#halibut state park ma
eregyrn-falls-art · 27 days
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Jumping in with the view of the aurora borealis last night, Friday May 10, 2024, from Halibut State Park on Cape Ann, MA. It's often listed as the darkest skies you can find near to the Boston metro area, and we knew that you can get a good view to the north and northwest out over the ocean to the horizon. (Darker skies would involve a longer drive to the west, or to the north.).
We thought we'd better head there because we expected to see only a hint of the aurora on the horizon, and this was our best chance to see unimpeded all the way to the horizon, helped by the darkness of the ocean.
WELP. We needn't have worried. Did NOT expect a show like this, or for there to be streamers and columns right overhead!
There were at least a hundred other people out there; probably more, considering the parking lot was packed and people were parked all along the roads on the approach. We arrived around 10:30pm, and left at midnight. More people were still driving up and streaming in as we left.
At the bottom left: a bit closer to what it looked like with the naked eye, although not quite, either. Obviously, though, it didn't look as bright as all of the photos; apparently camera sensors can pick up on the lights better than we can. But when we arrived, at first we wondered if we were seeing wispy clouds lit by cityshine from below, until realizing they were definitely GREEN and showing streaks and columns. We could also make out the pink colors unaided. I guess I'd say that the light created by them felt like a half-moon lit night?
Middle bottom is the look straight overhead. Bottom right is the pic my friend took that showed me adjusting settings on my phone, lol.
So, incredible experience, and we had a lot of luck with the weather. A few clouds but mostly not. Just AMAZING to be able to SEE it with the naked eye. And can't get over how relatively well the photos came out just with a phone camera.
Good luck to everyone who will be trying in the coming days! The forecast for tonight is really strong again (Kp:9, which is the highest), and some articles I've seen say the lights should be visible for the next few days. So if your weather doesn't cooperate tonight, I hope you get another shot at it!
(My only advice would be to take pics with your phone camera, even if you can't make out anything right away. And, I only had luck by slightly zooming in. I kept trying to zoom out and get a wider shot, and the viewscreen went black and I got nothing. Zoom in, and I could see the blotchy colors show up on the screen; took the pics with 3 second exposure. Didn't look like anything on the viewscreen, and could only see what I got later.)
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mugene-art · 2 months
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water sampled from tidepools at Halibut Point State Park, MA
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Road To The Aisles
Thanks for your patience as we get to the end of this story, couple more chapters to go and I’m hitting some serious writer’s block. I’m getting there, but slowly!!
Thanks to @wickedgoodbooks, @happytoobserve, @mo-nighean-rouge for their support.
23. A Hectic Enterprise
Phoebe: (her mobile phone rings) Oh, it's my wedding planner. She's driving me crazy! (she answers) Hello... Hey, ok, stop screaming! Ok? So, halibut. All right, so salmon, either way. I don't-I don't... it doesn't matter to me!
Claire was roused from sleep by a persistent squeaking close to her left ear. Opening one eye, she was greeted by a big grin from William, his hedgehog firmly clasped in his fist. An aroma of dirty nappy filled the air.
“Morning, precious,” Claire said croakily.
William babbled in delight and pushed the hedgehog even closer to her ear.
“Not so close, lovie.” Claire sniffed. “Jamie, someone ‘round here needs a clean bottom…. and what time is it? I can’t be late. We have so much to do. I’m meant to be meeting Mrs. Crook… and the caterers… and the florist is coming. And we have the rehearsal this afternoon at the church, so Geillis and Dougal need to have arrived before then —“
“Dinna fash. It’s no’ even seven yet.” Jamie stopped rifling through a suitcase and turned around to face Claire. “I heard William stirring and jes’ thought I’d bring him in tae say hello before getting him cleaned up. I ken we’ve a lot tae do.”
William suddenly launched himself forward from his sitting position onto Claire’s chest. Laughing, Claire brought her arms around to cuddle the baby. Jamie stood still for a moment, just watching as she rolled William onto his back and began tickling him. William erupted into fits of helpless chuckles. Jamie put down the nappy cream and moved back to bed. What difference would five minutes make?
Jamie lay down on top of the covers and joined in, gently biting William’s toes through the fleecy sleepsuit. His eyes met Claire’s as a wave of pure joy washed over him.
“I canna wait fer tomorrow,” he whispered.
“Me neither.”
“Dadadada,” William babbled as he rolled back towards Claire and grabbed a handful of her curls.
“Hear that?” Jamie spoke proudly. “He said dada, he called me dada.”
“I think you’ll find he actually called me dada. But we can be working on it… together.”
