narixyang · 1 year
Settled back on the couch with the boys out of the room getting ready for bed, Nari adjusted so she could give Jamal her full attention. Given the time of day and the fact that he had shown up completely out of the blue, she knew not to expect good news. When he opened up, her shoulders sagged down before she reached over with a sympathetic rub at his arm. "Fuck, Jamal, I'm sorry," she hummed out, knowing just how much he'd been hoping to get things patched up with Thierry. "At least you tried, right? Better to know than to spend the rest of your life wondering if you could have fixed it."
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Jamal nestled into the space the boys so graciously afforded him, right between the two of them, while Nari made him a plate. It was nice not to be alone and their energy was infectious, making Jamal smile as they bombarded him with questions about his favorite super heroes. When Nari returned and gave the boys orders to prepare for bed, Jamal grabbed the remote to pause the movie accordingly. He accepted the plate from Nari, but didn't snatch up a fry just yet. "I was too late," he exhaled heavily. "I tried to fix things.. but it didn't work out."
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narixyang · 1 year
Any time something new came out to try in her coffee orders, Nari tried to switch it up and see what it was about. Whether it was a new type of milk or new flavor, she was pretty open. She drank so much of the stuff that it only seemed fitting to try a bit of everything and make sure that she wasn't ever getting too bored of the same thing every day. "Oh, for sure. My nephews would probably riot if I tried to serve them oat milk with their cereal, so we always have whole milk in the house," Nari signed back with a soft laugh. The boys had learned to be somewhat open to new things, but some stuff they would put their foot down for.
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A laugh bubbled up at the other's comment, carefully grabbing the drink, thankful for the other's signing so that they didn't have to strain to catch what the other was saying. "Well thank you. Oat milk is certainly underrated." While Emerson had no dietary reason for needing it, the redhead genuinely enjoyed it in coffee. It just gave it a little something extra. "Though I will admit, when it comes to cereal, I do splurge on whole milk." It's what they'd grown up with, and there was something nostalgic about having their cinnamon toast crunch with whole milk.
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narixyang · 1 year
If there was anything Nari could relate to, it was the zombie walk in front of a coffee shop. You knew where you wanted to be, but weren't quite awake enough to focus on walking the last few feet inside to put your order it. She recognized the exhaustion in the man as she stepped back after being bumped into, sympathy evident in her eyes. "Not too hard at all, no damage done and the coffee is still in the cup. Which is obviously the most important thing here," she chuckled warmly, patting her hand against the coffee cup as if it were the most valuable thing she'd ever held. "You look like you need one more than I do today, though. I can go grab you something if you want to sit and relax?" It was a simple offer to make and it looked like the guy could use a seat for a bit. With two young boys, Nari had been on the other end of this interaction herself plenty of times.
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open starter ! location: outside of deja brew, downtown !
In hindsight Erol wasn’t certain he’d been fully prepared to have four twelve and thirteen year old boys in his home over the course of the night after Emre had all but begged that his best friends be allowed to stay the night in honor of one of their birthdays. He tucked a yawn into the crook of his arm as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet– hoping the motion as he paused just outside of Deja Brew would keep him from falling asleep altogether. It was a testament to his overall exhaustion that he hardly noticed someone leaving the shop and stepping into his path and the moment he stepped forward to inch closer to the door he found himself colliding firmly with the person in front of him. “Shi–oot,” He blurted, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose in an effort to focus the slightest bit before he blinked hard and smiled sheepishly, “I’m so sorry– I wasn’t payin’ enough attention— I didn’t bump you too hard, right? No bumps or bruises?” He offered her a warm, sheepish smile and resisted the urge to reach up and rub his eyes in an effort to wake up further.
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narixyang · 1 year
"Okay, absolutely, the food there is excellent," Nari agreed, nodding approvingly at the idea. It had been a long time since she'd been there herself, but she could see it being a perfect spot for a blind date. Even if the company sucked, at least the food would be worth it. "Love that as a first date spot for you. Definitely going to need a dress, though. Do you have anything in mind? Or do we need a shopping day?" Nari didn't know how much Maya wanted to put into it since it was a blind date, but a chance to get all gussied up wasn't such a bad thing.
