#hank voight x asian ofc
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Kazuha Takahashi has led quite the life, but finally manages to settle down. A lovely job at a cafe as a barista and a place to live with her grandparents. When she meets Hank Voight, her life is turned upside down. But in all honesty, it's her who rocks Hank Voight's life.
one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve // thirteen // fourteen // fifteen // sixteen // seventeen // eighteen // nineteen // twenty // twenty one // twenty two // twenty three // twenty four // twenty five // epilogue //
72 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 1.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha's grandmother Georgina just met Hank Voight.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1.1k
A/N: hi everyone, i'm sorta back. this is a little love story i envisioned. i hope you enjoy it!
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
It had been a very quiet few minutes after me and my grandfather first got into the car. I know it’s unfair to give a man his age the cold shoulder, but to be entirely fair: he totally deserved it.
‘Grandpa, what did we agree on?’
He huffs. ‘That whenever I have to go to the store, I ask you to come with me.’
‘And what did you do?’ I ask, ignoring his initial stubbornness. My tone resembles that of a kindergarten teacher.
‘I went to the store.’ Grandpa picks up on the silence I leave between us. ‘By myself.’
‘Do you have any idea how irresponsible that was of you?’ I ask, as I raise my tone.
My grandpa has the audacity to scoff at me. ‘I have been going to the store a lot longer than you’ve been alive, Kazuha. I can manage.’
‘But you’re eighty four now, grandpa. Just ask me next time, instead of having the clerk of the store needing to call me because you suddenly can’t remember the way home.’ I want to scold some more, but he would only become more pouty and he is too old to have these types of long discussions with anyway. When I was younger, the two of us had endless debates, but our last discussion was when I was seventeen and he was sixty eight. 
A lot has happened since then.
A lot of misfortunate, meaning discussions are not in question anymore.
‘Listen grandpa,’ I continue, ‘I worry about you, okay? I get that you want to go to the store by yourself, but I just want you to be safe. I can’t lose you.’
He stays silent, sighing deeply. ‘I’m old. You’ll lose me eventually.’
I groan. ‘I am well aware, yes, but that can’t happen anytime soon. I need you to last a little while longer. Just don’t do this anymore, okay?’
Knowing he is skating on very thin ice, grandpa doesn’t scoff, huff or struggle. Instead he simply says: ‘Okay, I won’t.’
My grandparents have been there for me when I needed them the most. Living with them is the cheapest way for me to survive now. They don’t want me to pay rent, meaning I get to save and pay off debts I had been creating due to my previous housing situation.
I park the car in front of our house in Bridgeport. It’s a nice little neighborhood and they moved here around five years ago. While I loved their old house, where I spend a lot of my time growing up, this is a much better fit, a better neighborhood for them to live. 
I really owe a lot to my mother’s parents, as me and my own folks didn’t get along very well. Unlike my paternal grandparents who lived in Japan, grandma and grandpa took me in when I was fifteen, because according to my own parents, I was an out of control teen. 
I’ve always wondered what I had done wrong, but I think it was a lot of things. Me and my parents have never really seen eye to eye. 
When I step out of the car and wait for my grandpa to do the same, I hear a loud: ‘Hi baby!’
I turn around, as I don’t see my grandmother in the doorway of our place. On the other side of the street, I watch her walking out of the house, holding a man’s arm. I have seen him around, as he is the one who lives across from us. I know that man drives a car that is a perfect representation of who he truly is. 
‘Grandma!’ I yell.
On her pace—which isn’t very quick—the two of them walk over to us.
‘Who’s the sleaze ball?’
‘Grandpa, shut it,’ I hiss. Once she’s closer, I ask her: ‘What happened?’
‘I locked myself out of the house,’ she chuckles. ‘Thankfully our sweet neighbor saw me, provided me with a cup of tea and a nice couch to sit on. Honey, this is Hank Voight, he works for the CPD. Real stuff.’ She pats our neighbor Hank on the arm and says: ‘This is my husband Richard and our granddaughter Kazuha.’
‘Mister Voight,’ grandpa says, holding out a bony and shaky hand. ‘Nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for taking good care of my wife.’
‘Of course,’ Hank says. 
‘Now I gotta keep an eye on her, there is a chance she’ll stray.’
‘I would never,’ grandma says.
Hank holds out his hand for me. ‘Hank Voight, nice to meet you.’
‘Hi,’ I say, my insides twisting and turning in a way I’m not used to. ‘I’m Kazuha.’
‘That’s a beautiful name,’ he says. ‘Never heard it before.’
I smile. ‘It’s Japanese,’ I say. 
He nods, offering me a small smile. 
‘Thank you for taking care of my grandmother. I always tell her to hook her keys on her pants, but she never does. She’s stubborn, like this old man. A true match made in heaven.’
‘Your grandmother told me quite the stubborn stories about you,’ Hank says. ‘Guess you got that from them.’
I let out a chuckle, straightening my light green dress as I am balancing on my Chanel heels that match the color of my dress. Sure, I could be paying off debts, but shopping is too much fun anyway. Originally I had a day off. I would spend it shopping with my friends, however I had to short cut it because of a wandering grandpa. ‘I bet she did,’ I say. ‘Well, thanks again for taking her in. I really appreciate it.’
‘Of course.’ Hank looks at my grandmother, smiling at her. ‘It was a pleasure having you around, Georgina.’ 
‘I might be forgetting my keys soon,’ she jokes. ‘Spending time with a handsome man like you… If I go like that, I’ll go like that.’
‘Don’t joke about death, grandma,’ I say. ‘Really, you two are costing me years of my life.’ 
As the two of them are bickering and make their way over to the front door, I look over at Hank Voight. ‘Thank you,’ I say once again. ‘I hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience.’
‘Your grandmother is a nice woman,’ he says, ‘I’m glad I was there to help.’ Hank nods at me, before he looks at his phone. ‘I have to go, I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay. I’ll see you later, mister Voight.’
‘Hank,’ he says. ‘Just call me Hank.’
‘Sorry. Later  Hank.’
He smiles. ‘Later Kazuha.’
I stare at him as he crosses the street and goes back to his house. I feel like I can tell so much about him, just by watching him walk, open the door and the way he held my grandmother. There are contrasts and not gonna lie, I am kinda intrigued.
‘Kazuha!’ I hear my grandmother’s annoyed and impatient voice. ‘You’ve got the keys! Stop eyeing our handsome neighbor and get us inside.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 6.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: As a thank you, Hank takes Kazuha out for dinner.
Warnings: Mentions of a shooting, blood.
Wordcount: 1.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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Hank Voight has given me quite the compliments and let’s be honest: I do look smashing. But it’s different when I hear it from him. No one’s compliments made my palms sweaty, my heart rate accelerate to a point where it probably isn’t healthy anymore and caused a smile on my face that is almost plastered on my lips for the entirety of the night.
It had been lovely and amazing, the time we spend together. Great food, lovely conversations and the initial awkwardness we tend to have between us, slowly fades and despite him not opening up a whole lot, I do feel like we’ve grown closer during the night.
There is part of me wishing this night would never stop, not even when we are taking a little walk after dinner. I’m barely outside during this time in this part of Chicago, but with my arm hooked through Hank’s, I want this moment to last forever. 
I place my cheek against his strong upper arm.
‘I love walking around at night,’ I say. ’I barely do it, but now that I have the Hank Voight walking next to me, I can see myself growing accustomed to it.’
He chuckles, before he places his calloused hand on mine. ‘Your hand is cold,’ he notes. ‘Are you?’
‘A little.’
He shrugs out of his leather jacket and places it over my shoulders, as he helps me in it.
‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile. Our eyes lock and I bite my bottom lip, thinking about all the possibilities. While I’m not really the type of girl who takes the first step—hence the reason I’ve been single for way too long—part of me wants to kiss him. I can’t be the only one who feels it.
Who feels this uncanny connection.
I rub my hands together, but Hank wouldn’t be a sergeant at the Chicago PD if he didn’t take notice of it. His protective hands hold mine and he smiles as he tries to warm me. 
My heart rate is out of this world and my entire skin starts to tingle. A simple touch shouldn’t have this effect on me, yet here I am: nearly passing out because he holds my hands.
When I’m close to getting lost in his eyes, we hear a deafening scream and it snaps us both out of the trance we were so enthralled by. 
I can see he’s torn between responding, but also minding the fact he is here with me. But thankfully my instinct kicks back in, like I always was on the ready back when I was in the navy. ‘Come on.’
