#halsin x vanessa
starfleetteddybear · 8 months
Twisting Fates of Balduran's Gates
So, I just published my first work on ao3. Feel free to check it out if it's your cup of tea. I am going to post it here on Tumblr too.
"Well, my husband Richard is dead. My friend Gale is missing in action when I need him most. Oh, and when I visit Baldur's gate I get abducted by a Mind Flayer ship. Things can't get worse, right?"
Spoiler alert: it's gonna get way, way worse before it gets better. All the gang's here to support her though! Eventual Halsin romance (we get there when we get there). Our protagonist is an accomplished wizard in her late thirties who can't catch a break. She will be processing the loss of her husband Richard while dealing with romantic feelings for a new person (Halsin). Also, her relationship with Durge gets complicated. Durge will be Durge, but he is trying to be his best self most of the time. Durge has some mental illness/daddy issues, but don't we all? The author has played BG3 many times but will change story events and event timing sequences for the drama. This is not a faithful retelling of the game, but an exploration of how things could play out differently. Let's just have fun with it, and not take it too seriously, huh?
Chapter 1: Seduction and Abduction
The atmosphere was jovial in the Elfsong Tavern. It was just after sunset when all the reputable businesses closed their doors and patrons sought to sate a plethora of different hungers. A large group of dock workers loudly sang bawdy drinking songs and clinked glasses in time to the beat. Young would-be lovers canoodled in the alcoves, flirting and trading hushed whispers.
I miserably sat at a booth in the farthest corner, staring into my cups with a sour stomach. Richard’s ashes sat across from me as if mocking me with their very presence. My lips twisted in disgust at myself and my weakness.
“I couldn’t do it, Richard. Traveled all the way from Waterdeep, dodging bandits and pickpockets. Even minced words with a very handsy coachmen driver to make it to the tourist trap of Sorceror’s Sundries. You would have been so disappointed. It was a glorified gift shop.” I confessed, downing the rest of my cup in one go. Richard, of course, did not reply.
I waved my empty cup at a waitress who made eye contact with me. Her eyes roved over my roadworn appearance, taking in my wizard robes and my pallid complexion from long nights of study. I noted with a twinge of chagrin that her eyes lingered on the bags under my eyes and the new spouts of grey near the crown of my hair. Grief had aged me more in the last few months than my 38 years ever had. 
“No offense love, but it looks like you’ve had enough to drink today. You should go upstairs and sleep it off.” She offered, not unkindly.
An unwelcome chuckle rose out of me. “I already have a room upstairs, and I plan to return once I am insensibly drunk.”
She frowned at my response, her eyes narrowing as if she was considering chiding me. A feeling of embarrassment only grew in me, as this woman at least 10 years my junior was going to scold me. 
“Are you really going to cut me off, in front of my dead husband?” I gestured to the urn next to me with both my hands, knocking over my empty cup in the process. My face flushed from full-fledged embarrassment and all the drink rushing through my body.
Before the waitress could reply I felt a man’s warm hand rest on my shoulder, drawing my attention to his face. He was exceptionally handsome for a human man, with a strong jawline a god would envy. His eyes were so crystal blue it was like getting lost in the ocean. I felt my jaw drop open, and I might have audibly gasped in shock. 
The man gave me a megawatt smile as he ordered, “Bring us two pints of the house brew, and keep them coming.”
If the waitress was going to protest it died on her lips when the man threw down a shocking amount of gold pieces on the table. He slid into the booth with me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, engulfing me in his warmth and the scents of soft leather and incense. The drink must have all gone to my head because I only sighed and rested my head against him. I closed my eyes imagining Richard next to me instead of a stranger, no matter how handsome he was. 
Soon the waitress came back to our table with a large platter on one arm laden with several mugs of spiced wine, and some fragrant baked goods that made my mouth water at the sight of them. I didn’t hesitate. Grabbing a gooseberry danish in one hand and a mug of wine in the other I began consuming with gusto. The quiet stranger only sipped at his own goblet and huddled me closer. I downed the first mug of wine and quickly moved onto the second hoping the alcohol would make me feel braver than I was. I felt very out of practice with the idea of spending time with a stranger. Was this how single people dated these days?
The man crooned in my ear, “Such a shame for such a beautiful woman to be left all alone on such a fantastic night such as this.” Then he sniffed my hair and his breath sent goosebumps alight on my skin.
I snorted in disbelief, and refused to look at him. “I’ve literally never looked worse. If you are looking for a sweet young thing to warm your bed tonight I’m sure there are plenty of takers with a face like yours.”
“I know a lonely soul when I see one. And any fool knows that women age like fine wine, especially in bed.” The tall, dark, and handsome stranger began kissing my neck, sending sparks down my spine. He whispered against me so quietly I almost didn’t hear his next words. “And I can’t wait to devour the sweetness of your skin. Do you taste as good as you smell? Like vanilla, patchouli, and parchment.”
I felt myself blush so hard my ears began burning.“M-Mystra’s crumpled stockings, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I’m old enough to be your mother for goddess’ sake.”
I turned my face to see if he was mocking me, or if this was all a joke to get a big laugh for his friends hiding somewhere in the distance. His gaze was intense and sensual as he looked down at me. I saw no mocking pity there, or even humor staring back at me. He took my chin in one of his large hands, his thumb brushing over my lips. 
