#hangyul scenarios
thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
Two psychopaths in the entire series lol, far worse than serial killers
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You felt like you were going insane and losing your mind trapped with Hangyul and Eugene, you despised them for stealing you from your life and your family. You regretted the day you ever met them and if you could change the time and course of your actions, you'd do that but unfortunately, the time and tide doesn't wait for anyone. You hated the way how Eugene and Hangyul coordinated with each other and found out everything about you and even had Eugene's brother Yuseong spy on you and give them daily updates on what happened in your life. By the time you found out about the secret cameras they installed in your room and in your own house, you felt sick to the core. You felt like screaming and slapping them across the face for doing something that repulsive to you. You knew it would be a stupid idea to contact the police, you knew what these psychopaths were capable of and the last thing you needed was for them to ruin your life further. Even though you found out what Hangyul Baek did in his hospital and found out about his secret of trapping people in cells where they never saw the light of day again, sometimes you felt like that would be a far better option than having to endure Eugene and Hangyul on a daily basis
You got down from the bed and walked into the living room, the dim lights and opulent furniture along with the beige walls and the carpets would have given you a homely feeling and looked aesthetically pleasing to the eye since you remembered saving tons of pins like this on your Pinterest boards, you had no idea how far these lunatics would go and they actually ended up furnishing the living room to your liking. You'd honestly be flattered if you weren't kidnapped and if you didn't feel like a freaking hostage. You looked around the room cautiously trying to detect any movement as you heaved a soft sigh of relief to yourself. Those lunatics weren't around, perhaps you could try leaving. You mapped out an escape route for yourself, the door was a bad idea since it had a digital lock that could only be opened from the outside and no doubt they both used some kind of high tech level security to prevent you from opening the door. The window was a no go for you as well since they were smart enough to have iron bars on the windows. But the balcony was a good shot, you knew there was a ledge down the balcony and if you could just manage to get down to the ledge and be a bit careful in climbing the pipeline to the ground, you'd be able to escape! You felt an adrenaline rush course through your veins as you felt a surge of excitement, something you hadn't felt in since a long time and you rushed to the balcony door and tried to open it but no avail. You grumbled under your breath and looked around for a way to break open the balcony door, unaware of the secret cameras that were watching your every move and action. The walls did indeed have eyes and ears
"How adorable, she's trying to escape'' said Hangyul as he chuckled and showed the footage of you trying to open the balcony door on his laptop to Eugene who had an amused smirk plastered across his face. The both of them shared the same look of malice glinting in their eyes and the way they had a sadistic smirk on their faces as they watched you trying to open the balcony door of fruitlessly. "What a naive little thing she is...she doesn't know we're watching her every move. But I'm rather hurt you know, we did so much for her and yet she feels like running away like the naughty little girl she is'' said Eugene as he sighed and had an expression of mock sadness on his face. "You don't actually think she'll leave...do you?" asked Hangyul as he looked at Eugene with a stoic look on his face. Eugene simply chuckled and shook his head. "You have the habit of worrying too much...but she won't. We won't allow that to happen... and our little sweetheart needs to know about the consequences of her actions as well'' said Eugene as his smile disappeared and a dark look crossed his face. Hangyul's expression darkened as he narrowed his eyes at the mere thought of you escaping from them, a thought both of them never wanted to entertain. Now that the very thought of you wanting to leave them was forming in your head, they had to squash it and nip it in the bud before it would get too out of hand. "Let's give our little sweetheart a surprise visit'' winked Hangyul as Eugene let out an amused chuckle as the both of them were on their way back to the residence where you lived with them
Meanwhile you were still trying to find something to break open the balcony door with so you could escape. After a few moments of fumbling around, you finally managed to get the balcony's sliding door open as you heaved a sigh of relief and you peered downwards to see if it would be safe for you to jump. It wasn't too steep but wasn't exactly too close either, you could manage, you just had to be careful. The last thing you needed was for you to end up with a broken ankle or some broken bones which would prevent you from escaping from these psychopaths who held you hostage for so long that you lost your sense of time. You entered the balcony area and as soon as you got ready to jump, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you back inside as another hand closed the balcony door shut again and you felt the hope die inside you. You were so close, yet so hopelessly far away from your freedom. You looked at Eugene and Hangyul with a resentful expression on your face as they both stared back at you with cold and stern expressions, their usual smirks long gone
"Why would you attempt to do such a foolish thing, my dear?' asked Eugene, his voice was soft yet his tone and the look on his face indicated that he wasn't playing games with you at the moment. "You're quite the foolish little thing you know...you could have gotten hurt. We're supposed to take care of you and love you and this is what you do. You need some disciplining sweetheart'' said Hangyul as he stared at you with his soul piercing stare which sent shivers and chills down your spine. The fact that they weren't smiling anymore indicated that they were really pissed off and you felt a cold sense of dread settle inside you. "I...I wanted some fresh air'' you mumbled lamely as you fidgeted nervously. You mentally cursed yourself for uttering such a silly excuse, you felt like you should have come up with something better but the severity of the situation didn't ease your nerves
"Tsk tsk...sweetheart, you know I hate liars'' said Eugene as he narrowed his eyes at you and he lifted your chin with his index finger to make you look at his cold stern gaze which didn't calm your nerves any. "You know...we do so much for you and yet you behave like a little brat. You need to be punished. You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions sweetheart'' said Hangyul as a sickly smile was plastered across his face which made the bile rise to your throat. "Wh...what do you mean?" you asked them as your heart raced madly and hammered wildly out of pure fear from their words. You felt your blood run cold, this was the first time you've known fear as you stood in front of two monsters who were very much capable of making people's lives hell. "Don't fret for now, naive darling...just rest. Everything will be clear soon'' cooed Eugene as you felt a prick in your neck and you could feel your vision and consciousness reducing. The last thing you remembered was them kissing your cheek before you managed to fully black out in their arms
You woke up a few hours later and you instantly knew they'd injected some kind of sedative to make you feel drowsy and weak. You could still feel the after effects which made you groggy but you were still able to decipher and comprehend what was going on around you and needless to say, you were not liking the situation one bit. "Ah...how wonderful, you're awake my dear...now, we know you might have been feeling a bit lonely and bored, which is why we'll play a nice game. A fun one which we think you might enjoy'' said Hangyul with a smile on his face, that didn't match the sadistic gleam shining in his eyes. "What do you mean?" you asked hesitantly as you looked at them with fear in your eyes. They both loved the way your pretty soft lips quivered in fright from the mere sight of them, it gave them such a rush of power as they found it rather endearing and adorable
They led you to the living room and made you sit in between them on the couch as they switched on the TV and 3 of your best friends were in a white room, blindfolded and gagged and tied up as your eyes widened in horror. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? LET THEM GO!" you screeched on top of your lungs as you glared at both of them. "You look so adorable when you try to be intimidating my dear, but you need to understand that your actions have consequences...'' cooed Hangyul as he had a sickly grin on his face and stroked your hair gently. "You know...I've always despised your pathetic little friends. They're like flies you know...but I don't really blame them for wanting to be around you, your personality is sweeter than honey...of course, we aren't really THAT heartless either, my dear...'' said Eugene as he smirked at you. "We'll give you a choice, since we're feeling...merciful at the moment. We simply cannot stand seeing you so upset...'' whispered Hangyul as his lips teasingly brushed against the nape of your neck
"What choice?" you asked as you raised a brow apprehensively. You REALLY did NOT like where this was going. "A choice for you to save one of those annoying little pathetic friends of yours. Which friend is more dear to you? Which friend would you be willing to save to be able to sacrifice the other two insignificant little pests'' asked Eugene as his smirk widened when he saw you squirm and look uncomfortable at the situation. They both loved it when you started squirming and felt pleased that they had such an effect on you. "Are you both insane? I won't choose between my friends! Please, let them go! They have families, they have their lives to live for! I'm the one who should be punished, I'll accept whatever punishment you give me but leave them alone'' you pleaded with a desperate expression on your face. "How endearing, you have such a noble heart...'' laughed Hangyul as his tone was laced with slight mockery and amusement. "How noble indeed but no, my dear. They've also had the audacity to get close to you and look at you and be with you...time's running out my dear. Choose before we choose for you. Tick...tock...'' said Eugene as he held your hand in his while you stared at the TV screen in front of you with tears streaming down your face, the fates of your dear friends lives resting in your hands
"Please don't do this...please...I'm begging you'' you whispered as you sniffed and more tears ran down your face. "You need to learn your lesson my dear. Now choose'' said Eugene with a slightly stern voice as you shook your head. "Not to worry then, we'll pick for you'' spoke Hangyul as he pulled out a remote and pressed the number 3 on it. The room in which your friends were trapped in glowed red as the number 3 was visible on the wall. A few men with masks grabbed one of your friends and twisted your friend's neck and you could literally hear the sound of their bones snapping before they fell down to the ground limp and lifeless. "NO!" you screamed as you flailed around and tried to escape from their strong grasp but no avail. "Please let them go! Please...'' you pleaded as your tears continued to flow. "Awww...darling don't cry...this is for your own good you know'' whispered Hangyul as he kissed your tears away and Eugene caressed your other cheek with his cold fingers in a nimble manner
Eugene pressed another button on the remote as the room glowed 1 and you could see the men in the masks drag your other friend and they pulled out sharp knives and stabbed your friend till the ground was covered in a crimson pool of your dead friend's blood while you watched on with horror, angry at yourself for being so pathetic that you couldn't save your friends from their deaths. "You...you said you'd spare one at least. Please just spare the last'' you pleaded weakly, hoping against hope that they'd concede and give in. "Hm...let us think about it for a moment'' mumbled Hangyul as he tapped his chin playfully as Eugene spoke "I don't think they really deserve it though...would you like to do the honor?" asked Eugene as he handed the remote to Hangyul. You tried to snatch the remote from his hand as Eugene restrained you by pulling you onto his lap and caged your body with his arms while you struggled to free yourself from him. The button was pressed and the last of your friends fell down to the ground lifeless and dead as a single bullet to the forehead painted the ground of that room with the spilled blood of your dear friends
You sat there still and motionless as you just witnessed the deaths of your dearest friends and hated that you were powerless to stop it from happening as silent tears streamed down your cheeks and you trembled slightly. "We would never hurt you my love...I hope you've understood your lesson now and the consequences of your actions...'' whispered Eugene as they both kissed your cheeks, sealing your fate to be with them forever....
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boyinatown · 1 year
Can I request Dg, Kwak jihan and Baek Hangyul reacting to the reader sending them a pic of them wearing a lingerie?
Pairing: dg, kwak & Baek x f! Reader 💗
Summary: Where they receive the picture and what they’d do with it.
Warning: sexual theme, masturbating & fingering
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It’s no secret, your a very daring person. Always sending risky texts to your boyfriend even when he’s in a live stream.
Taking it up a notch sending him your newest lingerie he ordered for you: a pink one, with petal flowers printed on the bra, lacy panties and a choker with his idol mark. Sending 2 separate ones of you spread on the bed and one with just boob pictures.
Dg was now currently live-streaming and you were watching his live, a ping gets heard through the stream. He checks it quickly noticing it’s you and opens it, his eyes widen only for a second before he clears his throat.
You send him a small : “ see you soon dg 💗” in the live chat, as he’s reading it you catch his smirk for a second. Ofcourse the other streamers with him ask why all of a sudden his ears are red and he’s gripping the pen tightly almost breaking it.
You were such a tease and he loved it, oh how he did. He excuses his self from the live stream saying it’s urgent before he dissapears.
You get up quickly knowing he’ll be here in a few seconds, and as you guessed it the door flings open to dg standing there.
“Come here you, that’s not nice you know..”
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Kwak was talking to the elder man, about something you didn’t care much about. Growing impatient and feeling needy, you went to the bathroom excusing yourself.
Snapping him a picture of your lingerie underneath your clothing saying you’ll be in the bathroom when he’s done, what you didn’t expect is him to break open the door.
“Kwak? Here already, what about Elder-“
He sits down on the toilet’s top cover, taking off his belt and patting his lap. Hinting for you to come closer and so you do.
He rips off your clothing after you dressed back into them, eyeing your black lingerie licking your stomach up to your breasts. Leaving small hickeys on them, then forcing you to lay your stomach on his thighs plunging his fingers deep inside your hole without warning and closing your mouth by placing his palm on it.
Making a shush motion with his lips and finger, winking at you before moving his fingers deeper inside.
“Be quiet now, you don’t want them to find out do you? Ah , no I bet you do dirty woman..”
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Dating this busy surgeon didn’t make it better whenever you were horny and frustrated. So how would you make him still think of you?