Josie had a point when she once said I am better in heels than in flats. Running towards the screaming, not once do my ankles give up on me. We find a mother is crying as she’s crouched down next to her daughter. 
‘Ma’am,’ Hank says, ‘I’m sergeant Hank Voight of the police. I can help your daughter, alright?’
She nods, while I grab my phone and dial 911. I sit next to the woman and I watch Hank inspecting the wound. The little girl gasps for air and from underneath the leather jacket, I take off the lilac cardigan. I hand it to Hank. ‘Use this,’ I tell him, before there is finally a 911 operator on the other side of the line.
Her mother hiccups as she manages to choke out: ‘I don’t know what happened. Suddenly she was down, difficulty breathing.’
I lower my voice as I tell the 911 operator the girl is possibly hit by a stray bullet. She can’t be more than six years old, poor kid. 
‘What’s her name?’ Hank asks the mother, as he presses my lilac cardigan against the wound and I see its color turning more and more red.
‘Macie,’ she says.
 I hear the 911 operator tell me that help is on the way and almost on cue, I hear sirens somewhere in the distance. 
‘Macie,’ Hank says, ‘just keep breathing, okay?’
She nods a little.
It all happens so fast by the time the paramedics are here and I continue to hold up Macie’s mother, who has been crying uncontrollably and rightly so. While the girl is still conscious and the blood has mostly stopped, if the bullet even moves so much like a thousandth of an inch, it’s trouble.
‘Can you come?’ the woman asks me and before I can even answer that, Hank already answered for me.
As the mother gets in the ambo, Hank leans over to my ear. ‘I’ll call you later,’ he says. ‘I’m going to secure the scene.’
‘I’ll keep you updated,’ I say, as he helps me in the ambulance. 
And then the doors close. 
As Rita, Macie’s mother, and I are waiting, I decided we both needed some coffee, as it’s going to be a long night. Macie’s in surgery and I think it can take a while.
I hand her the cup with cheap coffee that is even lower than below average, compared to what we sell at the cafe, but for now it’ll do.
‘Macie and I were just taking a stroll,’ she finally says. I didn’t know whether or not Rita wanted to talk. ‘I don’t remember hearing a gun go off.’
‘It might’ve been a stray bullet,’ I say.
‘That’s truly a thing?’
I nod. ‘I was part of the navy,’ I say, ‘and I heard tons of those stories and even saw it in reality.’
She sighs. ‘Why her?’
I don’t really know how to answer that question, because there is only one answer I want to tell her (and that is that she doesn’t deserve it and that it’s unfair), but that’s not an answer you want to hear now. I decide not to answer it, because wrong place wrong time seems out of the question too.
Besides, she wasn’t at the wrong place, wrong time. She was exactly where she needed to be, but the person who fired that bullet, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
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One day flowed into another and thankfully Macie’s out of surgery and by the time she woke up and came to the realization of what happened, it showed me clearly how easy this kid bounced back. She’s smiling and happy to be alive.
I think we all can learn something from little Macie.
‘Hello hello,’ I say as I walk in the room. 
Macie’s sitting up and smiles when she sees me. ‘Hi Zuha,’ she says.
‘I brought you some apple juice and your mom some coffee.’
‘Thank you,’ Rita says with a smile and I hand them both their respective drinks.
‘What were you doing?’ I ask Macie, as I sit on the chair next to her bed. 
‘I was making a drawing for the man who saved my life.’ She looks at me and smiles, revealing the fact she’s missing a front tooth. ‘Your friend, Hank.’
My heart swells. ‘Oh, you are so sweet,’ I say. ‘I bet he will like it.’
She looks up at me and asks: ‘Do they know who did it?’
For a six year old, I find her awfully bright, but maybe that’s just because the last six year old I encountered, when I was one myself. ‘Not yet, but I bet they will find out soon.’
Trudy buzzed me upstairs and because she knows I’m better than to nose around in everyone’s stuff, I wait in Hank’s office, as I look at the drawing Macie made for him. It’s definitely a drawing a kindergartner would make, but I can actually see that she chose some interesting characteristics to draw the people. In the back she drew herself and her mother, easily recognizable, while in the front she drew Hank, with me standing next to him, in a blue dress, matching Hank’s outfit.
She was working so diligently on it. I promised her to give it to Hank and that I will bring him with me the next time I visit.
I hear voices and I stand up from the couch in Hank’s office. I see some of the unit and I wave at Hailey, who smiles. Someone I don’t recognize walks in as well, but even from a distance I can already say with certainty I’m not too keen on him. I decide to give them some privacy and close the door a little. 
However I do continue on to watch and I want to wave at Hank when he enters, but he has a figurative thunder storm roaring above his head, so I decide to hold back the wave and smile. 
I don’t quite know what is happening, but after a nasty exchange of words, I yelp when Hank punches the other guy in the face, who clutches his nose and collapses on the floor. 
It’s like no one cares, because Hank storms into his own office, slamming the door behind him. I swallow the ‘Was that really necessary?’-question.
‘I’m not going to ask if you’re okay,’ I say, as I walk behind him. He plops on his chair. ‘But, I do have a little something for you that will make you feel better.’
‘I highly doubt it.’
I sit on his desk, handing him the drawing Marcie made for him. ‘Here you go.’
He takes the drawing from me and looks at it intently. He starts blinking his eyes, before he subconsciously places his hand on my leg that is dangling next to his seat. Hank clears his throat. ‘That’s sweet,’ he manages to say.
‘And she would really like it if you came to visit her. I’m not allowed to visit her unless I bring you with me.’
He nods. ‘I’ll go with you tomorrow.’
‘Do you want to talk about the case, Hank?’
Hank shakes his head. ‘Thank you for coming down here.’
I smile. ‘Of course,’ I say. ‘Just… If you ever need someone to vent to or just want someone around, you can always call me, okay?’
’I’ll keep it in mind.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
43 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 3.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha is going to deliver some coffee at Intelligence, though there is one thing she has to keep in mind: desk sergeant Trudy Platt.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.8k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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I really hate to admit it, but Hank Voight is becoming the highlight of my day. I look forward to seeing his face in the cafe and if I’m really lucky, I see him before I go to work. I wave at him, he waves back, we exchanges smiles from our respective sides of the street, before we go our own way.
‘Get that smirk off your face,’ Josie interrupts my beautiful daydream where I am on a date with Hank Voight. ‘I bet it’s daddy Voight getting you all smiley.’
‘What did I say to you?’ I ask. ‘Don’t call him that.’
But that command falls to deaf ears. 
I prepare the carton holder, where I’m putting in six of the cups. I hold the hazelnut latte in my hand and say: ‘Be right back.’
‘You tell me if he undressed you with his eyes when you entered the room.’
‘I highly doubt he will do that,’ I say. ‘I assume Hank Voight is a very respectful man. Besides, we barely texted after the last time.’
She shoots me an annoyed look. ‘Well, I can tell you took extra good care in your appearance,’ she says. ‘I know you are better in heels than in flats, but these heeled boots are reserved for special dates, am I right.’
‘Shut up,’ I say, walking away from her, though I must applaud her for her sharp eye.
‘I bet you’ll get arrested for that outfit. Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur,’ she singsongs. 
‘I’m not even wearing jeans, let alone apple bottom jeans and the boots are without the fur.’
‘Well you get me. I don’t know a song about a scandalous crop top.’
‘I’ll be back in a few,’ I say, ignoring her completely. She winks at me and I stick out my tongue, before making my way over to the police station.
I’ve never been into a police station, but it’s not a maze. It’s pretty straight forward. When I walk in, I see a desk with a woman behind it. She looks like the woman Hank told me about. ‘Hello,’ I say, causing her to look up. ‘Hi, are you perhaps Trudy Platt?’
From the looks of it, she is not in a good mood. ‘What do you want?’
I’ll take that as a yes. ‘I have a coffee order for the Intelligence unit. I brought you a hazelnut latte.’
‘You brought me a hazelnut latte?’ She cocks not just one eyebrow, but two. ‘You thought you could bribe me?’
I blink my eyes as I’m trying to think what to say to her. She sure is intimidating. ‘No… I… Sergeant Voight said to bring you a hazelnut latte. I even brought you a brownie. That’s my treat.’
A few agonizing seconds pass. She’s either impressed or is gonna kick me out.
‘You’re an angel,’ sergeant Platt says. A smile appears on her face, making her a lot more approachable. ‘I honestly needed this so much. Everyone around this joint is awful.’
I chuckle. ‘I put a lot of love and patience in it.’ I place the latte on the desk.
