#handsome tan brown eyed black haired Spock
rainbowresurrection · 6 months
Pasty Spock haunts me. Please let him be tan
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elphaba-fang · 6 years
It's... A... New season for our heroes and pals!
No spoilers this time guys. Just feedback please.
Open your eyes...
Open them.
It's alright.
Eyes opening...
“Alright we've got... Silver! Silver eyes!” black hair. Shaved partly on one side. The shave just barely below the top of the ear. A few braids tied back. Jade eyes. Seen battle. Too many to want to count.
“Silver eyes? Not like the metal right?” laughter. Young man. Red hair. Unnatural. Crimson hair. Like blood. Handsome face. Little scruff. Piercing eyes. Beautiful. Blue. Scars that were fading. Very... handsome...
“Shut up!” the first woman laughed, ready to smack the man.
“Hey hey hey not the face!” he laughed.
“So, silver eyes huh? That's cool.” young woman, slightly see through. Ghost-like. Pale blue hair, skin and white eyes. Almost empty with a faint spark of life. Ice coated her. Small bits completely frozen.
Faces? Many faces watching over. Curiosity was ready to burst from this silver-eyed thing.
“They look confused.” red head.
“Understandable.” blue hair.
“Maybe we should explain?” black hair.
“Yeah let's do that. But... Who's turn?” red hair.
“Good question... Torisma?” black hair.
“Too violent.” red hair.
“Fair. Teak?” black hair.
“Maybe that's not wise... remember what happened last time?” red hair.
“Oh! Shoot you're correct. How about Nighthawk?” black hair. The ghostly one had drifted off.
“Shoot first ask questions later.” a new face chimed in, approaching. Brown hair. Long. Super long. Down to the knees long. Elegant, beautiful. Pointed ears. Oh an elf! Carrying a staff. Tanned skin. Magenta eyes. And a similar color on the tattoo on her face.
“You know I can hear you?” helmet. Muffled voice. Hiding something?"
“Who's a favorite? Totoro?”
“Too young.”
“Busy reading.”
“Seriously...? She... She can't talk.”
“Yeah, shut up.”
“Ha! Hahahaha... Oh wait you're serious. Kiba will feed them to the jaggis.”
“Too fragile. Seriously, breathe on her and she starts bleeding.”
“Wow... Uh... I'm down to two. One is-”
“Kinda grumpy-”
“Yeah and the other is-”
“Kinda stabby...”
“Oh you're on!”
They continue. Gentle tap while they're distracted. A whole mess of people.
“You the new girl?” silver hair. Pale blue eyes. Tanned skin. A few well placed scars. Lester armor. Rogue? Thief? Looking down slightly. Spikes. Lots of them. Jetting from the large belt and bursting from the gauntlet.
Slow nod.
“Come on. We'll show you around.” same one. Silver hair, blue eyes.
“Any idea what you look like yet?”
Shakes head.
“No? Well, so far... You're a girl. Silver eyes. Name?”
“Don't even have a name yet. Probably still thinking of one.”
“Do you know what you sound like yet?”
Shakes head.
“It'll come soon, promise. Usually does that later, but it's nice being able to talk. Love interest?”
Nods excitedly.
“Nice! We got a nod!”
Looking around. Silver eyes shining. Many strangers all interacting in different ways. All getting along. Elves, dwarves, aliens, humans, merfolk, vampires, werewolves, demons, angels. So many things here. Not fighting or trying to hurt. Peaceful coexistence. Overhead, people on brooms or dragons, flying cars, or just flying!
“Hey new girl!”
“Over here!”
Running forward, almost getting stepped on by a dragon.
“Sorry miss! Hope I didn't hurt you.”
The dragon talks! It actually talks! From it's back, two young women.
“Pryo, she okay?” Auburn hair. No, sandy. Green eyes. Fair skin only barely lighter than the hair. Cute girl.
“Yeah! She seems fine!” the dragon spoke. He was a cream color. Lovely Amber eyes, like gemstones against the contrasting gray. Large horns resembling antlers, but almost made of coral?
“Then let's go!” another woman. Pale. Black hair with red tips and bangs.
The dragon makes his way farther down. There's so much here! Ships! Dragons! Unicorns! Planes! Everything here! It's overwhelming!
“Hey glad you finally made it, new girl. Do you want long or short hair?” elf stands there staring.
“Well, whatever your preference, I hope you get it.”
“We don't always get what we want at first... But as we grow and develope we see why and we love who we are. Nesissa would never wish slavery upon another person. But she goes through it. And because of who she is now, her strong development? She wouldn't have herself any other way. More than anything, Hunter has to live with their pain of how many monsters they've murdered. Shot down with no remorse. But it makes them stronger. The desire to now protect is greater than any harm anyone would do.”
“Fang didn't want to die. Originally, they were going to stay dead. Fang knew, however, not only was sure created to defeat such evils, but she was content where she was. Happy. Nothing else urgent required care.”
“Tsume was dropped into a world where humans don't exist. Somehow, they didn't kill them.”
“There are many examples. But we may dislike it at first, hate resent, even regret our creation. But in the end, we love her. Not because we have to. But we want to. She cares about all of us.”
“She spoke!”
“Sounds like European. Specified to... British? Yeah, British.”
“Tell us about yourself. Oh. Your hair is coming in now. Brown hair? No wait, it's changing! Silver hair too! Nice! Oh, eyes are changing!”
“Ammy will be happy. There's another White hair red eyes character.”
“So... I've got questions...” New girl. Longer hair. Messy? No straight. Curly? Messy again? Messy with some braids? What's with all the braids?
“Understandable... But first, tell us about yourself.”
“I... I don't remember...” Embarrassed.
“Did she finally...?”
“Looks like.”
The others nodded.
“Well then. Out of the hundreds of characters made, you are the first among us to have... amnesia.” Same black hair and frigid eyes. But they weren't cold feeling. No, warming. Like a mother's smile.
“How do I get it back...?”
“We gotta get you in your world. Ready?”
Bright light. Eyes opening to the Grand city and looking over the rest of the world. People hustling and bustling. Unaware and confused. The poor young woman only wanted help. She stumbled into a stranger. Furious by her apparently careless nature.
“I'm sorry!” She frowns, avoiding being struck. She stumbled into someone bigger. Afraid, she ran. An angered man pursued her. She was terrified. He called her a thief and chased her some distance. She tumbled down the wall. Catching herself narrowly on a ledge. “Help! Somebody help!” The cries were heard, and people gathered. She was going to fall.
“Hold on! I'll catch you!” A strange boy shouted. After a countdown, her fingers released their grasp. She fell. Praying to the gods she would be caught. And she was. The young man who caught her smirked.
“H-hi...” She blushed looking at him.
“Hey. I'm Erik.”
New. Debuting my newest character, Jaelle! She's based in the Dragon Quest universe, specifically in Dragon Quest XI. I absolutely adore Erik. This didn't fit all I wanted in it. Kinda peeved... It's all jumbled and messy. I hate that there's a limit. It bothers me. There's a line limit, a character limit. And I'm doing all this from my phone... It's frustrating because I have to re-edit everything I do just so it'll fit. It's really frustrating and constricting to everything I write because I do write a lot of dialogue and characters. It's hard. Do I just not have them talk?
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