#half linguist half fitness 100% crafty grandma. that’s my true form.
fractallogic · 1 year
Let me tell you bodies are weird
And by weird I also mostly mean fascinating
Because I know as well as anyone how activity affects your body. If you do weighted squats for the first time in four years after basically not doing ANY squats, not even good long-hold chair poses, except for extremely sporadic short sets of bodyweight squats, you WILL feel an extra 45 lbs and you will feel that for DAYS
Also, as we all know, when you overuse a muscle/muscle group, it is sore. If you were really pushing, it’s REALLY sore (and if you push too far, it’s even more sore for a longer time because you hurt yourself, dummy). If your activity for the last four years has looked like “maybe one yoga class a week or two if we’re feeling motivated, and a low-key 1-2 km walk a day as long as the weather isn’t terrible”, you are going to be too sore to do your preferred “gym every other day!!” schedule because you can barely get up and down from the fucking couch or walk normally. You ease yourself into it.
AND THEN just because you are SORE you will not look any different from one day of gym, no matter how soul-fulfilling it was. Nothing looks different because my friend, you had one fun day at the grownup playground thinking strong bitch who fight bear thoughts. But!! If you keep doing that, then your body will change because that’s what happens! That’s how that works! But you also have to go when you’re LESS sore because otherwise you’re not moving ergonomically and safely and you will be more likely to hurt yourself and then never go to the gym again.
All this to say that holy fuck my thighs hurt so much and I did really want to go to the gym today to do more weights, but I love squats and I can’t bend my knees to more than about 150 degrees even without any weight, and that is not especially safe body mechanics. So. Either tomorrow or Thursday and keep drinking lots of water. It doesn’t matter if Stronglifts tells you to deload. That’s your ego and your ego is an asshole who doesn’t care about you.
But also I wanna go to the gymmmmmm wah
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