#happy free confused and lonely has been my catchphrase for a while!!!
okay so I haven’t properly checked tumblr in like a month and a half, so here are my Red (Taylor’s Version) hot takes that might actually be lukewarm:
- a true cohesive 10 minute All Too Well never existed and Taylor had to just come up with some shit to stretch it out. let’s be real with ourselves, the song truly ends around the 7 minute 21 second mark. it’s a fantastic 7 minutes 21 seconds! but y’know.
- I prefer og I Knew You Were Trouble. it took me a hot minute to get used to WANEGBT and 22, but I came around to them after listening a few times. still not a huge fan of new I Knew You Were Trouble.
- Holy Ground (Taylor’s Version) <3 that’s it that’s the bullet point
- across the whole album, it’s amazing how clear and full the vocals are. like I can instantly tell from an opening note if a song is the og or Taylor’s Version because there’s such a stark difference. the novelty of getting to hear old songs with her current voice and new production has yet to wear off.
- as far as vault tracks go, favs are Babe, Message in a Bottle, Nothing New, and The Very First Night. aside from knowing that Nothing New is a fav, I genuinely don’t know what the consensus among the fanbase has been on those.
- I love getting content but I’m a little upset that Fearless (Taylor’s Version) got a fraction of the attention that Red (Taylor’s Version) is getting!! where’s my Mr. Perfectly Fine music video!! my You All Over Me live performance!! Ms. Swift that became the soundtrack to the first semester of my sophomore year of college please give me something
- that being said, this album release was perfectly timed, as I realized that I’m in love with someone that has been stringing me along for months shortly after listening to ATW10 for the first time so <3 I’ve been live laugh loving my way through life as I’ve been forced to confront the reality of the toxic situationship I’m in for the millionth time!! thanks for providing the soundtrack to the mental breakdown you caused Ms. Swift!!
- I never liked Stay Stay Stay but I love the new version. I think it’s honestly just the new vocals.
- my fav tracks overall are still Holy Ground, Red, Treacherous, Come Back…Be Here, and 22. honorable mention to WANEGBT and the fact that I listened to it as I was walking to meet up with someone to break up with them, even though I’d already broken up with them a week prior.
- when listening to the sadder songs, I’ve been envisioning the aforementioned person I broke up with listening to them too and crying softly and muttering “she loved Taylor Swift…” under their breath. they became pretty much obsessed with me after knowing me for a mere seven days and refused to hear to a single word I said for a whole three weeks until they decided on their own to break things off with me. they also once entered my apartment, took off their shoes AND their socks, and had the audacity to put their bare feet on my coffee table. I’m still mad. there’s a lot this person did in three weeks to be mad about, and somehow that’s the thing I’m maddest about.
- overall, Red (Taylor’s Version) good. too conveniently timed, but good. I started crying while singing along to ATW10 as I was driving home from work. the line “if we had been closer in age, maybe it would’ve been fine” hits a little too hard when you’re stuck in a pseudo-relationship with a 22 y/o who’s made you feel like you’re crazy for ever thinking there could be something more than friendship between you, even though all your friends and co-workers and bosses and relatives think something more is going on. anyway. I hate getting old.
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latitudesunknown · 4 years
Tiny Haven Gazette #3
In which I drop the gazette format because it takes an ungodly amount of time and nobody cares. 🎉
My house gets a first floor, and coincidentally, my storage doubles, which is a relief. That should free me from spending 30mn every day desperately trying to figure out what to part with for at least a month.
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So much space!
And now that it’s been upgraded, I get more customization options and can change the outside of my house!
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By sheer dumb luck, I finally figure out how to get money trees!!!! I can’t believe it took me so long (although I’m very happy I never looked the answer up online). I should have known there was something up with the glowing golden hole that appeared whenever you dug up some money, that thing was clearly magic!
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My pockets were full, so I had no choice but to bury back the money bag I’d just dug out, and this happened. Honestly considering how often I walk around with full pockets I’m astounded this didn’t happen sooner.
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So now I have a little money tree orchard. Next experience: does the money tree give you MORE money if you plant a bigger money bag? Tried it this morning, will get an answer in a few days.
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That’s it. There’s no story to go with it, but it’s the first rainbow I’ve seen in the game!
