#half the time he was shirtless under that windbreaker
frommybookbook · 8 months
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I love episodes where we get casual Perry. Especially when casual Perry feels like showing some bare chest. Throw in that wind-tousled hair and I'm a goner.
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psalexanzondria · 7 years
Show Stopper- Paul Lahote x Young!Reader Part 3
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Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Paul x Young!Reader
Word Count: 2,549
Part: 3
Warnings: The usual
AN: I know I said I was going to take a break, but right now, the only thing I feel like I can do, is write. I obviously didn’t last very long on my break, I just that writing brings me joy. So please, do enjoy!
 Two weeks later, I hang upside down from the ribbons in the garage, that Sam had put up, my hair is loose, the ribbons are wrapped around my legs, and I have a grip on them with my fists. The ribbons are slowly spinning from the added weight of a body, but I’m just sitting there in thought, fulled dressed for the day. “What are you doing?” Embry asks as he enters the garage.
 “Thinking.” I answer, he grabs a soda from the mini fridge. “Sam put these up for me that day.” He knows that I’m referring to the day that Paul nearly shifted, when he imprinted on me, and then ran out of the house, and Sam ran after him, it’s been two weeks since then. Sam came back without Paul, who had apparently taken off in wolf form, and hasn’t been back since.
 “He’s in Canada right now.” Embry states, causing me to sit up, spinning down to the floor, and cross over to him as he leans against the wall beside the mini fridge.
 “How can you know?”
 “Wolf telepathy. We can hear each other’s thoughts, he crossed the boarder last night while I was on patrol.” Embry explains as I look down, and he pats me on the arm. “You aren’t a fault. Paul’s never wanted to imprint, and now that he has, he’s confused, and angry.” I frown at that. “He’ll be back, it’s not your fault.”
 “Yes it is.” I shake my head. “We could’ve avoided each other the entire time I was here, never have met, if I hadn’t asked to meet the rest of the pack.” I sigh as I lean on the wall against him. “I wasn’t being considerate. I was being curious. I wouldn’t want me as a soulmate either.”
 “Hey, who says that curiosity isn’t considerate? You’re a great girl.”
 “You’ve known me for two weeks, Embry.” I press off the wall, and look him in the eye. “You don’t know me. I’m a terrible person.”
 “Oh, okay, explain to me how you’re terrible.”
 “I came here under the pretense of helping Seth and Leah through their dad’s death, and not only was I three days late, but it was a lie. I’m here because I wanted to escape the pressure of my life.” He frowns.
 “So, you’re a girl who feels the pressure of her life of inspiring others baring down on her, and you came here to help your cousins to get your mind off of it.” He answers, causing me to scoff, throwing my arms up.
 “Forget it, anything I say, you’ll try and twist it to make me sound like a better person than I am.”
 “Exactly.” He answers with a smirk, causing me to roll my eyes, and stalk out of the garage, he follows are I hop up the steps to the house, and enter, letting the screen door swing shut behind me, in Embry’s face.
 “I have to go.” I state to Emily, she frowns following me as I start up the stairs to my room.
 “Go where?” She asks as she enters the room behind me.
 “I have a competition in a week, in Boston. I need to train.” I answer as I start tossing clothes on the bed, before walking over to the bed, and yanking a bag out from underneath it.
 “When will you be back?” She asks.
 “A month.” I answer, shoving my belongings into the bag. “I’ve never bothered renting a place for longer than a month, because I travel so much, so I’ll be back in a month.”
 “Hey,” She grabs my arm, and I yank it out of her grip, looking up at her.
 “It’s the end of the season, my last competition, just let me do this Emily. I need time to think too.” I state, and she frowns.
 “Embry told me... You’re good enough for Paul, because you’re a good person. Don’t put yourself down.”
 “I don’t want Paul. I don’t want a relationship. He obviously doesn’t want one either.”
 “Hey, be careful with what you say- you can sever your connection.”
 “The fucktard should’ve though of that before taking off to Canada for godsakes.” I shake my head, tugging the bag over my shoulder, and I grab my windbreaker. “I’m sorry Emily, I-I’m confused too, he can’t be the only one confused. That’s not fair.” With that, I walk out of the room, stomp down the stairs, and out the door, climbing into my truck, and taking off down the road.
