@halcyondigger​ said: ↕ + 5'5'' //it's been long time, big squiddo
Height Comparison
“Hasn’t it just, little kiddo. How have the delves been, bright eyes? Not been missing me too much, I trust.”
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“Dear, dear. Have you gotten shorter?”
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wonderfulshaman · 5 years
What... was that thing that this guy had? It looked to be made of metal and technology that Reimu would never be able to understand; maybe it had been made by the kappa?
...were there even kappa here? Probably, right? It was hard to imagine that only humans would be here. Actually, it would be pretty impossible to manage, given everything she had already laid witness to in this city. Although she was a bit apprehensive about the thing- it looked to be a weapon of some kind- Reimu couldn’t completely mask her curiosity, either. The shrine maiden stood a careful distance away, doing her best to look like she was busy and not just staring.
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mellifluencex · 4 years
halcyondigger replied to your post: “Ahahahaha! Watch out; I do not know how to...
fish should not possess vehicular transporation-
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I’m gonna run you over!
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castilium · 4 years
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”It’s no good, she’s gone”. The eye of the storm had been right before her, but before she had so much as a chance to call out toward Ofiuco, one who had offered himself to NULL had intercepted. The clash had been brief, as once it became apparent it was little more than a diversion, Mashu had absconded.
Atop the awning of an arcade, sauntering behind letters that should ordinarily be glittering to attract customers, she had searched fruitlessly. Though not in vain had the effort been; another youth had taken to high ground. He appeared trustworthy, though after the last run-in, she dare not take any chances. “State to which side you’re fighting for. If you’re hostile, then you leave me with no choice but retaliate”.
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solarsubterrestrial · 5 years
@halcyondigger​  liked for a starter!
Just the absolute worst, really. You see something awesome and reflective from the sky, but when you descend and fly closer lo and behold; it’s a moving thing. A thing moving on its own! Well probably not a thing, probably a person. But still! Don’t be so damn shiny, person! 
“You’re gonna give people the wrong idea!” She forgot to just think that last part and blurted it out loud, large beats beating a few times as she touched down. 
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“So like. Are you a doll, or something? Why is your... You, so shiny? I mean don’t get me wrong I like it.”
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greenishmoon · 4 years
Any “ancient” beast could be worth some attention, at least that’s what she’d gone into the Mistwood thinking. An old forest king complete with his own legends in the city? Perfect! How interesting! Perhaps he was yet another descendant of her niece, she’d thoroughly looked forward to a decent chat.
However, that’s not how it had gone down. The beast was yet another ornery drake and wouldn’t even give her the time of day. 
This wasn’t a fun game! This wasn’t chaotic! It was slow, it was boring it was pedantry. Oh, it was a blessing to be outside the trapezohedrons, but this was such a separation from who she was that it was starting to wear thin. Even aside from everything that had been taken, fundamental truths just weren’t... True! Maddening! And not the good kind of madness! She’d been patient until now, and she knew she’d be fine again tomorrow. But now, right now? She was unhappy. 
She needed something basic, something raw. There was something in these ruins, she could smell it. It would have to do. 
So she stalked through the broken stone structures in the form of a terrific spider like creature of monstrous proportions. Her body was a strange, fractured glass refracting light of many different colours with what looked like a cocoon of prismatic webbing wrapped around something stuck to her abdomen. She strode on at least a dozen different legs, legs that periodically struck through weakened walls as she searched for something out of place. 
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ingoldentent · 4 years
@halcyondigger replied to your post “@halcyondigger​ asked:  “Just hire a 16 year old. Like, they need the...”
"Great, because I'm older than that anyway! ...Um. ...My...resume might be a bit more specialized than that--"
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“Well, that was just a suggestion. What sort of job are you looking for?”
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direheterosis · 4 years
@halcyondigger​ crossed the fog gate
Expansions had been suggested at the work place, more storage, more hives, space for the staff. It had all sounded like an excellent idea to her, though Tom had lamented a lack of materials as well as the means to procure them while the city was still recovering. 
She had taken it upon herself, of course. It’s not like she particular did much there in terms of running the place, and for twelve hours a day she could be quite active! So she’d journeyed out to the Mistwood to try and gather some natural resources.
Stood next to a great tree she held the Lifehunt out wide, slashing across its trunk and severing it from the ground in one clean swing. Too clean perhaps; the rest of it didn’t even sway afterwards. Well, no matter, she simply gave it a push and it started falling forwards. Huh, blue. That’s not a colour she normally saw in the w-
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“Look out!”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Swoocing right in here, gonna put down a reserve for Arthur Pendragon, Saber of Fate/Prototype! Date is 5/15.
– ⋆ capella!