I can’t stop thinking about that sweet little cow I saw on @astorytotellyourfriends​​ ‘s island last week, so I decide to build the last house in the hopes of finding her on an island and inviting her over. 
In the process, I realize I could have built myself a beach house all along.
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To my horror, however, the very next morning, the house has been sold to a stranger!
Thankfully, my new neighbour, while not being Norma, is just as sweet.
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I covet her living room SO BADLY. And also I kinda wanna eat her. Why would you design a rhinoceros to look like a cake?! She must get nightmares where people run after her, trying to bite off her strawberry horn.
Shortly after, and as a result of me ignoring him completely for a few days, Phebus FINALLY decides to leave the island.
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I actually took a chance when I decided to talk to him, considering that’s the way he always looks.
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“Good luck with the neighbours, their stories and their problems... you’re going to need a good dose of patience!”
That shouldn’t be a problem because, unlike you, I actually like people!
And because I like people, of course, joke’s on me, because I feel super sad to see him leave. 🙄
Following his departure, I start buying mystery island tickets like a crazy person, hoping to bump into Norma, but so far, no luck.
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Why did I meet so many chickens?!
It’s the second day Phebus’s old house is on sale and I’m sure it’ll get sold to a random NPC any second now. The stress is intense!
I don’t know what’s up with them but everyone on the island keeps asking me if they should change their catchphrases! After the tenth time, I finally give in with Lili, assuming she’ll just come up with a new one on her own, but then am faced with a horrible screen that is asking ME to come up with something on the spot!
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Have I mentioned how much I love it when she makes that face?
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It took me ten minutes and some internet research to come up with this. This is too big of a responsibility!!
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At least she was happy about it.
I’ve gone back to refusing to help the others, though. At least not until I can come up with proper catchphrases for them!
For the very first time, I get asked to play postman for my villagers. See, Nacer’s been bonding with Kali (no wonder, since they’re both jocks), but he was too shy to give him a present himself.
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“Kali has helped me so much, I picked up a present for him. But I’m too shy to give it to him myself...”
Feeling like cupid, I hurry to Kali’s house. 👼🏹💘
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“A frog costume! Oh la la!”
I have to admit that wasn’t the kind of gift I’d been expecting considering how much they both love sports, but ok!
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“Did Kali say something about the gift?”
That was super cute, I hope I’ll get more requests like it!
In the span of one week I must have learnt about 20 new mimics, which, honestly, I find baffling. Most of them are just sliiiiight variations, it’s ridiculous. In the game I used to work on we ended up with about 50 expressions per character, but that was because they needed to express a wide range of emotions in very subtle ways. You don’t need that for cute island critters, especially when emoting is such a slow process in the first place!
Justine visits again one night, which gets everyone on the island talking.
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“Since we have a visitor, I’ve baked some cakes. I hope she’ll like them...”
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“I absolutely MUST tell her ‘hi’ before she leaves!”
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“No, don’t mind me, you’ve got a visitor! Focus on being a good hostess!”
I like their reactions so much I spend more time speaking with my islanders than my visitors whenever I have one, haha.
Also, I love the smoke trails in the sky whenever a plane leaves. That small connection to a bigger world is very comforting.
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Abraham, true to himself, is adorable.
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“Good evening, sweets! Grum grom grom... My tummy also says good evening!”
Later we play to a little game with freakishly accurate results.
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“Let’s play! Tell me your favourite color, and I will tell you what food you are.”
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“You chose orange, which means you’re easy to live with, but you can also sometimes feel lonely.”
In the end, he said I was an onion. Layers, y’see.
I also finally figure out how to eavesdrop on people’s conversations, and get treated to many a story.
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Lili : I just read my horoscope... You’re not gonna believe it! It’s sick!
Phebus : What am I supposed to not believe, exactly? The horoscope, or the fact that you managed to read it through? You know what, just tell me what it said, let’s get this over with.
Lili : Listen to this... “Your travels will bring good surprises.” Isn’t that sick?! Especially for me, because I love good surprises!
Phebus : Um... I guess? I mean, I don’t know. How did that make you sick? I’m confused.
Lili : Nah, just wait! After that, I went shopping, and it was the spring sales! Get that, I got a sweet little dress on sale! I was so happy I thought I was going to pass out!