‘I absolutely love you,’ she says. ‘What’s your name?’
‘Kazuha. I work at the Java Cup.’
‘You’re a cutie. You can always bother me at the desk. I’ll buzz you up, honey.’
I made friends with the desk sergeant. 
I suppose that is quite the accomplishment.
I pull open the iron door after I hear a buzz and make my way upstairs. I hear familiar voices, though they come to an abrupt halt once they hear someone’s approaching. Those boots might not have fur, but they do announce my presence.
‘I sure hope I am not interrupting,’ I say, as I make my way into the so called bullpen. My eyes meet Hank’s and I smile. ‘But I brought coffee.’
Hailey smiles widely when she sees me. ‘Kazuha from the Java Cup. Is that…?’
‘Your chai latte? It sure is.’
She stands up and helps me with the carton holder. I recognize the rest, as Josie has helped a few of them. Adam, Kevin, Jay and Kim all gather around us and I hand them all their respective coffees. I grab the last cup and walk over to the sergeant. ‘Here you go,’ I say, giving him his double espresso. ‘I’ve put it all on the tab.’
Hank nod.
I lower my voice when I say: ‘Oh, thanks for the hazelnut latte tip. Sergeant Platt loves me. Thinks I’m a cutie.’
Before he can say something to it, Adam says: ‘You know, I can get used to it.’
‘Don’t give him my number,’ I say to Hank, as I am making my way towards the stairs again. ‘I only do deliveries when there are six coffees and that man,’—I point to Adam—‘will take advantage of it.’
I leave a smiling and caffeinated Intelligence unit behind as I walk down the stairs. 
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Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt
40 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 2.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: It's unknown if it's a desperate flirting attempt, but Kazuha gives Hank her number.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1.1k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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It had been difficult to adjust to a life back in the States. When I joined the navy as a cryptologic technician, I moved from one top secret location to another, mostly spending my time on bases, staring at screens and decoding encrypted messages. Adapting to a life back in Chicago, the place I will always call my home, was made a lot harder when I had to accept my fate: it was definite my parents had disowned me. An awful combination of me being the middle child, totally different from my two sisters and simply not being good enough, which made me worthless enough to throw away. 
So, after coming back, I moved into a stinky apartment where I stayed for years on end, but then I was evicted at the age of thirty three.
And that’s how I ended up living with my maternal grandparents. They are officially in their eighties now, I needed a place to stay.
It was a win-win situation.
‘And then you click on the wifi icon, grandma,’ I say, as I hold the phone in between my ear and shoulder while I’m preparing a cappuccino. ‘Remember what that icon looked like?’
‘I do. Okay, now what?’
‘Do you see the name KTJ-zero-zero-five?’
‘I do.’
‘Click on that.’
I exchange looks with Josie, my colleague, who tries not to laugh, but I can tell she finds it amusing. It’s a daily thing now. Grandma has issues with a lot of things and wifi and television are really not her forte. I give her technical advice, she helps me in the kitchen, as my best meal is instant ramen. 
It’s a fair exchange. 
‘Aha, my video is playing,’ grandma happily says. ‘Thank you, dear.’
‘Of course,’ I say. ‘You know I love helping you out.’ Even during work hours. I hang up the phone once I said my goodbyes and place the lid on the prepared drink. ‘One hazelnut cappuccino,’ I call out. 
One of our regulars Stan gets up on his feet and smiles when I place a tiny piece of brownie on the lid. ‘Thank you, Zuha.’
’My pleasure, Stan.’
I turn around to clean the machine, when I hear someone else approaching the counter. I look over my shoulder, only to see a very familiar face on the other side. ‘Hank,’ I exclaim, ‘what a pleasant surprise.’
‘A surprise indeed,’ he says, his tone husky and raspy. ‘I didn’t know you worked here.’
‘I’ve been taking more shifts as of late,’ I say. ‘Maybe we missed each other.’
‘I guess so,’ he smiles. ‘Can I have a double espresso?’
‘Of course,’ I say. ‘You work at the twenty first district?’
He nods. ’Yeah, the Intelligence unit.’
That’s quite impressive. ‘That is really awesome. I heard a lot of great stories about the unit.’ As I wait for the machine to make the double espresso, I place my hands on the edge of the counter.
It would be a total lie if I said I didn’t appreciate the way Hank looks and I have been thinking about him since he took care of my grandmother the other day. 
And it’s not helping he is wearing a brownish leather jacket that will give me enough for one of the many storylines my brain is envisioning. 
Maybe I’ve been single for too long.
‘Tough case?’ I then ask.
‘How’d you know?’
‘I’ve got antenna’s for that,’ I joke. ‘Besides, you look tired, compared to a few days ago.’
He smirks, as he places a five dollar bill on the counter. ‘Keep the change,’ he says.
‘Appreciate it,’ I say. I grab the cup and place the lid on it. There is an impulsive thought running through my mind. ‘You know,’ I say, ‘I’ve seen Hailey Upton around here, always ordering a chai latte. If you and the team ever need a drink, you can just text me and I can deliver it. We don’t usually deliver, but I can make the exception for Intelligence. If you want of course.’
Kazuha, do yourself a favor and shut up.
‘Ah, forget what I said.’
However it’s clear he hasn’t forgotten about it and will not for that matter. ‘Are you serious?’ he asks. ‘You know, we would really appreciate it.’
‘I work Tuesdays through Saturdays, eight to six,’ I say. ‘I fear I am the only one who is generous and idiotic enough to deliver.’
He smiles. ‘I’ll keep it in mind. If you want to be buzzed upstairs to the bullpen,’ Hank says, ‘make sure you bring a hazelnut latte for the desk sergeant. Her name is Trudy Platt.’
‘Thanks for the information.’ I grab a napkin and scribble down my number. ‘You know, this also comes in handy when my grandparents start wandering and straying again and you happen to see them,’ I chuckle, but that is mostly to mask my awkwardness. 
I just can’t believe that this is really happening. I thought this would backfire, though from the looks of it, it’s obviously not.
I hand him the coffee cup filled with the double espresso, place a little brownie on it and push it over the counter until it’s next to the napkin. ‘Here you go.’
‘Thank you, Kazuha’ He holds up the napkin with my number on it. ’Can I text you outside grandparent and coffee related issues?’
This is not the time to faint. I force a smile on my face. ‘Of course. Be creative though.’
‘I will try my best. Later.’
I watch him walk out of the cafe and as I’m staring, Josie pinches my side, snapping me straight out of my trance.
‘Ouch, what was that for?’
‘You’ve got some explaining to do,’ she hisses, as she puts her braids up again. ‘You know sergeant Voight? A.K.A. Daddy Voight.’
I was not aware this man had a nickname, however it’s making me cringe. ‘Don’t call him that, it really makes me uncomfortable. He’s just my neighbor.’
‘I have to know all the details.’
I shake my head. ‘No, there are no details to tell you.’ But then I hear my phone ping near the coffee machine. 
Please let it be my grandparents.
I had no idea Josie could move this fast, because she snatches the phone from the counter. ‘Oh, look at that! It’s an unknown number.’
I stand next to her and read the screen.
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‘I’m going to hyperventilate,’ Josie exclaims. ‘You’re wearing a dress with little roses on it and him texting you this? That is flirting. You know, I saw it in his eyes. He never looked at me or any of the ladies here like that. You explain yourself to me, right now.’
‘There is nothing to explain,’ I say.
She scoffs. ‘I beg to differ. Come on, spill the tea or better yet, the cappuccino, since we’re coffee addicts.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt
39 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 7.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha's tip might help Intelligence.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1.1k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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‘So basically she is this close of dating the Hank Voight,’ Josie says to our friend Wendy as we’re sitting outside in the sun. We’re having some lunch at one of our favorite places and the weather is so absolutely amazing—not too warm, but also not too cold—that I’m enjoying my time outside and am not a drenched and sweaty mess. 
‘No way,’ Wendy says. ‘I hate how we haven’t seen each other for so long! Look what I’m missing.’
‘You’re just too busy with your fancy job at that law firm,’ Josie says. ‘I highly recommend working at the Java Cup with us so we can gossip all day.’
Wendy was originally Josie’s friend, but after bonding with Josie over work, Wendy and I naturally became friends as well. She’s our token white friend, the one with no sense of rhythm and can’t handle spicy food. 
We love her for it.
‘Tempting,’ Wendy says. ‘I’ve heard the name Hank Voight so many times, I had no idea what to expect and then I saw him.’ She bites her fist. ‘I mean, I am in a very happy relationship, but that man.’ Wendy continues to fan herself and I roll my eyes.