By the time Claire had showered and dressed, Mrs Crook had arrived and was busy feeding William his porridge. The baby smacked his lips greedily between mouthfuls, trying to grab the spoon from Mrs. Crook’s hand.
“He certainly likes his food,” Mrs.Crook said as Claire planted a kiss on her cheek. “Jes’ like his da.”
Claire poured herself a cup of tea and joined them at the table. “Where is his father?”
“Och, we dinna ken, do we, ma wee puddin’?”
Spooning the dregs of the porridge into William’s mouth, Mrs. Crook then handed him the spoon.
“Jamie went out a few minutes ago wi’ Brian. They didna say where.”
Having discovered the spoon contained no more food, William pushed his bottom lip out in a sulk. His mood was lightened somewhat as he discovered the tympanic qualities of the spoon, enthusiastically banging it on the tray of the high chair.
“You are a noisy little tyke, aren’t you?”
“Oh William, you have to remember. Say that when your da is actually here,”
Claire lifted William out of the high chair, still tightly clutching his spoon.
“Did ye take a wee keek at the marquee when ye arrived?”
“No, it was dark by the time we got here. Let me just get a jacket on William and then why don’t we both go and have a look?”
Claire hitched William more securely on her hip and looked around the marquee… the cavernous marquee… the cavernous, unfinished marquee. Stacks of chairs were stored in one corner, tables in another. Several large hampers had been dumped on top of a makeshift platform. The structural steel poles stood grey and unadorned. Claire turned to Mrs. Crook, dismay clearly etched on her face.
“It’s nowhere near ready, Mrs. C, is it?”
“Ah, dinna fash, Claire. They’re on the way now. Ye’ll see, by this evening, ye willna be able tae recognise the place. Trust me, I’ve seen this every year wi’ the Hallowe’en party. It’ll be grand. I’ll be away and wait fer them in the yard.”
After Mrs. Crook had left, Claire wandered around trying, and failing, to imagine the finished decor. She had faith in the event planners, up to a point,  but this seemed too much even for them.
Geillis appeared from behind a stack of chairs and looked around. “I like what ye’ve done with the place. Kind of workhouse chic meets brutal minimalism.”
She kissed Claire’s cheek and ruffled William’s hair.
“Geillis! We weren’t expecting you until later. How early did you get up? And where’s Dougal?”
“Och, he’s faffing about with the car, trying to park it so it doesna get scratched by any of yer comings and goings. And, for yer information, we drove up yesterday,” she unstacked a chair, placed it in the middle of the floor and sat down.
“Weel, I was sae inspired by yer Jenny’s story the other week. Ye ken, the one about the highland warrior and the serving wench. We decided tae drive up yesterday, find a wee glen and try it fer ourselves.”
“It worked a treat,” Geillis winked. “And—“
“Hello, ye in here?”
To Claire’s relief, Geillis immediately halted her, no doubt overly detailed, story as Dougal sauntered into the marquee. Whilst not quite as tall or as broad as Jamie, and at least twenty years older, Claire recognised there was a certain tough quality about him. He would definitely have made a good warrior, fighting the redcoats.
“Morning, Claire,” Dougal pecked her cheek. “And who do we have here?”
He scooped William out of Claire’s arms. She glanced across at Geillis, who gave a small uncertain smile.
William looked momentarily surprised by this stranger but relaxed against his shoulder.
“Da—“ he began.
Claire shot him a warning look. “What have I said, William? Save that for your da.”
William put his thumb in his mouth and proceeded to tap the spoon he was still holding against the side of Dougal’s head.
“William, no! Sorry, Dougal.”
To the baby’s disgust, Claire prised the spoon from his tightly clenched fist. He let out a wail of dissatisfaction, only quietening as he heard his father’s voice coming into the marquee.
“Ah, Geillis, Dougal. Good tae see ye. Fancy a coffee? Ma sister and her family have jes’ arrived too.”
Jamie took the fidgeting baby from Dougal as they walked back to the house.
“Are you not worried about the state of the marquee?” Claire whispered to Jamie.
“Och, no. It’ll be fine. I saw the vans pulling up as I came in. Trust me, Sassenach. Ye’ll see.”
The old stone church had been the focus of Fraser family worship for many generations, as various plaques and stone engravings bore testament to, and was an intrinsic part of Jamie’s memories. It was here that he had been christened. Although that was obviously not one of his memories, he still cherished the photograph taken by the font of himself in his father’s arms while his mother wrangled an unhappy toddler Jenny. It was here that Jenny married Ian, and her children were christened, too. And in less happy times, it was here that his mother had been lain to rest.