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Maya's lips curved into a broader smile, a spark of true excitement igniting within her. It had been quite some time since she had last donned a dress, and now, the anticipation of the upcoming date was beginning to take hold. "You know, Altas mentioned Amélie's as a potential option. It's a really nice place," she said with a nonchalant shoulder shrug, her eyes reflecting her genuine enthusiasm. "And the food there is delicious, so that's definitely a plus."
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narixyang · 1 year
"Deal. If you can promise that, the least I can offer is helping you with picking out an outfit," Nari agreed, happy to fill that role. She considered herself stylish enough that her advice was worthwhile to have and wouldn't steer her friend in the wrong direction. "Do you know where you guys are going on the date? That's super important to know to figure out what's best to wear." Nari had outfits for pretty much any occasion, though most days pajamas bled into her regular daily attire when she was dropping the boys at school or grocery shopping.
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"I can definitely promise you that." Maya replied, a gentle, reassuring smile gracing her lips. The prospect of a genuinely delightful time seemed to shimmer on the horizon, a rare promise she dared to hold onto. Yet, the uncertainties of life held her sway, and dwelling on them served little purpose at the moment. "And does this mean that you'd be willing to help me in the crucial task of selecting an outfit?" she mused with a light chuckle, her demeanor a mix of playfulness and genuine concern. The anticipation of the event had already sparked a touch of pre-event jitters within her, evident by the hint of stress in her voice.
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narixyang · 1 year
Stepping away from the counter to give Emerson space to move forward and grab their drink, Nari gave a polite nod. "Of course. Glad I could help." Nari was always pleased when she was able to make that small bit of difference for someone. It seemed like such a small thing being able to sign back and make this an easier space for the other, but she knew it counted for a lot. "Excellent order, by the way. Oat milk is the way to go." Nari easily stuck with both verbalizing and signing as she spoke, happy to adapt to whichever was easier for Emerson.
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The redhead didn't like bothering people, but had also been brought up being told repeatedly that their existence and need for extra help wasn't an inconvenience. However, getting mixed responses over the years always meant they were often a little bit hesitant. So Emerson couldn't deny being excited when the other replied while signing, the smile spreading on their lips. "Thank you so much. That is indeed me." Despite the other's signing, Emerson still continued verbalizing, not sure how fluent the other was and not wanting to be inconsiderate.
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narixyang · 1 year
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"I'd love that. Spice up the story for me, exaggerate anything boring to make it sound fun," she requested with a teasing smile. She hoped that wouldn't be necessary at all and that Maya ended up having a wonderful date worth talking about, but you never really knew with a blind date. "Oh, never. They'd be perfect criminals, so I think we could make it work for you. Hopefully we don't need it, though. I'm sure it'll be fun." Or, if not fun, at least passable enough to not require a distress signal to get out of it.
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The atmosphere took on a slightly lighter note, coaxing a soft chuckle from Maya at her friend's remark. "Count on me to keep you updated on how it all unfolds," she assured, a warm smile accompanying her words. "Your suggestion is golden. They could easily stage a store 'emergency,' and who would ever suspect those two charming rascals of lying?" Her laughter danced lightly as she spoke, the image of her brother and his partner-in-crime painting an amusing picture. "Thanks, Nar."
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narixyang · 1 year
"It's all good, they'll be excited for the company," Nari assured him, already spotting the curious looks from both boys as they snooped to see what was going on. They both greeted Jamal with wide grins and eager fist bumps, inviting him to sit down on the couch with them. "Great, I'll grab you a plate real quick," she offered, shifting into the kitchen to slide some of the nuggets and fries out of the air fryer and onto a plate for Jamal. It was certainly no five star meal, but it was pretty par for the course there in the Yang household. "Boys, go start getting ready for bed, I'll pause the movie for later." Nari shooed the boys out of the room as she handed over the food to Jamal, curling up on the couch herself. "Hit me with it, J-man, what's going on?"
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Jamal slowed his steps immediately upon turning the corner, realizing that he'd interrupted the boys' wind down. "Oh. My bad," he murmured, folding his arms as he drew back a moment to steal a glimpse of the TV. "Yeah." He nodded. "Nuggets sound good," he sighed, propping up a smile on his lips as he went over to Nari's nephews and gave them each a fist bump. He wasn't actually hungry, but it was habit to accept food. "'Sup fellas?"
