#hank bramson
aliyebalik · 3 months
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the kismet harbor pier
A day off work with nothing else on the schedule was about as perfect a time as Aliye could imagine. She'd surfed in the morning, dropped her dog off to hang out with her mom for awhile, and was now out at the pier to see what there was to do with the rest of her afternoon. She'd opted for her longboard that afternoon, lazily pushing her way around the pier and occasionally attempting some trick with it along the way to keep it interesting. Coming back down onto her board from a kickflip, Aliye caught sight of someone that was watching and, at least to her, looked interested. Swerving over in his direction, a big smile on her face, Aliye pulled up to chat with the guy. "You ride too?" she asked, figuring that maybe he was just a fellow longboarder.
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mattswheeler · 2 months
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson location: Hands on Kismet Harbor office
Back from his trip, Matt wanted to do some things helping out around town. There seemed to be a list of things going on over the course of him being gone and preparing to leave so he wanted to get on helping out. He was looking over the listen when he noticed someone around and he looked up before moving out of the way. "Sorry. Didn't mean to block you there. I'm just looking at what needs done."
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dianaswhitney · 3 months
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson location: blooming acres
Diana found herself wandering around the garden center looking at the plants. She wasn't really sure what she was doing and probably couldn't take care of a plant to save her life, but she was thinking of getting something for her apartment and maybe trying to keep it alive. Was that really fair to the plant, though? She wasn't sure. But maybe if she got something easy to take care of... Her thoughts turned to a guy standing near and she smiled at him. "Hey. You know anything about plants?"
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leilabarak · 1 year
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the performance arts festival
The best part of having all of the activities out in the park was that Brock was able to come along for the adventure. Sitting on a spread out blanket, Leila was leaned over on the dog putting together little sandwiches from the picnic food she'd brought to share with Hank while they settled in for the Hamlet performance. "Y'know, I've never seen or read Hamlet before," she mused, not sure if she was excited about it or not. "I left school before they made me do it. Is it anything good?" Even if it wasn't, the little cracker sandwiches and food would keep her entertained for the duration of the show.
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boyd-connors · 1 year
—Starter for @hxnkbrxmson Location: Benny and Duke's
Boyd was skating on thin ice, and even the smallest crack threatened to pull him under. Normally, he dealt with issues by mindlessly swiping through tinder, hoping enough meaningless hook-ups would take his mind off things long enough for it to sort itself out. But considering the latest predicament added to his pile, his pecker was on time-out for the foreseeable future....
Still, he was certain that if he didn't let off steam in some way, he was likely to lose his mind entirely in the next 72 hours at most. It was Hank randomly texting him that gave him the idea — and besides, if there was anyone who could ensure a responsible night of fun, he really couldn't do better than the resident milk man.
One Irish Car Bomb down, and the alcohol was already getting to him. Either he'd forgotten to eat dinner, or he'd psychologically decided he was getting drunk quickly to avoid paying for overpriced drinks. Either way, it was effective. "How often do you get 'milkman' jokes?" Boyd asked, apropos of nothing. "Better yet, you ever been propositioned as one?"
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parkerlcwis · 1 year
location — first annual renaissance faire.
character — @hxnkbrxmson
She hadn't dressed the part. Hell, she wasn't even sure why she'd actually bothered to show up. Scratch that, she knew why. It had everything to do with a sandy haired cowboy and little to do with the festival itself, though, admittingly, it was nice. She'd attempted to justify her attendance with a mug of mead in one hand and a turkey leg in another, but she found her attention drifting towards the jousting each and every time.
Distracted by her own thoughts, she'd had a delay noticing someone lingering nearby. "Sorry," she hummed as she lifted up from the picnic table. "Guess I got lost in the turkey leg," she half joked beneath a grin.
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khalilhassan · 2 years
location — book bar
character — @hxnkbrxmson​
The agent had been ten drinks deep on the handmade cocktail board when he noticed a familiar person slip onto a stool a few seats down from him. He could have easily sat alone and enjoyed a drink to himself, but for once, he wanted the company of another. Khalil reached for his jacket that he’d used as a placeholder in the seat next to him and without a second thought, he moved down and left only a seat between them. “You know, I never realized how many books I haven’t read until now. This menu makes me feel like I should pick one up every and again,” he attempted to joke, halfway hoping that the other remembered him from their meet a few months earlier. “Do you have a personal favorite? I wanted to try something new tonight. I didn’t realize I’d be completely out of my element.”
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lorelai-tseng · 2 years
character: Hank Bramson @hxnkbrxmson​
location: Lorelai’s house; Summit Lake
The idea of getting to see Hank again was exciting to her as she quite enjoyed his company. Somehow so much had occurred since their last seeing one another even though it had only been a few weeks now. Smiling as she opened the door she stepped aside to let the younger man pass through. “Well happy new year, goodness I always for get how much can happen around the holidays to make it seem like it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you. How have you been doing, Hank? What that you’ve got there?” She gestured towards what he was holding in his hands, having invited him over for tea, she was glad to have some time off today to do so since she would love to learn more about Hank.
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atlaswilliams · 2 years
location — wolf wild rescue booth
character — @hxnkbrxmson​
The crowd of people had finally died down to just a few at a time and truth be told, Atlas had someone in mind that he assumed would enjoy that. He sent a few texts to the friend he’d made at the bar and attached the booth’s location along with them. After almost an hour, he was happy to see that other chose to believe him. “Well, look who it is. See? I told you, no crowd. Just me, my brother, and two tired wolves looking for some last minute attention if you’re willing to give it? They’re not full wolf, but they’re two of the chillest we’ve got at the rescue and we’ve had them for years. Figured this could be your chance to to pet one if you’re interested?” 
