#hallariel seacaster neg
whirlwindsworld · 4 months
Fantasy junior year finale thoughts
SPOILERS!! And long post ahead
First thought: The pacing. I know there were good reasons for things ending up being rushed. But I can still be sad that they were rushed.
A bunch of stuff was kind of forgotten or left on the cutting floor. Bucky, Fabian and his mom and her broken promise to be better, the full timeline of the Ratgrinders, Jace and whether he was potentially resurrected, and finally, Jawbone trying to talk to Riz!!
Even if this’ll all be further explored in senior year, I believe most if not all deserved some lip service be paid so we know these plot threads didn’t just buried.
Second thought: Fabian. This boy’s entire situation all season had me so sad. It’s so deeply fucked up.
We laugh at the baby nemesis thing, but with how much time Hallariel dedicates to Fabian, its not too far fetched to liken Fabian to a practice kid for her. Her new kid will be a full elf. Able to live for hundreds of years. Fabian’s life span is like the blink of an eye for her. She’s barely emotionally invested in Fabian as it is.
From Fabian’s perspective, he might really be thinking, “How invested will she actually be when her “real kid” is born?”
She straight up broke the promise she made in sophomore year to be better. I am deeply surprised that was not a detail to have come up when Ankarna asked him about injustice.
Third thought: I hope we either get poly Kristen and trackerbeeshield, or that trackerbees don’t get back together. Its not that deep a thought. I think its a big swing to revive a relationship that was genuinely a good bit codependent.
Fourth thought: I’m gonna miss fig so much. I know she’s dropping out so emily can give her a happy retirement, but I swear there’s more story to tell here still. I don’t just want to see her admit she struggled asking for help I wanna see her try her ass off to ask for help when she needs it. It’s a skill you gotta practice. And she is absolutely still her own worse critic. She sets these crazy high standards for herself and beats herself up when she fails to reach them.
And thats it for now!
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