‘I would risk it all for him,’ Josie says. ‘Thanks to our sweet Kazuha I see him on a daily basis almost.’
‘But you went on a date with him,’ Wendy says, ‘but that’s it?’
‘Well, a girl was shot,’ I say. ‘That kinda broke the magic of our date. I might be highly inexperienced, but part of me actually thought we would kiss.’
Josie groans. ‘I already heard the details, but it still gets to me.’
As time passes by, we eat our food and continue to order a refreshing drink after another. It’s nice the three of us can meet again and we take ridiculous selfie and now Wendy has my phone as she films me and Josie. 
‘You two have the same mannerisms,’ Wendy notes. ‘I conclude you two are spending too much time together.’
Right when Josie wants to say something, we all hear loud bangs, almost like gunshots rapidly following one another. ‘Down, down,’ I exclaim and the three of us quickly hide underneath the table. We hear deafening screams once the gunshots die down and a car rapidly makes it way. ‘Are you okay?’ I ask my friends, who both nod, clutching their hearts.
But I can’t just sit here doing nothing. I crawl from underneath the table and after I told my friends to call 911, I rush over to the restaurant next to us, where I can see tons of people on the floor. They’re breathing, but I witness blood scattered all around the people. 
I untie the thin cardigan from my hips, realizing I am going through a lot of my cardigans if I keep up with this rate of helping people. A woman holds my hand when I try to stop the bleeding. 
But when I look around me, I realize tons of people need help.
It all happened so fast and it all happened in a blur. I stare at the scene, as paramedics are helping everyone. I’ve spoken to a few cops now, already sharing my statement multiple times. I stare at my hands, that are covered in blood. My white pants is filthy and my shirt and chest are also covered in the dark red color of blood of who knows how many people.
‘Kazuha!’ I hear from behind me and I turn around, seeing it’s Hank. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks me, once he’s close and he holds my upper arms in his hands. 
‘I’m fine,’ I say.
‘The blood…’
‘It’s not mine,’ I tell him. ’I think the shooting came from a black SUV.’
He shakes his head. ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ I want to continue with my statement, though I already told it to someone else, but he folds his arms around my upper body, pulling me close to his frame.
Not caring I’m smeared in blood, because I feel his hand on the back of my head and his fingers massage my scalp in an attempt to sooth me.
And it works. 
I close my eyes as I nuzzle against his shoulder, letting out a tense exhale. I wish this could last forever, however we part at the same time. ‘Thank you,’ I say, clearing my throat.
‘We’ve got your statement,’ Hank says. ‘Do you want me to drive you home?’
I shake my head. ‘No, my friends are here. We’ll drive home together. If… Can you…’ I groan, as words are stuck.
‘If we need your help, we’ll let you know,’ he says. ‘And if I hear about the victims, I’ll keep you posted.’
After masterfully scrubbing the blood of my body and washing my clothes (and calming down my grandparents), I lock myself up in my room. I sit on my windowsill, going through my phone. I answer Josie and Wendy, who are both pretty shaken up. 
As I’m closing apps, I see my photo roll, so I decide to check it out, realizing Wendy was taking a video of me and Josie. I continue to play and replay, before I realize I might have something valuable on it. I send it to Hank, before I call him.
‘Yes?’ Hank asks when he picks up.
‘Did you get my message?’ 
‘I barely got time to check it out.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘No, no, I’ll check it out now. Don’t hang up.’ I hear some background noise, before he says: ‘A video?’
‘Yeah, and you can see the black SUV I told you about, including the driver.’
‘I’ll call you back.’
Hank didn’t call me back, however I don’t want to pry and push, so I decide to just let it go. Instead, I cooked with grandma, FaceTimed with Josie and Wendy and when I’m in my bed, my phone rings. ‘Hi,’ I say, after I saw who called me.
‘Hi,’ I hear that familiar raspy and husky voice say. ‘How are you?’
‘I’m okay.’
‘Are you sure?’
I shake my head. ‘I don’t know.’ I lean against the headboard of my bed. ‘A lot happened today.’
‘I know,’ he says. ‘Want to hear something?’
‘Thanks to your video and your tip, we managed to catch the offenders.’
‘Already?’ I ask. 
‘Yeah, I just wanted to let you know,’ Hank says. ‘I did tell you I would call you back.’
I smile. ‘Thank you, Hank.’
‘I’ll make it up to you, okay?’
‘No,’ I say. ‘Don’t. I… Just be careful.’
I can hear him smile when he says: ‘I always do.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
33 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 11.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha joins Hank to an event with a political taste.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.6k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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The people here look like a million bucks. Thankfully I was born ready for a moment like this, because I am the center of attention. Maybe it’s the outfit, maybe it’s the fact I’m walking next to Hank Voight.
I suspect the latter, but for the sake of my own ego, I decide it’s the outfit. 
‘I’m sorry I dragged you here,’ Hank apologizes, as I have my arm hooked through his.
‘Don’t,’ I start. ‘I love spending time with you. Besides, I’ve got to dress up, drink some champagne and I’m seeing your cute tush in a uniform. Honestly, this is a win win situation.’
He cocks his eyebrow. ‘You think my tush looks cute in the uniform?’
Hearing him repeating that sentence was not something I ever thought I would hear. 
I nod. ‘Solely in the blues though,’ I say, which earns me a joking scoff. ‘You truly attract a lot of attention.’
‘Come on,’ he says. ‘Don’t cut yourself short like that. It’s because of you.’
‘No way.’
He unhooks his arm out of mine, before he wraps it around my waist, pulling my against his side. ‘Have I told you you look breathtakingly gorgeous?’
I nod. ‘A few times actually, but please, continue to feed my ego.’
Hank wants to say something, however he is cut out when someone clinks their glass to make a speech. Instead of listening—he’s not really that entertaining—I look to the side. Hank appears stern, unfazed, not even when there is a compliment directed at him. Hank must eventually notice I’m staring at him, because he turns his head and smirks.
‘What?’ he mouths.
I shake my head. ‘Nothing.’
I fake a soft gasp, which earns me a snicker from his side. He somehow manages to disappear in the crowd, dragging me with him. When we’re standing in a vacant corner of the room, he sighs. ‘I hate these types of events.’
‘Why?’ I ask him. ‘It’s mingling. Don’t we love that?’
‘We don’t love that,’ he says. ‘You maybe do, but I don’t. It’s all way too political for me.’
‘And you stay out of politics?’
‘I try to.’
I wrap my hand around his upper arm and after I checked whether or not someone is looking, I press a kiss on his cheek. ‘We could get out of here,’ I say. ‘I know this place that has the most amazing boba in the world.’
‘The most amazing what?’ Hank asks.
‘Just come with me.’
Hank took a call in the car, so I went inside to order some drinks for us. He is waiting outside of the car and hangs up when I walk out of the place, holding up the drinks. He pushes his phone in his pocket and when I’m close enough, he takes the drink out of my hand after I offered it to him, before he wraps his arm around my lower back, pulling me flush against his chest. 
‘Oh,’ I chuckle, ‘to what do I deserve this?’
‘Just because,’ he says. A gentle kiss is pressed against my forehead and he says: ‘Your presence didn’t go unnoticed.’
‘How so?’
‘Got a call from someone who saw me leaving with you. Wondered who you were.’
‘Should I worry?’
‘No, no, of course not.’ He smiles briefly, before adding: ‘I… I’m so used to being alone, that…’
‘It’s weird now to bring someone to an event like this,’ I fill in. ‘I get it.’
I take a sip of my drink, wrapping my arm around him, nestling against his chest. Enjoying his warm embrace.
‘Let’s take a trip.’
My eyes meet his. ‘What?’
‘Let’s take a trip,’ he repeats. ‘You and I. Doesn’t have to be long or far away. Just two or three days.’
I smile, never expecting to see the Hank Voight so impulsive. I nod slightly, before I say: ‘Okay, let’s do it.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
31 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 8.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha and Hank spend a Sunday together.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.6k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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Hank and I have been going out on dates for approximately two weeks straight and while my friend Josie thinks I’m cockblocking myself, I can confidently say I am happy and pleased with our slow pace. Thanks to my inexperience with dating and him being a widower, taking it slow is better for the both of us. 
I knock on his door on a Sunday late morning. It’s one of the first Sundays he has a day off and we both decided that we should spend time together. 
Hank opens the door and it might be the first time I actually see what Casual Hank looks like. A black shirt, paired with some dark blue jeans. While it looks like his work attire, there is a casual edge to it. ‘Hi there,’ he says with a smirk.