So, it had always been important for him to marry here. When Claire had willingly suggested Lallybroch as their wedding venue, he had been both thrilled and touched by her enthusiasm for his family home and traditions. He tried not to think about the possible battle looming over any suggestion of William being christened here.
The priest greeted them in the doorway and escorted them down the aisle towards the altar, explaining the order of service and their roles tomorrow. A noise in the porch indicated the arrival of Ian, Geillis, Jenny and Wee Jamie.
“Da and Murtagh are looking after Maggie and William.” Jenny explained.
“Aye, and Dougal offered to help them.” Geillis added with an exaggerated  eye roll.
Wee Jamie pulled on his mother’s hand and whispered loudly. “Where are all the people, ye ken? The people what watch us. There’s no-one sitting on the benches.”
Jenny pursed her lips in an effort not to laugh. “This isna the wedding, Jamie. It’s a rehearsal, a practice fer tomorrow, so ye all ken what tae do.”
Wee Jamie breathed a loud sigh of relief. “That’s good ‘cos I havena got the rings, nor ma kilt.”
Jamie felt the butterflies building in his stomach as the priest positioned himself and Ian at the front and then instructed Claire, Geillis and his nephew on walking formally down the aisle. Jenny hovered, anxious for Wee Jamie, but she had no need for worry. Her son strode down the aisle in front of Claire, his tongue peeking out from between his lips in concentration as he held his arms in front of his body, pretending to hold a cushion.
Jamie watched as Claire approached with measured paces, the only sounds being the footsteps on the hard floor tiles. He found himself holding his breath as she drew closer, until…
“Oh, poo,” Wee Jamie said in a loud voice, the word echoing around the stone walls. “I forget which way tae go now.”
“Sorry, Father.” Jenny quickly apologised. “Jamie, apologise to Father Michael for saying that word.”
“Sorry, Father,” Wee Jamie repeated. “But we say it all the time at home, Da sings a song about poo tae Maggie. He says it’s no’ a bad word.”
Jenny glared at her son as Jamie and Ian dissolved into fits of laughter. “Aye, it’s no’ swearing but we dinna say it in the kirk, OK?”
“Weel, I think we’re about done now fer today. We all ken what we’ve tae do, and,” the priest looked hard at Wee Jamie. “And what we’ve no’ tae do tomorrow.”
The sun was beginning to set as they made their way back to Lallybroch. Mrs. Crook had already left for the day, with plans for a ‘shampoo and set’ at the local hairdressers before a good night’s sleep.
Despite an invitation for Geillis and Dougal to join them for a family dinner,  Geillis graciously declined. Claire wasn’t sure if Geillis was worried about the proximity of so many babies and small children giving Dougal more paternal thoughts, or if Geillis had some thoughts of her own of a less pure nature to share with Dougal. With a promise of an early return to Lallybroch, Claire bade farewell to the couple.
Jamie had momentarily disappeared. Claire supposed he was keen to reclaim his son from Brian and Murtagh. She turned and walked across the gravel forecourt to the kitchen door. A whistle made her turn around. Jamie stood on the makeshift path leading to the marquee.
“Fancy a quick keek at it now?” He asked.
“Or maybe I should wait ‘til they’ve finished in the morning. I don’t want to be thinking about it’s unfinished state tonight.”
“Oh, come on. A quick look.”
He held out his hand and led her into the marquee.
Jamie had obviously crept in and switched on a couple of lights on the small platform stage. Claire looked around in amazement. Though dimly lit, the transformation from that morning was clear. In front of the stage, a dance floor had been laid. The circular tables were in place, each adorned with a pristine white tablecloth and gauzy russet runner. A posy vase in the centre of each table stood ready for the simple sprigs of autumn leaves and berries to be added. The chairs reflected the colour scheme with white covers and russet bows.
One corner of the marquee was occupied by a bar, not yet stocked. Empty pedestals were scattered around, waiting for the florist’s artistry the following morning. The steel poles were now elegantly covered in white and russet fabric entwined with fairy lights.
“Still worried about this place?” Jamie asked.
Claire shook her head. “No, it’s going to look magical.”
“I kent it would, jes’ needs the finishing touches in the morning.”
They stood quietly for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Claire stood on tip toes and kissed Jamie’s cheek, his bristles rough against her lips.
“What was that fer?”
“Oh, this… you… William… your family… everything.”
“Nae regrets? Even after all that’s happened this year?”
“Not a single one.”
Jamie stooped and returned the kiss.
“Thank ye, Sassenach. I love ye.”
Back outside, Claire turned towards the house. Jamie gently pulled her in the opposite direction.
“Oh, do you not want to get back to William?” Claire enquired.