Phebus : What?! Don’t kid with that! D’you need me to call for help?
Lili (totally ignoring him) : So anyway I put on my new dress and went for a walk. And that’s when it started raining big time, and I got drenched... Why didn’t my horoscope warn me about that?!
Phebus : I don’t know... have you tried reading the weather column instead?
I catch Vanessa and Maëlle talking about a movie they both watched... except they both remember it very differently...
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Maëlle : Oh, Vanessa, thanks for lending me that movie, I loved it! The costumes were gorgeous... I want the leading lady’s straw hat!
Vanessa : And that chase in hydro planes! Pfiiiiiiiouuu, ppfffz, ka-BOUM! That was awesome sauce!
Maëlle : And that dress with golden trimmings that she wears at the picnic... that was fine art!
Vanessa : And what about the fight against the giant robot? When he punches a hole in the planet? Whazaam!
Maëlle : Yes! He really stole the scene with his diamond plates... It must have cost a fortune! ... ... Wait, did you say he punched a hole in a planet? Was that before or after the ball?
Later, I find the same two talking about Maëlle’s insect infestation problem (probably caused by all the sweets she keeps in her house, just saying). When she asks me what I would do, I tell her I’d just move out, which gets me a VERY judgmental look from Vanessa.
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“How do you manage to get rid of them?”
Vanessa’s solution, in the end, is for Maëlle to sell her house to “an insect-loving weirdo”. I wish I knew if that was a dig at Abraham or if it’s just a coincidence.
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“Bah, that can’t be impossible. You just need a real weirdo who thinks insects aren’t so bad!”
Lili and Raymond get into a big argument about Lili’s cooking skills...
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Raymond : By the way, Lili, I haven’t thanked you for lunch the other day! It was very good!
Lili : “Very good”? Seriously, don’t you have something even more corny? Nobody says that anymore! Don’t you mean it was delicious? Or maybe extremely refined? Or maybe super exquisite?
Raymond : Oh! You’re right, I’m sorry. Um, it was... delectable... succulent... A concentrate of sheer deliciousness!
Lili : And?
Raymond : And... every bite sent my taste buds into a transcendental ecstasy?
Lili : Oh! Is that a question or a statement, Raymond?
Raymond : A statement, of course! Pff... All that to describe a stupid sole meunière...
Lili : Don’t tell me you’ve just called my sole meunière, my mother’s own recipe!, “stupid”?!
I’m still amazed that they parted in good terms, I thought for sure Lili would keep on fuming
After trying to get my first residents to spruce up their apartments, with mitigating results...
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I mean, the ball, jars and punching sack are all gifts of mine, so that’s cool he’s got them all out at the same time, but that’s still a sad little barren house.
I finally look it up online and discover their houses are actually not supposed to be like this at all! Turns out poor Nacer, Vanessa, Abraham, Renée and Lili are all stuck with generic houses because they got to my island too soon!
This is what Renée’s house should look like! 
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So I’ve decided to try and gift them all their true houses’ furniture, little by little. I know they can’t change their wallpapers or floors, but hopefully if I get them the right couches, beds, etc, they’ll display them all. 🤞
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concussed-to-pieces · 6 years
The Audacity
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Incubus!Jeff Hardy/Female Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirsty Crew, happy Valentine's Day! Tagging the broskis @toxiicpop,  @oraclegazes and @hardcorewwetrash as is my custom! This was written for @helplessly-nonstop 's Winter Writing Challenge, utilizing prompt number thirty two: “May God bang us all.” “Well, he may not bang us, but I will definitely bang you.” Enjoy!
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: Contains mentions of typical incubus behavior, vague and absolutely inaccurate summoning rituals, blood in general and a hint of sacrilege. Stay safe!]
Catchphrases were sort of your thing. Witty quips and one-liners were all but your bread and butter. They had served you well in your life. That is, until now.
You stared at the...whatever it was in your apartment, the thing that seemed to be slowly solidifying into a vaguely masculine form. Your finger was still stinging from nicking it with that steak knife, but you pushed it away for the moment.
Your creative brain was having a real bear of a time parsing what it was seeing, and your words failed you as the...well, probably-male figure shook his head and stretched his arms out with an obnoxiously loud yawn.
