#happy valentines to the OG red & pink couple
riverdalehighvixens · 8 years
A Jarchie prompt: Jughead and Archie celebrate Valentine's day late, but only because Archie knows Jughead thinks it a corny celebration, so he plans a whole special evening, singing him one of his songs. It doesn't take long for Jughead to realize what Archie had planned.
Yes! My first JARCHIE!! This turned out longer than I expected, though a bit of it is song lyrics (that I made up because we all know Archie is an og guy). 
My usual fluff/cute style sprinkled with Jughead’s sarcasm and some classy ~ qp jarchie
750 words / G / AO3
On Valentine’s Day, Jughead was fed up, andArchie could tell.
His shoulders were tensely held in a slouchas he gave the death stare to any pink or red item within his line of sight.The whole day he raged on and on about how fake, how commercialized, and justhow downright cheesy the whole day was. Archie new that he couldn’t get awaywith doing anything for Jughead onValentine’s, but he had a plan for the next day.
It’s the day after Valentine’s and Jugheadis happy to be rid of the whole damn thing. The unnecessary commotion is gone,the singles are no longer looking longingly at their coupled friends, and he iseven going to be hanging out with Archie tonight.
It’s a great day.
Archie drives Jughead back to his houseafter football practice (Archie) and writing for the Blue and Gold (Jughead). Theywave hi to Fred before Archie begins to lead them to the garage.
Jughead stops in his tracks, “No stoppingat the kitchen first?” he asks, raising his eyebrows in questions.
Archie smiles and shakes his head, “No Jug,but I’ll grab something for you if you wait for me in the garage, I have a songto show you,” he runs off towards the kitchen, leaving Jughead to supposedlywalk to the garage.
Jughead looks towards Fred, who shrugs backat him, then sighs and walks to the garage.
He sits on a fold-out chair that has atable between it and another, and takes in the new soundproofing. Archie’sguitar is lying out on the other chair, and Jughead hears the door open behindhim.
He turns to see Archie holding a massiveplate of sliders in one hand –  theminiature hamburgers stacked on top of each other in a pyramid – and in theother hand, a party size bag of chips.
He can feel himself begin to salivate.
“Arch,” he says as the man himself walksover to sit across from him, “you know I love these,” Archie places the platein front of him.
“Because with mini-burgers you can eat more,” Archie finishes for him with asmile, knowing Jughead is loving this.
Jughead begins to stuff the sliders in hismouth as Archie starts strumming a new tune on his guitar. He slows his chewingto listen as the redhead sang.
Sincewe were young ones
Playingout in the sun ones
Youalways had my back
Makingup for what I lack
 Itwas just us two
Insidejokes only we knew
Didn’tneed other friends
Together‘til the end
And Iknow that you are…
Youknow that I care
Ustwo a great pair
 Itdoesn’t matter where we go
Aslong as you know
ThatI’m here for you
Justlike you would do
 Jughead can feel himself nearly gettingemotional from the song and thinks about how cheesy this is, then backtracks inhis mind.
He watches Archie as he finishes the song, squintsat him, and puts 2 and 2 together. He looks from his slider, to Archie, to theguitar, to the chips and back at Archie.
“So?” Archie says, waiting for Jughead’sreaction.
Jughead leans back in his chair, “’twaslovely,” he deadpans, and watches as Archie realizes that Jughead has caughthim.
“I just wanted to do something nice foryou!” Archie exclaims, face starting to fall and Jughead nods.
“Sure,” he stuffs another slider in hismouth, “you got away with it this time Arch,” he cracks open the chips, hopeshowing on Archie’s face. He continues, “I want a copy of that song,” pointingto the guitar in Archie’s lap and the ginger has broken into a smile, “and I’m finishingthese so go get yourself something,” he says, grabbing the plate and Archiestands. He grips the plate tighter.
“Alright,” Archie gets up and claps Jug onthe shoulder, “I’ll grab my own snack,” he walks over and opens the garage doorthat lead to the house, “but I’m giving you a hug later!” he yells over hisshoulder as he leaves.
“Fine!” Jughead shouts back before the doorcloses.
He looks at the plate of burgers in his lapand thinks of his own little metaphor.
“Might be cheesy,” he picks up a slider,talking to himself, “but that doesn’t mean it’s not good,” he says, thenattempts to but the whole burger in his mouth at once.
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