#happy birthday sebastian yatra!
aeoneri · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Sebastián Yatra! Feliz cumpleaños, Sebastián Yatra!
October 15, 1994
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mrs-han · 2 years
Can I request something fluffy with Jumin? I love how you write him being soft and fluffy, it's adorable!
Thank you <333
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Omo, another legend has graced my lil blog, I am just LLFLLBLBLB ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much for waiting, Star!!
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“What do you wanna watch?”
“Didn’t you want to see that new horror anthology series?”
“So why can’t we watch that!”
Jumin pursed his lips — then very slowly looked at you.
“What!” You smiled, wiggling your toes in anticipation. “What was it called so I can look it up?”
Jumin said nothing, his eyes still staring into yours.
“What!!” You giggled, pressing your heel into his thigh.
“… Hm. Fifteen minutes.” Taking the remote from your hand, Jumin began to type in the name of the show.”
“Fifteen min — what are you talking about?” You sat up and hugged your knees.
Focused on the screen, Jumin’s hands affectionately stroked your calves. “Now, mmm, twenty-five minutes. Give or take.”
“… Okay, you’re being really creepy right now.”
Jumin turned his head, winked at you, and scrolled to the show’s icon. “Ready?”
“Wait, fifteen minutes for what? Twenty-five minutes for what!” Impatient, you reached over and pinched Jumin’s earlobe.
“I’ll let go when you tell me what you’re talking about!”
“I can’t, mousseline. I’m conducting an experiment, and if I tell you what I’m doing, the results will be tainted.”
“Oh, so, you’re… conducting an experiment on me?!”
“And you are my first subject.” Bopping your nose, Jumin scrunched his nose impishly. “Congratulations.”
You scrunched your nose in retaliation. “Okay, what if I decide to not be around you! How about that!”
“Then, I would be a very sad man. Is that what you want?” Leaning on you, Jumin tried to get his lower lip to wobble. Tried. “Do you want me to be a very sad man?”
“… No,” you sighed, bunching your blankets and throwing them over Jumin and yourself.
“Back to my original hypothesis of fifteen minutes,” Jumin hummed, leaning into the couch.
“Play the stupid…!” You reached over, yanking the remote from Jumin’s (stupid) hands.
Jumin’s sonorous chuckle was that much harder to ignore.
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The Japanese horror anthology kept you on edge. With each episode about three to five minutes long, you and Jumin would take the time to understand what the more vague episodes meant.
And then, you started yawning.
Jumin glanced at you. “Are you tired, dear?”
“Nah, let’s keep going.” You played the next episode, scooting closer to your husband. “Maybe we can finish the first season and…” you yawned. “… haah… jump right into the third!”
“Maybe,” Jumin whispered, brushing your hair from your face and wrapping an arm around you. “Comfortable?”
“Very,” you nodded, still keeping your side of the blanket at eye level.
One episode went by. You grumpily insisted that analysis was unnecessary because the episode was fairly cut and dry.
Another episode went by. Your head felt heavier against Jumin’s shoulder; he pulled you into his lap, embracing you closely.
In the middle of the first season, you had gone totally silent. Your head lulled back as Jumin shifted; he lightly tapped your cheek. “Darling? Are you still with me?”
Your snore answered his question. Carrying you to the bed and tucking you in, Jumin chuckled. “Only you can fall asleep during Japanese horror.”
Your mouth fell open, jaw slack from the ease sleep brought. Hand moving over your jaw, Jumin kissed you, grinning against your lips.
“I was wrong… fifteen minutes was way too much time. How you managed to fall asleep in twelve minutes is baffling.” Swiping the drool coursing from your mouth, Jumin couldn’t help but laugh. “Now you see why watching a movie with you is near impossible.”
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alyssaiswriting · 5 years
Como Si Nada
Before You Read: this is for @ericks-mala-actitud writing challenge, congrats again!! <333 the song prompt is “y mis ojos se corraron pero no estoy ciego. y anque nunca te lloraron, predimos el juego. ver que tu sigues tu vida y me quitas la mia” - Como Si Nada by Sebastian Yatra
Warning: toxic relationship
Word Count: 1587
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Zabdiel feels your warm body part from his and immediately knows the reason why, irritated he says "don't want to keep the rich boy waiting"
You look over your bare shoulder at him to see him looking at you with a bored expression, with a sigh you slip on your shirt then your underwear that was by your feet before standing from the bed to grab your jeans by the door.