“‘Bout fuckin’ time.” He groaned. You were abruptly pinned to the floor, a set of curious green eyes boring into your own. “You summoned me, yeah? Well, whatcha’ want?”
“I uh. Pardon?” You asked weakly.
Those eyes narrowed. “Playin’ coy, huh? Nice try.”
“How...How did you get in here?”
His right eye twitched and he settled back on his haunches, making an irritated noise while he gathered the long, dark hair out of his face. “You've gotta’ be shittin' me. I'm askin’ for a circle redesign, this is the third fuckin’ prank call in a hundred years!” He griped, hands working behind his head to tie his hair back. “Finally have the chance to work all my kinks out and it's just some slack-jaw sittin’ in their livin’ room!”
“Hey!” You yelped. “Excuse the hell out of me, buddy! If someone decided to magically appear in the middle of your living room, I'm sure you'd be pretty slack-jawed yourself!”
“I'd get a shovel, if we're bein’ hypothetical,” the man(?) replied, prowling around you on all fours. His baggy pants dragged on the floor. They looked strikingly similar to something you would have worn during an emo phase (which you may or may not have had in your younger years). “I'm not exactly big on hospitality.” His right shoulder blade and arm were covered with a tattoo that looked eerily like a network of large, hole-riddled veins. Your overactive imagination swore up and down that it was glowing faintly purple and shifting more than could be explained away by his motion.
A discordant jangle caught your attention and you glanced down, noticing for the first time that he was wearing a collar with a long length of chain attached. Try as you might, you couldn't seem to locate the other end of the chain. You hurriedly got to your feet and sidestepped out of the loop he was making around your ankles. “Listen, I don't know who you are or how you got in here, but if you leave now I won't call the police.” You gave him what you hoped was a stern look.
“You summoned me, y’ dumb--look at the damn floor.” He retorted, gesturing at the area he had appeared. Specifically, the area of thick rug where you had been absently dragging your fingers through the luxurious pile of fibers and enjoying a lonely steak dinner.
You had cut yourself accidentally while trying to slice off another piece from the steak, the serrated blade of the steak knife easily parting your skin. Blood had started to dribble quickly, splattering onto the plate and the rug when you bolted to your feet to grab a paper towel. And when you had returned…
“That,” The man stressed, pointing at the messy circle and lines you had drawn into the velour of the rug, “is my circle. You gave a human blood offerin’ after drawin' the circle, kinda’ old school but whatever. So I'm here now. Here to fulfill your needs.” He spoke slowly, obviously mocking you. “You get all that?”
“Well no, not really. I...h-hey, let go!” You exclaimed when he snagged your wounded hand.
He proceeded to ignore you and smear the tiny amount of blood left on your finger with the end of his nose, looking back up at you after several moments of silence. His pupils had shrunk to pinpoints in the green-blue of his irises. “You have no idea what you've done, do you.” It was sort of a question. Maybe. You shook your head. “Augh. What the fuck.”
“Get fucked Sunshine, your shitty attitude and vague explanations aren't helping whatever situation I'm in right now!” You snapped, entirely through with his griping.
“You brought me here, okay? I only show up for one thing.” He said after a long pause where he seemed to be trying to formulate a sentence. “I don't look like this normally. I look like this because that's what you wanted. I’m here only because you asked...or, demanded. Bein’ summoned can get to be a gray area after a while. Do you at least know what I'm here for?”
“I don't understand any of this so, no.”
He put his face in his hands, yowling down into his palms in what was clearly frustration. “Alright butterbean, no sense beatin’ around the bush. Since you're a damn dumbass. I'm here to fuck you.” He snarled finally. “I'm summoned to fuck. You specifically. You designed my body. That's how this shit works. It's made to be appealin’ to you.”
I'm here to fuck you.
You were entirely at a loss, staring at him in disbelief.
You designed my body.
You inhaled sharply, trying to keep your eyes from wandering. He still seemed to notice, if his little smirk was any indicator. “You like what you made? It's all yours to play with. Every inch.” He undulated his body, hands laced behind his head in a smug pose. “You're lookin’ hungry. Why not let me satiate that appetite of yours?”
“I...I am just so confused right now.” You said weakly.
“Don’t think. You're alone on Valentine's Day and I am the answer to your heart’s call.” He murmured.