   <1.5 months later>
 Walking up the steps of the house with my bag over my shoulder, my hair is cropped short, and the red haired girl, dressed nicely, next to me laughs as I touch the back, worried. “Don’t worry, it’s not that back.”
 “Thanks, Cait, I’m glad you thinks so, but that’s not what I’m worried about.” I stop outside the door, and turn to her. “Okay, so my sister’s fiancee, he’s kinda this... He likes to take trouble kids in, mostly guys, my cousin Leah hangs out here a lot cause her brother’s with them. Just keep in mind that, they’re a bit... much.” I state.
 “I grew up with 11 brothers.” She reminds me with that Irish brogue of her’s. “Ya worry too much.”
 “Right.” I let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of my head, and tugged down my shirt, nervously.
 “Oh, how bad could it be?” She asks, causing me to give her a nervous grin, opening the door to the living room and, step inside.
 “I’m back!” I shout, suddenly the boys all pile out of the kitchen, falling over each other, Embry is the first one to my side, picking me up to swing me around in a tight hug.
 “Welcome home, Hope.” He smiles as he sets me down, and Jacob picks me up next, before Seth squeezes me, and Quil gives me a hug, Jared follows after, then Sam pats me on the back, and Leah squeezes me lovingly, before Emily enters from the kitchen to hug me.
 “I see what you meant by much.” Cait says from her spot on the wall, eyeing the shirtless boys with a blush staining her freckled face.
 “Who’s this?” Emily asks, smiling at Cait in a welcoming way.
 “This is Cait, she’s been competing in the Aerial Hoop division for the last three years.” I explain, walking over to her. “She’s taking my place in the Olympics.”
 “What? Why?” Emily asks.
 “You said you called your family.” Cait says, causing me to sigh, and shake my head.
 “I’m done, Em. I broke my leg. That’s why I was late getting back here. It’s healed but...”
 “No! Oh, Hope.” She cries, pulling me in for another hug, before I step back, and gesture to Cait.
 “Okay, so this is Sam, my sister’s fiancee. This is Leah and her kid brother Seth, then this is Quil, Jared, Jacob, Embry, and... where’s Paul?” I ask, looking around the room, point out each person.
 “He’s taking a walk.” Sam answers. He’s on patrol is what that means.
 “Anyway, I guess I’ll introduce you to him later, but for now I’ll show you where we’re bunki- Cait?” I turn from the stairs to see her and Embry’s eyes are locked together, the look on Embry’s face causes me to pause, a smile forming upon my lips, before I walk forward, smacking Embry on the back, snapping him of of his reverie. “Embry, show Cait to my room, yeah?” I hand him my bag as he smiles, nodding as he holds out his hand to Cait, who flusters as she takes his hand, and he leads her upstairs.
 “Well then...” Sam smiles. “that’s quite a surprise.” He looks at me. “As is your hair. It’s nice.”
 “Thanks Sambo.” I pat him on the shoulder, bopping Emily on the nose with my finger as I pass her by, and exit out the back door. Eyeing the hoop tied from the tree, a feeling of loneliness, of loss, fills me, I start into the garage, flipping on the light to see my aerial silk ropes are dangling from the banister that Sam tied them to, unused, a haunting memory that I will never again use them. Tears burn my eyes as I flick off the light, closing the door, starting into the woods on the trail, the quiet echoes off the trees, a deafening silence urges me to turn back, but I keep walking until I come out at the cliff that I had found nearly three months ago, and sit on the edge of it, watching the water below.
 “You aren’t gonna jump, are you? I don’t fancy holding a strange girl in my arms.” My head snaps up my eyes meeting Paul’s, and his eyes widen.
 “You’re back.” He breathes, I bite my bottom lip, nodding as he crosses over to me, sitting beside me. “I was wondering why I kept getting these strange pangs of hurt in my chest.
 “Sorry,” I mutter, looking out at the water as he reaches up, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.
 “How was it? Did you when I medal?” I wince at his question, and look up at him.
 “Forced retirement. I broke my leg, and it healed wrong.” He frowns at that, and I look away sharply, feeling tears well in my eyes. “It’s fine. I knew I’d have to quit one day. I just... didn’t think it’s been for years.” I feel a tear trail down my cheek, and reach up to wipe it away, anxious for it to be gone. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” I force out the lie.
 “You’re not.” He answers, pulling me against his chest, and in the warmth of his arms, I finally lose myself, bursting into tears, grieving for my passion, for the thing I loved to do, for so long.
