#happybirthdaybabe isuckatthis isuckattitles butmoresotheintroductionbutitworks
Happy Birthday!!
@the-rain-shall-fall So...uh...I tried this fic thing that you’re good at. Keyword here is ‘’tried’’. Anyway, I know this is your jam so I thought ‘why not?’ It’s my first time writing a fic thingie so I’m sure there are a lot of mistakes....but anyway happy birthday to the best Vandy ever!! > . < haven’t known you for very long but you make my heart go doki dok//ok nu that was gay but seriously I love you soooooooooooo much I hope you have a super duper special day with all your loved ones <3 alsosorrythissuckssoyoumightwannaneedneweyesafterreading. Edit: Probs should speak about what this is about first? Inspired by a friend’s suggestion, I decided to write something about Seven’s unrequited love for Yoosung. Longing for him was out of the question so Seven tries to cope with it. Well das about it~ ------------------------------------ Ship: yooseven Setting: pre-original story ------------------------------------
                                           Sweet Caramel
It was like a ball of sunshine forcefully made its way into the grimmest, most hopeless and darkest of caves. The obscure cavern’s entrance was sealed by an immense sturdy wall that protected it from curious nearby onlookers. If they wanted to trespass, they would be forced to remain behind the wall. If they tried to break it down, the cavern itself would sometimes fight back. Soon enough, the curious onlookers would leave. No matter how many times they tried to bring down this wall, they would eventually give up—until he came along. His bright smile and innocent eyes managed to cause a crack in that solid wall, it slowly and gradually crumbling without the cavern’s knowledge. It didn’t know what it was like, losing its only powerful barrier that protected it from every single living thing. Now it lays bare, naked and vulnerable in front of a powerful shimmering person. Worst part? The glowing entity was not even aware of what it did—it wasn’t even trying to break down anything; the barrier just naturally melted, along with a certain hacker’s heart. He remembers it just like it was yesterday. Due to Rika needing some help with the party, she borrowed her cousin who was a high school student about to graduate. His name…Yoosung Kim. Seven was asked to add him into RFA and so he did. At first, he didn’t think much of him in the chatroom. He knows Yoosung to be this model student who was in the student committee—a serious person who obviously liked his cousin a bit too clearly. Seven started getting to know him soon enough, before Rika’s sudden death. The kid was innocent, honest, gullible, straight-forward with his actions and words, doesn’t mess around….the exact opposite of him. Yoosung was void of faults; he’s just a harmless boy who doesn’t know what to do in college and loves making coffee. His specialty is cooking omelets, his heart dedicated to a future girlfriend he hasn't met yet, but is frantically looking for that certain special someone. Seven thought that probably –just probably- this kind of person wouldn't mind accepting someone like him, a harmful hacker, so he pushed those thoughts out of the way and focused on his daily work, avoiding a cheerful entity like Yoosung before the two of them end up regretting it. It was harder than anything else. After Rika became no longer part of this world, Yoosung changed a little—from his hair to his grades. No, he also became much…sweeter, though he was always grieving for the loss of an important person, spending most of his time on a game, unable to sleep and study. The blond’s heart hoped for a miracle, and Seven watched him from afar, wishing nothing more than being allowed to be by his side—not as a lover, but at least as a friend. Being friends with a hacker…a dangerous hacker living in obscurity, away from the light of the outer world. However, Yoosung’s light could be compared to that of an entire world’s worth, something that the lonely hacker unfortunately found out on his own, just by chatting with the boy on the messenger that he himself created. Day by day, the redhead began developing a habit of teasing the little blond; the more he pranked him, the more Yoosung would pout and cry. It was a stress-relief at first, but recently Seven has been looking forward to his reactions every time, finding them ‘cute’.  It was dangerous. The hacker would sometimes find himself daydreaming, thinking of ways to tease this little blond boy. His innocent friend’s reactions to the pranks, his ‘angry’ pouting, the way he got so addicted to this game he plays simply to forget about the death of someone he admires. All of this—thinking about Yoosung was more than enough to earn the hacker a verbal beating from his handler, Vanderwood. It happened one time when Seven was way behind work, but still decided to log into the messenger at midnight, hoping Yoosung would be there to chat as this usual time. Indeed, he was there, complaining about LOLOL server maintenance and how he was looking forward to playing in an important event while spamming his crying emojis. Seven chuckled slightly, so Vanderwood wouldn’t hear him laugh. ‘So cute’, he thought as he decided to simply watch the younger man complain instead of signing in and teasing him. Maybe he should comfort him once in a while? No, that’d be out of character…besides, Yoosung is the cutest when pouting and calling ‘Seveeeeeeeen’ and spamming crying and depressed emojis. Just the thought made the hacker’s smile go wide…which Vanderwood noticed. ‘’Wipe that smile off your face and get those hands moving.’’  