You guessed it, snap him a dirty picture of your fingers in your panties and All while in your lingerie: a white one that had a small ribbon attached to the bra.
after receiving your dirty pictures, hangyul clenched his jaw and told Eugene he had urging matters to attend to easing Eugene worries that it wasn’t a sudden intruder at workers. Instead a very stubborn patient that needed some attention.
Going to the bathroom, his hands sneak down his pants and into his boxers, closing his eyes and stroking his self. He imagines how your fingers would not please you at the very least.
Increasing his speed and a few whimpers spill from his lips and he bites his lower one. His head thrown back and glasses falling off his face onto the floor.
“Aha , y/n ,y/n fuck fuck..! Just wait till I get back home..”
He sends you a picture of his hand leaking with cum and the title is: “ here’s a little thank you, I better find you spread on the bed when I come back.”
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seokmattchuus · 4 years
Lessons - Hangyeol
A/n: I’ve never written mafia stuff before so excuse this for sucking. Also, I can’t remember if this is proofread so I’m sorry if that’s not a thing here. 
- Requested -
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“But daddy,” You whined in a voice that was a few pitches higher than your normal one. It normally worked on your father. Key word: Normally. “I don’t wanna marry him.” You pouted.
It’d been a week since you found out you were set to marry Hangyeol. Being the daughter of one of the biggest gangs, you figured this was bound to happen, but not after your twentieth birthday.
“How long are you going to keep this up?” He sighed. “It’s already been decided.”
“Yeah, by you.” You mumbled. “We’re already powerful enough as it is, do you really need more?” You tried.
“Are you telling me you don’t want more?” He challenged. “You know you wouldn’t be kept on such a tight leash with him by your side.” He pointed out. 
That line alone had a bigger effect on you than you’d like to admit. 
Your father always had you under strict control. Bodyguards and curfews that you deemed useless since you were trained in almost every form of self defense. Though you knew it was more than that, it still irked you.
“Did you guys pick a date yet?” You asked and he smirked.
“Later this year. They’ll be coming over in a few weeks to help with preparations.”
It was the last you ever brought it up, but it’s not like you had a chance to since everything that came after wasn’t anything your father had promised.
You and Hangyeol had been married for a year now, and if you thought your father was something else, Hangyeol was definitely worse. 
Coming from your background you weren’t used to taking orders well and that’s all Hangyeol expected from you.
“Don’t leave the house.” “Tell the guys if you need anything, they’ll get it instead.” “Don’t interrupt my meetings.” “Don’t ask to come along when we go out.” God, did he have nothing better to do? 
The first time you snuck out was successful. The second, too. But the third didn’t end so well. Hangyeol lecturing you as if you didn’t grow up in the same setting he did.
“If something happens to you, how do you think that makes me look?”
That was the day you were officially assigned guards, but oh, how Hangyeol underestimated you. 
The next time you snuck out took a little more effort, but you were your own downfall because you drank too much and made a scene when you got home.
The fifth time you snuck out was almost a blessing had you not been thrown into lock down after. But something about pissing off Hangyeol had you wanted to try again.
So you did.
“Yohan,” You called sweetly, looking up at the boy that stood in front of your door. “Can’t I walk to his office alone?” You pouted.
“You know I can’t let you do that.” His tone flat, too used to hearing the same questions.
“It’s just his office.” You whined. “It’s right downstairs. Where else could I possibly go?” 
“You tend to wander, y’know.” He gave you a look and you huffed, an idea popping into your head. You slowly walked over to the counter, your hands running under it and wrapping around the knife that was stashed there.
You’d learned the hard way that Yohan was a better fighter than you, so you had to resort to other tactics.
“I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like it if I suddenly got hurt under your watch.” You paused. “My husband, that is.”
“And how would you get hurt?” He raised a brow.
“This room isn’t exactly baby proof, now is it?” You smiled, pulling the knife out, but leaving your hands hidden. “We both know he has stuff hidden in here. Do you really think I won’t use them on myself?”
“I thought we got over this whole ‘suicidal’ bit?” Yohan stayed calm. It wasn’t the first time you’d done this anyways. 
“It’s still your word against mine.” You batted your lashes, revealing your hands and stepping back when Yohan flinched. “He already knows what you did anyways.” You baited, smiling when his eyes widened.
“I’m going to check if you made it there.” He said, moving to let you open the door.
“It hurts that you don’t trust me.” You pouted, walking past him. “But fine.” 
The second the door closed, your head turned to see if anyone was there. After making sure it was clear, you started moving. The walk to his office wasn’t a long one so you didn’t have much time to get out. But lucky for you, everyone seemed to be busy, making your escape that much easier. You couldn’t say much for your return though. But that was a problem for later. 
Given that this wasn’t your first time out, you knew the area, the club a couple blocks over to be exact. It wasn’t anything fancy, but still far from simple. You’d go out for a bit, drink some, dance, then go home. 
Nothing could go wrong.
After getting there, it didn’t take long for your plans to take a different turn but it wasn’t entirely your fault. Most of the blame fell on the handsome stranger who seemed slightly familiar and offered to buy you drinks. And maybe you ended up drinking a bit too much, but when someone else is buying, how could you refuse? And that’s what landed you in your current situation.
Being led up the club stairs and into some random room.
Of course you weren’t thinking of what could go wrong. You’d managed to get out, you were finally having some fun. Plus, the alcohol in your system only heightened that feeling.
The fact that you made it into the room in one piece was a miracle given how your legs decided to give up on you halfway, but thankfully your companion helped you make it to the bed.
He crawled over you, roughly kissing you while his hands found yours and held them above your head. Your eyes closed as you relished in the feeling of someone touching you after so long, but the feeling was short lived as you started feeling dizzy. Maybe drunk sex wasn’t your thing, but when he started placing kisses on your jaw, you really couldn’t find it in you to push him away.
“If he finds out I’m with you, he’ll kill me.” He smirked into your ear. “Or would he kill you?”
The words didn’t quite register until you felt the snap of cold metal on your wrists, your body instinctively tugging at them while he got up. The dizzy feeling grew as you watched him move, your eyes closing so you could try and get rid of it.
“It’s not going to go away.” He smirked. “So stop fighting it and just sleep.” He cooed. 
And as much as you didn’t want to, you did.
“Who’s going to tell him?” Hyeongjun asked nervously. 
“You got the message, you tell him.” Yohan spoke with just as much nervousness.
“Okay, bu-”
“Can you stop standing outside my office and tell me what you need already?” Hangyeol’s voice came from through the door, cutting off Hyeongjun’s response.
The two stared at each other before Yohan nudged at the younger boy to speak up. Hyeongjun glaring and whispering a small curse to the older one before changing his tone.
“I-It’s y/n.” He closed his eyes, preparing for whatever was about to follow.
“What do you mean it’s y/n?” Hangyeol spoke as he roughly opened the door to his office, Hyeongjun holding up his phone to show a picture of you leaning against some guy in a club. “How did she even get out? Who was watching her?”
The boys looked at each other before looking back in front of them.
“We thought she was with you.” Hyeongjun spoke up softly, knowing it was the wrong thing to say but he knew he couldn’t keep quiet.
“Why would she be with me?” Hangyeol’s voice grew more strained as he was holding back his anger, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Where is she?” 
“It’s Jaeah’s club.” Yohan spoke up this time.
Hangyeol scoffed at the name. Of course it was Jaeah. 
“I’ll get her on my own.” He started, walking past the boys.
“No.” He stated. “This is between me and him. Stay here.”
By the time you came to your senses, you tried to open your mouth, but it didn’t take long to realize there was tape and your eyes shot open, suddenly remembering what happened. 
The handsome stranger was sat at the foot of the bed, watching you. Your eyes narrowed, starting to remember where you’d seen him before. Someone Hangyeol specifically told you to stay away from.
Yoo Jaeah.
“Stop staring at me like that.” Jaeah tsked. “Aren’t drugs supposed to relax you? Why are you still glaring?” He rambled on. “He should be here soon, anyways.” He paused. “If you fix your face, I promise I won’t hurt you.” 
The threat was enough for you to relax your face, but you remembered that your hands were still cuffed.
“You won’t be able to get out of them.” He spoke up, seeming to have read your mind, but his words did nothing to stop you from fighting against them. 
“Feisty one, huh? But I expected that from you.” He smirked as you wouldn’t stop struggling. “You’ll only make yourself tired~” He said in a sing-song tone.
Your response was muffled by the tape and you were partially glad. Anything you said would’ve just made things worse.
“If only I could speak mumbles.” He playfully sighed. “But you’re here for bait, not conversation.”
You rolled your eyes and mimicked him in a dumb voice. He seemed to understand though because he cocked his head to the side.
“Keep up the attitude and I just might go back on my word about not hurting you.” His tone dropped as he got up, walking passed the end of the bed and to your side.
“You just have to lay there quietly and look pretty for him.” He sighed, dragging a finger along your jawline. “That’d be kinda hard if you were all bruised up, no?” He pursed his lips. 
You were expecting something else to happen, but nothing came as the sound of the door being kicked open took your attention.
“Down, boy. I didn’t hurt your little princess.” Jaeah scoffed, already knowing who was there. “But if you step any closer, I might.”
The ceiling suddenly became the most interesting thing you’d seen and you didn’t bother looking away from it as you heard the two start exchanging words. 
You didn’t hear any footsteps so you were sure Hangyeol was still by the door.
“Why is she on your bed?” Hangyeol spoke through gritted teeth.
“She was moving too much.” Jaeah smirked. “So I drugged her.”
“If you drugged her, why is she cuffed?” Hangyeol continued.
“Can’t have her swinging on me when she wakes up.” Jaeah said. “We both know I’d hit her back and then you’d be doing more than just standing there, huh?” He smiled.
“Let her go. We can settle this without her around, don’t you think?” Hangyeol tried, his patience wearing thin, but he never liked putting on a show in front of you. One of the reasons he never let you go with him.
“I don’t take orders from you.” Jaeah scoffed, turning to face Hangyeol. “And given that she’s here, I don’t think your wife does, either.”
The words had you shutting your eyes. You knew what was coming, and you didn’t want to see any of it. Your point being proven when you soon heard the familiar sounds of punches, a small yelp coming out of you as the bed you were on was pushed slightly, followed by a loud thud before you tuned everything out.
You weren’t sure how long it went on for, but you nearly screamed when you felt hands on you.
“It’s me.” You heard Hangyeol’s voice before you felt your wrists fall as the cuffs were opened. “Keep your eyes closed.” Hangyeol ordered as you felt him pick you up, your arms clinging onto him.
You didn’t have to be told twice. You knew this wasn’t going to end well so it was best to not give him anymore reasons to be mad.
“And don’t worry, Jaeah.” Hangyeol spoke up. “We can finish this another time.”
Even after making it outside, you didn’t open your eyes. Not because you were following orders, but because you really didn’t want to see the look on his face. But your eyes slowly opened when he stopped.
“Get in.” He said, putting you down and opening the back door.
You slowly stepped in and he closed the door before making his way to the driver’s side.
He’d taken you back to the house, most of the men gone, but two cars were still parked out in the front.
“Wait for me inside.” He said flatly.
You gave a noise of approval before hurrying inside, seeing Yohan and Seungyoun at the door, them moving so you could enter.
You didn’t know what to do so you just sat on the couch, trying to stay quiet so you could hear when he was coming.
No amount of attention you paid prepared you for the door slamming open, your body turning to see Hangyeol coming in and throwing Yohan inside.
“So what exactly happened?” He started, looking between the two of you. “You were supposed to be watching her.” He looked down at Yohan. 
“It was my fault.” You blurted out, not wanting it to escalate.
“Damn right it was.” Hangyeol scoffed. “But I wasn’t asking you, was I?” 
“It won’t happen again. I promise.” You tried, your voice trembling slightly. “It’s all on me, he didn’t do anything.”
“Are you sure you can deal with all the blame, sweetheart?” His tone was darker this time and you only nodded. It wasn’t a lie. It really was all on you. But it’s not like you couldn’t handle your own.
“Then care to fucking explain?!” His voice was louder now and you knew he was done trying to keep his anger in. He never liked blowing up. Especially with you. But this time was different.
“Jaeah? Fucking Jaeah?” He scoffed. “Either you’re pretending, or you’re really fucking stupid.”
“Shouldn’t you be nicer?” Yohan spoke up. “She’s been through a lot.”
"Why are you still here?” Hangyeol glared. “I pay you to be a guard, not give advice.” He nodded to the door, Yohan giving you a soft look before heading out.
“Can’t you ever follow orders?” His attention was back on you and normally, you’d keep up your apologetic behavior, but the sentence struck a nerve.