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narixyang · 1 year
After getting home from work and making dinner for the boys, Nari and her nephews were crashed on the couch watching movies before it was time for bed. Evenings were some of the best times in the household. The boys had settled down after a long day at school and were just tired enough to curl up next to Nari as they watched Iron Man. They'd just been about to fall asleep when the sound of the doorbell rang out, meriting a look of confusion from all three of them. Shifting her nephews over to the pillows, Nari walked over to the door, opening it up when she saw Jamal on the other side. "Hey - hey, yeah, of course. Come on in, we're just watching Iron Man and eating dinner. Can I get you some...well, it's chicken nuggets and french fries, but. It's dinner." Nari stepped aside to let Jamal in, her nephews poking their heads around the corner to see who it was.
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closed starter for @narixyang ; Big Horn Hills
As a former competitive athlete, nothing stung quite profoundly a doing one's best and losing anyway. Of course, his relationship with the police officer had not been a trivial game, but the pain of the loss was comparable on some level. Making the wrong move, then doubling his efforts in a hail mary play at the last moment, proved unsuccessful this time. Thierry was out of his life for good. It was a hard pill to swallow. He blamed himself, in the end, for not wising up sooner. Pushing the bell at Nari's door after he'd driven to her place straight from Thierry's, Jamal opened his mouth before Nari could speak. "Hey Nar.. can I come in?"
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narixyang · 1 year
With a relatively late start for her morning, only needing to head in to work at the zoo for a few hours later, Nari was taking her time getting herself a coffee. She was glad she'd built the extra time in, as when she'd gotten to the cafe it was absolutely slammed with customers. Waiting off to the side of the counter, Nari let her eyes shift up with each called order, knowing hers was getting closer with each cup that passed across to other customers. Her attention was dragged away from her thoughts when someone spoke, smile lifting towards the other woman. "They did. Called it out for an Emerson if that's you," Nari replied back, her own hands starting to move and sign back as she did so. It was moments like this that she was glad to have learned to sign for her sister-in-law, something that had come in handy more than she would have expected in life.
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where: deja brew who: open (cap 3/5) @providencepeakstarters
The cafe was ridiculously busy, and Emerson shouldn't have been surprised. This place seemed to make the best coffee, at least that the redhead had discovered so far, so it made sense it would be popular. However, that didn't work in her favour when the barista put the cup on the counter, calling out something that Emerson missed entirely, though suspected it might be hers. An attempt was made to get the barista to repeat what they'd called out, but it went unnoticed, the service worker already moving on to the next order. Chewing their lip, Emerson turned to the person also waiting for their drink. "Sorry," They signed as they spoke. "Did they say caramel latte with oat milk?"
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narixyang · 1 year
It was an opportunity that Nari was glad to see Maya taking advantage of. Even if the date was terrible, it could at least end up being a good story to tell later and another experience in life lived. Since she hadn't been getting herself out there much, she was glad to be able to live vicariously through her friends to some degree. "Oh, girl, you absolutely stay for the free dinner if it's offered. That's just a given," she agreed with a bright laugh. "But, whenever the time comes, I've got you. I'll send the boys in to break the date up and drag you out of there. They'd be perfect for the job."
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The conviction was firmly entrenched within her – a resolute belief that the time had come to forge ahead. As if orchestrated by the universe itself, these occurrences seemed like unmistakable indicators. "You're absolutely right," Maya conceded, her words accompanied by a contented sigh. The trust she vested in Atlas was unwavering, leaving her with no shadow of doubt that he would go to great lengths to facilitate a fortuitous encounter. "Though, I must admit, if there's food in the equation, I'm not making a hasty retreat. But I might need to send you a text, signaling the need for an exit strategy once I'm satiated." Maya joked.
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narixyang · 1 year
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Head tipping back to laugh, Nari could only agree with Jamal that she needed to do better. It was an aspect of her life that had more or less ground to a halt in the wake of taking over the care of her nephews. "That is...an entirely fair assessment, but no. I mean, I'm definitely not trying to be a spinster, trust me," Nari reassured him before sighing. "It's just...fucking hard to find time and I kind of come with a lot of baggage now, so...here we are."
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Jamal nodded, appreciating the affectionate squeeze of his arm. He could always count on Nari to meet him where he was at, to push just the right amount and no further. He rolled his eyes, lovingly, at her difficulty holding back laughter. "Come on now. Even I've done better than that.. are you trying to be a spinster? I mean that's a thing.. just let me know."