“Och, William will be fine fer a wee while longer. He’ll be having a grand time wi’ Da and Murtagh. No, seeing as how ye are banishing me from yer bed tonight and I canna see ye ‘til the kirk, I jes’ wanted a few minutes alone wi’ ye.”
Jamie stopped in a corner of the garden. “Remember this place, Sassenach ? Nearly this time last year?”
“The Hallowe’en party. Of course, We escaped up here to watch the fireworks. You were Harry Potter.”
“Aye and ye were the sexiest witch I’d ever seen…that dress and those stockings... wi’ yer skin all pale and glowing in the moonlight. When I laid ye down on the blanket and ye opened herself tae me and I could hear yer moans and sighs, weel, I kent then that ye were mine fer always… and I was yers.”
Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head to hers. She kissed him gently before parting his lips with her tongue, lightly caressing his mouth. Jamie responded eagerly, tongues entwining, bodies pressed tightly together. He could feel Claire’s moans catch in her throat. He traced a path of kisses from her mouth to that sweet spot behind her ear…
“Jamie… Claire… are ye there? Da says d’ye fancy a wee nip afore dinner? And Murtagh says he canna face another dirty nappy, sae ye’re going tae have tae see tae yer son… right now.” Jenny called from the bottom of the path.
Jamie and Claire broke apart.
“We’d better go in then.”
“Christ, woman, what have ye done tae me?” Jamie panted. “Ye’ve got me all riled up… let me wait a moment until I’m… weel, er, more composed.”
Claire laughed. “Sorry. But can you believe that was only a year ago? So much has happened, so many changes… William, living together, now marriage.”
“But there’s one thing that hasna changed, Sassenach. And that’s how much I love ye. So, Mrs Soon-tae-be-Fraser, shall we join the family?”
“Yes, Jamie, I’d love to. Let’s join our family.”
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marlisa45-blog · 4 years
(bg)GREENLAND(2020)пълно изтегляне на филма
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Greenland (2020) Greenland (2020) - Екшън Филми 119 минути. .
Освободен: Jul 29, 2020
Времетраене: 119 минути
Жанр: Екшън, Научна-фантастика, Трилър
Звезди: Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin, Roger Dale Floyd, Scott Glenn, Andrew Bachelor, David Denman
Crew: Gerard Butler (Producer), Basil Iwanyk (Producer), Ric Roman Waugh (Director), Chris Sparling (Screenplay), Alan Siegel (Producer)
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greenland winter jacket 8 greenland ct fredericksburg va 8 greenlands drive varsity lakes 8 greenland street 8 greenland crescent 8 greenlands drive varsity lakes qld 4227 8 greenland street london nw1 0nd 8 greenland st camden town london nw1 0nd 8 greenlands flackwell heath greenland 9/11 greenland 9 variedades greenland 900 ad 920 greenland dr 902 greenland drive 98 greenland circle dennis ma 920 greenland drive 917 greenland rd portsmouth nh 9 greenland pond rd brewster ma 9 greenland drive drouin 9 greenland pond road brewster ma 9 greenland st london 9 greenland st camden town london nw1 0nd 9 greenlands avenue sandy bay 9 greenland street london nw1 0nd 9 greenland pond road brewster
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gothicflamingos · 7 years
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🌅 (at Halibut Point State Park)
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liryc17 · 5 years
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Rockport, MA #nofilter #massachusetts #rockport #travel #youremine (at Halibut Point State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1C4v89BWC5/?igshid=1qxysud1jwgi9
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bostontaxicabs · 3 years
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Secure Taxi Cab Service Boston to Rockport MA with Infant Car Seat
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thatsnakeman · 4 years
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Halibut State Park [MA][OC][4032x2268] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2BstOSp
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vesper-s · 7 years
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Halibut Point State Park - Rockport, MA
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60695 · 5 years
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FCT, Halibut Point, MA; marker, gouache and inkjet print on paper; 2017-2019; 9.75 x 9.75 inches (at Halibut Point State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PDLFmlfDY/?igshid=1i43bcb7ytks2
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lindacelestian · 5 years
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A couple shots from yesterday at Halibut Point State Park and Rockport, MA #halibutpointstatepark #massachusetts #rockportma #newengland #newenglandvacation (at Halibut Point State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CdljnFrsM/?igshid=adjr8lh6c4y6
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arileigh88 · 7 years
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Got to visit one of my bucket list places- Halibut Point State Park in Rockport, MA. Such a gorgeous place! 💙
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roadtripnewengland · 4 years
#1minutetrip to Halibut Point State Park in Rockport, MA. A great place to #optoutside and get some time oceanside (at Halibut Point State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUQ-t4FPFG/?igshid=v0q57dzczs47
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jetsetsaby · 6 years
Barcelona, Spain
On our trip to Spain, we spent 6 Days, 5 Nights in Barcelona. 2 of those nights we were at the W Hotel in Barceloneta Beach & 3 Nights were at the H10 Metropolitan in Plaza Catalunya (a more central area of the city). This amount of time allowed for a lot of leisure and a less “packed” itinerary. One of these days included a half-day day trip to Girona, Spain. 