‘Hi,’ I say. ‘I didn’t bring anything with me.’
He shrugs. ‘You brought you, that’s all I care about.’
I chuckle, before I walk inside his place. ‘Are you cooking something?’
‘I was planning on making chicken Alfredo for lunch,’ he says. ‘But I’m grating the cheese and that is taking longer than I expected.’
Is that a shy and almost innocent smile I detect there? I never pecked Hank Voight to be the type of man who would be shy. Especially when he seems so confident and secure in himself. I wonder if that man is just hidden underneath all that hard exterior. 
What started out as a plan of his side to make lunch, ends up in cooking together and to be quite honest, I really like hanging out with him, spending time with him and doing stuff together that may be deemed domestic. 
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have that with someone.
I think I now know the answer.
I love it.
‘So,’ I start, as I’m prepping the garlic, after I discovered he does not use a whole lot of garlic, which on it’s own is a crime. ‘How was your week?’
He shrugs. I know talking about work is difficult for him, however he slowly but surely opens up. I know he had an intense case to work on, though he didn’t really let me in on a whole lot of details. 
Instead of pushing for details, I decide to start talking on my own. As attentive as someone can be, he listens to every word I say and he seems eager for another syllable to leave my lips. 
‘Isn’t that a lot of garlic?’ he asks, as he witnesses me mincing at least five cloves added to his two. 
‘You can never have too much garlic,’ I say. ‘Really, you’ll thank me eventually.’
Hank cracks a smile. ‘I bet I will.’
We’re sitting outside on the doorstep of his house, soaking up the sun while we eat our lunch. It may look a little stupid, but I really like being outside, especially when I feel Hank’s side pressed against mine. 
‘Hank,’ I start to say.
‘Do you like me?’
I can hear him smile. ‘Of course I like you.’
I turn to the side and smile too. ‘I like you a lot too,’ I say. ‘It’s… Are we slow?’
‘Do you mind?’
‘No. I don’t mind. Do you?’
I shake my head. ‘No, not at all.’
He twists some pasta around his fork, but before he even lifts up his hand to bring it to his lips, he now looks at me too. ‘I think it’s perfect for us.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
31 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 20.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha has baby fever.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.5k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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It is officially happening. I am having baby fever, but this is such an inconvenient moment for it. Yes, I have a boyfriend, but that doesn’t automatically mean we’re having kids together. I’m not even sure if he wants kids. He is a widower and had a child before me.
Wow, I sure got myself in a trippy situation.
I never thought I wanted to have kids, but now… I’m not too sure.
‘What is with you?’ Josie asks, when we’re at the mall, waiting for Wendy who is trying on a lot of dresses for a very fancy business meeting. ‘You’ve been acting weird.’
‘I’m having baby fever,’ I admit and saying it out loud feels so odd. 
The curtain of the dressing room opens and I see a very shocked Wendy. ‘You have baby fever?’ she repeats. ‘Aren’t you the same one who hates snotty kids?’
‘Yeah, when there are buggers and stuff, yes. But kids can be cute.’
Josie blinks her eyes. ‘Oh my gosh,’ she then says. ‘Imagine: Hank Voight holding a baby.’
Wendy lets out an exaggerated gasp, while I start to groan. ‘No, don’t do that to me. It’s hard enough as it is, but envisioning Hank with a baby? That’s just too much.’
Before I can think about it for too long, Wendy says: ‘Kazuha with baby fever. That I live long enough…’
‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ I look to Josie. ‘Come on, you and Kevin talk about kids, right?’
She shakes her head. ‘No, we’re barely dating.’
‘You’ve been dating for two months now,’ Wendy says.
‘Yeah, and I’m not bringing up having kids.’ Josie looks actually offended. ‘But we are talking about Kazuha here. How many kids?’
‘Well, let’s just start with one,’ I say. ‘Maybe this is just a temporary thing.’
‘Does Hank want babies?’ Wendy asks.
I shrug. ‘I don't know. I had a pregnancy scare like a while back, but I didn't tell him. I was scared. Maybe he doesn't even want kids. I don't know.'
The rest of our shopping trip mostly consisted out of us dissecting this baby fever situation. Wendy is all for telling Hank about, while Josie is thinking about letting the idea marinate for awhile. ‘Maybe you’re just getting your period and you’re a human mush of hormones.’ She looks around and says: ‘The baby near the fountain with his dad, you think that baby is cute?’
I turn around and see an adorable little baby, who can’t even walk, but is already wearing cute ass sneakers. Oh goodness, it’s a matching pair with his dad. ‘Yeah, he is really adorable. I want him.’
‘It’s severe,’ Josie concludes. ‘I don’t think I’ve seen a serious cause like this.’
‘Okay, shut up,’ I say. ‘I’m not telling Hank, nope. Not doing that. It’s too soon. Besides, there is a chance this’ll go over soon.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
32 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 13.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: On her way home, Kazuha encounters someone she wasn't prepared for.
Warnings: Mentions of stabbing, blood.
Wordcount: 0.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
It’s been a weird few days. Ever since I got back from that trip with Hank, I’ve been living on cloud nine. Every morning before work, he’s already waiting by my car, solely to give me the biggest hug a girl can dream about and a wonderful kiss. Later on, when I’m all settled at work, he comes in, once again only for a kiss. It drives Josie absolutely crazy, but that’s mostly because she’s just a tiny bit jealous.
I’m absolutely loving being around Hank. We bring out sides of the other that surprises us both. I like sappy Hank, shy Hank, romantic Hank. 
I hold one cup in my hand as I’m walking in the 21st district. ‘Hi Trudy,’ I say with a smile. ‘Here is your hazelnut latte.’
Trudy drops the pen on the desk and says: ‘Bambi, something’s up.’ A deep frown appears between her brows. ‘Intelligence didn’t order anything.’
I’m not even going to question how she knows that. ‘I know, but I’m done for today and I thought you might be interested in your hazelnut latte.’
She now smiles. ‘You’re an absolute darling. I love you for it. I hope you know that.’
‘I do, Trudy.’
Trudy looks up and scoffs. ‘It’s like that man has antennas for you.’
Hank descends down the stairs and approaches us. ‘You alright?’ he asks.
I nod. ‘Yeah, I’m good. Just done for today and giving my girl Trudy her well deserved latte.’
‘Hank, I urge you to never lose this girl. I love her. If you break hearts, I will make your life miserable.’
He chuckles. ‘I know and you have full authorization for it.’ He carefully and lightly brushes his fingers against my side. ‘Is today the day you’re going to get your grandma those birthday cakes?’
‘Mhm. Want me to get something for you?’ I ask.
Trudy isn’t even hiding the fact she is eavesdropping. Hank grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit. We both walk outside into the burning sun. ‘Can you maybe buy some kitchen utensils for me? I’ll pay you back, but… I broke some of mine.’
‘Do I want to know?’
He scratches the back of his neck. ‘Nah, I don’t want you to think low of me.’
I let out a laugh. ‘Okay, I’ll do that. Just text me what you need.’ I look around me, only to see it’s pretty vacant. I quickly press a peck on his lips and say: ‘I might really love you, Hank Voight.’
Hank smiles. ‘I might really love you too, Kazuha Takahashi.’
With the cake in a box and in plastic bag and the needed utensils on top, I make my way towards home. Because of the nice weather, I decided to just walk back home. It’s a beautiful day, the bright sun shining on the streets and my skin. I put on the sunglasses and enjoy the nice and wonderful weather. 
My phone rings and I fish it out of my purse. ‘Hi,’ I say with a smile as I pick up. ‘I bought the utensils. I hope you like purple.’
‘Really?’ I hear Hank’s voice. ‘You bought purple?’
‘Just the handles are purple,’ I say defensively. ‘It was that or black.’
‘Then you go for black.’
I scoff. ‘No, that’s boring. You’re not mad at me, are you?’
‘At this? Of course not. It’s nice to have some Kazuha influences in my house.’
This shouldn’t make me blush in the first place, but I still feel my heart flutter. ‘You like that?’ I ask.
‘I do.’
I want to say something, but someone stops in front of me. ‘Ma’am, do you have a few dollars to spare?’
I shake my head. ‘I’m sorry,’ I say. ‘I don’t have cash on me.’ I already opened my mouth to say something to Hank, when I feel something oddly sharp in my abdomen. I look to the side, only to see the man who just asked me for a few dollars to spare, with a bloody knife in his head. Red blood gushes out of the wound. For a moment I don’t know what to feel, what to think, but then that one stab is accompanied by more and somewhere in the background I hear a woman scream.