“I mean that's great and all but...hey, how do you know I'm alone?!” You exclaimed, folding your arms across your chest.
He raised an eyebrow at you, then glanced pointedly down at the solitary plate on the carpet. “Really?”
“Good God you're rude. Supernatural entity my ass, I've met sixth graders with more maturity.”
Those green eyes flashed dangerously. “Your God's got nothin’ to do with me an’ that's just how I like it.”
“Well well! The personalized fuck machine has daddy issues. Who could have guessed?” You shot back, confused when a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“Mm, I like this. Sharp little knife of a thing, ain't you?” He advanced, forcing you to step backwards or risk being within reach. “Who made you that way? Doubt you came out the womb spittin' venom.”
“I trained in the mountains. Sat under waterfalls and wrestled bears.”
“Aha, you're so quick. It's been ages since anyone's given me this level of sass.” Your back hit the wall and his hands pressed to the space over your shoulders, loosely caging you in. “I can’t hurt you. I'm only here for one thing. Sure I like playin' with my food, but I won't do anythin' you don't consent to, my little blade.”
The term should have been insulting, and yet, it seemed almost...endearing when he said it. Affectionate. As though he believed you were dangerous and actually respected you for it.
“So what do you want me to do? What's your heart's desire in the bedroom? Your softest wish, the one you ain't told nobody?” He whispered the words, his voice low. “Whatever you want, my beautiful, sharp-edged summoner, it's yours.”
“Whew, you say some wild shit.” You managed to reply after a moment of mentally fanning yourself. He was so close, his chest nearly touching your own every time he took a breath. You felt warm and a little giddy, dizzy from the attention he was lavishing upon you.
“I say what I need to.” His fingers brushed your cheek. “An' I wait for the go-ahead on everythin’ else.” He grimaced suddenly, hand flying to the collar around his neck. “Fuck you, that's how it's always been. No need t' strangle me old man.” He snarled under his breath.
“Who are you talking to?” You asked in bewilderment.
“The oh-so-merciful one holdin’ the other end of the chain.” He coughed out the words, air wheezing in his throat. You could see that the chain was pulled as tight as it could go. “He gets wound up about nasty things like me. Wants me to be ugly about this an’ I--”
His voice abruptly cut off and he clawed at the collar, seemingly unable to undo the simple buckle you could plainly see.
You reached out your hand to him without thinking and strangely, he took it and pressed it to his cheek. ‘Thank you’, he mouthed. His luminous eyes were pained when he released you.
Your fingers snatched at the buckle beneath his chin, the sharp metal punching into the skin of his throat. His eyes widened as your other hand came up and started to feed the free end of the collar through the buckle. It was harder than you thought it would be; jagged spikes laced the inside of the leather like shark's teeth, digging in and refusing to let go. “Hang on, okay?” You muttered, wriggling the strap with all your might.
“What are you-?” His breathing hitched and he fumbled to grab your wrist. “Y’ can't, wai--” He pleaded, shaking his head.
You glared at him, your eyes narrowed. “Listen, if what I'm doing is wrong, is an affront to the big man or whoever it is that's choking you out right now, well…” You paused, finally loosening the buckle enough to pull the strap free. Those spikes tore out of his neck and you flung the collar across the room with all your might. “Then I guess...may God bang me for my insolence, or whatever. May God bang us all.” You finished proudly, dusting off your hands in a self-satisfied manner.
“Well,” The man in front of you drawled as he straightened up, his teeth flashing in a lazy grin, “He may not bang us, but I will definitely bang you.” The wounds on his neck had started bleeding lightly, like they were nothing but scrapes instead of the deep punctures you knew them to be. Hands slammed into the wall over your shoulders and he leaned in close. “The name's Jeff, little blade, an’ it seems I owe you a debt of gratitude.” Those vibrant green eyes fell to your mouth. ���I could never remove the collar myself, and no one has ever been particularly interested in releasin’ me from it.” Jeff's breath ghosted across your lips. “I assume you'll accept payment up front?” He whispered.
When had your hands landed on his shoulders? Your palms pressed down on the flesh beneath them, fingers fumbling at Jeff's skin. What an ordinary name.
Seeming to sense your hesitation, Jeff dropped to one knee in front of you. Firm hands grabbed your hips and he began pressing kisses to your stomach right above where your skirt began. “Let me please you?” He murmured against your shirt, a growl rumbling in his throat. “It's the least I can do, y'know.”