The Hola BCN card is definitely worth it if you plan on using the metro and other public transportation trains besides the Renfe train. Validate this at any metro station by putting in your validation code on your voucher. Additionally, we used the Aerobus (a separate ticket) for our trip back to the airport. Main pick up location is at Pl. Catalunya, where they have buses continually running throughout the day. Took us about 30-40 mins once we got on to the airport.
Points of Interest: 
Talk a walk down Passeig De Gracia (Barcelona’s Rodeo Drive), on this walk you can visit Casa Battlo & Casa Mila (I’d recommend buying both these tickets in advance)
El Nacional- a trendy “Eataly” type place to visit while in this area. Check out the inside & maybe grab a drink. I don’t really recommend eating there as the food is touristy and disappointing.
Mercado de La Boqueria
EL QUIM!!! Note the exclamation marks!!!
Bar Pinotxo- we did not get to try this, but it’s a highly recommended place to visit. The owner has cooked and run this place for 50+ years and is still there everyday. 
Buy a mixed Jamon & Cheese cone. We bought ours from Mas. 
El Born- a cute spanish hipster area with great restaurants worth checking out for casual tapa hopping. If you turn the right corners, you might find some great streets worth taking a few IG worth pictures due to the various string lights hung across the alleyways. 
Gothic Quarter- Very old neighborhood full of charm. Oldest part of the city and the “OG” Barcelona neighborhood. Fun fact: the original Barcelona consisted of the Gothic Quarter, Born and Raval neighborhoods. The rest were expansions beyond the original city walls thereafter. For instance, Barceloneta is man made!
Montjuïc Magic Fountain- was a beautiful show (~1 Hr); get there in advance at least a half hour to get a good spot as it gets very crowded! The best view is by the 4 massive pillars of Palau Nacional.
Montijuic Castle- we did not visit here due to the weather, but it is supposed to have a great city/beach view of Barcelona.
Arc De Triomf & Ciutadella Park
These two are very close to one another, so I’d visit them in tandem. Arc de Triomf would be a quick visit just to view the architecture, whereas Cituadella Park requires some walking through the park. The area with the lake/fountain is pretty nice.
Mt. Tibidabo- was pretty complicated to travel here.. and the expectation vs. reality was not impressive. We could have gone on a bad day, so if you’re still up for it & have the time I’d still give it a try.
Near Tibidabo is a rooftop bar called Mirablau which supposedly offers great views of Barcelona. We unfortunately were unable to go here as it seemed complicated to get there as well (nor did we really feel compelled to go because of the disappointing view we saw at Tibidabo already).
Expectation vs Reality- WHERE IS THE OCEANNN?! (also rained the day before, so not sure why it was so overcast/hazy)
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Park Guell- the park is pretty huge, I’d say you’d spend a good 2 hours here walking around if you want to explore the whole thing. If you’re planning to visit the inside of the Park, buy tickets in advance. There are multiple entrance points around the park in which you can see the center portion that is only available by purchasing a ticket.
Sagrada Famila- Obviously.. *buy tickets in advance*
Across the ticket entrance is a park where you can get some pretty cool shots of the Sagrada.
Visit Ayre Hotel Rosellon- for this amazing shot of the Sagrada Familia. Just buy a drink in the hotel lobby & head up to the 6th floor.
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Most restaurants have bar seating where you just stand behind the stools and wait till the customers are done dinning. Then you can sit down and eat. We usually waited <30 min.
El Quim in La Boqueria- *MUST GO* we went here 3x 
FYI- their tapas portions are not small, they’re more like regular portion sizes so just keep that in mind when you order
Fried eggs with Prawns in Cava sauce-  *Must Try*
Most people get the Fried Eggs with Baby Squid, but we both liked the prawns version better
Oxtail Risotto- DELICIOUS
Scallops with Miso
Oxtail “Quim’s Syle” - Basically Galbi Jjim Spanish style. Darren really liked. Large portion though - be warned!