But I barely register it, as I collapse on the floor, hearing the voice of Hank coming from my phone. 
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
34 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 9.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: A brunch at Wendy's work, turns into an undercover mission.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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‘Hello hello, your favorite barista is here,’ I announce myself as I make my way into the bullpen of the Intelligence Unit. 
‘Chai Latte,’ Hailey sighs, ‘I need it.’
Seeing the severity of her much needed caffeine boost, I quickly give her the chai latte, before I hand the rest their drinks. 
‘Girl, you look good,’ Kim says and I make a pirouette, before I make my way to Hank. ‘What’s the occasion?’
‘I am going to a brunch. My friend Wendy works for a local law firm and they are hosting a brunch. She invited me.’ I pass the murder board and say: ‘And I think that guy is gonna be there too.’
Jay nearly chokes in his coffee. ‘Our John Doe?’
I nod. ‘That’s Todd Cooper. I don’t know exactly what he does there, but he’s there all the time.’
‘We ran him through facial rec and had no matches and you walk in and just recognize him?’ Adam asks and I feel like it would be stupid to actually say ‘Duh’, so I keep my mouth shut and simply nod. 
‘Can you get us in?’ Jay asks.
I shrug. ‘I guess so. I can call Wendy, say I’m bringing someone.’
‘Do you know Todd Cooper?’ Kevin asks me.
I nod. ‘Yeah, he always asks me out when he visits the cafe. He really doesn’t take no for an answer.’
That piques everyone’s attention. 
Hank clears his throat and says: ‘I’m coming with you. We’re gonna wear a wire.’
‘Both of us?’ I ask, following him suit as he and Hailey make their way down the hall.
And all I receive is a nod. 
I told Wendy about the fact Hank is joining me and she was very supportive of it. I told her I would explain all the details later to her—preferably with Josie nearby, because I don’t want to tell this story twice—but for now, Wendy was satisfied with just the prospect of Hank joining us. 
Wendy and I both have something to drink in our hands and I say: ‘I wonder when Hank’s gonna show.’
I know when he’s gonna show. When Todd Cooper shows up and talks to us, Hank will be here too. I don’t know everything of how it’s gonna go, so we’ll just wait and see. 
‘Me too,’ Wendy says. ‘I can’t believe you and da—’
‘Please don’t call him that,’ I say, instantly reminded of my wire. ‘Really, it’s bad enough Josie does that at work, like seven times a day. Please. I need a nickname free brunch.’
She chuckles. ‘Okay, I get it. Oh look, there’s Todd.’
Great, I truly am a Todd Cooper magnet, because he is quick to join us. 
‘Ladies,’ he says with a charming smile. Despite me not really liking him, I can’t deny the fact he is an attractive man. However, with what I saw on the murder board back at the bullpen, I realize he might have a whole lot of messed up hiding behind that attractive exterior. ‘Kazuha, how are you? You look amazing.’
‘Oh, thanks,’ I say, wondering what is happening on the receiving end of the wire.
‘So, you brought a date?’
He did not wait long with hat question. 
‘I actually did,’ I say. ‘My boyfriend… He’ll be here soon.’ That was really weird to say.
‘You’ve got a boyfriend?’ Todd asks and he is visibly confused. ‘Since when?’
‘As of late.’
I’m really not selling this.
Todd is not quite believing it either, I can see it on his face. However, this so called undercover mission was pretty last minute and me and Hank haven’t really discussed our real relationship.
Right when I feel this need to elaborate on the matter, I feel two hands on my hips and a soft kiss on my cheek. ‘Hi honey,’ Hank says.
This is the first time something that resembled a kiss is shared between us. Before I completely freeze and screw up, I clear my throat and smile, all while my heart is beating overtime. ‘Hi, you made it.’
‘Yeah, I’m sorry I’m late.’ He stands next to me, his left hand still placed in the dip of my waist, while he politely holds out his other hand. ‘Hi, you must be Wendy.’
‘And you must be Hank,’ she says with a smile, shaking his hand. ‘Wonderful to finally meet you.’
‘And this is Todd,’ I say. ‘He’s a colleague of Wendy.’
Todd pulls himself together rather quickly, because he politely holds out his hand. ‘Todd Cooper.’
‘Hank Voight.’
It’s like Todd recognizes the name instantly. The color is drained from his face. 
Wendy and I look at each other for just a second, before she says she has to talk to her boss about one thing, which leaves just the three of us. It’s not long before Todd scoots out and I turn to Hank. ‘Now what?’
‘We’ll give it three minutes,’ he says. He leans to my ear and whispers: ‘You look beautiful.’
A lot happened and let’s just say it this way: the brunch was brutally ended. We’re all escorted out of the building and standing behind the yellow tape, while the police is securing the scene. I got rid of my wire, before I join Wendy, who’s still waiting for me.
‘So, that was the reason you wanted to invite someone,’ she says.
‘Sorry,’ I say.
‘No, don’t apologize. I can totally understand. Just know that you’re going to buy me drinks and dinner, when we’re meeting with Josie.’
‘I can totally do that.’ I see Hank walking outside and I say: ‘I’ve got to talk to Hank.’
’Of course. I’m going to console my boss, who is devastated her brunch got so disrupted.’ She gives me a tight hug, before I walk towards the tape.
‘So,’ I say to Hank, the yellow tape dividing us. ‘I think it’s safe to say you made an arrest.’
He nods. 
‘Well, I’ll leave you to it then.’ I want to walk away, however, I don’t. ‘I called you my boyfriend today. It was nice saying that.’
He nods. ‘It sure was.’ He takes my hand and presses a kiss on my knuckles. ‘It was nice working with you, Kazuha.’ He clears his throat and adds: ‘Honey.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
27 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 5.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: The Intelligence unit needs her help.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
Today has been a quiet day in the cafe and it’s clear we’re overstaffed. I’m actually bored and if this continues, I will be tempted to drink another cup of coffee and I don’t think my system needs anymore caffeine.
While Trixie and Lea are in the back, Josie and I are behind the counter, chatting our time away. Just when Josie wants to give me her in-depth review about a movie she saw the other day (Keanu Reeves starred in it, so I bet she absolutely loved it, even if the storyline fell flat, because we are talking about Keanu Reeves), the phone of the cafe rings.
Josie and I frown as we stare at each other. This does not happen often. Who even calls this cafe directly?
I grab the phone and pick up. ‘Java Cup, this is Kazuha. How can I help you?’
‘Can you come to the district?’
If you have a voice like Hank, you don’t have to identify yourself over the phone. I think everyone in Chicago can recognize that voice. 
‘So much for a hello, Hank.’
Josie’s eyes widen. ‘Is that daddy Voight?’ she mouths.
I flash her the finger.
‘We need some help with logging into someone’s computer.’
I decide not to question it, but that is mostly because he felt the need to call the cafe directly. ‘Okay, I’ll be right up,’ I say, before I hang up. Josie ushers me to tell what’s the deal. ‘Intelligence needs my help.’
For once Josie doesn’t make a snarky comment, but maybe she realizes that when Hank Voight asks you to help him out, there isn’t time for jokes. ‘Okay, I understand. We’ll manage here.’ When I don’t instantly move, she adds: ‘Go!’
They should offer me a job here right away, because after only ten minutes, I had logged in, cracked every password the suspect had saved on his cloud and even managed to hack into his phone—legally of course—through this laptop and give them an exact location.
People are predictable and leave behind patterns, even online.
This was a piece of cake.
The entire team rolls out, however Hank stays behind. I’m still sitting on Hailey’s chair at her desk, while Hank stands behind me. I finally dare to turn around and to look up at him.
I’ve had dreams about a moment resembling this one. Him towering over me, me looking up at him.
I honestly should not allow my mind to wander there. 
‘You’re good.’
‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile. ‘I’m glad I could help.’ I push myself from the seat. ‘I should go.’
There isn’t a lot of space between us and I can feel his body heat radiating against me. His brown eyes are locked with mine and I swallow, before I run my fingers through my hair.
‘Yeah, yeah, of course,’ he says, his voice lower than usual.
This is too awkward for me. I have no idea what I should say or do. I clear my throat. ‘Later Hank,’ I say with a small and timid smile, before I make my way towards the staircase. My heart is pounding painfully in my chest. He was so damn close, he smelled so good and I finally got to take a good and long look at his brown eyes
‘Kazuha, wait.’
I stop mid step and turn around. ‘Yes?’