Their fingers were smearing the blood that had started to pool in the divots of his shoulders and collarbone. Jeff bit the satisfied snarl down into a safe little growl, his neck tendons snapping taut beneath this unfamiliar skin. This precious little dagger of a human had no idea what they were doing to him; a concealed blade that slid its way between his ribs to prick his long-cold heart.
He inhaled sharply through his teeth when their hands moved up into his hair, tugging it gently at the roots. They still reeked of sadness and frustration, tastes bitter on his tongue. “Why the hell not,” They mumbled. “Go on ahead.”
Jeff was an incubus. For as long as he could remember, as long as he had been collared, he had been driven forward by a bone-deep desire to conquer, claim, intimidate. With the leash gone though, it was as if everything became smooth. He could see past the tunnel vision of what he was made for and venture tentatively into the new realm of what he could actually do.
And this human had made it possible.
Jeff jerked the metal snap on their jeans off with one twist of his fingers, sending it flying outside the halo of light from the lone lamp. They gasped, their hands grabbing his own.
Jeff could have pulled away. Easily. Overpowered them easily. Taken them easily. Something stopped him, the knife point piercing him just a bit more. Their eyes were startled, knuckles whitened with the effort of stilling his hands.
“Be gentle, okay?” They said, “Don't hurt me.”
Jeff was seized with a strange sensation. He didn't want to hurt them, that was the odd part. But hurting so often seemed to go hand in hand with acts like this, leaving him at a loss. He let them cup his face and he sucked their wounded finger into his mouth, making them inhale as he laved the sensitive skin with his rough tongue.
“Show me.” He muttered, quickly returning their finger to his mouth after he spoke. He felt them press down on his tongue, a light pressure that turned into a stroking motion. They seemed to be marveling at the texture more than anything, which was amusing. “I imagine you’d like this tongue in at least one other place, yeah?” He prompted, grinning at the way he could feel their pulse start to race. “Lay down, little blade. Show me what you like.”
They obliged after a little more coaxing, their shyness nearly too endearing for Jeff to handle. He wanted to fuck it out of them, but at the same time he loved it so much he never wanted them to stop. The way they curled up, the way their body trembled and heated under his touch...it was intoxicating.
When they finally, finally helped him peel their jeans off, Jeff was certain that he was dreaming. Their thighs fell open for him without another protest, his sweet little blade unfurling the most delicate petals he had ever encountered. Awed, almost dazed, Jeff slid his fingers over them, collecting the slick that had gathered. They whimpered, the noise rippling down his spine in a shudder of want.
Jeff covered the insides of their thighs with kisses and nips, tormenting himself with the knowledge that they were right there but they needed him like this. Needed these lip-presses and bites far more than anything else at the moment. They had laid down on the very edge of the circle of light cast by the lamp, their face and upper body illuminated by the soft glow. He watched them bite down on their own knuckles, eyes closed and head tipped back.
He couldn't refrain any longer.
Jeff buried his face in the apex of their thighs. They cried out at the first stroke of his rough tongue, their free hand raking through his hair. Jeff growled against them and made no effort to hide the noises of his satisfaction, of their own wetness. He alternated between lashing their clit and soothing it with the smooth back of his tongue, the differing textures more than enough to make them knead at his scalp and mewl like a helpless kitten.
“Tell me how much y’ like it, my darlin’ summoner.” He whispered, looking up at them and then slowly, slowly easing his tongue into them. The textured surface rubbed against their inner walls, urging forth a half-choked noise of desperation when he withdrew it. “Tell me whether I'm bein’ too rough, okay?” Jeff continued, thrusting his tongue back home to punctuate his request.
He set a pace that made his body ache, trying his hardest to be gentle while fucking them with his tongue. As deeply as he could reach, as slow as he could force himself to go, the flat of his tongue pressing upwards towards their pubic mound while his hand rubbed circles on their belly. Jeff closed his lips around their clit every time he fully sheathed his tongue in them, enfolding the sensitive nerves in the heat of his mouth.
He wasn't sure how many times they came. They kept twitching and begging for more, their cracking voice a melody sweeter than any pleasure he had ever experienced. Hands in his hair, thighs gripping the sides of his head like they would die if he moved from between their legs...Jeff was certain this beautiful little blade had been rammed home into his heart.