“Orders?” You repeated, scoffing. “I’m not one of your men, Hangyeol.” You said his name bitterly. “I’m supposed to be your wife.” You scoffed. “But no, I’m a goddamn hostage.” You were playing with fire and you knew it. You knew he didn’t like the word, but for fucks sake, was it a lie?
“Keep going.” He warned, his tone dropping back down. “See what happens.”
“Am I wrong?” You kept going. “We’re married but you keep me locked away, you won’t let me leave and when I do I end up being babysat.” You rushed out. “Sounds like a hostage to m-”
You were cut off as he walked up to you, his hand wrapping around your throat tightly, your hands coming up to grab his wrist as you tried to swallow.
“I warned you, didn’t I?” He said sternly. “Or maybe Jaeah was right. You don’t take orders from me.” His grip tightened and you let out a whine. “Why is that, sweetheart?” He cocked his head to the side. “Do you not like being mine?”
You shook your head the best you could, your eyes closing.
“Really? ‘Cause you don’t listen as well as you used to.” He challenged. “Maybe I was too busy treating you like my wife because for a hostage, you sure don’t know your place.” He raised a brow. “Or is it because I never fully made you mine?”
There was a moment of silence and he let go of your throat, a small cough coming out of you as you looked up at him.
“Why else would Jaeah think he could touch me?” You glared at him, referring to his last sentence. “You’re obviously doing something wrong.”
He scoffed before responding. 
“You asked for it.” 
Before you could say something back, he was in front of you again, pressing his lips to yours, the pressure pushing you back but his arm came around to support you.
“What are you doing?” You panted out as he pulled away.
“Finally making you mine.” 
It was all he said as he walked around the couch, his body towering over yours.
“Right here? With them outside?” Your eyes went to the door.
“They’ve heard worse.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t respond as his lips were back on yours. He didn’t move to catch you this time, letting you fall back into the couch instead while he moved between you, your legs instinctively making room for him.
“Was it this easy for him?” He scoffed as his mouth moved down to your jaw, nibbling lightly.
“It’s just been a while.” You glared. “But I’m a fool for a pretty face so maybe it was.”
You were met with a harsh bite below your jawline.
“Are you pissing me off on purpose?” He asked before sucking on the spot he just bit, not missing how you squirmed lightly. “Because acting up won’t get you what you want.” 
“And how do you know what I want?” You challenged, your eyes closing as he sucked over your sweet spot, completely missing how his hand was on your thigh until it was too close.
“You’re not very discreet.” He chuckled. “You want it, so just give in.” He whispered, his hand finally cupping over you while he went back to focus on your neck.
The fact that you’d been reduced to this so quickly was kind of embarrassing, but given the circumstance, you were pretty sure being this needy was justified.
You couldn’t help it when your hips started grinding against his hand, the pressure feeling too good.
“Can you stop teasing?” You whined.
“Hmm, but I don’t think you deserve anything yet.” He smirked, licking over the spot he just marked while his hand moved to work on the button of your jeans. “Unless you give me a reason.”
His hands moved under the waistband of your jeans, teasingly rubbing over your clit through your panties.
“I’m still waiting for that reason.” He smirked. “Or you can’t come up with one?”
You shook your head, a frustrated groan leaving you as he pulled his hand away.
“And why is that?” He cocked his head to the side, his hand coming up to grab your chin so you’d look at him.
You glared at him. 
“You can fuck me or I can get myself off.” 
“You could,” He smirked, his hand going back down under your waistband and running a finger over your slit. “But do your fingers really feel as good as mine?” He raised a brow, watching as you shivered from the contact. “Wouldn’t it feel so much better to have someone else please you?” He pressed harder, his fingers dipping inside you slowly before pulling them out. “Or I could eat you out until you’re crying.” He smirked. “I know you can’t do that to yourself.” He chuckled. “So what is it?” 
You let out a shaky breath. You never thought you’d be desperate enough to throw away your pride. 
“Because-” You were cut off as his fingers pushed back into you.
“Keep going, sweetheart.” He smirked as he started thrusting them. 
“Quit your shit, and I maybe I co-”
Your voice started out strong but turned into a small whine as he curled his fingers.
“Maybe you should quit yours.” He scoffed. “You talk like I can’t feel how wet you are right now.”
You clenched at the words and inwardly cursed yourself as you heard the breathy chuckle he let out.
“Y’know,” He started, his fingers moving to building a faster pace. “We did this for power.” He reminded, using his free hand to hold your chin in place while he leaned in, letting out a light chuckle as you bit your lip to try and hold yourself together.
“But I don’t plan on letting you go.”
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Game On | Lee Hangyul
Can you write a smutty imagine where girlfriend!reader wants to bang her boyfriend Hangyul but he is participating in no nut November
↬ Pairing: Hangyul x fem!reader
↬ Genre: Smut, Comedy (?)
↬ Warnings: explicit language, teasing, dom!Hangyul, unprotected sex, like two seconds of voyeurism. 
↬ Word Count: 1.4k
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“You wouldn’t get it, for us it’s like questioning our honor, putting it to the test.” Seungyoun tried to explain, a dramatic voice coming out as he acted the scenario. “We are warriors, we need to prove we can do it, we can control ourselves and the mighty beast inside us in order to save humanity.”
“... Wow, you all have such a big ego when it comes to your genitals yet cum twenty minutes into sex.” Your boyfriend got offended whilst the other simply started laughing out loud.
“What– hey, I always make you cum first!” Hangyul was already at the defensive, Seungyoun wheezed, his face red as if he couldn’t breathe at all.
“Never said you didn’t, don’t get your pride hurt.” You smiled at him and pat his head softly.
“Oh, so that’s how you going to play? Remember that then I won’t be fucking you for a whole month nor making you cum. See how you like it.” A smug smirk was on his lips, his eyes shining with a playfully competitive aura.
“Game on, baby.”
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And here you were, now. You had been trying to get him for the past weeks and nothing worked out. He was so fucking committed to that stupid challenge... ‘No Nut November’ or whatever. Really? Why? What was the point in not cumming for a whole month? It was dumb, it was useless and you were growing frustrated. The first week was easy, not really needing to get off, but at the second one your needs started to increase, and the third week your fingers weren’t enough anymore. Nothing filled you like Hangyul would, even if you came it just wasn’t the same. It started as a competition to see who would give up on their pride first but now it was more about you being able to make him give in. You thought it was going to be easy, after all it was Hangyul, your boyfriend, you knew his weak spots, but it seemed you hurt his pride too much.
Trial number one: you put on his favorite outfit as you went out on a date. He barely mentioned something about it, completely ignoring you. You tried to sneak your hand on his thigh while the movie played on the cinema’s screen, but he simply slapped it away and whispered how interesting it was. It was fine, it was the first try after all, failing was a possibility.
Trial number two: he was at rehearsal, learning a new choreography. You knew he always ended up exhausted and that you sending him a text made him happy, so maybe a picture would be better. The lingerie hugged your curves perfectly, the black lace contrasting wonderfully against your skin. You practiced a few postures and ended up sending him the one you thought was the best, your heart skipping a beat when he opened the message, your eyebrows frowning when he blocked you.
Trial number three: passing by in front of him right after you showered, completely naked, using the excuse of forgetting your towel. He smiled condescendingly, gave you one of the towels and muttered something like ‘old-fashioned’.
Trial number four: waiting for him at home, the door to your room open as you touched yourself. Infallible. Or that is what you thought until he simply apologized and closed the door, leaving you to it.
What did it take? Literally you were making true almost each one of his fantasies yet he just walked away, ignored you or even blocked you. There was a small, little thing left to try but then it would be too easy, but what was there to lose? You got inside the dorms, walked straight towards the one that Hangyul and Seungyoun shared only to find your boyfriend sitting in the chair facing to the archive he was editing.
“Are you alright?” You ignored his question and simply sat on his lap, smashing your lips against his, taking him by surprise. “Wait, no–”
“Please.” He immediately shut up. “I need you so bad, you have no idea, please just fuck me already, I can’t wait anymore.”
And just like that, he broke down, his mouth kissing you fervently, his hands going to your hips to push you down against his. His tongue danced against yours before biting on your bottom lip, taking off your top hurriedly and groaning at the presence on the sexy lingerie under it. Everything was intensified thanks to the waiting, his hard on being evident each time you grinded your crotch against it, eliciting moans from both of you. His arms picked you up before taking you to the bed, clothes almost torn apart, a pleased sigh leaving you when his skin touched yours, the warmth spreading quickly as his fingers slipped inside of you, his approving hums vibrating against your throat as he sucked harshly.
“Don’t tease me...” Your complaint was barely audible when his ministrations slowed down.
“You have been teasing me the whole month, baby, this is the least you deserve.” He pulled out his fingers before dragging them around your folds, “In public...” slightly rubbed your hole, “At the apartment...” he slid them upwards, “During rehearsal...” a slight slap on your clit, “Touching yourself without my permission...” three fingers suddenly filled you, reaching deeper and deeper. “And now this. So wet for me, so needy, you couldn’t last nothing without my cock.”
“I... I was w-wrong–!” You felt his fingertips pressing on that sweet stop in your insides, a reward, how he would call it.
“Exactly, baby, you lost the game and you were wrong to think you would endure it.” He kept going until he saw your hips moving, chasing your orgasm, and stopped abruptly. “And you are wrong to think I will let you cum now.” You whimpered, feeling empty again.
He reached the drawer next to the bed, opened it and pulled out a condom, but you stopped him, cheeks growing hotter at what you were about to say.
“If you didn’t cum for almost a month... Then, that means that...” You stared at his erect member, pre-cum dripping down the head, and swallowed hard.
“Oh, my y/n wants to feel me spilling inside?” Your eyes got big, he said it so bluntly even if it was the first time you two did this. “Are you sure?”
“I... I have been taking the pill for quite some time now... And it’s a safe day too, so...”
He leaned in and kissed you softly before entering you, the direct sensation making him hiss, staying still when he was completely inside, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of discomfort before starting to move. Soon, you were a mess, his hand coming up to silence your moans and try to not get discovered. He felt you tightening around him and he nodded, your juices and his thrusts making the lewdest sound ever. You cried out his favorite word through muffled whines and he stilled his movements, emptying himself in you, spurt after spurt, his orgasm shaking him up.
“Fuck... That felt way too good.” His hands caressed you dumbfoundedly before pulling out, cursing as he realized you were not in his bed and panicking as his cum dripped out of you. “Wait just a second, try to hold it in or something, shit, I need to clean this or Seungyoun will kill me.”
As soon as he said it, the door opened and the older just stood there, staring blankly at the situation in front of him: Hangyul, naked, picking his shirt from the floor. You, also naked, legs fully spread. His bed sheets, the expensive ones, completely soaked with something. He sighed, looked down and then at you two again.
“Guess I will lose the challenge again then.” And turned around, one of Hangyul’s shoes hitting his back, making him laugh as he closed the door quickly.
“Oh god, no... That did not just happen, I’m going to die.” You curled up, not caring about anything else, the desire to cease to exist becoming stronger.
“It’s alright, at least he didn’t get mad.” He started to clean you up and the sheets before something clicked in his mind. “Wait, what the fuck did he mean with again?”
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Actually, Seungyoun lost before because he saw the picture you sent to Hangyul and well, things happened, but he just wanted to see how much would Hangyul keep it up.
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escapingpost · 5 years
Five Things Everyone Knows (Final)
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Part 1: Five Things I Know About Cho Seungyoun 
Sequel: Five Things Cho Seungyoun Knows About You
Suggestive and language warning.
The kiss in the alleyway would have been the cherry on top for this mess of romantic comedy. It would be the turning point of the plot where the next few scenes were merely a fast-forwarded, shortened down versions of what would be to come with your perfect “friends to lovers” relationship.
But, you were hit with the reminder that this was not an actual romantic comedy and reality is much harsher.
The next day, you woke up from a text from yours truly telling you that the girl he was texting ages ago finally got back to him. They were going on a date this weekend.
Your mind went through different thoughts in a span of one minute:
Were the two of you that drunk yesterday? If that was the case, you would have a hangover. And Seungyoun? You were sure he was too busy making Hangyul drunk to drink himself.
Were you just dreaming? No, your hair definitely smelled of rain water and you could still almost feel Seungyoun’s strong arms around your waist.
Then, what the hell was this?
As if answering your thoughts, Seungyoun sends another text message.
younie: I smell like sewage right now. What even happened last night.
And with that one text message, you were brought back to the reality of romantic relationships in your twenties.
Romance was dead and so were your feelings.