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Aslihan has always had a strange relationship with reading. While she could pour over many different historical nonfiction, ready to do any and all kind of research, for some reason she’s always struggled with reading fictional novels. Sure, there’s been a small handful that she’s been able to read. Yet, in the end, it was still a bit of a struggle. So joining a book club created by other members of the Jewish community in Providence Peak and surrounding towns and cities was an idea that Asli hadn’t been too confident about. Over time, though, the archaeologist has discovered that the biweekly meetings actually helped motivate her more with reading, the material being a mixture of fictional and nonfiction every few weeks. That and it helped her meet more people, such as Hank Bramson. She never forgot how her brother and parents lowkey adult-napped the man, so reuniting through the book club initially made her nervous that he might feel uncomfortable around her. Yet over the course of the past few months, they’ve been able to talk and get to know each other better. With the meeting adjourning and many members deciding to stick around to get drinks, she turned to the man with a warm smile. “You planning on staying as well? I could go for a drink or two. Maybe read more of this month’s book; I hadn’t heard of Out of Egypt until now yet it’s really been intriguing. Alexandria’s one of my favourite cities and one of the places I would travel to the most while living in Egypt, so imagining what it was like during that time... I feel incredibly nostalgic.”
CLOSED STARTER: the book bar ; summit lake // @hxnkbrxmson​​
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narixyang · 2 years
location; egypt wing tagged; @hxnkbrxmson​
With the showing of The Mummy coming on shortly, Nari had relented and agreed to let her nephews join in to watch it at the IMAX. While she wasn’t completely sold that they were old enough for it, she also didn’t really remember enough about it to judge appropriately. Shuffling in towards the seating area, Nari winced as the two boys went charging down the aisle. “Sorry, is it alright if we sit by you?” she asked as they came towards someone that was sitting on their own.
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aliyebalik · 4 days
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the founder's festival
As much as Aliye had wanted to pay attention and listen to the mayor's speech about the founding of the town, it had taken all of thirty seconds before her brain felt like mush. Bouncing on her toes, Aliye had very quickly abandoned any attempts at listening, instead looking around for something more interesting. It was a stroke of good fortune that she spotted a familiar face and immediately tossed her skateboard to the ground, taking a quick running start to glide her way over to Hank. Rolling into the vicinity of where he was standing, Aliye greeted him with a bright smile, letting the board slowly roll to a stop near the man. "Haaaaaank. What's up, dude, how are you?" she asked, the loudness of her voice met quickly by some scathing looks from other bystanders that were actually listening to the mayor's tale. "Sorry, sorry, right. Decibel level down. Good to see you, though, are you out here for the day to have fun? Wanna go do stuff?"
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gabrielxpierce · 6 days
"There he is. Did you finish your 5K?" Gabriel beamed a smile at the other, waiting near the entrance of the 'shopping street' where they had agreed to get drinks together. He knew that Hank had signed up to complete a walk, and Gabriel had passed on it. Walking wasn't his thing and he didn't want to suggest running to Hank. Still, absence made the heart fonder, he was all the more happy to see him now, walking towards him. "Let me treat you for a drink. I've been wanting to try pumpkin spice." @hxnkbrxmson
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eroltilki · 10 months
closed starter for hank bramson ! ( @hxnkbrxmson ) location ; the midnight club !
If there was one thing about the holidays that tended to throw Erol off it was the fact that he worked constantly— he had less time to spend with his friends, less time to see his sister, less time with his kid. It would've been a bummer if he'd had a job he hated, he imagined, but he took advantage of the time he could get when it came to catching up with people. He hadn't seen Hank in quite a while and he'd wanted to reassure the other man that he hadn't forgotten he'd existed or anything of the sort and that's how he'd found himself across from Hank at The Midnight Club, nursing a coffee. "So, what've you been up to? How've you been? I know it's... a really lame way to start a conversation but I really do wanna know." It was an earnest question even if Erol was a bit embarrassed that it had been so long since he'd seen Hank but he hoped the other man would give him a break on that front.
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leilabarak · 2 years
location; the green dragon tagged; @hxnkbrxmson​
“Okay, you have to promise not to be mad at me, but I might have done a thing,” Leila put out there to Hank as they sat down at their table, settling in for one of the trivia nights at The Green Dragon. Leila was decent at trivia when it had anything to do with science or a few select things, though when it came to pop culture she bombed nearly every question. It was, at least, still something fun to do and it had seemed like a perfect place to invite Hank out. “There’s this guy. And he’s really nice. I met him at a gas station! And he said he said he comes here for trivia all the time and I thought maybe. You know. Maybe you could meet him.” Leila knew that Hank’s last date had ended up fizzling out and she’d been quite preoccupied with trying to find someone new for Hank to potentially get set up with. The guy at the gas station was perhaps a little on the older side, but he was very nice and that had to count for something. 
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deanchaiyachet · 11 months
— SETTING: pumpkin carving contest ; oct 25th — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for HANK BRAMSON | ( @hxnkbrxmson )
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Dean waltzed around as people worked on their pumpkins. There were families, grown ups, teens... all working on a single objective: carving the nicest, spookiest or simply most creative pumpkins out there. He snapped a few pictures to post on his socials and justify today's stream having ended earlier than usual, but that was a about it. Turning to the person beside him, he nudged them gently with his elbow. "My bet's on the nice lady with the hat's pumpkin. What do you think?"
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