As the brunet ordered, Seven sighed and placed the phone he used for the messenger aside, his hands typing away until morning without as much of a break. About a month passed. Nothing changed much; Jaehee still overworking herself, Jumin still coming up with (awesome) cat projects that Seven would love to be a part of but is afraid of Jaehee’s angry emoji sticker, Zen getting new roles and learning new selfie angles and Yoosung’s usual awful grades in college which he always complains about but never does anything about it (which is also cute). Nothing changed much, except Seven’s agonizing and confusing feelings for the blond boy with awful grades. Now what was he supposed to do? He’s like a moth that got attracted to a certain bright light, fluttering around it until it gets burned from too much exposure. The world this hacker lived in was no healthy environment for an innocent and gullible young boy like Yoosung. Seven knew that, and yet, in a desperate attempt to redeem himself, he did the exact opposite of what he should be doing and sought Yoosung out. ‘’You asked him out to the movies?!’’ The angry brunet’s voice reverberated in the bunker. ‘’When you’re already way behind schedule, what’s wrong with you? You have a death wish?’’ Seven shifted in his seat, pulling up his knees into the chair and hugged them. ‘’Give me a break, Madam…I didn’t mean to…’’ Oddly enough, this time, Seven was actually telling the truth. The night before he sent the young boy a text message asking him to go out and watch a movie, Seven was extremely…intoxicated—or drowning in PhD Pepper hell. It was the night when the hacker decided to exclude Yoosung out of his life in order not to hurt the both of them, but at the end, he ended up doing the opposite while trying to cope with the unfairness of this situation. ‘’Then fucking fix it. There’s no time for you to mess around.’’  Vanderwood ignored the redhead’s attempts at arguing and went back to folding the laundry. ‘’How many red shirts and jackets do you need, anyway? They all look the same. Also, lay off the racing car underwear, you’re not 12 years old.’’ Seven was drifting closer to the bunker’s exit as quietly and slowly as he could. ‘’My heart is that of a 12 year old, Mary. The only way to live a good life is to be a child, Mary. You wouldn’t understand anyway, Mary. You’re so stuck-up, Mary.’’ Before Vanderwood could throw a hissy fit at him, Seven already flew out of the bunker, heading to the garage where he swiped the keys from the car plate and hopped on his ‘babe’ then made his way to where Yoosung lived. ‘’Vanderwood wouldn’t have so much energy as to chase me all the way here, right? He doesn’t care as long as I finish my work, after all. Saaaaaafe.’’ Soon enough, the hacker found himself in front of Yoosung’s apartment, wondering if the boy would be ready and waiting for him. ‘’As if…he didn’t reply to the text…if not, then that’s the best case scenario.’’ Not knowing whether to knock or just barge in—wait, he should really just knock or else Yoosung would scream his name, pout and maybe cry-- ‘’Yoosung, are! you! ready?’’ The hacker hummed as he picked the locks of the door’s keyhole before barging into the boy’s apartment, revealing a Yoosung with a shirt and….no pants. ‘’Wha--!! Seven!!’’  Ah, there it is, that angry name calling. Perfect. Those fair legs. Perfect. That messy hair. Perfect. Those huge purple orbs with a glint of tears swelling up in the corner of his eyes….perfect. ‘’Go away!! I’m putting my pants on!’’  The perverted hacker blushed, but didn’t turn around to give him privacy. ‘’Does it matter? We’re both dudes~ nice legs, by the way.’’ Seven laughed as Yoosung got flustered and threw a pillow at him, calling his name angrily over and over again. ‘’My fault for being lazy and not getting dressed up in my room…wait, this isn’t my fault. Why did you come in without permission? I’m calling the cops, the cops!!’’  Seven smirked, still trying to look away from the boy’s half-naked body. ‘’….Superman underwear? Really? Ah, I mean, I called for you (lies) but you didn’t answer! So I thought…that….you’d….be….by now…’’  The redhead dramatically fell to the floor and started fake sobbing. ‘’As always I don’t get what you’re saying…you’re even weirder in person. You’re tame during the parties…but what are you doing now? Oh…?’’  It took the boy a while to register Seven’s comment about his underwear, which made him blush profusely. ‘’You…! Yeah, so what, so what??’’  He pouted and retrieved the pants from Seven’s hands who was clutching at it for some reason and put it on, then turned his attention back to the hacker on the floor.  ‘’You’re here for the movies right? I thought you were joking when you asked me to hang out…why all of a sudden?’’  