‘Let me take you out.’ Realizing that might sound a little too forward, I can see his lips pursing and a twitch of an eyebrow. ‘To thank you for your help.’
I think I’m borderline fainting. ‘Really?’
‘Really. Does tomorrow work?’
I nod with a smile, hoping I will not give away how much I would love this. ‘Tomorrow works.’
‘I’ll text you details.’
I don’t think I’ve ever ran this fast back to the Java Cup and it’s still as vacant as ever. Before Josie can ask me what’s up with me, I place my palms on the counter and lean over. ‘Hank Voight is taking me out tomorrow night.’
Josie gasps. ‘No freaking way!’
‘Yes freaking way!’
‘We need to think of an outfit. ASAP!’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
40 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - epilogue.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: How are Hank and Kazuha doing 5 years later?
Warnings: None.
Wordcount: 0.7k
A/N: Thank you for everyone who read this story and all the sweet things you said about it 🥰
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
It’s been five years since that positive pregnancy test and from that moment on, there were ups and downs, though it were mostly ups. Hank and I got our first daughter Jane and two years later we had another girl Lottie. I’m so gabby with a wonderful husband and lovely daughters. 
Hank often jokes how they look identical to me, though Jane has a lot of his personality. A true leader, a true first daughter and I love her for it. Lottie, who is only three years old now, is a lot like me personality wise.
Today was Saturday and while we normally would spend it together as a family, Hank had to go. He’s still the sergeant of the Intelligence unit, so the girls are used to him having to go during fun family events. Sure, I still miss him, but he always comes back home.
As I’m setting the table, I hear the front door open and the girls quit with whatever they were doing and jump up. ‘Dad!’ they exclaim.
Not long afterwards, the three of them walk in, both girls balancing on his arms, before they smother him with kisses. ‘We missed you,’ Jane says.
‘Missed you,’ Lottie repeats. 
When he places them on their feet again, Hank walks up to me as I’m finalizing the last few things on the table. ‘Hi honey,’ he says, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to press a kiss on top of my head.
I can see he looks tired, almost like it was a rough day. He had a lot of those in the last year, but maybe that’s because he is still working a lot, while also being a family man and having to console me through the loss of my grandparents.
Sometimes I think I’m asking too much of him. I stopped working at the cafe, because I wanted to be there for the girls and Hank was all for it. Despite being a full-time mom, he still does a lot for me. For us.
As we’re eating and listening to very vague stories of his job, Jane finally says: ‘Dad, you’re quiet.’
‘I just had a rough day, princess.’
‘So, you’re not mad at us.’
He smiles, though it barely reaches his eyes. ‘No, of course not.’ He leans to the side to place a kiss on top of her head. ‘I love my girls, I’m glad to be home.’
After we put the girls to bed, I follow him to our bathroom and when we’re both standing in front of the mirror, I say: ‘You have been awfully quiet. Are you sure nothing’s up?’
He looks to the side and lets out a sigh. ‘I’m thinking about quitting,’ he says.
‘I’ve got a good pension, I’ve got everything I need right here.’
I’m already ecstatic about the idea. With two girls here and his line of work, I always worry. I worried when it was just me, but I can explain it rationally to myself. With two little girls, telling them their dad got shot or even worse dies, I don’t know how they would handle it. 
How to explain it to them.
‘I see,’ I say.
‘Honey,’ Hank whispers, placing his hand on my hip, pulling me closer to press a kiss on my temple. ‘Tell me what you think. And I want you to be honest.’
I chuckle. ‘I’d love it if you’d quit,’ I whisper. ‘And be here with us.’
I look at him through the mirror and our eyes meet. ‘I thought so,’ he says. ‘I’ll hand in my resignation next week.’
That sure was quick. I bet that even if I told him he should just continue to work, he’d still hand in his resignation. ‘What made you think about resignation?’
‘You three.’
‘Did something happen?’
‘I nearly got shot today,’ he says like it’s nothing major. ‘And one day, I know I’m not gonna be so lucky. I realized that I’ve served my time as a cop. I’m done protecting Chicago. I need to be here with you. With Jane, with Lottie.’
I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him close to my body. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah, really.’ Our embrace turns tighter and when I pull back to give him a kiss, he whispers: ‘I love you, Zuha.’
‘Oh my sweet, Hank,’ I say, ‘I love you too.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
30 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 25.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Guess what?
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.5k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
Am I seeing things or does this truly say: PREGNANT?
I grab the test from the bathroom counter and hold it closer to me. It does say P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T and that surely means what I think it means. I let out a deep and content sigh, while a flood of emotions washes over me. After months of trying, I was this close of giving up, looking into alternative ways to get pregnant, but it turns out I was just impatient. 
Because now I am pregnant.
I push my hair out of my face, putting the test the pocket of my jacket and walk out of the bathroom. Josie is behind the counter and instantly looks at me once she sees me. One nod suffices, because she lets out a loud gasp. 
‘Oh my gosh!’ she squeals. ‘Really?’
‘This is so amazing! I’m so happy for you, Kazuha.’
‘It’s really happening,’ I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. I let out a chuckle to mask the happiness sob. ‘I can’t believe it.’
She holds my face in her hands. ‘This is the best news,’ she says. ‘You have to go and tell your man. I’ll hold down the fort.’ She pushes a warm cup in my hand and clarifies: ‘It’s his double espresso.’
‘Josie,’ I say, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. ‘Don’t be so sweet.’
‘I can’t help it. I’m just so happy for you.’ 
In true Josie fashion, she shoos me out of the cafe and with the cup in my hand, I walk towards the very familiar twenty first precinct. 
‘Hi Trudy.’
She looks up. ‘That cup is too small for my hazelnut latte,’ she notes. ‘You didn’t bring me anything?’
I should’ve brought her something.
‘No,’ I say. ‘I’m so sorry. I just brought something for Hank.’
She sighs, but then breaks into a smile. ‘Well, Bambi, I’m caffeinated enough, so you’re forgiven. Hank is upstairs, I’ll buzz you up.’
‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile. 
When walking up the stairs, I feel nervous, but also excited and giddy. The bullpen is empty, but there is only one person I need to see anyway and he is in his office. Leaning back in his desk chair, a folder open in his hand, he looks up. He smiles widely, something that he solely reserves for me. 
As I near his office, he gets up from the chair and walks up to me. ‘Hi, honey,’ he says with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist. ‘To what do I owe this pleasure?’
‘Your double espresso,’ I say. ‘And I have a surprise.’
Hank takes the cup from my hand and sits on the edge of his desk. ‘Okay?’
I rummage through my pocket and hand him the pregnancy test. 
‘It’s positive?’ Hank asks, taking it from my hand and when he reads it, he says: ‘It’s positive.’
I nod. ‘Yeah.’
His eyes water a bit, but he swallows them down. ‘Come here,’ he says and I curl myself up in his arms, closing my eyes. ‘Shit, I’m gonna be a dad again.’
‘Yeah,’ I say. I pull back so I can look at him. ‘Are you alright?’
‘I’m fine,’ he says. ‘Just… Overwhelmed now the moment’s here.’ He squeezes my waist and says: ‘I love you, Kazuha Voight.’
I smile. ‘Oh, I really love you too.’
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Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
24 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 4.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: Kazuha spends time with Hank Voight.
Warnings: Mentions of death
Wordcount: 1.3k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
Knocking often times turns into banging, but that is mostly a force of habit. Politely knocking on the door when you live with two people who are turning deaf, is a lost battle.
I just hope this loud hammering isn’t going to leave a bad impression.
Hank opens the door and I smile when my eyes land on him. I’ve been seeing him on a daily basis now and every morning he walks into the cafe to order a double espresso. If I’m truly spoiled, I see him before work, during work and after my own shift, before I go on a coffee delivery. ‘I hope I’m not bothering,’ I say. ‘Because if you’re busy, I can just move along.’
‘No, it’s fine,’ he says, leaning his shoulder against the doorpost as he pushes his hands in his pockets. ‘Are you alright?’
‘Oh, yeah, I’m okay. My grandparents just have a date night and since they are borderline deaf, the music is loud.’
He chuckles. ‘I see.’
‘I thought maybe you and I could hang out. If you want of course.’ I hold up my hands where I show the goods I brought. ‘Wine and scotch. Not too sure which you prefer.’
‘I’ll take the scotch.’ He takes the bottles from my hands and steps aside. 
I’m not too sure what I’m expecting of his place, but I must admit: this place is homey and cosy. As I walk inside, I stop in front of a large photo wall and I see multiple pictures of Hank with a woman and Hank with a kid.
