#happy kleeschensdag
boreussia-durmmund · 6 years
6th door - Impatient
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“Baby girl. Vicky, please. I knowie knowie you can do it.” Roman begged for another time.
He was getting frustrated and impatient, especially impatient.
He knew that she should be able to start walking by now but she just decided to be lazy instead. Roman was trying his best the third day in a row today but he wasn't very succesful so far. Whenever he asked her to take a step, there were three option of what she was willing to do: Saying 'no dadda', which was the best option because she was talking at least, just shaking her head at him while grinning brightly, or simply letting herself drop to the ground, the option he liked the least because it felt like a big fuck you to him although he wouldn't say this in front of her.
“Come on, look. This is howie you doie it.” Roman explained and for the 20th time this hour he took a very slow step forward making sure she was watching.
It didn't matter how often he tried to show her, she just didn't want to. It was driving him crazy. The fact that Isabelle was sitting on the couch next to them and was giving unuseful comments wasn't making it a bit better.
He was taking her hands, lifting her up from the sitting position into a standing one before trying to go a bit further away from her, forcing her to take a step towards him – at least that was the plan- it didn't work out once again. Victoria just let herself drop onto her knees on the carpet the both of them were on.
“Roman just give it up, okay? She's gonna learn it on her own eventually, when you don't expect her to.” Isabelle told him slightly annoyed barely looking up from the laptop.
“But she can stand so she should be able to walk and you wouldn't know, you aren't the one trying here anyway.” “Yes, because I know it's not making sense.”
She rolled her eyes at him and something about it really pissed him off. He didn't know what he did for her to be mad at him.
“Yeah you are rather looking at your computer not caring.” “What? Roman what are trying to say? That I am not caring about our daughter? I'm looking for a kindergarten for her, you know this and honestly I don't want to discuss what I am doing for our daughter with you. Don't dare to accuse me of being bad mother, okay? You are not in the position to do this.” She was crying.
He didn't know how this happened because this wasn't what he had meant, he just was frustrated and she didn't sleep well for a long time and he knew it his fault that she was crying.
“I'm sorry.” But then he felt something on his leg, looking down he saw Vicky taking a hesitant step towards him.
“Vicky, I'm so proud of you.” He said picking her up into his arms.
“Dadda, mama sa” she stated poiting to where Isa was sitting.
'Sa' was how she said sad, they tried to improve it but it didn't work out so far.
“I know I know it's daddy's fault.” He saw Isabelle smile at him slightly through her tears.
“Cuddy” Vicky decided and Roman agreed walking over to his wife with his daughter in his arms.
“I am really sorry. I was just frustrated and I didn't mean to say this. You are great mum, no one comes close, except for my mum maybe.”
She chuckled a bit, the apology and some cuddles from Vicky and her father helped fixing this because in the end she was right, Victori did it when Roman did not expect her to.
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