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narixyang · 1 year
As far away as January felt right now, Nari knew that feeling wouldn't last. The months would start to slip away quicker than ever and before Dylan knew it there would be two babies in her life. "Sounds like a long way away, but hell, time flies sometimes," she chuckled. It had definitely been that way for her, especially with how busy the boys kept her. It felt like just yesterday that she'd had to pack up her things and move back to Providence for them and now here she was going on over a year since the big move. "Kids definitely make time seem to go a lot faster. They just grow so quick."
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It was a bit of a relief, though she had a feeling that if the Baileys wanted, they would offer those services for Dylan and she wasn't really sure she wanted that either. Of course she wanted the best for her children, but the idea of them having everything they ever wanted at the touch of their fingertips didn't sit right with her. Things were expensive and she was shifting things financially to make sure to account for what it cost to raise twins. It was nice to know that was the reality for most people in Providence Peak too. "Oh they're just 'bout halfway here, their due date is in the first week of January." She had plenty of time still, she reminded herself, but Dylan was always a planner.
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narixyang · 1 year
"Have you thought about going anywhere? Or is it just not feasible?" she asked. Nari knew that there was a lot going on for RJ being in charge of the farm, but she hoped he had enough help to be able to get away every now and again. "Not at all. You doing good, though? Anything new and exciting in your world?"
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"You and me both," RJ couldn't recall the last time he had taken any time off, let alone got on a plane. Maybe it was a trip during his senior year, when he wasn't responsible for maintaining the farm. And now, with Penny gone, it was just him and Link. He really couldn't afford to take any time away now. RJ laughed with her words, "It really can, they don't hold back."
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narixyang · 1 year
Nari was in the same boat, certainly not able to afford to pay for a lot of help. Once in a blue moon she was able to pay for a babysitter for a night if her parents weren't available, but those moments were few and far between. "Oh, absolutely not me either. Most people around here I think are more like that, like us, just trying to make it through," she shrugged. It was easy to rag on the rich moms in the carpool lane that showed up in their fancy cars, parading around at the PTA meetings and bragging about how much money their families donated to the school. At the end of the day, though, most people were pretty normal. "How long do you have until the babies arrive?" Nari never wanted to make assumptions about how far along people were, it being far too easy to mess that up.
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Dylan had just simply liked baking from an early age and never felt like it was pressed upon her that she should be doing those activities in order to find a husband or raise children. It was just something that relaxed her and reminded her of her mom. Nari sharing the reality of what it was like was a bit refreshing. Knowing that so many people had these high expectations of the bliss of life was not so practical. She hummed in some understanding of what Nari was trying to say, though she felt like growing up there was no way her own mom could afford such services and that it is a reality that a majority of people cannot afford it, people having night nurses and nannies or people who took care of the cleaning felt like a controversial topic. Dylan didn't know how she felt about the subject, mostly she thought that people shouldn't have to suffer but considering it was a costly expense and she had not one but two kids that would not necessarily be in her own budget. "A full staff definitely isn't somethin' I can afford."
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narixyang · 1 year
"All good lessons to learn. Sounds like your mother knew what she was talking about," Nari agreed with a soft smile. Parents could be a tricky subject for a lot of people, but she could tell Daxton had a lot of love for his mother. "Okay, yeah, you're on. Next free afternoon I get, I'll come stop by." It was an easy thing to agree to, especially if there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers waiting for her if she showed up.
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"Yup, sometimes my mother taught me. There is nothing like perfect and chasing it just makes you lose sight of what's important. There is beauty in mistakes, and mistakes is what helps us grow, change," he smiled. Daxton was really enjoying the conversation that he was having with the other. "Maybe you should stop by and I pick some flowers for you. Different combination and it's on me." he added giving her a wink and smile.
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narixyang · 1 year
"Definitely will. Even just being on a plane and going overseas is an experience enough. I couldn't tell you the last time I got to really travel," she admitted. Between work and school and family, Nari hadn't had as much time to take trips, this being the first in many years for her. Just that fact alone was enough to make it exciting. "Someone had to. I hear being bullied by cows all day can harden even the softest of hearts."
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"It sounds like it'll be a trip full of experiences either way," though he did hope that Nari would get to do some sight seeing of her own while she was there. His lips parted in a chuckle and his cheeks actually warmed with her words, "What can I say," she was one of the few people that had seen him get this way over his lifetime. "you've always brought out that side in me."
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