#happy to see my little fool 😳♥️
sodadenaranjaja · 2 years
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Quick sketch.
he looks so full 😩✨♥️
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kumaonna · 2 years
thoughts on collar x malice no one asked for
(in order of play):
my ride or die (literally)
very sweet
lovely cgs
i still got genuinely mad on my second play through when ichika realizes he wants to die for her, even after i knew it was coming 😭
second play through made everything he said and did make way more sense, and the whole time i was like… this mf….. YOU CANT FOOL ME
and then he promptly did, because i am a simp and the writing makes him very lovable
the whole “do you even know how angry I am rn” in the park after ichika leaves still made me 😳… very sweet moment
he was my first route accidentally when i initially played, so i didn’t really notice, but on the second time through after playing everyone’s route, i realized how isolated his route felt. which makes sense given the mandates of the situation
probably my favorite route of all, so im glad he was my first :)
he is genuinely such a fun character
i love his contrast to the other members, and the fact that you just become one half of a whole idiot in his route is very refreshing
his ending was a little weird? some of the pacing felt off, but i liked his character so much i didn’t rlly care
love my fake eyepatch boy
this bitch
i love him and i hate it
which i think is probably the general consensus on him
his dialogue is seriously so funny sometimes
he’s just frustrating in general, but i can’t bring myself to hate him bc i know he’s good at heart
i also know this mf would deep dive my online history and clown me for an eternity
when he does the smile and eyebrow raise thing…. Yeah…..
was NOT looking forward to his route
found myself genuinely enjoying it, surprisingly
and then he ruins everything :|
but then he fixes it :)
then ruins it again :|
continues ruining it
and then fixes it for good :)
honestly started liking him when i found out he played with stray cats…. Like he can’t be ALL bad, right…..
partially correct. but even now, still unsure how much of his interaction was real and how much was fake
which i guess is kinda the point bc it doesn’t really matter. what’s important was that he was doing it, not why (or so yanagi says 🤨)
anyway came to enjoy him and really feel for him in the ending ♥️💔
ngl i bought this game solely for yanagi initially
saw him in the trailer, was like DAMN, and then pressed purchase. dilf detector was off the charts
come to find out i had to do the rest of the routes first😑
but it really did make for a better playing experience, so i can respect it. loved having all my boys in the ending
knew i would like him, and was correct
just a comforting presence through and through
optimal malewife
was srsly hurt when he said “🙂time to shut you down completely🙂”
but it was short-lived, so the dilf is forgiven
when he ROLLS HIS R’s at the BAR WHEN YOU GET DRUNK??????? good lord, man. i needed a minute
was also feeling super embarrassed during that whole interaction. mega awkward and made me scrunch up when ichika leans her head on his shoulder and he is like?? you’re THAT drunk??? i mega cringed, but not in a bad way. just in the extremely embarrassed way😭
was happy to finally learn about his tragic past and all
his patience and kindness towards ichika is just….. so sweet…. ;; and when the kid comes crying to him in the park i went 😔yeah
his ending was very sweet. definitely in my top two
overall i fell in love with the way ichika’s character shifts depending on the route, and i was very happy to see it created tangible difference in her interactions with others and her decisions
the way ichika reacts to sasazuka while in yanagi’s route is different than the way she reacts when in sasazuka’s route, same with enomoto, etc.
ngl…. the intro about outro are kinda misses for me, but i appreciate them nonetheless😭
cgs are just. fantastic
at first when buying i thought $40 seemed kinda high, and even after a few routes (upon returning to the game months later) i still sort of felt that way, but now after doing all the routes and with everything wrapped up i can say it was well worth the money :)
which is precisely why i bought and am going to start collar x malice unlimited exactly rn 💀
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