#hana won't improve but she will get worse in fun new ways!
vroomian · 11 months
which would be funnier? hana in blue lock immediately or hana in blue lock AFTER her terrible i-want-a-refund KNB experience?
oh after knb would be funnier for sure. hana goes from 'wow i hate basketball' to 'wow soccer players are all freaks! take me back to basketball land please!'. Of course, by the end of hh i don't know that hana would even bother staying in the blue lock program because she has like, friends and a girlfriend and zero desire to play sports lol.
so if i was gonna do an au it'd have to be something like she never met kise (this is a same universe thing i guess!) and instead went through life alone. she's already tried to commit suicide by this point and her parents were so upset that she agreed to go to therapy. her therapist had her pick one hobby to try out and she decided on soccer at random.
naturally, she's really fucking good. hana definitely has the personality to be a striker lol. her life could've been so much easier if she just gave in to people's expectations of her instead of going 'how about i do what i want forever'. i think her parents were so thrilled that they pulled strings to get her into the blue lock program despite her gender. ego was interested enough that he agreed. She's not in the same group as isagi at first, instead, she is the only one in her group to make it to the second round. She made it by carrying her team lol.
then all the freaks start to come out of the woodwork and hana goes owo? whats this? like-minded peers to trash talk and bully? who are awful in a way that makes me look normal??? and her life gets significantly more hilarious.
i imagine that reo def knows who she is because they're in the same tax bracket, he tries to trash talk her on how she's only here because ego wanted her parent's money so he made an exception. and hana gets to go "Obviously, I'm an exception. Im exceptional."
and this is just a normal thing for a striker to say, god bless them :')
(hana probaly gets along most with nagi. they're both pretty chill)
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