You look at Zabdiel as you fiddle with the tough fabric of your jeans "you know I wish things could be different" your voice is small, Zabdiel looks over to you, his eyes soften at your nervous tick.
"I don't know why it's so hard for you to leave him," Zabdiel says, the attitude that was on his face not showing through his voice.
You open your mouth to speak just as your phone rings, Sam's name lights up on your phone making you curse under your breath.
"Hey baby" you answer putting on your best enthusiastic voice making Zabdiel's jaw tighten.
"Where are you? You dad is asking for you" he's annoyed
"I'm on my way right now, I forgot some things at home" you lie, "just hurry," sam says before grumbling a "bye" and hanging up the phone.
You look to Zabdiel who's not glaring at the wall behind you, "I can't just break up with him, Zabdiel" you sigh as you start putting on your jeans.
Zabdiel slides to the end of the bed with a scoff. "Why not?" He says as he picks up his boxers from the floor and slips them up his long legs.
"We've been over this, this is who my family expects me to marry since we were 3 we've been promised to the other family, I'm becoming a Salas next month and there's nothing I can do. The Salas have done so much for my family. "
Zabdiel stands to his feet turning to you "don't marry him" he says likes it's really that simple.
"And go against my family? Against the Salas, the leaders of a drug cartel?" You furrow your eyebrows.
Zabdiel shrugs "I just-" he starts but your phone dings with a text.
Sam 💕 Where are you??? My family is arriving
You curse under your breath as you quickly collect your purse and keys.
"I got to go, I'll see you at the party," you say and just as you're about to walk out of his bedroom he grabs your wrist to pull you back for a kiss.
His lips you're so familiar with feel the best against yours and you've known you want to feel them forever, which only hurts you more that, that can't be the case.
"I love you," Zabdiel says softly when he pulls away.
Your heart simultaneously aches and swells at his words, "I love you too" you say genuinely
It's your uncles birthday, your parents offered him a party at their house, all your cousins, Tias and Tios have made an appearance for the cookout.
"So when's the wedding?" Your tia Meghan looks from you to Sam who's standing by the barbecue pit with your dad and his dad.
"Next month actually" you smile but only out of habit.
"I'm so excited for you two, your mom and I always hoped you and Sam would end up together." You laugh softly, that wasn't news to you, your mom has always been team, Sam.
"I'll be right back" you excuse yourself from the table
You walk over to Sam, your Dad, and Michael(his dad). "Hi" you smile at Sam before turning to your dad. "I'm gonna get myself water from inside, you want one?" Your dad quit drinking about 2 years ago.
"Sure," your dad says enthusiastically.
"You guys want anything from inside?" You ask Sam and Michael.
"I'm good, thank you mija" Michael says.
"I'll come with you," Sam says making you scrunch your eyebrows as to why he wants to go inside with you for two bottles of water but you say nothing as you make your way inside.
Once the door shuts behind you two Sam says lowly "you reek of him" you swallow a lump in your throat "what are you talking about?" You question
"You were with him" you know you were caught but your brain just kept saying 'Deny. Deny. Deny'
"Don't be stupid" you scoff and try to walk off but before you could even take a second step your arm is grabbed and you're pulled back.
"I've ignored it for a few weeks now because let's be honest I'm not the most faithful" he starts making your jaw clench, you'd had your suspicions and though you didn't love Sam like you use to it still stung. "But I can't risk letting this go on and someone finding out" he steps closer to you "so you better stop before I find a way to put a stop to it"
He's threatening you, it causes anger to boil inside as you straighten your back and tilt your head up to appear less small, "are you trying to scare me, Sam?"
"Take it as you wish" he shrugs
"You're really funny if you think that's gonna work on me" you spat out
Sam takes another step forward now blocking you in between his body and the wall behind you, he's so close you can smell the beer on his breath as he says  "I know what will work on you. When I take away everything you have, everything my family has given you and your family" he has a cocking smirk as he looks over your face "I'll ruin your fucking life"
This does scare you because it's exactly what you were afraid of, but you try your best to maintain your composure, only showing a slight switch when the corner of your lip twitches slightly, but Sam catches it making his eyebrow raise.