NOT my best friend: Dumbass, how am I suppose to know.
“I can’t believe you did that.” Woohyun was currently hovering over Seungyoun on the couch as Seungyoun holds his phone out of his reach. Woohyun gets up and dusts himself off. “Have fun being lonely. I’m rooting for Hangyul.”
“Wait, Woohyun.” Seungyoun also gets up from his couch. “I’m sorry. I just, I can’t do it.”
“Seungyoun, what do you mean, you can’t?” Woohyun says trying to keep calm. Him and the guys did the most to get Seungyoun to realize his feelings, but when he actually does, it backfires.
“I don’t want to mess us up.” Seungyoun says, avoiding Woohyun’s gaze.
“You know the feeling is mutual, so why?” Woohyun asks.
Seungyoun takes out a few crinkled pieces of paper from the small trash in his studio. He takes the first crumple piece of paper and hands it to Woohyun.
Woohyun looks at Seungyoun weirdly before unfolding it and reading his chicken scratch writing.
I wish you happiness
It's okay if it's not me
I don't think I'm good enough for you
We're so different
Woohyun takes the rest of the crinkled papers and unfolds them.
Tell me you're tired of me
Tell me you're seeing someone else
For me, even just a little bit
To hate you, just lie to me
Woohyun stops reading and crumples the paper into its original state, “This is different from the last time. You know it.”
“We’ve been best friends for years. I just can’t risk that.” Seungyoun looks down, his fringe hiding his eyes.
And Woohyun could not think of a comeback with Seungyoun looking like he already lost the most precious thing in his life.
“You know, its true what they say about musicians. You are all creative, crazy messes.” Woohyun says with a huge sigh.
Which brings us to the first thing everyone now knows: 1) Seungyoun, for a fact, has slight commitment issues.
A week passes by after the night with Seungyoun. You try your best to avoid him, but he stuck to you like nothing had happened. Sure, it was only the alcohol that made him do it and the reason why he could not remember. But, he should take some sort of responsibility, right?
The day of his date with the girl, you went to a library to study for your classes, but the silence was worse. It only made your sad thoughts louder. Letting out a deep sigh, you run your fingers through your hair and leave the quiet room.
“Hey!” Before you could start walking down the staircase to the lobby, a familiar voice calls your name.
You close your eyes. You knew exactly who it was and he was probably the second person you did not want to run into. Quickly changing your expression into a neutral one, you turn around to him, “Hey, Hangyul.”
Long story, short: You and Hangyul did go on a date. You actually had more fun than you thought and he said he would call you back, but never did. When he did end up calling you for a second date, the two of you still had unfinished business. Seungyoun crashed your second date before the two of you could talk about it.
Hangyul scratches the back of his neck, a habit of his whenever he felt uneasy. Your fake expression was apparent to his eyes, “Do you want to go to a cafe? I hated the silence in that library.”
You said yes and maybe it was the fact you wanted to show up Seungyoun for being on a date. Or, it might have been that you believed Hangyul was a nice, decent guy so he deserved some sort of explanation.
“I just wanted to say sorry for everything.” Hangyul says with a soft smile.
“Sorry about what?” The warm tea hits your throat and it calms your nerves.
“Sorry about not calling you when I said I would.”
You let out a petty laugh, “So you did know.”
Hangyul moves in closer, “Of course, I did. I was just confused and needed time to think.”
You purse your lips, “Well, I’m sorry for taking Seungyoun along on our second date.” You look down at your cup of tea.
Hangyul plays with the straw of his smoothie, unsure of what to say.
“It was a dumb decision.” You add.
“Did something happen?” Hangyul carefully asks.
You shrug, not wanting to think about it, still looking down.
Hangyul takes a deep breath and lowers his head so he was in your peripheral view, “Hey, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if you were actually available.”
You are forced to return his gaze, his face a little closer than a few minutes ago, “What do you mean?”
“I know you don’t have a boyfriend.” Hangyul was now staring at you intently with a soft expression, “But, on our first date, it didn’t seem like you were emotionally available.”
And that’s exactly what everyone thought: 2) No one else was really good enough for you, but him.
The guy with cute dimples? You preferred adorable rabbit teeth. The talented vocalist? A high-toned voice with the duality of IU’s ballads and Flowsik’s rapping was more your genre. The possible future president of the country? How about the person who you trust all your secrets, dreams, and inside jokes with?
As exaggerated as it was, Seungyoun just started to infiltrate your mind with no invitation.
You gulp and slowly nod your head, “Sorry, Hangyul.”
Hangyul feels a heavy weight lifted from his shoulders and he gives you an assuring smile, “We’re good.” He pats the side of your head.
You return his smile, feeling ten times better.
"I’m not sure what happened with you and Seungyoun, but if you want, I’m meeting with him later with the guys. Maybe you want to come?”
Your ears perk up at hearing his name, “Wait, Seungyoun is hanging out with you later?”
“Yeah, Seungyoun and some other people from the Taekwondo club.”
‘What about his date?’ You think. ‘Did that brat lie to me?’ You add. Did you not just have a small monologue on how great he was?
Hangyul calls out your name.
You snap back to reality, “Oh sorry, why don’t you text me the address and I’ll meet you there?”
The night was a little colder when it was predicted to be a warm summer night. Mercury was in retrograde or something along the lines of a pseudoscience explanation. 3) Everyone just knew it was going to be an interesting night.
“You like to hurt your own feelings?” Dohyun scratches his head.
“Masochism. Its called masochism.”
“Yohan, shut it. Don’t teach him that.” Hangyul rubbed his temples.
“Well, at least you’re better off than Seungyoun. He didn’t even give closure. He completely made his whole friendship awkward as hell.”
Hangyul blows out air from his nostrils. He wanted to keep it a secret and was not planning on inviting you to see Seungyoun. It was his chance to ask you out for a third date. But, taking advantage of your vulnerable state was the last thing he wanted to do.
Yohan hands Hangyul his black jacket, “Here, buddy. At least look cool while setting up the two idiots.”
Hangyul turns to Dohyon, “Don’t you dare learn from Yohan.” Hangyul moves closer to whisper in Yohan’s ear, “Yohan thinks he’s some sex god.”
Yohan has an appalled and disgusted look on his face, “A dude grinds on the floor one time and automatically becomes the icon of greasiness.”
Hangyul receives a text message alert and stops their conversation.
soju girl: Hey, I’m already here. My phone’s on vibrate so just text me when you get here! Too loud to take a call :(
“Lets go, idiot three.” Yohan puts his arms around Hangyul.
hangyul: see you soon
You bite down on your bottom lip and pull down on the short black dress that you wished did not sacrifice to cover either your chest or thighs. It was one or the other. You furiously shake your head to get some sense in you, “I need a drink.” Or not.
One drink turned into two, then three, then four and it all went downhill from there. The last sober thought you had was the fact that you could change your social media addiction and put your energy in making a blog about the wonders of alcohol.
“Close her tab.” you hear a voice and the person has reached over the counter. That was weird because you only conditioned yourself to listen to one specific voice through a loud bass of music.
“Oh? Its my best friend, Cho Seungyoun.” your voice slurs and you see he is confused because he can’t hear anything through the music and you made no effort to talk over them music. Seungyoun quickly scans your state and has you wear his oversized bomber jacket. You do not put up a fight while he quickly zips up the jacket. “Am I your date for tonight?” You say with no energy or volume.
Seungyoun gets to eye level with you and smiles, “Lets go.” He mouths.
The unapologetic smile, his eyes that assured you that your were safe, and his eyebrows that drooped in worry made you furious. The alcohol spoke and made the decision for you, “Fuck that.” You push him away and stagger through the dance floor.
And Seungyoun never felt so awkward trying to keep you away from other people on the dance floor while still remaining a sinful centimeter away from you and that miniature piece of fabric people called a dress.
His eyes darted around to catch the glimpses of other people on the dance floor to make sure they knew you were with him. Just when he thought people were getting the hint, a stranger attaches himself behind you.
He quickly snakes his hand around your waist and pulls you into a secure hold, turning your whole body like a tango move.
You continue to shamelessly dance, not giving a two coins because all you could see are the blurry lights, your mind was still buzzed, and whose ever arm was around you felt too good.
No matter how much he tried, there was only one answer to your shenanigans.
If you can’t beat them, join ‘em.
Seungyoun brings you into his chest as close as humanely possible and lays his hands on your hips as you two dance. He can only catch glimpses of your face, but when he did see you through the club lights, the look on your face got to him.
Your eyes were no longer the awake eyes that he could see from a distance away. Your eyes were half-lidded and seductive. Your baby hairs stuck to the side of your face and your cheeks flushed pink.
Then, Seungyoun’s ears were blocked as if he had water stuck in them. Your mouth was moving, but he could not understand what was happening anymore. The loud bass drowns out any reasonable thoughts.
Seungyoun did not drink any alcohol that night.
But, he got the same sweet alcohol on the tip of your tongue and caught the same alcohol buzz.
When Hangyul left the club that night and did not get to see you or Seungyoun, it was already a given: 4) The literal climax of the story that everyone would know of.
By the time you were all partied out and the two of you got to his apartment, the alcohol high wore off, but neither of Seungyoun’s or your hormones did.
The conversation was said through messy kisses, but it went something along the lines of Seungyoun apologizing for being a coward and a liar. Then, you try to say something back, but whatever he was doing down there did not help you form a coherent thought.
It was the climax that happened in Seungyoun’s small studio, both emotionally and physically.
Finally, it was the scene before everything fell into place. At least, as much as reality allowed you to.
“That dress wasn’t going to cover anything.” It was the morning after and you did not wake up glamorously. It was a good thing Seungyoun always saw you like that and nothing about his feelings changed. He laid on the couch and watched you find your stuff that was lost in the hurricane.
“Yeah, but your sweater will.” You quickly slip into it a sweater that he left hanging on his chair and Seungyoun curses in his mind for being weak to the cold.
“Wanna get breakfast?” Seungyoun sits up and also looks around for his lost t-shirt.
“Not like this.”
“I can pick something up from the convenience store.” Seungyoun finally finds his clothing piled up on the side of the couch.
You two only had to be apart for ten minutes, but Seungyoun was running back from the store like he left a stove on.
Also, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into until Seungyoun drops the food on his small desk and starts to make his way towards you. Alert, you hold him back with one finger, which stops him for a grueling second until he picks you up like a bride and lays you down on the couch.
You always thought Seungyoun looked like a rabbit with his two front teeth. Now, he looks like a tiger creeping up on his pray (read: you). You were quickly reminded Seungyoun was actually a bear because he pulls you into a warm hug as the two of you lay on his couch.
“There’s not enough space, so we have to stick as close a possible.” Seungyoun is breathing down your neck and you were not sure if it was on purpose.
You stir in his arms and he looks at you.
The images of you two playing tongue hockey in the middle of the dance floor flashes through your mind and you wanted to dig a tunnel into the couch because this time, he was there to remember it.
Seungyoun bit back a silly smile.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything?” He says with a smirk.
“Hey, we can’t tell anyone.” You are talking to his chest because you could not bear to look at him without being reminded of last night.
“Why not?” Seungyoun, on the other hand, had no shame and kept his eyes on you. “I swear, I was going to post this on my story.”
He gives you his cheeky, smiling eyes and presses his forehead on yours, “I’m sure every already knows.”
“That’s a little bit T.M.I, no?” You ask him.
“Not with them. They know everything.”
The two of you look at each other both thinking that everyone was weirdly invested in the two of you getting together. You and Seungyoun laugh knowing the same thought went through your head.
“I like you so much.” Seungyoun unconsciously says.
“I like you too.” You say making random shapes with your fingers on his chest. “Hey, um.” You finally muster up the courage to look at him.
“Yeah?” Seungyoun gives you his full attention.
You gather your arms and push him off the couch, “I’m hungry.”
Even if you were not hungry, Seungyoun’s scent was getting to your head and all the red flags went off.
He didn’t have to know that, though.
Months pass and you two are still together and annoying.
“Can you not?” You step on Seungyoun’s foot under the table.
“What?” Seungyoun moves his hand closer to your inner thigh, but you swat his hand off.
“Can you two just stay in Seungyoun’s studio? Forever.” Wooseok pretends to barf.
“We would, but the AC is broken.” Seungyoun shrugs.
You smack him on the side of his head.
“I don’t even want to sit on that damn couch now.” Seungwoo slowly shakes his head.
“Maybe it was better for you two to stay single.” Yohan taps on the table.
“Hey, I’m all for that.” Hangyul chuckles as he opens a bag of chips.