As I have reached the ripe age of thirty three, I am turning into quite the hawk: spotting wedding bands on men is what I do best. 
And from what I saw: Hank doesn’t wear a wedding ring.
Maybe he’s divorced…?
‘That’s my late wife,’ he says, as he stops next to me. 
That is sad.
‘And that’s my son… He passed away too.’
The poor man. My gosh, how much does he have to suffer? Judging from his line of work, I bet he lost great friends there too.
I lost people at work too and while that continues on to be difficult and you feel like you can never leave that state of morning, at least things went semi well in my personal life. My grandparents and parents and sisters continued on to live.
Unlike in Hank’s situation.
‘I’m sorry,’ I say. ‘I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been for you.’
All of the sudden I feel like I’m intruding. He didn’t invite me. Maybe he wasn’t even ready to show me this part of him. 
I mean, how well do we know each other? 
He sighs, nodding briefly, before making his way to his kitchen. After taking one more look at the pictures, I follow him. 
Without him saying anything, he pours in some wine for me and some scotch for himself. 
‘How are you doing?’ I ask him. 
‘Rough day?’
‘You got quite the eye for that,’ he notes, taking a sip of his drink. He holds out his hand and I take a seat on the high stool, while he sits in front of me. One arm leans on the table, as he has his fingers folded around the glass. 
‘Some quirks you develop over the years,’ I say shrugging my shoulders. 
‘Tell me about yourself,’ he then says to break the silence that fell between us. ‘How does a young lady like you end up in Chicago working at a cafe?’
I smile. ‘What did my grandmother tell you already?’
‘She told me you were living with them, since you needed a place to stay. Something about an eviction.’
Okay, so grandma left out pathetic details. 
‘Well,’ I say, ‘I was born and raised here. When I was fifteen, I moved in with my grandparents for the first time and when I was seventeen, I joined the navy where I became a cryptologic technician. A lot of things happened and then I moved back to Chicago when I was twenty five. Lived in an apartment for eight years, did not make enough money at the cafe, causing me to get evicted, which ultimately led to moving in with my grandparents.’ I take a sip of my wine, before adding: ‘At least, that’s the short version of it.’
He smirks. ‘Why’d you move in with your grandparents when you were fifteen?’
‘My parents and I didn’t get along, so for my own and their sake, I had to get out of there. Something along the lines of middle child syndrome, I suppose.’
‘I’m sorry, Kazuha.’
I shrug and with a half-assed smirk I say: ‘Don’t we all need a pathetic backstory?’
A smile that is resembling mine appears on his face. ‘Maybe we do.’
‘We had a missing kid today,’ Hank says, once we moved to the couch. We’re both sitting on either side of the couch, however we continue to get closer to one another.
I can’t be the only one noticing the space becoming smaller and smaller.
‘A five year old boy,’ he adds.
‘Did you find him?’
He nods. ‘Alive and well, but we found three other bodies.’
Bodies. Indicating they weren’t so lucky as the kid he found today.
‘That must’ve been really hard,’ I say.
He nods. ‘It always is.’
I wonder if I should ask him about it. ‘What’s your son’s name?’ I ask, carefully tiptoeing into this unfamiliar territory.
‘Justin,’ he says. Before I can ask my follow-up question, he adds: ‘He got murdered.’
Without me thinking about it, I place my hand on his. ‘I’m so sorry, Hank.’ Realizing I’m touching him, I quickly retract my hand. ‘I bet you miss him every day.’
He nods, before he places his glass on the coffee table. ‘My wife died because of cancer,’ he softly adds, almost like he doesn’t want me to hear it.
But I hear it. 
‘Do those… Do they change your perspective about certain cases? How you view them? How you solve them?’
He nods. ‘Yeah, they do.’
There is so much I want to say, I want to ask. Anything to not let this conversation die down. I want to know more of him. I need to know more of him. 
But then my phone starts to vibrate and I nearly jump to the ruff as the buzzing is disrupting our peace and quiet. I look at my screen to discover it’s my grandmother. ‘Grandma, are you alright?’ I ask, when I pick up.
‘Can you help us, Kazuha? The lights are out. Can you check the fuse box?’
I nod, realizing she can’t see that. ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right there.’ When I hang up the phone, I turn to Hank. ‘I’ve got to go, fix the lights.’
‘Need my help?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I’ve got it. I’ll probably hang out with them.’ I offer him a small smile. ‘Thanks for allowing me to stay over.’
‘Of course.’
We both get up from the couch and make our way over to the front door.
‘I’ll see you later, Hank,’ I say.
‘Later, Kazuha.’
I cross the street, though I didn’t hear a door close behind me. Once I opened up the front door of my place, I turn around, to see Hank leaning in the doorway, still staring after me. I hold up my hand and I watch him do the same. The door closes softly behind me and I let out a deep breath.
Before I can ponder over the things we discussed, grandma asks: ‘Kazuha, is that you?’
‘Yeah, it’s me. I’ll go and fix it!’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt
36 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 10.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: After a date, Kazuha invites Hank to her place.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 0.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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‘Do you want to come in?’ I ask. Hank and I have been on an amazing date, wonderful food, jazz music in the back and a long drive, postponing the moment we have to say goodbye.
And now we can say our byes, but I still don’t want to.
‘Are you sure?’ Hank asks.
I nod. ‘Of course. My grandparents love to have you around. Besides, it’s game night, which means my grandma has made her famous apple pie.’ He’s not budging, so I grab his hand and gently pull. ‘Please?’
‘Ah,’ he chuckles, ‘those eyes. Who can say no to those Bambi eyes?’
I snicker. ‘Glad to know they still work.’ I still hold his hand in mine, pulling him with me inside and once we’re there, I announce myself by yelling: ‘I brought company.’
‘Did you bring our handsome neighbor?’ grandma asks.
‘The sleaze ball.’
‘We can hear you,’ I say, as Hank helps me out of his jacket. ‘Grandpa doesn’t think you’re a sleaze ball,’ I say in a soft tone. ‘He likes you.’
The entire night was filled with games, dessert and eventually me having to put my grandparents to bed. Hank waits downstairs and tells me not to rush. 
‘He’s a nice fella,’ grandma says, as I close the drapes. ‘Takes good care of you.’
‘I know,’ I say.
‘Yeah,’ grandpa admits, ‘I hate to admit it, but he’s a keeper.’
‘Glad to have your approval.’ I give them both a kiss and close the door. It’s our bedtime routine. Grandpa often loses his balance and grandma can’t see well without the large light on. It’s easier if I do it like this. 
I walk downstairs and see Hank staring at the enormous picture wall my grandparents have up. ‘That’s you?’ he asks, pointing to a picture of me with red rain boots.
‘Yep, in my Paddington phase,’ I joke, as little Kazuha is also wearing a yellow coat. 
‘You’re adorable,’ he admits. ‘Was your relationship with your parents strained back then?’
‘Yep,’ I answer. ‘I guess we never got along great.’
He shakes his head. ‘Unbelievable. I can’t believe parents can just give up on one of their kids.’
I turn to the side. ‘Did you ever give up on Justin?’
He sighs. ‘I realize I have dropped the ball a lot with him, but I tried to make up. And in the end, we managed.’
I stand in between him and the photo wall. ‘Did he know you loved him?’ I ask him.
Hank nods. ‘I hope so.’
‘I never knew whether or not my parents loved me,’ I say, placing my hands on his strong chest. The only thing that is separating my palms and his bare chest, is the fabric of his polo shirt. ‘Hank…’
‘Do you like me?’
He nods. ‘I like you a lot, Kazuha. You know that.’
‘But why?’
‘You give me a reason again to be happy,’ he says, his tone low. ‘I haven’t been truly happy in a long time.’ His hands are securely placed in the dips of my waist, gently tugging me closer. 
‘Does it scare you?’
‘Sometimes,’ he says, ‘but with you there is nothing to be scared off.’
I hesitate, but I realize there should be nothing to scare me to do it. So, I lean closer and press a short peck on his lips. When I pull back, he quickly bridges the distance between my lips and his, his grip on my waist slightly tightening. A long and deep kiss. I completely give myself over, allowing him to engulf me in his arms, to be kissed like I’ve never been kissed before
Our lips separate and I mutter a useless: ‘Thank you.’
It causes him to laugh. ‘I suspect I have to thank you,’ he says. ‘I’m happy because of you.’
‘And I am because of you,’ I whisper. ‘I thought I had everything my heart desired, but here you are.’
He smiles. ‘That’s worth a thank you, I suppose.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
29 notes · View notes