He steps back, away from you, "think it over muñequita" and with a shake of his head, he walks into the kitchen where your mom, Noemi, and your tias are gossiping as they cook.
You take a few seconds to compose and will yourself not to cry before putting on a fake smile for your family as you walk into the kitchen.
Sam is already trapped in a conversation with your tia chismosa who's asking questions like "when's the wedding?" "When are you bringing babies into the family"
You stand by your mom as she chops up ingredients for her potato salad.
She glanced over at you and you give her a closed-mouth smile. "Que paso? Why do you look bien triste"
You look over at Sam as you say "I'm fine just tired, didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep last night" you say
Your mom is about to reply when the doorbell rings "I'll get it" you say pushing yourself off the counter and walking over to the door.
Swinging it open, you're met with a very put together Zabdiel, which is quite the opposite of how you last saw him.
"Hi" he smiles and steps forward to hug you and kiss your cheek. When he pulls away you look over to the kitchen where Sam is watching the two of you.
"Come in, my mom's in the kitchen with your mom" you say refusing to make eye contact with the Puerto Rican.
"Ok" he drags out and walks past you to the kitchen.
As your mom and tia gush over your tall friend about how handsome he looks and how well his career has been you grab a water bottle from the fridge and slip out with Sam right behind you
You do your best to avoid Zabdiel the rest of the party, afraid of what Sam would do if he saw you even breathe in Zabdiel's direction.
it's only after everyone has eaten when guest slowly start leaving that it gets harder to hide from Zabdiel.
You spot him by the oldest tree in the backyard talking to multiple of your uncles, and your dad beers in hands as they laugh at each other's stories and jokes.
You feel for him so greatly and watching the way his eyes squint as he laughs warms your heart, you find yourself wishing with everything in your body that you and Zabdiel will be able to get together for real one day.
When he feels your gaze on him his eyes meet yours a smile on his face but you can't find the energy to even fake a smile back because no matter how bad you want to be happy with him, you're getting married in two weeks and you'll never be able to see him again.
you quickly look away when you feel a hand on your thigh.
"ya vamonos" Sam says making you nod.
You walk over to your dad, uncles, and zabdiel. give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
Zabdiel tries to keep you in the hug longer then you intended because he knows somethings wrong, but you pull away roughly not even looking up at him as Dam grabs your hand.
"Drive safe, text me when you get home," your dad says
And you leave, without sparing Zabdiel one more glance because you know it'll hurt too much.
He texts you that night at 1:13 am but you don't answer, Zabdiel stares down at the "read 1:15 am" for 2 minutes hoping he'd see that 3 bubbles pop up but they never do.
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kyliexc · 5 years
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hey everyone ! i’m mini and i’ve had my eye on this rp for awhile, so im v happy to be here. let me introduce to you my bb kylie ! this is a big long so i sectioned off the parts explaining what’s what. you don’t have to read it all ! <3
❛ chicago’s very own kylie castillo has been spotted in new york city in a bentley continental gt, welcome ! your resemblance to becky g is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty first birthday bash. your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re hot-tempered, but being brave might help you. i guess being an aries explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be hot cheetos with lime, clean makeup brushes, and soccer on the street. & ( cisfemale & she/her ) + ( mini, 22, she/her, est. )
*also, bc i always have to say this when playing becky g. im latina. :)
also pls like this and i will come to you for plotting bc i know ppl can be shy. (like me)
Basic Information
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): bean, ky, kyky, kc, k.
Age: 21
Date of Birth: April 15th 1998
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
Weather: fall
Colour: yellow or pink
Music: sebastian yatra, reik, travis scott, 
Movies: halloween or selena
Sport: soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball
Beverage: tequila
Food: chicken or carne asada tacos
Animal: lions + dogs
Father: alejandro castillo, soccer player (jersey #7)
Mother: lupe castillo (molina), seamstress
Sibling(s): jaime castillo + luna castillo
Pet(s): sushi and lola (dogs)
parents history
kylie’s dad is a notable soccer player in latin america, he has played throughout a couple world cups and has been on notable teams, even in europe (Manchester United? Barcelona FC? get back to me on this ahahah) He wore the number 7, believing it always brought luck to him and his family. kylie’s mom was just a normal girl who worked in a dress shop, sewing together sweet 15/16 dresses, which she really enjoyed and was good at. her mom’s family had a business and all the women in the family ran that little shop bc they made sure things ran smoothly. kylie’s parents met unexpectedly in a bar when her dad didn’t want to be noticed and her mom was out on the town with her friends. this turned into a fan marrying her idol sort of thing. it was super cute. 