Seungyoun’s neck almost breaks turning to Hangyul, “If you eat chips like that, your fingers are going to stain.”
“Well, I’m gonna eat it with chopsticks.” Hangyul retorts.
“Where are the chopsticks, genius?” Seungyoun mocks Hangyul’s matter-of-fact tone.
Hangyul’s eye darts back and forth, until he sees you slipping him the chopsticks. “Here.”
Seungyoun makes a face at you, “Whose side are you on?”
You give him a chaste kiss and the self-proclaimed all rounder turns into one thing and it was the fifth and last thing everyone knew.
5) “Whipped.”
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seungwoahs · 5 years
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X1 Snapchat AU
pairing: idk lmfao most likely yohan tho
genre: social media au, fluff
a/n: okay i have no idea what this but like inspired by this one nct fanfic that i read on wattpad a while ago. most likely will not continue this but it was fun to make so here u go :)
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bbyhjuns · 5 years
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Hangyul: Everyday boyfriend things
↳ "used to admire your smile so much but now i can't believe i'm the reason behind it"
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lunarimagines · 5 years
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he thought you were joking when you said you’d gotten tickets for a 13th floor-esque haunted house
he was going to say yes anyways because there was no way he was going to miss this opportunity to laugh at you
Hangyul swears he doesn’t get scared easily so the entire reason you’d gotten these tickets was in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, he would get scared
wishful thinking 
Hangyul insisted on holding your hand once the two of you got into the haunted house because he didn’t want to lose you
the only scary thing to him was losing you, in this haunted house or otherwise
it was dark and there were things moving, lots of ominous laughter and screaming, the occasional jumpscare
he knew when you were scared because you’d lightly squeeze his hand or move closer to bump shoulders with him or even jolt occasionally, especially during the jump scares or when air was blown onto you from the vents
but his presence was incredibly calming
he seemed so unbothered by the entire thing
“his makeup is patchy and that’s saying something considering he’s supposed to be a zombie” 
“no ghost looks like that” - thus implying he has, in fact, seen a ghost before??????
“oh a fellow beauty guru... what’s her secret?” - said for the umpteenth time when you came across a werewolf 
Hangyul was mostly saying these things to make sure you were okay because he knew that despite this being your idea you were a little nervous
maybe you were just nervous because he was standing so close to you 
that had to be the reason your heart was pounding... right?
his comments do have you laughing, though, and you feel a little sorry to the workers because they’re clearly working very hard to scare people and here come two schmucks laughing at their difficult and tiring work
if Hangyul wasn’t afraid of losing you in the darkness he totally would have hidden and then jumped out to scare you
he would have sidled away from you and hidden in the shadows 
too bad he also loves you too much to do that
at the end of the haunted house he asks you to pose for a photo with some of the actors because he wants to immortalize the nervous look on your face because it’s just so cute to him 
he crops the actors out and makes you his home screen 
you think he’s doing it for a laugh but he thinks that’s the cutest photo he has of you
while he’s taking the photo another actor comes up behind him to try and scare him one last time and all he does is turn around and ask that actor to take a photo of the two of you together as well
dejected, the actor does
but this just makes Hangyul smile wider because you’re clearly amused that he wasn’t scared despite the actor practically pouncing on him
you promise him that you’ll find something that scares him one day and all he says back is “good luck, babe”
ugh him saying ‘babe’ makes your chest swell with warmth because holy shit you love him but also? that’s hot
overall, going through a haunted house with Hangyul would be more amusing than scary and you would be glad you decided to take him despite him not being scared as per your original plan
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x1protector · 5 years
adventures of gyul
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Authors Note: super sorry this took so long, college is hard; i love gyul so much so i hope i satisfied your request anon!! -g
r e q u e s t: “helloooo may i request a little au with hangyul :D it could be anything, kite lover gyul, gyul the explorer, etc hehe thank you in advanced~”
p a i r i n g: hangyul x reader
g e n r e: tooth rotting fluff; boyfriend!au;
w a r n i n g s: this is corny, none
w o r d  c o u n t: 1.7k
s u m m a r y: Your boyfriend wakes you up one morning with the promise of adventure. What sort of adventure does he have in store for you?
Hangyul wakes you up one morning rather annoyingly, roughly shaking you out of your comfortable slumber. It’s not often that he wakes you up like this, usually he would stay in bed with you until you’re both awake even when he’s woken up first. You squint at the interruption, hands instinctively coming up to cover your eyes as you stay put in the warm bed. It’s too early to be awake judging by hand on the clock so you close your eyes, trying to go back to sleep, knowing that he won’t let that happen. Hangyul smiles and shakes you once again as you groan, tossing your hands up at your persistent boyfriend.
“Alright! I’m up!” You sit up on the bed, glaring back at him with as much vitriol as you can muster at dawn. Which is not much. 
Hangyul grins at your cute expression, pinching your cheek. “Get up, you little bed bug, I have the day off and I want to make the most of my time with you.”
“Bed bugs are supposed to stay in bed,” you whined, your eyes just won’t stay open long enough. You contemplated on flopping back into bed but your loving boyfriend is already one step ahead, grabbing your waist and physically dragging you out despite your protests. 
By the time you re-emerge from the bathroom, the smell of breakfast hangs heavy in the air. You follow the scent towards the kitchen and spot Hangyul by the stove, humming a tune as he flips the pancake and making small noises of triumph every time he lands one in the pan. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his waist, looking over his shoulder as he cooks. The scent of the delicious pancakes is almost overwhelmed with the scent of comfort Hangyul provides. You can feel him giggling, back vibrating as he turns his head to look at you, his tongue poking through when he smiles. It was a nice morning, and you fought the urge to smother him in kisses and instead settled for a soft kiss to his cheek.
It’s a nice, regular morning for you two, but for some reason you can feel the mischievousness radiating off of him the whole time. Taking a peek in his direction, you spot Hangyul with this knowing smile on his face. Even as you two engage in small talk through breakfast you know that he is most certainly up to something.
“Alright, spill it.” 
He looks up from the dish he’s cleaning, voice dripping with feigned innocence when he responds, “Spill what?”
You roll your eyes and nudge at him, “You’re a terrible liar, I know you’re up to something. So spill.”
He grins sheepishly as if embarrassed that he was found out so quickly. “We’re going on an adventure today, I’ve already planned everything out. Just make sure to wear something you don’t mind getting dirty and some good walking shoes, alright?”
You sigh and smile at the boy, leaving him to finish cleaning up so you can change. It’s not exactly often the two of you get to have a day together, what with your busy schedules and all. More often than not your “date nights” were the two of you getting home at the same time. An adventure, he said. You change into athletic clothes because you don’t totally trust that this little excursion wouldn’t turn into a workout of some kind. 
This is Hangyul we’re talking about.
Sunscreen is a must, and so are bandages and maybe a small umbrella since you never know what might happen. Hangyul was in sweats and a long sleeve shirt, a cap sitting on his head. Even in such mundane clothes, he still manages to look ridiculously handsome. How did you get so lucky?
You reach a hand out to take his hat, playfully stealing it away and placing it backwards on your own head. Hangyul makes no effort to take it back from you, instead grins and goes about his routine while you still shove things in your bag. Occasionally he chimes in, telling you that no, you probably won’t need that or yes, that would be nice to have. 
The two of you curl up on the bus ride to a place “just outside of the city” as Gyul would put it. You open up a book you brought along for the ride, leaning against your boyfriend as you read. The warmth of his arm as he wraps it around your waist lured you into sleep again, and given in to the comfort you ended up sleeping on the ride. 
In an hour or two--you lose track of time--both of you hop off onto a small bus stop. It looks eerie, but Hangyul seems pretty confident in leading the way, so you took his hand as he guides you off to a rather secluded path until the two of you find yourselves in the middle of a large field. 
“We’re here to look for frogs!” 
You love this man, but you wonder what goes through his head sometimes. 
But he looks so excited about the prospect of catching frogs that you oblige him, searching high and low. You’re glad you grabbed a pair of beater sneakers this morning so you didn’t worry too much about the mud messing anything up, but it’s getting deep and you worry they might get into your socks soon. 
While Hangyul stares off into space, trying to tune his ears to listen for the frogs, you root through some bushes on the side. The two of you spend a few hours in the field, and by the afternoon, you’re both covered in mud and sweat but smiling and laughing so hard your cheeks hurt the entire time. You love all his little antics, including all the times he nearly knocked you into the mud just so he could wrap you up in his arms and plant kisses on your cheeks without you running away.
You don’t know how long you stayed after a quick break for snacks, but long enough that you can hear a loud grumble interrupting your frog search, and the two of you realize just how hungry you are. You’re just about to suggest that the two of you head back to grab some food but then Hangyul starts rifling through his bag. 
He pulls out a large picnic blanket and two small lunch boxes he had apparently packed the previous night. Seems he really did think of everything. The two of you sat on the dryer ground on the blanket, eating slightly soggy sandwiches (“I forgot lettuce has water in it”) under the open sky. It was peaceful, watching the clouds pass by, giving each of the weird-looking clouds a name of your friend. 
“That one’s Seungyoun.”
“Hangyul, please, apologize to the cloud.”
“Fine, that one looks like a frog holding a kite,” he chuckles, pointing up to one of the fluffy white clouds floating in the air. 
You giggle, pointing to another one, “This one looks like a lion with a crown on its head.”
“Mine’s better.”
The two of you laugh at your childish antics, leaning on each other for a moment. You rest your head on his shoulder, and allow your eyes to close. The wind curls around the two of you as you rest, playing gently with the ends of your hair. The whole world seems to stop around you to allow this moment to settle deep into your bones. 
Hangyul wraps his arm around your waist, giving you small kisses on your forehead and smiling lovingly into your hair. He rests his head in the crook of your shoulder and you lean back into his chest. His warmth was comforting, seeping into your muscles and relaxing your body against his. 
You’re more than happy to be here with your boyfriend, simply allowing the world to move around you. Words aren’t needed between the two of you anymore, being near each other was more than enough to know how the other was feeling. Your schedules may be hectic and have few moments to spare, but at the end of the day, you love each other. It’s a soft warmth that colors everything you do, even when he wakes you up far too early in the morning. 
The two of you stay like that for a moment longer, committing this moment to memory. You close your eyes, memorizing the feeling of being held in his arms, even though you doubt you could forget such a feeling. 
And just like that, the spell is broken as your boyfriend ribbits into your neck. You giggle, feeling this arms tighten around your midsection as he does it a few more times.
You feel him speak into your neck, “There’s a frog in your throat.”
Hangyul is… a little weird.
You split from him, reluctantly pulling away from his warmth. Unfortunately, this picnic won’t pack itself up no matter how much you wish it to. As the two of you packs in comfortable silence, you were thankful for moments like these, a moment of calm amongst the storm of your daily lives. It was easy to find your ground here, to reorient yourself before pushing back into the winds once more. 
The bus driver gave the two of you a look as you boarded, tracking mud into the interior and almost onto the seats. You smile sheepishly, lowering your head in an advanced apology as you take your seats. Hangyul slides in next to you, resting his arm on the back of your seat and watching you as you dig through your bag, a sort of softness crossing over his features. 
You look up from where you’re hunched over, smiling up at him. 
“You know I love you right?”
You straighten, and lean forward, placing a small peck to his lips. 
“I know, and I love you too.”
He chuckles, making a face of disgust, “Gross.”
The two of you giggle, resting your foreheads together once more in the fading light. In a moment the spell will be broken, and in a day the stresses of the world will come back to barrage you from all sides. But for right now? Right now the only word to describe this feeling would be happiness. 
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jiminies-ahmee · 5 years
💌 hangyul [16:02] 
“hey, you know... you’re not as bad as people think you are.” your eyes are focused on your fingers entwined tightly with badboy!hangyul’s. 
he smirks, “better be quiet about that. i’ve got a reputation to uphold.” squeezing your hand before bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. 
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chocafe · 5 years
— hangyul as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!hangyul x reader a/n: requested + tried my best to make this <somewhat> accurate and sorry if these seemed a little shorter compared to my others!