Halibut Ceviche
Potatoes w/ Aioli Sauce “Patatas Bravas” - was good and is a frequently ordered tapa everywhere, but as a general rule of thumb, I’d save the stomach food for the other items on their menu
Ciudad Condal- *Another Must* we went here 2x
We ate at a rival place called Cerveceria Catalana. Most of their tapas were the same so when we did a side-by-side comparison of what we ate, we unanimously concluded that Ciudad was better. Tapas were more consistent and the ingredients were fresher (the bread especially, which makes a huge difference).
Smoked Salmon with Langostino Montadito- *my personal favorite*
Huevos Cabrearos- *Darren’s Favorite* (not on the menu, must ask for it, can also for a half portion if you want to try many things)
Beef Tenderloin
Stir Fried Mushrooms (ask for the mixed mushrooms - comes with chantarelles and all kinds of delicious mushrooms)
Squid with Asparagus and Langostino Montadito
La Mar Salada- (Barceloneta Area)
We only had paella once in Barcelona, but this paella was pretty delicious. The flavors were well-balanced and it had the perfect amount of crispness (”soccarat”) to the bottom layer of the rice. FYI- with most paella places, you must order at least 2 portions and prices are listed per portion.
Cera 23
Did some tapa hopping on our last night and ended up here, Darren & I shared the beef cheek dish which was pretty amazing. So tender... mmmm mmm.
Last spot of our tapa hopping 7€ 1/2L of Sangria!!
Slow Cooked Iberico Pork Ribs
Skirt Steak with Chimichurri
This place was rated #1 on TripAdvisor and therefore seems to be catered a lot towards tourists. It is also a little on the pricier side, however the food was still pretty good. I’d recommend you make a reservation in advance if you plan to go here.
We ordered:
Prawn & White Fish Ceviche
Burrata Cheese with Tomatoes & Guacamole
Galician Octopus
Steak Special
Blackberry Mojito- pretty delicious drink they’re known for
Places we did not try, but was on our list were Arume (for small portion paella sizes), La Luna & Teoric.
Barcelona nightlife starts and ends super late. Most clubs start getting more lively around 1 AM and will close at 6 AM.
Razzmatazz - our personal favorite. There are 5 rooms each with different genres of music. If you get bored just go to another! 
Entrance in club was 17€, which includes one cocktail or two beers
We came here at 3 AM, and there was still a line to get in. The line moves fairly quickly though. 
Barceloneta Area
Opium, Shoko, Pacha
All three are literally right next to each other, perfect for ultimate club hopping.
https://barcelonaparties.com/ to get on the guestlist for these clubs, however you have to arrive before 12 AM (no drink ticket included). If you arrive later, your entrance ticket will come with 1 or 2 drink tickets. For Shoko, we were able to find a promoter who let us skip the line. 
Opium- (preferred this club more than Shoko as it was more spacious)  Electro, RNB, Hip Hop however we found it more to be more like hits. It’s the most spacious out of the three Barceloneta clubs and therefore we had a better time there than at Shoko where there was some elbow bumping. 
Shoko- Electro, RNB, Hip Hop also found it more to be more like hits
Pacha- did not go here, however it looked pretty busy as well; RNB, Hip Hop club
Based on the two clubs we visited, people were not dressed as nicely as what the dress code states online. We saw many people in the club in t-shirts and shorts.
W Hotel
Finding a taxi after leaving this area can be a pain outside of the hotel, so depending on where you are staying or going, I’d recommend walking alongside the beach and catching a bicycle ride and asking if they can take you closer towards inside the city. Feel free to haggle. If you’re going to a club in Barceloneta, we hustled a bike ride for 10€ instead of 20. hehehe
Compared to Opium & Shoko, there were definitely people dressed more sophisticated here.
Also, these close earlier than other places (3AM), so I’d go here first on a night out. Serves as a good pre-game before the other bigger clubs. 
Eclipse @ the W Hotel- more of an inside lounge on the 26th floor of the hotel. There are two sides, one playing electro & the other hits.
Wet Deck @ the W Hotel- this was not open when we were there, but apparently they have great summer parties that overlook the beach.
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
10 Affordable New England Fall Foliage Getaways
Don’t think you can afford a picture-perfect fall getaway? Take a look at these options—perfect for a wallet-friendly weekend (or even weeklong) escape. Bye, bye budget woes. Hello gorgeous New England fall foliage.
Budget Breaks For New England Foliage
At this time of year, we’re surrounded by tempting images of iconic New England foliage ablaze with red, orange, gold, and yellow. But you don’t need to empty your bank account to get those views in person. The following locations make fantastic fall weekend getaways for travelers on tighter budgets.