“Little wizard, has no one ever seduced you before?” His eyes held a hidden mirth, like only he knew a secret about me. “You seem very out of practice.”
My heart began thundering in my chest like a rabbit spotting a predator. My mouth opened, but no sound other than an embarrassed “huh?” fell out. My drink-addled brain wasn’t doing much better. This handsome man really did look at me like I was something he wanted very much to devour. No other man had ever looked at me that way in a decade, not even Richard. I had always been the one to chase him in our courtship. I was the aggressive seducer in our relationship. It felt…exciting and terrifying to have the shoe on the other foot for once.
I was so absorbed in my thoughts I startled when he surged forward closing the distance between us. His lips were on me like he was a drowning man at sea and I was the last dregs of air. The wave of want hit me so hard it was like a punch to the gut. My hands roved over his chest and his hands sunk down to my bottom pulling me onto his lap. 
“My room is upstairs if we want to take this somewhere more private,” I gasped out of breath when we came up for air. When my make out partner moved onto lavishing my neck with love bites I let out a mortifying moan that would have put sober me to shame.
He made a noise of approval against my neck, and we both hopped up. I wobbled on drunken legs, and stumbled over a chair before he scooped me up in his arms like a groom carrying his bride. A few patrons not so deep in their cups wolfishly whistled at us as I directed him up the stairs and to the room that I rented for the night. A giggle more befitting of a girl rather than a grown woman escaped me as he tossed me onto the bed, and crawled up my body to kiss me more.
“I don’t normally do things like this. Why, I don’t even know your name,” I whispered scandalously, helping him unbutton my robe. “My name is Vanessa. I’m from Waterdeep. Are you native to the gate?”
He tossed his shirt over his head, revealing a well-muscled chest. As he worked off his belt he answered in a frustrated huff, “My name is Tav, and I work down at the docks unloading ships. Keeps me fit, but man is it boring. Are we going to talk the whole night, or am I going to get lucky?”
The conversation stalled as soon as he got his pants off. I pulled him back down to me and we continued kissing as if we were dying. We didn’t bother with foreplay, both too impatient to wait longer than it took to remove our underwear. After only a moment he sunk into me, both of us moaning in delight. His pace was fast and rough as he bowed over me, but he felt so good after being alone these past few weeks. I felt my body reacting to him, but my passion cooled as he gripped me painfully tight with fingers that would leave bruises. Richard knew how I liked being touched without having to tell him. 
Rather disappointedly, the fun ended far sooner than I wished. Tav crushed me to himself right as he finished. He lay collapsed on top of me, breathing hard as I stared up at the ceiling feeling the cold wash of regret crash over me. This was a mistake. And very stupid for a smart lady like myself to do, even while drunk. I didn’t even know this man. And what I really wanted was Richard. His fingers running through my hair as we lay relaxed in bed and talked about our days. The comforting touch of his back against me as we slept. His gifted hands and mouth as he teased me to orgasm. My heart twisted so painfully in my chest I let out a audible sob as if I’d been struck and my eyes burned.
“Well, this was lovely, but I’d like my room back to myself I think,” I coughed, trying to shuck the man off me. 
Tav lifted himself up and his expression was furious. The most alarming thing about him was his bright blue eyes were now frighteningly red. Without warning he wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed with terrifying strength. I thrashed against him and tried to break his hold with my hands, but he only tightened his grip. I couldn’t think of any spells as the mix of adrenaline and alcohol rushed through me. I would have begged for my life had I had any spare air in my lungs. I felt the blood rush around my temples. The pressure made me feel like my brain was going to explode.
That was when the room actually did explode from some big impact outside. Debris rained from the open holes in the roof and where the window used to be. Tav was knocked off of me, and I lay gasping and coughing in oxygen as the screaming from all directions began. I found the strength to pick myself off the bed. My eyes flashed over to Tav, still crumpled on the ground with his hands buried in his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” He babbled, his blue eyes filling with tears. “I’m so sorry Vanessa. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I-” 
I didn’t wait to hear the rest of what he had to say as I grabbed my still-packed bag off the wardrobe, and my outer robe off the floor as I ran out completely naked except for my bra. I stumbled down the stairs but managed to stay on my feet as I made my escape. No one paid me any attention as chaos like I never heard before blared from outside. Some people were hidden under tables while others were fleeing toward the kitchen cellar.  I was halfway out of the room before I stopped in my tracks.
Richard’s urn sat on the table near the half-eaten food and empty cups. I opened my pack and stuffed him inside, a twinge of guilt hitting me. I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself because then I heard Tav on the stairs. 
“Vanessa, I swear I wasn’t myself. Forgive me, please!” He begged, running towards me. 
I raised my hands casting grease by his feet. He lost his balance by surprise, not even catching himself as he crashed face-first into the tile. I frowned fiercely as he groaned in pain, hoping he chipped a tooth. I wrapped my wizard robe around myself, cursing inwardly that some of the buttons had been ripped off in our haste. As he struggled to get up I hoisted up my pack on my back and dashed to the door. 
The sky was full of strange tentacled ships, and squid-man creatures were attacking people. I hesitated to leave the tavern, but I wasn’t about to stay to be attacked by a worse monster. I ran through the chaos and confusion, unsure where I was going. Somewhere safe would do. Anywhere away from Tav, and what was almost the last mistake of my life.
It was just my luck that I got grabbed by a mind flayer ship. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
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