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let's start this bad boy with a backstory!
you and hangyul began dating before even knowing that you guys were officially dating
if that makes any sense?
the two of you acknowledged each others feelings
would take each other out on dates
hang out 24/7
and even kiss
but the thing was that 
you guys never had a title for one another
. . .
until dongpyo questioned you two out of pure curiosity
“are you and hangyul dating?” dongpyo’s thoughts flew right out of his mouth as he pointed his index finger at you two, who just so happened to be sitting extremely close to one another
“what do you mean?” you threw another question at dongpyo, somewhat trying to avoid this whole situation
“i mean, the two of you are always together─ you both have to be dating at this point.”
hangyul and you brushed off dongpyo’s interrogation
but you couldn’t help but to constantly think about it
what were you and hangyul?
you two sure weren’t friends
because friends simply don’t make out with each other
at the same time
you two weren’t dating because hangyul has never “officially” asked you to be his lover
“hangyul, i have something to ask you.” you pulled onto the sleeve of his shirt, forcing yourself and even hangyul to stop walking
“sure.” he turned around to fully face you. “what is it?”
you sighed heavily as you thought about it once more in your head before proceeding on. “what are we?”
hangyul was taken aback by your sudden question. “i thought you were my girlfriend/boyfriend.”
?? (⊙ヮ⊙) ??
you don’t recall hangyul ever asking you out???
similar to hangyul, you were surprised by his answer. “huh? you’ve never said anything about that, nor have you asked me out before?”
this whole entire time
hangyul thought you both silently (and naturally) came to terms with this
but you’re over here like no?? literally no?? what goes on in your head???
with that being said
hangyul walked closer to you
breaking the gap in between you two
as he reached out to hold onto your hand and asked
“i’m sorry about that. y/n, will you be mine?”
and thats how you two officially started dating ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
you made sure to call dongpyo that following night to tell him about everything that had just happened
maybe both of your guys fault because of the lack of communication
the type of person to take you to go play basketball (since that’s one of his favorite sports)
and then purposely throw the ball at the back of your head
just for some laughs
you: what the fuck?
hangyul: :’)
he is also the type of person to take you to the han river at midnight
as the two of you would just sit in the grass
talking about your worries in life 
while hangyul rests his head on your lap, using it as if it was a pillow
sometimes, when you two go on dates
he brings dohyon along without notifying you
you: hanGYULLL . . . and dohyon?
hangyul: he begged me to bring him
dohyon: hi, y/n! hangyul told me that you guys were going to watch lion king and i also wanted to watch it too so :D
you don’t really mind since dohyon is like your son
or maybe he’s that annoying little brother who says stuff like “mom said that u have to take me too”
whenever the two of you are alone and are watching a show on netflix
hangyul would take his finger and trace imaginary circles against your skin
he does this subconsciously since this is just a tiny habit of his
super clingy, but doesn’t want to admit it ! ! !
he would follow you wherever you go
you’re not allowed to leave without him attached to your hip
he makes fun of dohyon being a baby when he’s also baby #babyception
you both are super close to one another 
so close that hangyul has an extra key to your house (if you live alone)
while you have a key to his place
he always seems to walk in unexpectedly
and would shout out “hello! your boyfriend has arrived!” every single time
“hangyul, it’s one in the morning ─ whAT ARE YOU DOING HERE”
soft kisses ? ? ?
lmao u wish
his kisses are usually rough
and fast paced
he doesn’t give you enough time to breathe
yet, his kisses still makes you beg for more u____u
one of his major weaknesses is that
he has a difficult time expressing his feelings
therefore, you don’t really hear “i love you” / “i like you” / or any other similar phrases
despite being like this
you know that hangyul is deeply in love with you
and you’re in no rush to hear those short words
regrettably, hangyul wishes that he can overcome this obstacle of his
because even he 100% knows that you deserve all of the love in this world
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teddybear-yn · 5 years
As you finish getting groceries with Hangyul, you notice he seems to always want to carry them all by himself. Going so far as to race you to the trunk just to grab them all.
You decided you had enough of that and tugged on one of the plastic bags on his left hand. Surprised by your action, he pulls the bag away from your grasp, you still didn’t let go.
“Baby, it’s fine, I can carry these by myself.” He smiles, trying to get you to let go. But then, a lightbulb lit above your head on how to cleverly persuade the stubborn boy.
Putting your plan into action, you gaze at him with doe puppy dog eyes, lips pouting just a little bit,
“I know that babe, but I wanted to hold your hand.” You knew Hangyul could never resist that face.
After a few seconds of him broken processing, you tug on the plastic bag again, this time, he does let go, frantically and wildly trying to cover the scarlet hue that peppered his cheeks.
With the bag in one hand and Hangyul’s hand in the other, you chuckle at the boy’s cute reaction, a triumphant smile on your face.
“Nice to see I have that kind of effect on you.” You giggle as he can’t even look you in the eye. After hearing you though, finally, he stops hiding his face and tightens his grip on your hand, gazing at you longingly,
“Baby, you don’t even know.”
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bossyohan · 5 years
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Daily BF Tingz w/ Hangyul! 🧡
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seokmattchuus · 5 years
Our Little Secret - Hangyeol pt. 2
- Requested -
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Pt. 1
“Not if you can keep a secret.”
With that, he straightened back up and walked towards the table to grab his bag.
“So you really trust me not to tell him?” Your confidence came back.
“I trust that you’ll drop the act.” He started, swinging his bag over his shoulder. “I know you’re not really going to tell him.”
Of course he knew.
“Besides,” He continued. “If you tell on me, you have to tell on yourself.” He smirked as he walked towards the door. “You didn’t push me away, remember?” He winked, walking out the door and leaving you there to figure out what had just happened.
He was right. You didn’t plan on telling. Even if you did, telling Wooseok would be like shooting yourself in the foot. 
“Hey, why was Hangyeol here?” Suzy asked, and you inwardly freaked out. 
When did she walk in?
“He forgot his bag.”
“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come eat?” Junseop asked, setting two boxes of pizza down. 
“Huh?” You questioned with raised brows. “Yeah, sorry.”
It’d been a few weeks since your little ‘incident’ with Hangyeol happened and maybe it was the only thing you could think about. He didn’t help when he and Yohan came over either. It was almost like he was trying to get caught.
Sitting too close to you while sitting on the couch. Dragging you along when he had to do things. Outright refusing to leave you alone with Yohan. Not to mention texting almost every night. 
Sure, you’d texted back and yeah, it got a little flirty, but you never once crossed the line.
You did like to rile him up, though. Throwing out how Junseop had just come over to help you with your new project. Or how you were too busy with him to check your phone. 
You’d get the standard, ego-bruised response, but what can talk do when there’s no action to back it up? Sure, you shared a kiss. One kiss. But how much can that mean when nothing followed?
Then again, you never let anything follow. Every time there was a chance anything could happen, you’d back out. 
You stopped going out with them. You stopped hanging around when they came over or you just left, saying you were going to Suzy’s. All contact with Hangyeol was strictly over the phone. 
Until today.
“You can’t just leave, it’s my birthday!” Yohan whined.
Fuck, that’s right.
You’d completely forgotten that was today. You even bought a present. You were so caught up in trying to avoid Hangyeol that you completely missed it.
“I wasn’t leaving.” You lied. “ I was just gonna go buy...candles.” You spoke out, smiling softly.
“But we have candles.” He replied. 
“But not the numbered ones.” You shot back. “I don’t wanna light all those candles.”
“Are you calling me old?” He frowned. 
“No. I’m calling myself lazy.” You spoke as you grabbed your bag off the couch and walked out, meeting Hangyeol at the door.
“Can you move.” You muttered. 
“You’re even running away on his birthday?” He said. “That’s low.”
“I was going to go buy candles.” You rolled your eyes.
“But we al-”
“Numbered candles, god dammit, I know we have single candles.” You cut him off with a groan before pushing past him and walking to your car.
“And to think you two were doing so well.” Yohan tsked as he shook his head.
You muttered to yourself the whole way towards the store. God, how could you forget his birthday? Of all things. 
You kept up your muttering as you walked into the store, heading straight for the baking aisle and grumpily snatching the numbered candles off the shelf before making your way to the self checkout.
When you got back, the boys were pacing in the kitchen, Wooseok running over to you and grabbing the bag.
“Yohan’s been griping about not being able to eat his cake. What took you so long?” He said as he ripped open the small box.
“I’ve only been gone like, ten minutes?”
“Yeah. It’s Yohan.” Wooseok looked at you. “Ten minutes is too long.” He spoke as he turned and walked over to the table, you following and reaching for the seat next to Yohan.
“No.” Hangyeol spoke up, pulling you to the opposite side.
“Why not?” You raised a brow. 
“We have to sing ‘happy birthday’.” He said. “You can’t sing it next to him, you have to be in front.”
“Since when did you like playing by the rules?” You challenged.
“Guys,” Yohan whined, stomping his foot. “No fighting.” He pouted.
“Let’s sing the song so he can eat his cake and then we can go out.” Wooseok smiled, lighting the candles and getting between you and Hangyeol before starting the song.
Go out? You were going out? When was that decided? Or did you miss that, too?
“What do you mean ‘go out’?” You asked as you finished the song.
“You better not flake.” Yohan glared as he cut into the cake. “I’ll hate you forever if you do.”
“She probably didn’t know.” Hangyeol cut you off. “Or she was too busy to remember.” 
You glared at the comment but didn’t respond, opting to just sit down. It’s not like he was wrong, but he didn’t have to say it like that. 
“Here’s a small piece, I know you don’t like sweets that much.” Yohan smiled as he placed the plate in front of you.
“Thanks.” You gave him a smile, surprised he even remembered. 
“Why eat it at all if you don’t like sweets?” Hangyeol scoffed and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I’m civil enough to try and enjoy time with people I like.” You forced a smile. “Unlike someone, wh-”
“If either of you say one more thing, I swear I’ll leave you both here.” Wooseok groaned.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You glared at him. “I’ll disown you.”
“I’d rather be disowned than deal with you two bickering all night.” He said.
“I’ll just stay home.” You sighed. “I wasn’t ready to go out anyways. Sorry, Yohan.” You gave him a small smile. “I’ll make it up to you.”
With much protest, the boys finally left to go enjoy the rest of the night but of course, your solitude didn’t last long as someone walked in and interrupted your binge-watching. 
“Your brother made me come back so don’t get the wrong idea.” Hangyeol spoke as he walked towards the kitchen to sit at the table. “He wants us to ‘Work out our problems.’”
You rolled your eyes.
“We can ‘Fix’ our problems by ignoring each other.” You glared at him. “Just like we used to.”
“Stop acting like that.” He scoffed. “You don’t have an audience. We’re alone.”
“Just because we’re alone doesn’t mean anything.”
“Are you sure about that?” He questioned. “Because I think we do have some problems to fix.”
You let out a scoff.
“The only problem is you not being able to keep your feelings in check.”
“It’s not like I’m the only one with feelings.” He countered. “Don’t forget-”
“Yeah, I didn’t push you away.” You cut him off. “But it doesn’t mean anything. It was just a kiss.” 
“Was it though?” He challenged. You didn’t answer and it only egged him on as he started making his way towards you. “Then why have you been ignoring me?”
“I’ve always ignored you.” You glared as you watched him get closer, your body instinctively leaning back as he got closer.
“Yeah?” He smirked, stopping next to couch. “Then why are you cowering?” 
“Because I don’t want to get caught with you.” The steadiness in your voice shocked you, but you tried not to act surprised.
“I’m not that much of a bad guy.” He scoffed. “Even your brother deems me good enough to be stuck with you.” He paused, a smirk pulling at his lips. “If only he knew how you really were.”
“And how am I, really?” 
The words left you before you could stop them and he had a full smirk as he leaned down to answer you, his face right in front of yours.
“You tell me.”
There was a moment of silence and you realized he wasn’t going to make the first move this time. You had to drop the front you had or you could drop whatever opportunity was in front of you.
You don’t remember leaning in, but the feeling of his lips on yours was enough to have you focusing on your following actions. 
Even though you started it, you definitely weren’t going to finish it. The second your arms reached to wrap around his neck, they were shoved back onto the couch.
His body moved to push you back against the couch, completely taking over the situation and giving you no time to even try to take it back. Not that it kept you from trying. Your arms fought to try and get out of his hold but he only tightened it, eventually giving up and pulling away entirely, his hands still holding yours down.
“God, can you stop fighting me for one fucking second?” He growled and you stared at him, the last bit of bite you had coming out.
“Maybe I just like pissing you off.”
“And what exactly are you expecting from me getting pissed off?” He raised a brow in amusement.
“To see how you are.”
Those were the final words that left your mouth before his lips were back on yours, rougher than before while he used his hold on you to pull you into him.
The small moan you let out couldn’t be helped. The way he took full control over you was something you’d only ever fantasized about, but to actually live it, you were sure you were done for.
Thankfully for you, he didn’t speak on it, at least not the first time.
The next time you let a moan slip was when his hand moved up to wrap around the back of your neck to pull you closer into him.
“This is what you wanted, right?” He whispered against your lips, his breath fanning over your face. “Was it always like this?” He asked as his head moved to press a kiss to your jaw. “Was that bratty act of yours all so I could get you like this?” 