kylie’s dad got chosen to be a part of the US soccer team, this was after he was dating her mom for about a year. before he could leave he didn’t even realize that lupe (ky’s mom) was pregnant with her older sibling jaime. that led to a quick marriage BUT lupe didn’t want to leave mexico just yet SOOO while her dad went off to the states, her mom stayed in mexico working on her business and it worked out really well for the two. 
two years later, after 2 years of a long distant relationship and the family dress business blowing up in Mexico, turning into a whole fashion empire, lupe finally decided to pack up and go to the U.S.A
along came kylie
kylie was the first born in the U.S.A, so she is american but she frequently travelled to Mexico during her childhood, therefore she understands both english and spanish. she is 100% proud of her ethnicity no matter how much hate she got for it growing up. 
kylie was always closest to her dad, he taught her how to have thick skin and go for your dreams. every night they would play soccer on the streets and he pushed her to be better. Kylie was on several soccer teams growing up, and has a lot of photos, awards, and memories to prove it. all her siblings were in some kind of sport. kylie’s was soccer while her siblings would be volleyball or basketball. they were known on the block as the golden 3 for being involved in sports. 
it didn’t mean she was a tomboy, oh no. while her dad taught her sports, her mom taught her how to be presentable. she would always say ‘let them judge you by what you wear so you can prove them wrong with who you are.’ those are words she lives by everyday when it comes to her appearance. 
her parents really taught her the value of working for what you want, even when kylie did grow up comfortable. her mom’s business was growing so much it was known in chicago and some other parts in the U.S. her dad was known for being one of the best soccer players coming out of latin america (up there with ronaldinho), but they both got to where they were through blood sweat and tears.
on her down time she got really into makeup and fashion, she did it a lot for prom season, posting it up on insta that some celebs hit her up to do their makeup and of course she couldn’t say no to that. kylie makes her own makeup out of natural ingredients that she uses with her clients, it’s something she doesn’t sell exclusively, it’s her best kept secret. 
she’s really popular within the latin american music scene and has done some collabs with english speaking people. those are just passion projects for her. it’s like, she’s known for different things, so she does them, but she’s not sure what she wants specifically.
since she’s tiny, people tend to make fun of her height A LOT, which she doesn’t mind, it pretty funny to her. it’s just something that’s been with her foreverrrrrr.
kylie still plays soccer in a league on her free time. it’s something that keeps her mentally grounded.
life isn’t so perfect * TRIGGER WARNINGS: anxiety, depression *
so being mexican in the U.S.A is never easy, and it definitely wasn’t for kylie that didn’t speak english until she entered school. she was constantly bullied and pushed around because of her ethnicity, because she was tan, unlike the other girls. 
of course she made other friends of color and non-color that accepted her but when you grow up seeing that there are people that hate you for what you’re born into, it damages a person.
for a long time she didn’t accept her body image, trying to lighten her skin or make herself look more accepting, it caused her to spiral into depression, she had a lot of fights with her family about this.
kylie developed anxiety where she overthinks and gets panic attacks, but thats why she still plays soccer competitively. 
kylie’s personality
kylie is literally F I E R C E. she’s got two types of personalities, one where she’s a home body and loves her family, will beat you in a quick game of soccer. she’s that bubbly girl with the laughter, sarcastic remarks followed by a smirk at the end of it
she is also that girl that when it’s time to work, she is scary. she knows what she wants, she know how she wants it and she will get flustered when it’s not like that. she’s got a whole ‘that BIIITCH’ personality, like when she’s on the red carpet, she just has it going for her kind of thing. 
but she’s a goof, and that’s something everyone will notice. she loves to make people laugh and smile. if you’re an asshole, those are her favorite types where she’s just drawn to those people. 
old school friends
old school enemies
makeup clientele 
ride or die
drunk friends
sibling like friends
exes ( good + bad + messy + angsty )
crushes ? 