How are they so affordable? Well, once you’ve picked your prime New England fall foliage trip, pair it with a comfortable FlipKey rental. Vacation rentals can bring your costs down dramatically, giving you a better deal on your accommodation, not to mention more space and the freedom to choose a home that suits your personal style. Having a full kitchen saves money on meals out, and the laundry means you can pack less. Here are 10 affordable New England vacation spots where you can see breathtaking fall foliage without overspending.
Prices reflect the median cost for a weeklong stay in a two-bedroom rental in that destination, between the months of September, October, and November.
Sandwich, Massachusetts: $899/Week
Image from TripAdvisor.com courtesy of RideAway Kayak in Sandiwch, MA.
Cape Cod Bay location, historic center, village-esque charm: that’s already three bonus points for Sandwich as a top New England foliage getaway. Enjoy uninterrupted autumnal views from the Sandwich Boardwalk, watch traditional glassblowers in action, or cycle the Cape Cod Canal Bike Path.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandwich!
Rangeley, Maine: $925/Week
This cozy town offers a spectacular array of oranges, reds, golds, and lingering evergreens in the fall. Pack up a lunch in your private rental kitchen and head off for a day of walking, picnics, and moose-spotting, served with majestic views of Rangeley Lake encircled in a riot of leafy color.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rangeley!
Dover, Vermont: $1000/Week
“Great condo. Right behind the Tin Lizzy Trail with easy access to everything. Perfect for families.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Dover is located in the Mount Snow Valley, and is well known for its summertime and snowbound appeal. But it’s just as spectacular in the fall. Try a scenic ride on a chairlift for soaring leafy views from Mount Snow, or see the changing foliage on a drive culminating in a hearty meal at the West Dover Inn.
See all FlipKey rentals in Dover!
Bartlett, New Hampshire: $1066/Week
Bartlett offers up classic New England fall foliage views in several exhilarating ways. At the Attitash Mountain Resort you can choose from chairlift rides, speedy ziplines, and the Alpine Slide, where two chutes zoom you down the mountainside. Alternatively, take in the colors at a slower pace aboard a vintage train on the Conway Scenic Railroad.
See all FlipKey rentals in Bartlett!
Camden, Maine: $1099/Week
There are plenty of leafy trails to explore in Camden Hills State Park, where you can look down from Mount Battie onto the harbor and bay below. You can see some more New England foliage by driving the Mount Battie Auto Road, camera at the ready.
See all FlipKey rentals in Camden!
Warren, Vermont: $1106/Week
Here’s a good New England fall getaway for those who prefer the quiet life. Walk the Warren Path through the hardwood forest for sublime views of the area and don’t miss pretty Warren Falls, with its pools, waterfalls, and natural rock formations.
See all FlipKey rentals in Warren!
Lincoln, New Hampshire: $1190/Week
“There is so much to do in the Lincoln area that keeping a large group entertained was not a problem. Strenuous hikes on the Appalachian Trail for some; sitting poolside in lounge chairs for others. This unit was especially nice for family gatherings, with the open kitchen connected to a family room and deck, with a small sitting room in a loft above.” — FlipKey Reviewer
This understated little town of clapboard frontages is blessed with soaring natural mountain views all around it. Now’s a beautiful time of year to hike the Flume Gorge, let a gondola lift you up the mountainside, walk along the Pemigewasset River, or join a Pemi Valley Moose Tour.
See all FlipKey rentals in Lincoln!
Bar Harbor, Maine: $1266/Week
Bar Harbor’s town is charming and has fantastic water views, but autumn’s leaves will no doubt tempt you up for a hike through neighboring Acadia National Park. The colors are apparently at their finest in mid-October, so what are you waiting for?
See all FlipKey rentals in Bar Harbor!
Rockport, Massachusetts: $1399/Week
This seaside village is just lovely in the autumn. Set out to discover Halibut Point State Park, with its granite quarries and tide pools, crunch along the stones on Pebble Beach, or take a picnic to Millbrook Meadow.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rockport!
The Berkshires, Massachusetts: $1400/Week
This magically scenic area boasts a handful of terrific towns that make for a great New England foliage getaway. Get back to nature in Beartown State Forest or October Mountain State Forest, then sit down to a farm-to-table meal and enjoy the fruits of this glorious rural setting.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Berkshires!
The post 10 Affordable New England Fall Foliage Getaways appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://ift.tt/2yNwjeq
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janerchambers88 · 7 years
10 Affordable New England Fall Foliage Getaways
Don’t think you can afford a picture-perfect fall getaway? Take a look at these options—perfect for a wallet-friendly weekend (or even weeklong) escape. Bye, bye budget woes. Hello gorgeous New England fall foliage.
