#happy 2k followers tree<33
eileenguy · 2 years
always be mine, never say goodbye
@castinkywinky 's follower celebration day 2: pocnatural and day 3: very minor characters // rarepairs
warnings for: blood, violence, knives, (implied) self-harm, flashing images and lights
(watch on YouTube w/ optional captions)
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Jordan’s 2k Fluff Challenge
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That was supposed to be a fluff gif but whatever! You get the point! This is a fluff challenge. There is a lot of angst going around (from what I’ve seen) and plus, fluff is my favorite genre to write so I want YOU guys to write fluff!
Some things that you might like to know before signing up: 
1. I will reblog all fics that are submitted AND give feedback on them all 2. The only exception to the rule above is if you don’t have a “keep reading” break for fics over 500 words, then I will not reblog. I’ll still give feedback, but no reblog. 3. Your fic doesn’t have to be a winter/Christmas theme story but I will include some prompts that you can use.
1. I would appreciate it if you were following me, but I want anyone who wants to join, to join, so you don’t have to. 
2. Must be female or gender neutral pairings. As for the pairings, you can choose Jared/Sam, Jensen/Dean, Misha/Castiel, Jack or Jensen x Danneel and Jared x Genevieve. The pairing can be romantic or platonic, daughter, or sister, it’s up to you!
3. The theme is fluff but you can also write smut if you wish. I wouldn’t like to see angst but if it’s required for your story, let me know and everything is all good. 
4. Your fic can be a stand alone or the FIRST part of a series (RPF or not)! It makes it easier for me to read the first part instead of a whole series just to get to your submission fic, you know. 
5. The due date will be my birthday, February 19th, 2018. (I turn 21, guys)
6. Please tag me (queen-of-deans-booty) in your A/N along with the tag “Jordan’s 2k Fluff Challenge” within your first 5 tags. If I don’t like your fic within 24 hours, just give me a heads up. I know Tumblr always acts up. 
7. There is a list of prompts you can choose from AND/OR get a secret gif. You don’t have to do both, but if you want, then you can. Please, send in your prompt with the pairing or ask for a secret gif with the pairing. Because there are also secret gifs and you feel like you want to write another story for this challenge, I won’t be putting a limit on those. You can do however many you want, as long as you turn in separate fics for however many gifs you chose. 
8. THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF THEM ALL: If you sign up and do not post your fic before the due date without contacting me first, I will not let you participate in other challenges. I’ve had a few people sign up for my last challenge and not post their stories and this takes a lot of time and effort to construct. Just let me know you need an extension and I’ll be happy to give you one. If you need to drop out, no hard feelings, I know things get in the way. Just talk to me first.
Prompts are below the cut!
Winter Activities/Prompts:
1. Snowball Fight(s) 2. Ski Resort  3. Making paper snowflake cutouts 4. Baking desserts and decorating them @superfandomqueen (Dean x Reader) 5. Build a snowman 6. Ice skating @annio8o3 (Sam x Reader) 7. Window Shopping @emoryhemsworth (Jensen x Reader) or (Dean x Reader) 8. Fuzzy Socks 9. Snuggle by the fire @kdfrqqg (Dean x Reader) 10. Snowed in/Blizzard 11. Hockey 12. Eggnog 13. Snowboarding 14. Curl up with a good book @acreativelydifferentlove (Dean x Reader) 15. Watch the snow fall
Christmas Activities/Prompts:
16. Decorate the tree 17. Decorate the house/bunker @serenity-sam (Dean and Sam x Sister!Reader) 18. Christmas tree shopping 19. Wrapping gifts @jayankles (Jensen x Sister!Reader) 20. Look at Christmas Lights 21. Mistletoe 22. Listen to Christmas songs 23. Caroling 24. Christmas shopping 25. Christmas Eve 26. Christmas Morning 26. Santa Claus 27. Hanukkah 28. Kwanzaa 29. Holiday cards 30. Ugly Christmas sweaters @pheonyxstorm (Jensen x Reader)
Fluff Activities/Prompts:
31. Bubble bath @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Jensen x Danneel) 32. Driving 33. Dancing @just-another-winchester (Jensen x Reader) 34. Watching the stars @tngrayson (Dean x Reader) 35. Picnic 36. Wearing his clothes @squirrel-moose-winchester (Dean x Reader) 37. Taking care of the other one @annio8o3 (Dean x Reader) 38. Cooking together @snowysamw (Jared x Reader) 39. Kisses @elsiestickswrites (Sam x Reader) 40. Cuddling @just-another-winchester (Dean x Reader) 41. Yoga/Working out @fandommaniacx (@becs-bunker) (Sam x Reader) 42. Rollercoasters @sillesworldofwriting (@sille1992) (Dean and Sam x Sister!Reader) 43. Hide and Seek 44. Bowling 45. Swimming
Secret Gifs (Could be Christmas, Winter, or just random fluff gifs)
1. @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Misha x Reader) 2. @jayankles (Jensen x Reader) 3. @acreativelydifferentlove (Dean x Reader) 4. @luci-in-trenchcoats (Jared x Reader) 5. @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Jensen x Reader) 6.  @sillesworldofwriting (@sille1992 ) (Sam x Reader) 7. @sillesworldofwriting (@sille1992 ) (Dean x Reader) 8. @squirrel-moose-winchester  (Sam x Reader) 9. @cass-trash (Misha x Reader) 10. @cass-trash (Castiel x Reader) 11. @superfandomqueen (Dean and Sam x Sister!Reader) 12. @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Jared x Genevive) 13. @pheonyxstorm (Jensen x Reader)
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