He smirked at how you never responded, pride filling him as he finally got you to shut up.
“I wonder how your brother would react if he knew what I was doing to you.” He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your neck. “Especially what I’m about to do.” 
You had no time to respond as he pulled away and got up, pulling you with him and leading you towards the stairs, and up to your room.
“Can’t risk leaving any evidence on the couch, now can we?” He smirked as he pushed you onto your bed. “We don’t have to worry about that in here.”
You moved to lay down and he crawled over you, his arm supporting him. His lips were back on yours in no time while his hips pressed into yours, the pressure pulling a whine from you.
“Stop fucking around.” You pulled away to whine at him.
“Make me.” He challenged and you glared at him, a big contrast to the pout that formed on your lips. “Bratty girls never get what they want, you should know that.” He cooed. “Unless they apologize and promise to behave, that is.” He said, his hand playing with the waistband of your shorts. 
Any other day would have you arguing against it but with his hand slowly sliding under your waistband was clouding over that urge to bite back.
“I’m sorry for being mean all those times, just please,” You started, your tongue coming out to lick your lips as you felt the heat in your cheeks. This wasn’t like you.
“You gave in so quickly.” He praised but his hand retreated outside of your shorts. “But you’re going to have to do better than that.” He tsked. “You even hit me the other day.” He scoffed. “And you think that’s gonna make me forgive you?” 
“But you were being mean to Jun-”
“Don’t.” He started, his jaw tensing. “Say his name.”
The jealous tone flew right over your head and you didn’t comment on it, too focused on giving him what he wanted so you could move on.
“But you were being mean!” You whined. “I wasn’t thinking and I just snapped, I’m sorry.” You whimpered as his hips pressed into yours again. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“You want me that bad?” His smirked in amusement. “Then I guess I could let things slide.”
He pushed himself off of you and sat on his knees, his hands reaching for the hem of your shorts and underwear, pulling them down and dropping them to the side. You reached for your shirt and he stopped you.
“If I see all of you, I’ll want to leave marks.” He panted out. “I can’t leave any evidence, remember?” 
With that said, he made room for himself between your legs before working on his own clothes.
Nothing else was said as he lined himself up with you and slowly pushed into you, stopping slightly when he bottomed out. 
“Fuck,” He groaned as his head dipped down, his tongue coming out to swipe across his lips. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
Something about how seeing a break in his persona only made you even more turned on. But it didn’t last as his hips were suddenly pulling back just to slam back into you, your hands gripping at the sheets.
Your mouth dropped in a silent scream as his pace built up, a small moan coming out as his hands wrapped around your thighs to pull you even closer to him, his tip pressing against your spot in the process.
After getting comfortable he didn’t hold back. His hips set a pace and even if you wanted to hold back, you couldn’t. You were embarrassingly loud and your hand came up to cover your mouth. His hand came up to rip your hand from your mouth and put it to the side of your head, his head towering over yours as he glared at you.
“Don’t hold back, baby.” He started, his hips slowing down while he kept eye contact. “I want to hear how good I make you feel.” 
The gaze he held wasn’t as angry as before, but you didn’t know what it was. All you knew was that it made your stomach tighten.
There weren’t anymore words as he went back to the previous pace he’d set, but you weren’t complaining. It was nice knowing he wasn’t going to say anything cocky or teasing.
“Hangyeol, I’m gonna-” You were cut off as the pressure built up.
“Cum for me.” He rasped out, pulling the rest of his strength out for the last few thrusts. “Go ahead, cum all over me.” 
A loud moan ripped threw you as your body shook, your hands reaching out grab his as his hips started stuttering.
“Cum in me.” You gasped out, trying to catch your breath. “Please,”
He couldn’t even ask if you were sure, the sudden words making his orgasm hit, his breath getting caught in his throat.
The only sounds in the room were both of your panting as you tried to calm down. Until the sheets ruffled as he slowly slid out of you before getting up and fixing his clothes. You sat up and watched, your face heating up as you debated on your next words.
“So..” You spoke shyly as you pulled your shirt over your knees. “Truce?” 
“I don’t think so.” He scoffed before turning to face you.
“You hate me, remember?”
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Prove Me Wrong I | Lee Hangyul
|| Part II ||
badboy!hangyul x foreign exchange student!female sumthin (i leave the juicy stuff up to you lmao)
↬ Pairing: badboy!Hangyul x fem!reader
↬ Genre: Smut
↬ Warning: mentions of alcohol, explicit language, dirty talk,  semi-public sex, slight hair pulling
↬ Word Count: 2k
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Being new wasn’t really the best thing. However, it was good that technically ‘everyone’ was new, but being a foreign student... You were going to draw attention anyway. It was something you were already used to, introducing yourself over and over again, but it still brought some nervousness to be in front of everyone. Inhaling deeply, you entered the classroom, the professor wasn’t there yet and everyone was already interacting. Almost every seat was occupied, the only one left being at the back of the room. Taking notes would be harder then. Everyone stopped chattering as the professor came in. The class started quickly and for a second you thought you were lucky because he seemed to have forgotten about introductions and stuff, but he suddenly stopped dead on his tracks.
“Ah, right, we have an exchange student.” Fuck, no, really? Now? That was going to be even worse. He read the list and looked up squinting his eyes. Maybe there was another exchange student... “Y/n?”
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you raised up your hand. The next five minutes were about where you came from, what differences had you noticed, how long had you been living there, and so on until he continued with the class. You couldn’t really see one of the words in the board and the context didn’t help, so you looking to your right to ask someone but the girl sitting next to you seemed extremely focused...So you turned left and noticed for the first time the guy sitting next to you. He was wearing rather flashy clothes, at least compared to the rest of the students in there. He seemed to be already distracted by his phone, so it was better than your other choice.
“Sorry, I can’t really see what’s on the board...” He didn’t even bat an eye. “Um, excuse me...” He finally directed his attention to you, his expression showing he was...annoyed?
“Heard you the first time. Can’t see shit. Stop bothering me.” His informal talking plus the swearing took you by surprise. It wasn’t something very usual in their culture... What was wrong with him? You tried again.
“Ah, sorry, but I really need to take these notes...”
“Why do you keep talking to me? Shut up already.” You clenched your fists and gave him a sarcastic smile. You were going to find someone later and ask them.
“Fucking asshole...” The curse left out your lips before you could even think about it. You knew you had to be respectful and all but why with someone like him? Although it seemed like he heard you, because he scoffed at you and mumbled something back. You stared at him and he maintained the eye contact. You weren’t going to back away, you had many of these shitheads back in your hometown and if you didn’t stand up firm from the beginning, they would annoy the fuck out of you. However, the smirk that crossed his face wasn’t something that you were prepared for. 
At the end of the class the professor took attendance and you paid attention to the moment he would mention the guy’s name. At almost the half, you heard it. Lee Hangyul. You had to keep it in mind.
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A few weeks had passed and you were getting used to everything around. You made some friends and to see the cultural differences was interesting. Tonight you were going out for some drinks with the whole class during the orientation period. Music sounded in the background as you applied make up and got into your clothes. Even if it was a casual meet up, one of your friends suggested that you changed for a party since some of them were going to a club nearby. You were already slightly panicking: what could you wear that was appropriate for both a casual meeting and a party? Giving up easily just put a dress on and some high heels not too flashy but not dull.
The meeting was fun and seeing the rest of the class get drunk rather quickly, but the face you wanted to see the most wasn’t around.
“Hey, that Hangyul guy... He doesn’t get along pretty well with the class, doesn’t he?” What was there to lose?
“Ah... He is a weird one. Doesn’t hang out with anyone at University, gets into fight sometimes but isn’t really the bully kind of guy, you know? He has some bad reputation around here so it’s not really the best thing to hang out with him.”
What a long description to end it up like that. It’s not like you were super curious about him, but... There was something off. Like, why did he attend every single day if he didn’t care? Sure, money and grades were a thing but if he was such a ‘bad boy’ shouldn’t he just... drop out? You forgot about him as you swallowed the soju and beer shot.
Not long after the meeting, you were dancing at the club. It wasn’t too different, maybe there was less straightforward people but that wasn’t a bad thing. You were going to the bathroom when you bumped against someone on the way, the drink they were holding now dripping down their clothes.
“Oh, sh– I mean, sorry!” The flashing lights made it hard for you to see the stranger’s face. Their strong hand wrapped around your wrist as they dragged you to the bathroom, took you inside and locked the door. Fear ran down your spine until you saw their face. “What... You are here?”
Hangyul looked at you annoyed. “Fix this.” You questioned him as he signaled his black shirt.
“It was your drink and you spilled it on you, there is nothing for me to fix, now if you excuse me...” You were aiming at the door when he blocked it, staring you down with hooded eyes.
“You bumped into me. Was it on purpose?” Rolling your eyes wasn’t even remotely close to show your irritation. “So you planned all this, didn’t you? Ah, I knew I could be attractive but not to this point...”
“Jeez, egocentric much? Give me the shirt so I can get the shit out of here.” He seemed pleased as he took it off, unbuttoning it to a slow pace, seeming to enjoy the slight blush that spread on your cheeks as you saw his toned body. Snatching the piece of clothing from his hands, you threw it on the sink and turned the water on, closing it after a few seconds. “Done. Now let me go.”
“Why do you keep pretending you hate me, huh?”
“Who said anything about hating, just let me–” he pressed against you, his skin hot against your hands as you pushed him but still he didn’t move an inch.
“Let’s have some fun, I know you been asking around for me, why don’t you let me show you who I am and what I can do?” His voice dropped low and you couldn’t help but to feel shivers all over you. Maybe it was the alcohol hitting in but a random hook up didn’t seem like a big deal...
“You are all talk.” You stared right back and he arched an eyebrow.
“Let me prove you wrong then.”
His lips smashed against yours aggressively, his hands roaming down your body, the heat between you growing intense each second. He tugged on your bottom lip playfully and hissed as you palmed him over his pants, the feeling of his hardening member turning you on. Steps and a soft knock on the door distracted you.
“Y/n? It’s me.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit. “Is everything alright?”
“Ah yeah! Everything is–” You had to hold back your moan when Hangyul slipped his hand down your underwear and started rubbing your clit harshly.
“Are you sure? Wait, I’m going to get in...” The handle moved but the secure didn’t let anything happen. Hangyul smirked as he felt you getting wetter.
“No! Uh, it’s a mess in here, just...” His middle finger slid inside of you and your breath hitched up.
“Quite the exhibitionist, aren’t you? Getting off at the possibility of someone seeing you like this, completely wrecked...” He whispered in your ear as he fingered you at an extremely slow pace, adding a second finger and stretching you out.
“Ah, I see... I’m not feeling too well so I’ll get going, yes? Tell me when you get home.” Did she notice? No idea, but you simply hummed out a response and she left.
“Fuck... Stop that...” You finally let out and he complied, burying them and stopping his movements, having you become a whining mess.
 “Can’t wait to feel this tight pussy around me.” His lips attached to your neck, sucking harshly as you grind your hips to feel some kind of friction. 
“Then do it already.”
He lifted you up and placed you on the cold marble surface, you hissing at the contrast between temperatures. He pulled a condom from his back pocket and now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow, to which he simply shrugged without giving any explanation. He unzipped his pants and took out his cock, your mouth watering at the sight of his fingers putting the preservative on. He looked at you once as if to ask for permission to which you nodded and he filled you, being careful at all times.
“So tight... I’m going to fuck you so good.” The dirty talk was really getting the best of you.
“You keep talking but not showing anything.”
He gave a quick thrust, a pleased sigh coming out of your lips. Soon he was ramming into you hard, your arms around his shoulders, your ear right next to his mouth, listening to every grunt he left out when you clenched down on him. He pulled down your dress strips and unhooking your bra, his hands quick to cup your breasts and massage them. You hid your face on the crook of his neck, trying to muffle the sound of your voice against it.
“Let me hear you, let everyone hear who is fucking you so good.” The slight shake of your head was enough for him to pull your hair and make you stare at him, his gaze making you feel exposed to your very core. “Do as I say.” His hips snapped even rougher than before, his pace becoming slower if you broke the eye contact.
“I-I’m... close...” Your words were barely audible but he seemed to understand them perfectly.
“Cum for me, princess.”