Budget Breaks For New England Foliage
At this time of year, we’re surrounded by tempting images of iconic New England foliage ablaze with red, orange, gold, and yellow. But you don’t need to empty your bank account to get those views in person. The following locations make fantastic fall weekend getaways for travelers on tighter budgets.
How are they so affordable? Well, once you’ve picked your prime New England fall foliage trip, pair it with a comfortable FlipKey rental. Vacation rentals can bring your costs down dramatically, giving you a better deal on your accommodation, not to mention more space and the freedom to choose a home that suits your personal style. Having a full kitchen saves money on meals out, and the laundry means you can pack less. Here are 10 affordable New England vacation spots where you can see breathtaking fall foliage without overspending.
Prices reflect the median cost for a weeklong stay in a two-bedroom rental in that destination, between the months of September, October, and November.
Sandwich, Massachusetts: $899/Week
Image from TripAdvisor.com courtesy of RideAway Kayak in Sandiwch, MA.
Cape Cod Bay location, historic center, village-esque charm: that’s already three bonus points for Sandwich as a top New England foliage getaway. Enjoy uninterrupted autumnal views from the Sandwich Boardwalk, watch traditional glassblowers in action, or cycle the Cape Cod Canal Bike Path.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandwich!
Rangeley, Maine: $925/Week
This cozy town offers a spectacular array of oranges, reds, golds, and lingering evergreens in the fall. Pack up a lunch in your private rental kitchen and head off for a day of walking, picnics, and moose-spotting, served with majestic views of Rangeley Lake encircled in a riot of leafy color.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rangeley!
Dover, Vermont: $1000/Week
“Great condo. Right behind the Tin Lizzy Trail with easy access to everything. Perfect for families.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Dover is located in the Mount Snow Valley, and is well known for its summertime and snowbound appeal. But it’s just as spectacular in the fall. Try a scenic ride on a chairlift for soaring leafy views from Mount Snow, or see the changing foliage on a drive culminating in a hearty meal at the West Dover Inn.
See all FlipKey rentals in Dover!
Bartlett, New Hampshire: $1066/Week
Bartlett offers up classic New England fall foliage views in several exhilarating ways. At the Attitash Mountain Resort you can choose from chairlift rides, speedy ziplines, and the Alpine Slide, where two chutes zoom you down the mountainside. Alternatively, take in the colors at a slower pace aboard a vintage train on the Conway Scenic Railroad.
See all FlipKey rentals in Bartlett!
Camden, Maine: $1099/Week
There are plenty of leafy trails to explore in Camden Hills State Park, where you can look down from Mount Battie onto the harbor and bay below. You can see some more New England foliage by driving the Mount Battie Auto Road, camera at the ready.
See all FlipKey rentals in Camden!
Warren, Vermont: $1106/Week
Here’s a good New England fall getaway for those who prefer the quiet life. Walk the Warren Path through the hardwood forest for sublime views of the area and don’t miss pretty Warren Falls, with its pools, waterfalls, and natural rock formations.
See all FlipKey rentals in Warren!
Lincoln, New Hampshire: $1190/Week
“There is so much to do in the Lincoln area that keeping a large group entertained was not a problem. Strenuous hikes on the Appalachian Trail for some; sitting poolside in lounge chairs for others. This unit was especially nice for family gatherings, with the open kitchen connected to a family room and deck, with a small sitting room in a loft above.” — FlipKey Reviewer
This understated little town of clapboard frontages is blessed with soaring natural mountain views all around it. Now’s a beautiful time of year to hike the Flume Gorge, let a gondola lift you up the mountainside, walk along the Pemigewasset River, or join a Pemi Valley Moose Tour.
See all FlipKey rentals in Lincoln!
Bar Harbor, Maine: $1266/Week
Bar Harbor’s town is charming and has fantastic water views, but autumn’s leaves will no doubt tempt you up for a hike through neighboring Acadia National Park. The colors are apparently at their finest in mid-October, so what are you waiting for?
See all FlipKey rentals in Bar Harbor!
Rockport, Massachusetts: $1399/Week
This seaside village is just lovely in the autumn. Set out to discover Halibut Point State Park, with its granite quarries and tide pools, crunch along the stones on Pebble Beach, or take a picnic to Millbrook Meadow.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rockport!
The Berkshires, Massachusetts: $1400/Week
This magically scenic area boasts a handful of terrific towns that make for a great New England foliage getaway. Get back to nature in Beartown State Forest or October Mountain State Forest, then sit down to a farm-to-table meal and enjoy the fruits of this glorious rural setting.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Berkshires!
The post 10 Affordable New England Fall Foliage Getaways appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
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