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sceard · 4 years
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First Interactions / Break the Ice
@halcyondigger​ said: ❝ Woah, you look pale… are you okay? Do you need to go to a hospital? ❞ //part of this girl's body is glass good boi must seek medical aid
“I look... pale?” She seems visibly confused, if only for a brief moment. It was true the sun had not graced her with its rays enough but... did it give her such a sickly appearance? Miriam shook her head, mustering a smile to return the stranger’s kindness. 
“I’m fine, I don’t need to go anywhere.” 
Yet, her words went completely ignored. She was finding herself being dragged into the opposite direction. 
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“Huh?! Wait, I said I was fine...!” 
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levitersora · 4 years
One after another they just keep coming in. The Shadow Heartless were luckily not so much of a pain for now. They just like to spawn in numbers at a time. It’s a good thing they aren’t the strongest out of the bunch of Heartless Sora had face when he was traveling through different worlds. They shouldn’t be a problem. A few hits here and there and maybe some magic to cast them into the air for a while would be best to deal with the group. Though it’s a good thing that most of the people he’s run into were able to team up with the boy. Able to handle whatever was left on their own as the hero kept on the run to find more people who needs help.
It was too long after that a group of Shadows surrounded a group of people that made their way into a store and lock themselves in there. Don’t know who they were, but knew they needed help. “Hey! Why don’t you pick on someone like me for a change.” Keyblade appearing in his hand, Sora dash straight towards the group before slashing through the next. They didn’t last long before his Keyblade hit something that was like hitting a piece of metal. He didn’t realize some small robots were in the group.
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“Huh? What are these suppose to be?” Though as expected, the other small robots lunge towards the boy. “Woh hey!” The boy took a few steps back before his back hit someone else’s. Turning around, the two look at one another who seem to be in a similar situation. Though he seem to be just as fine as Sora was. “You know what they say, two is better then one. I can fight off those shadow monsters and you can get those metal guys. We need to protect the people in that building.”
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psiios · 5 years
@halcyondigger​ | starter call.
🌹 At least it seemed like the one she had back home. The empress frowned at the screen, shyly checking out that mandatory smartphone she had been given the day before. The money was all digital here? She would get used to it sooner or later, it wasn’t that alien of a concept for her but Haru had always been more of an “analogous” girl. Bad luck did knock on her door as she bumped into someone while on her way to the apartments area exit. 
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Fortunately, the clash wasn’t harsh enough to make her lose her balance.  ❝ Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t properly looking forwards, are you okay? ❞
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holidayofiuco · 5 years
"Okay... Um, Miss Ofiuco? I heard you're distributing things. I know my weapons are off-limits... I really wish any of my non-combat gear would fly, but," Rock rubs the back of his neck, "that's probably a long shot, too... J- Just do whatever you think would be best! A gift's a gift, right?"
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☆☆☆ “I am not permitted to give anything that would allow someone additional benefits in a combat situation.” She ruffles around in her big, red bag and pulls out a really big NERF gun. “This isn’t actually useful in a combat situation however.”
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ribellaione · 5 years
❝ I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets. ❞
MY FAVORITE VINES ; a sentence starter - 1/??? – accepting
    “That’s….not exactly something to be so upset over. “ her tone is more confused than anything else. he’s acting the same way ruby did that one time blake told her they were all out of chocolate chip cookies which she had seeked out to help her during the ‘emotional turmoil’ the move they had been watching gave her.
             it’s safe to say that anything with the word eight and below in it has been banned from the townhouse.
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  “…here.” and without waiting for any reply, the faunus decides to pay for his chicken nuggets, handing them to him a second later. 
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electrologica · 5 years
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“You... do not make sense.” 
It was roughly as nice as the robot could get. In truth, perhaps it was also a bit hypocritical of her. A Servant that doubled as a machine was not exactly up there in numbers. Still, there were other robotic Servants for her to fall back on to assure her it was at least plausible. 
Yet, just looking at the other, it was a machine.. yet not. For all intents and purposes, it left M.Eli-chan at a loss for words. Which, considering her base, was certainly a feat.
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thirteenthstyx · 5 years
Send ℃ for my muse to discuss the temperature with yours. (They're... acquainted? That's cause enough to recommend keeping warm, right--)
Symbol Starters
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 “Temperatures are registered to be below 10 degrees celcius with the possibility of them dropping below zero should there be a chance of a rainstorm or winds in the area.” She sighs.
“Nu may seem robotic, but if this is your attempt to make ‘small talk’ with me, it only has made Nu’s perception of you to lower.” Was there something she even enjoyed talking about other than the Grim Reaper? Rock should use his Digger abilities to keep digging and find out. 
“If you are as human as you imply to be, then you should keep yourself in some place warm, or not, Nu doesn’t care if you freeze to death.”
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