That’s all it took. Your nails scratching his back, your moans falling of your lips uncontrollably as your whole body went numb. He smirked and his pace faltered, spilling inside the condom as he groaned against your neck. You didn’t move and he didn’t either, both trying to catch your breath. Finally he pulled out of you, throwing the condom in the bin as you put your bra back on and fixed your dress. You checked yourself in the mirror just to realize the mess he made of you: your neck and chest full of red marks that would soon turn into purple ones, your lips swollen and your lipstick smeared all around them, not to mention your hair. You sighed and tried to fix your looks a bit, eyeing Hangyul in the corner zipping his pants and appreciating his slightly tanned skin and his muscles, unconsciously tying up your hair and washing your face a few times. Once you looked good-ish, you walked over to the door.
“You’re not going to say goodbye?” He laughed as he leaned over on the wall.
“Uh, goodbye.”
“Now you are feeling shy?” You resumed your actions ignoring him. “This was too good, we should repeat it.”
You thought about it for a few seconds. “Maybe.” You opened the door and as you were going out, he called you again.
“What am I supposed to do with his?” He pointed at his wet shirt. You shrugged.
“Not my problem.”
You walked away giggling as you listened to his complaints, thinking about the next time you would see each other.
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I’m not too happy with this one but hey, what you gonna do. Also thought of maybe making a second part to put more detail into his bad boy image and its origins 👀
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escapingpost · 5 years
Five Things Cho Seungyoun Knows About You
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Sequel to “Five Things I Know About Cho Seungyoun”
1.) You were losing eye sight.
“Give me back my phone.” You sternly say.
“Can you not check Instagram for at least one hour?” Seungyoun towers over you and any other effort was futile.
You curse, “You can’t tell me what to do.”
Seungyoun lowers your phone from above him, knowing fully well that you were right. “I bet you can’t go one day without your phone.”
“ ’Course not.  I have this common case of being a female and I need it for emergencies.” You snatch your phone away from him.
“Emergencies, huh? Wanna make a bet?” Seungyoun smirks, “I’ll follow you the rest of the day and make sure you stay safe. You let me hang on to your phone and you can’t use it for any reason.” Seungyoun pauses to think, “Actually, maybe for your mom, but that’s all.”
You think about his weird proposition. No, the weird part was not losing your phone. It was Seungyoun following you for the rest of the day. You and Seungyoun already followed each other, everywhere. “What’s in it for me?”
“Whoever loses has to do one thing the other person wants.” Seungyoun crosses his arms.
You return his smirk, “Are you ready for clubbing part two? This time, we can invite all your friends.”
Flashbacks of the night in Itaewon scares him on the spot. He was not ready to becoming your packing mule again.
You slip your phone in his pocket, “Starting now.”
And the determined look on your face was indescribably attractive annoying so Seungyoun forgets how to use his common sense for a few seconds and repeats what you say. 
2.) You don’t need a man to complete you. There wasn’t even a you to complete.
There was something off when you made bets with Seungyoun. You had this willpower to always prove him wrong and you always won.
After baiting you with multiple text messages from a certain someone, or the occasional instagram post from your favorite celebrity, it was already the end of the day.
The end of the day usually ended at Seungyoun’s house or studio. Neither of you questioned it.
“I’ll let you know my wish a later time.” You are sitting on his reclining chair in front of his mix table.
“Hangyul texted you.” Seungyoun handed your phone to you, admitting defeat.
You open the text message as Seungyoun pretends to accidentally catch a glimpse while playing with his mixer.
They were merely two text messages, but you could already tell how much, for lack of a better word, game Hangyul actually had.
hey, how are you?
Okay, small talk sucks. its really hot, how about ice cream?
You look at the time it was sent and see it was several hours ago.
“Wow, how desperate. Two consecutive text messages.” Seungyoun says under his breath.
You give him a look because he was one to talk.
sorry for the late reply, I had a bet with-
sorry for the late reply, is it too late
sorry for the late reply, i couldn’t use my phone
You let out a huge sigh.
Seungyoun watches you struggle with answering back and places his hand on your head, “Just answer with whatever, he’ll take anything. Trust me.”
You realize Seungyoun has been looking the whole time and turn off your screen.
"No.” You crinkle your nose, “Hangyul’s too dangerous.”
Seungyoun gives you a confused look, “I know he looks a little angry sometimes, but he was actually trying to catch frogs the other day?”
You half laugh, “That’s not what I meant.“ Your gaze on Seungyoun is too long for both of you not to notice.
But, this was a reoccurring action. Both of you had no idea how to exactly bring these up: The longing looks, your constant need to think about him, and his constant need not to picture you in his studio completely nake-andstoprightTh!erebigguy.
3) You’re not his best friend. He is your manager.
In which, Seungyoun needs to start getting paid because the amount of people that contact him with your name was unbearable.
At first, it was harmless because most of the time it was his own friends asking him if you were with him or if he could relay a message to you.
It was not until a stranger asked about you that he realizes that you were very much available.
“Hey, you’re Seungyoun, right?” A guy who looked like he attended the same school came up to your manager best friend.
Seungyoun nods and scans the almost familiar face, “Oh, you’re in one of my classes.”
“Name is Choi Byungchan.”
Seungyoun looks around waiting for something to happen. He did not have to introduce himself, so he was in a confusing position.
“I guess I shouldn’t beat around the bush. Are you close?” Your name comes out of Byungchan’s mouth quietly, but with purpose.
Seungyoun makes an “o” with his mouth and lightly hits the boy’s shoulder, “We’re pretty much best friends. Why?” Seungyoun watches Byungchan hesitate.
And Seungyoun is only smart when it comes to your social life so he figures out exactly what Byungchan was getting at. He assures Byungchan that you were a chill person and to sit next to you in class next time.
Seungyoun gave one look at this handsome, tall boy and knew nothing was going to happen.
This was not the final instance.
“Song Yubin? I don’t know him that well.” You clasp your hands together, “He’s that guy that joined one of those survival programs, right?” He was well-known around campus just for that. 
Seungyoun nods with a blank expression on his face.
“You better not be joking.”
“I was confused too.” Seungyoun says it out of spite and “just because”. “He seems like the type of guy to date someone humble, delicate, and sweet.”
You smack his shoulder, “Are you saying I’m none of those things?”
Seungyoun sees your expression change with this popular guy possibly having interest in you, “I’m just the pigeon sending you his note, okay?”
Yubin was a little more courageous than Byungchan because he actually gave Seungyoun a note with his number to give to you.
Just like Byungchan, Seungyoun gave it to you with no hesitation.
At some point, Seungyoun knew he had to carry around business cards that had his name in huge letters attached with Underpaid Best-friend Secretary. He would put an e-mail where they can contact him. Maybe he could make your merchandise.
The cherry on top was Lee Jinhyuk. Just when Seungyoun thought your suitors could not get any better, the student body’s president personally comes to find Seungyoun.
“So, I heard you were dating someone.”
“No, we’re not dating. We’re only best friends.” Seungyoun says like a broken record.
Jinhyuk grins, “So I’m guessing you know what I was going to ask?”
Jinhyuk and Seungyoun were not complete strangers like the others, so he assures Jinhyuk that he would ask you.
“Are you having fun play cupid or?” You were surprised Seungyoun would call you at night just for this.
“I promised him that I would ask you before I gave him your number.”
“Is he. Well what. Are you.” You try to find a way to start your sentences because Seungyoun was practically offering every guy out there to get rid you you? Yes, it did make you want to raise hell, “Would you trust him with my number?”
Seungyoun does not hesitate to say yes because the guy was the student body president and a well-rounded leader.
You were grateful he could not see your facial expression over the phone, “Okay, tell him to call me when he’s not busy.” 
4) You had plans. You will have plans.
Seungyoun figured everything would die down after Jinhyuk, but he had the best wake up call when he found out that you did take one of his suggestions.
The part that made him angry and betrayed was he had to hear it from the winner, himself, Lee Hangyul.
“My bad, I thought you guys were really close.” The perfect skin, two to eight hair-part ratio, and collarbone charmer was rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Yeah, we’re best friends.” Seungyoun said it a million times before, but he was more than glad to repeat it a few more times for Hangyul to hear.
Hangyul slowly nods, now rubbing his arm.
“When did you guys even hang out?” He tries to remember the exact days you could have betrayed him to go on a date with Hangyul.
“About a month ago?”
Seungyoun’s expression was calm. Too calm.
“You good?” Hangyul has never been this itchy before, as he scratches behind his ear.
Seungyoun furiously nods his head, “I have to go, but this was a good talk.”
“Ah.” Before Hangyul could say anything, Seungyoun was out of sight. “Best-friends, huh.”
younie: How can you do this to me?
NOT MY Bestfriend: ..?
younie: I was going to make business cards for you.
In your years of friendship, you knew when the conversation turned into one you could not comprehend, it was best to call him.
“Yes, this is betrayed and disappointed, how can I help you?”
“What did I do?”
“You know, you are playing the victim card really well.”
“Cho Seungyoun!”
“How was your date with Hangyul?”
The lines goes quiet and all Seungyoun hears is a soft, “Oh.”
“I was gonna tell you, if it came up in conversation.”
“So, never?”
“It’s hard to bring up the fact I went on a date with one of your close friends.”
“Hangyul seemed to bring it up just fine.”
Just like that, you were quiet once again. You wait for him to talk, but nothing. “I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“You’re bad.” Seungyoun did not have to heart to say anything worse.
“I’ll make it up to you?” Your tone of voice was sweeter than usual.
“Like what?” And Seungyoun bought into it as quick as lightning.
“Lets do something tomorrow?”
“You said you were busy.”
“I’ll just cancel. Its fine.”
Seungyoun wanted to agree because he needed to see you so you could talk to him about your date, but a little voice called out to him in the back of his head.
Ask her what plans she was going to cancel.
He had a inkling of your answer, but for world peace he asks, “What were you going to do tomorrow?” in the best nonchalant way he was capable of.
Your silence was just enough of an answer.
“My god, you have another date with Hangyul?”
“We can hang out the three of us, like the club!” You quickly respond.
“You mean, I can third wheel you guys?”
“Seungyoun, please. You were the one who introduced me to him.” Your voice was soft.
You were right.
And some other people were right about Hangyul. too.
Now, Seungyoun’s board of advisers (ie: Seungwoo, Wooseok, Yohan, Dongpyo) were at a split decision whether or not he should crash your date accept your invitation.
“No, you better not third wheel. That’s so pathetic, hyung.”
“Go for it. That is your best friend right there.”
“When you end your friendship with Hangyul, I’m not hating him because you hate him.”
“Hey, all’s fair in love friendship and war.”
In the end, he was the deciding factor.
5) The two of you have plans. 
“Hope you didn’t mind.” Seungyoun puts his arm over Hangyul’s shoulder.
“Of course not, we’re all close friends. “ Luckily, Hangyul naturally looked for the positivity in awkward situations.
“Of course, he minds.” You glare at Seungyoun and take a shot of soju.
Hangyul chuckles, “Just a little.”
Seungyoun removes you from Hangyul’s side like a crane and attaches himself next to the troubled boy.
You give Hangyul an apologetic look, “Sorry about my annoying friend.”
Seungyoun does not know if it was because you omitted the “best” in best friend, but the caveman had to invent fire sooner or later.
In Seungyoun’s case, not only did he light a fire somewhere, he also learned how to hunt for his prey.
It was that realization that everyone was waiting for and wherever his board of advisors were, they felt the urge to text him all at the same time.
The late bloomer has finally caught up?
Whatever you do, don’t pull her wrist. That is not an actual romantic action and only deserves a restraining order.
Hangyul will understand.
She’ll follow you out no matter what. I know it.
And all of them were one hundred percent correct, so the two of you ended up separating from Hangyul and were arguing in one of the alleys near the restaurants and businesses.
The God of Dramatic Hollywood Scenes cued the rain and the two of you were fighting about Hangyul, Seungyoun’s messy studio causing his insomnia, your social media addiction, Seungyoun’s wet bangs in the rain, and any other petty card you two could throw at each other.
Then, Seungyoun has your back against a dirty wall with his lips pressed against yours because that was the only way the two of you could hear each other in the loud rain. He feels your hands curl on the edge of his wet shirt and he waits to be pushed off, but you tip toe even closer to him.
He pulls your waist closer to him so you two could exchange warmth, but you only gasp giving him a passage to that beautiful mouth, leaving you breathless. And Seungyoun was rude the whole night from crashing your date to making Hangyul drink too many soju shots, but it was your turn to be rude back.
You snake your freezing fingers up under his shirt and onto his warm skin, earning a low growl from him, but he does not detach himself from you.
Seungyoun knew anything other than soju made you too drunk, too quickly so he banned other alcohols indefinitely.
However, the two of you only had soju to drink for the night so Seungyoun either had to ban soju or ban you, as a whole.
But, the combination of you and soju tasted so sweet, so he was going to make an exception for that night.
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