 Sitting at the table with Cait and Embry, playing uno, Emily is chopping onions for dinner, Seth, and Jacob are playing video games in the front room, Quil is babysitting Claire in the front room, and Leah is reading in the recliner. Sam, and Jared enter the house, Jared joins the boys in the living room, and I watch as Sam walks up to Emily, wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her lips, then trails kisses up to her hairline where her scar starts, and down the entire length of her scar. It’s not the first time I’ve seen them do this, but it fills me with a bit of jealousy, and loneliness, especially when I see Claire and Quil in the front room playing, and Cait practically sitting in Embry’s lap, after half a day of knowing him. “You okay?” I jump as I look at the door to see Paul leaning against the doorway, arms crossed as he looks at me, and I simply nod, tossing down my cards, before starting up the stairs to my room.
 “Hey,” Cait enters the room, moments after I plop down on my bed, and she crosses to my side, sitting down beside me, her hand finding my back. “you okay?”
 “I’m fine.” I snap, moving away from her, and start towards the door again. “I just want to be alone.” I start down the stairs, and she follows.
 “A person who’s fine, isn’t so defensive when someone who is her friend, asks about who she’s feeling, Hope.” Cait states as we enter the living room, causing a few of the guys to look up. “So I’ll ask again, are you. Okay?” She insists, causing me to whirl around on her.
 “No! Okay, no! I’m not fucking okay, I lost the one thing I love doing more than ever because I couldn’t fucking afford to do the physical therapy. On top of that, I have to keep a fucking smile on my face, because if I don’t, I’ll fall apart. And currently, I feel lonelier that I’ve ever felt, even with the fact that I’m surrounded by all these people that care about me. So NO, I’m not okay! Okay?!” She cowers at my words, but nods as I feel my tears spring forth, a sob rips from my mouth before I can stop it, and I turn to dash out the front door.
   <Paul POV>
 “Hope wait!” Cait calls, starting towards the door, when I grab her arm, and she looks back at me.
 “Don’t.” I warn, a simple shake of my head, and she frowns.
 “Look, I don’t know what twisted cult you freaks are a part of, but she’s my friend. So even if you don’t care about her-”
 “The hell I don’t! I care about her more than my life.” I snarl, Embry is at his imprint’s side, grabbing my arm that is still holding her wrist.
 “Let. Her. Go.” Embry growls, and I rip my arm out of his grasp, and dash out the door, following the scent of my imprint. Coming out at the cliff that lead to the beach, I pause in mid-step as I see Hope’s hunched over figure, shoulders shaking with sobs, my heart clenches for her pain.
 “Hope.” I breath as she stiffens, wiping her face as I cross to her side, and she clears her throat, her cheeks are stained with tear streaks, and her eyes are ringed red. “Can I sit here?” I ask, pointing to the spot on the ground beside her, and she nods, sniffling a bit.
 “Y-Yeah.” I smile as I sit beside her, wrapping an arm around her as she shutters, and pull her head against my chest.
 “I’m sorry.” She hums, asking fro clarification. “Cait explained to me that you’d been distracted since you’d gotten back from last time.”
 “She said she heard you arguing on the phone with someone, the day of the competition, and you went on the ribbons angry. That’s when you fell.” I wince as I feel pain prickle her chest. “That was the day that Emily was angry, that she’d called to ask you to come back so we could talk. It’s my fault, that you fell.”
 “It’s not.” She sits up, looking at me. “If someone’s not composed in the air, they’re bound to get hurt. I could’ve had them switch me around, but instead, I went out there. It’s my fault that I fell.”
 “I haven’t exactly been the greatest imprint either, mind you.”
 “No,” She laughs, shoving me. “You haven’t.”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “I think you need to change your name, to that. You say it too much.” She teases, curling into the warm that radiates from me.
 “Yeah. Sorry.”
 “There you go again.” She yawns, causing me to chuckle, lifting her in my arms, and carrying her towards the house again. Tucking her into her bed, she’s fast asleep, causing me to smile as I start down stares again.
 “And so the Beast has soothed the Beauty.” Embry states, causing me to glare at him, and he backs off, hiding being Cait, who smiles at me.
 “Thank you.” She says, and I simply nod to her. That’s what I’m here for. I think, stomping outside to transform, starting on my patrol.
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