former lovers to friends
um, anything? let’s brainstorm ! :)
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luamarieta · 6 years
85 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @eternallystarlight
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink - Energise Tea~green tea with Guarana
2. Phone call - Mera Naaz~ my friend Nazia
3. Text message - Also Naaz
4. Song you listened to - SUTRA~Sebastian Yatra y Dalmata
5. Time you cried - today....
6. Dated someone twice - Only ever been in one relationship and I am definitely not getting back with them
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Yes my ex
8. Been cheated on - Nopety nope
9. Lost someone special - Yes
10. Been depressed - When have I not been ...?
11. Gotten drunk and threw up - Nopety nope
Fave colors
12. Dusty Pink
13. Light Grey
14. Black/Copper
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - YUSSS my girls, Saan and Neha
16. Fallen out of love - yes, and I am thankful
17. Laughed until you cried - Yes thanks Yousuf!
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Nopety nope
19. Met someone who changed you - yesss Saan and Neha have defo helped me understand my relationship with religion (so has Naaz but she’s always helped me)
20. Found out who your friends are - YeHHHH boi
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - do I know who is on my facebook friends list...?
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - All of them I believe
23. Do you have any pets - NOOOO DESAFORTUNADAMENTE
24. Do you want to change your name - Nah
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Do a bio mock, have my cousin come over and cry
26. What time did you wake up today -like 2:40pm
27. What were you doing @ midnight last night - On my laptop idk what i was doing
28. What is something you can’t wait for - Starting my undergrad course
30. What are you listening to right now - Pineapple~Karol G
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - No I don’t think so
32. Something that gets on my nerves - People talking directly into my ears
33. Most visited website - Youtube, Tumblr, Aliexpress
34. Hair color - Brown so dark people think it’s black
35. Hair long or short - Boob length
36. Do you have a crush on someone - NO I NEVER WANT TO AGAIN
37. What do you like about yourself - My eyes, hair, aspects of my personality...?
38. Want any piercings - YUssssss
39. Blood type - O+
40. Nicknames - Mari, Momma Bear, Manhi, Strawberry Cupcake, Unikhan and a plethora more
41. Relationship status - Singlé Pringlé
42. Zodiac - Capricorn
43. Pronounce - She/Her
44. Fave TV shows - NCIS, Anything Marvel, SPN, Dear White People, and many other
45. Tattoos - None
46. Right or left handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - Nopety Nope
48. Piercings - Earlobes
49. Sports -it used to be Netball and gymnastics but now nothing
50. Vacations - I LOVEEEEEE
51. Trainers - As in the shoes...? SUre
More general
52. Eating - My best skill
53. Drinking -  chá/Chai/TEA
54. I’m about to - Pull another all nighter
55. Waiting - For the therapist to get back to me
56. Want - to be happy
57. Get married - Not necessarily
58. Career - oooooh Diplomacy/ Psychiatry
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - Huggles bruh
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes
61. Shorter or taller - Taller
62. Older or younger - Older
63. Nice stomach or stomach - As long as it keeps your organs in and safe idc
64. Hookup or relationship - how about neither?
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - No
67. Drank hard liquor - Yes
68. Lost glasses - No
69. Turned someone down - Can’t turn down what’s never been offered
70. Sex on first date - Nein
71. Broken someone’s heart - Nein
72. Had your heart broken - YUH
73. Been arrested - Nah
74. Cried when someone died - Yes
75. Fallen for a friend - YES ITS A TRAP DO NOT DO IT
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Barely (RIP VINE)
77. Miracles - I’d like to
78. Love at first sight - EH..?
79. Santa Claus - Used to
80. Kiss on first date - IDK..?
81. Angels - Would like to
82. Best friend’s name - Yousuf/Naaz/Aan
83. Eye color - lightish brown
84. Fav movie - all of them
85. Favorite actor - KEANU REEVES
I tag:
@honoka-san @karinasrainbow @sinner-chan @wading-wishes @glloomboy @fuckthatfeeling @cornsilklamp @ny0om @sangredesirena @jhorse-is-my-bae @shineekrystalzzz @gayspacecousin @spokenshadows @ghivasheluh @embers-burning-bright @missjungnamjoon @mikatsukki @imarunningmermaid @slippysea​ @chocolatekitten19​
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