He continued his breathless assault, his cock stiff and rubbing fruitlessly against the fabric of his baggy pants. Jeff took a selfish moment to grind his pelvis against their wet heat, his legs quivering with the desire to bury his cock in them and claim them until the sky pinked with dawn. But he shook it off, returning to working them over with his fingers and tongue. “One more for me? Can y’ maybe give me one more?” He murmured, chuckling at the whine of breath they let out. “It’s jus’ one more, little blade, I know you got it in ya’.”
They propped themselves up on shaking arms, their ability to still move surprising Jeff. He was even more surprised when they beckoned him up, up their body to their mouth. The kiss they gifted him was hungry, sweet, breaths panting into his mouth as they licked timidly over his tongue. There was nothing timid about the way they ground their hips against his own, though.
Jeff choked on his breath, grunting while they rocked their heat against the rigid line of his stiff cock. Their slick soaked through his pants and he let them push him onto his back, let them grind against the obviously display of his need. This was new. He had never abstained from penetration.
They continued to shift their hips back and forth over his clothed cock, the press and slide of them absolutely maddening. It was a tease of a fuck, a pantomime that threatened to kill him with every hypnotic motion. Jeff’s hands fell to their hips, fingers digging in as he bucked up against them. He indulged in the newness of this fuck-tease for what felt like a lifetime, his pants saturated through with a mixture of their slick and his own. It eased the friction, urging him on more and more to hold their hips and force them down. He could feel the head of his cock prod their entrance every now and then through the fabric, that taunting little hitch that made them gasp and croon.
Jeff had never thought that not penetrating someone could be this exhilarating, the muscles in his thighs straining against the desire to come. His body teetered halfway between frustration and completion for a short eternity, their fingers covering his own on their hips all the catalyst he apparently needed.
Jeff's head fell back, his breath caught in his throat and when they bent down to kiss him, he moaned into their mouth while coming all over the inside of his pants. They just kept kissing him, their own body shuddering at the sensory overload of his previous ministrations. Jeff silently wrapped his arms around their shoulders and pinned them to his chest, their ear pressed to where his heart would be thundering.
But something like him had lost its heart a long time ago.
When you woke up, you kept your eyes shut against the sunlight. You felt…
It was a mixture of headache and low level buzz under your skin. Your whole body was tender, half-numb but too sensitive all at once. The sheets twisted in your fingers as you pulled them up over your head, blocking out a little more of the light pouring in through the window.
What a night, you mused. Bits and pieces of it played back, making you blush and bury your face in your pillow. Hell of a way to spend a lonely Valentine's Day, wet-dreaming yourself into a coma!
When you opened your eyes though, you were met with the hysterical proof that last night had not, in fact, been a dream. You yelped in dismay as you stared down at the dark red marks on the insides of your thighs, headache forgotten while you floundered to get out of your bed. Struggling into your bathrobe, you rushed to the living room as fast as you could.
A sheet of paper laid in the middle of the very obviously disturbed rug. You cringed as you took in all the lines that looked suspiciously like they had been clawed by fingers, all the areas that were pushed in a different direction than the rest of the carpet. That was what you got for splurging on a such a plush velour rug, you supposed.
You crept to the piece of paper (which appeared to be a note) and after hesitating for another moment, you knelt and picked it up gingerly.
My beautiful little knife,
Leaving before the reality sets in is pretty much my forte, I'll apologize for that. Normally I'm thrown out as a fantasy until the poor soul's belly starts to swell with the fruits of my labor. Now that you freed me, well…I'm not really sure what trouble I can get into, but I am sure you're going to see me again. Promise I'm not going to spend my free time ravishing morons in their living rooms. Unless it's your living room, of course. You're too sharp for me to be able to stay away for very long.
Happy Valentine’s and all that crap,
“Oh.” You breathed, your fingers tracing over the messy circular pattern he had drawn in the lower left corner of the paper. “Damn. Alright then. Thank you, overly-expensive fuzzy rug.” You continued aloud, petting the fibers beneath your knees as a grin slowly snuck it's way onto your face. “Happy Valentine's Day to me in-fucking-deed. May God bang us one and all.”
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