Seven got up and spoke in a serious tone, gazing into Yoosung’s amethyst eyes. ‘’To be honest, I was drunk on PhD Pepper. Before I knew it, my hands started typing you a text message! This could only mean one thing, Yoosung!!’’ ‘’You should quit drinking so much PhD Pepper?’’ ‘’Yes it means my subconscious wanted to hang out with you, Yoosung! There’s no other meaning…it could also be an order from the sky. I can feel it; just thinking about it makes the hair on my arms perk up!! Ahh! Yoosung, you shouldn’t refuse an order from the sky!!’’ ‘’You speak too much, Seven…and what happens if I do?’’  ‘’You’ll anger the gods and then you’ll never get a girlfriend.’’ ‘’What?!’’ ‘’It’s true. The gods shall take away your greatest wish!’’ Yoosung started visibly sweating. Not wanting to stay a forever alone, he decided to sacrifice himself and go out with this weird redhead who was giggling for some reason. The boy frowned but then sighed and picked up his phone, sliding it in his pocket. ‘’Alright alright, let’s go…but I get to choose what we watch!’’ ‘’Nah, we’re watching Interstellar.’’ ‘’Seveeeen!’’ ‘’Fine, you choose.’’ Seven had been grinning all the way to the movies, disregarding Yoosung’s attempts at finding out why he’s got such a stupid look on his face. The both of them took a cab instead of riding Seven’s car so it was left parked somewhere near Yoosung’s apartment. ‘’We’re here, we’re here!’’, exclaimed the overly-excited hacker, who was looking forward to sneaking a few long stares at Yoosung’s face without his knowledge while the blond was focusing on the movie. ‘’What are you getting so excited about…oh! Look!’’  Yoosung glued himself to a poster of the movie he decided they would be watching. It had cartoonish animation, and according to the visuals, it seemed to be a superhero theme. Seven sighed and dragged Yoosung by his hoodie to the snacks stand. ‘’Get us two caramel popcorns, 1 PhD Pepper and 1 carton of chocolate milk. Thanks in advance.’’ He handed him money and pushed him towards the stand then headed to buy two tickets of the weird-looking superhero cartoonish movie. ‘’Who’s gonna buy choco milk?! Seven, you meanie!!’’ Yoosung’s whining was music to the hacker’s ears, who heard him from afar. He chuckled aloud, startling the lady in front of him. After a while, they were both finally seated and were waiting for the movie to start. ‘’Why did you get us the farthest seats from the screen ever…..’’ Yoosung whined. ‘’So no one would see us.’’ ‘’…and why is that? What’ll happen if someone sees us??’’ ‘’Bad things. Remember there’s this organization called Hackers Chasing Hackers…they’re after me, and if they see you with me, they might hold you captive and feed you cafeteria food for 3 meals a day.’’ ‘’What?? Seven!!’’ The commercials were done with and the movie started, grabbing away the blond’s attention from the redhead sitting next to him. ‘’….but then why did you choose to get out…with me of all people….you’re so mean…’’ Yoosung slight kept his whining when the show started, his focus on the street. ‘’Because I like you.’’ He whispered. ‘’What, Seven?’’ ‘’Because I like seeing you complaining.’’ He raised his voice a bit higher. ‘’I knew it, you’re the woooorst…’’ Half an hour in, and Seven couldn’t keep his eyes off of Yoosung. Sometimes the boy would notice eyes on him and turn around, finding nothing then turning his attention back to the movie, giggling at the main character. Seven slowly scooted closer; he wanted to hold his hand, kiss his cheek, kiss those whiny lips, run his tongue over them, make the little blond blush and shiver under him while in public. The hacker sighs; he didn’t even know what the hell this movie was about, he was busy focusing on something else—something beautiful, natural and blinding…like the sun itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘’That was amazing! Did you see that kick? It went Paw Pow Bow!!’’ ‘’Yeah, yeah. It was beautiful’’, the hacker exclaimed while smiling at him. ‘’What’re you smiling for?~ anyway, can we go home? I’ve got to…um…study.’’ Seven smirked and pinched the other man’s nose. ‘’Right…then we’ll take separate cabs. Good luck conquering the world of LOLOL.’’ ‘’S-Shut up, I said I’ll study…’’ he mumbles, watching Seven calling a cab for him. ‘’There you go, be safe getting home. I’ll be going now, too~’’ He turns away and waves from behind before hearing the voice he loves so much call back at him. ‘’Seven!..I…had fun today! You’re not as weird as I thought!’’ The boy yelled at him, smiling brightly. Fuck. He wanted to hold him and kiss him in front of all these people passing by, in front of the driver who was still waiting, in front of the whole world to claim him as his own…Maybe he should. Then, when Yoosung rejects him, the hacker can finally move on and focus on what he needs to. With such a decision made on impulse, Seven quietly turned around and walked towards the boy. ‘’Yeah, I had fun too.’’ Yoosung smiled brightly at him. ‘’We should do this again sometime! …could watch your uh…Space movie thing next!’’ Is he trying to make it up to him? How cute. Seven reached for Yoosung’s hands and held them tight to his chest, which gave the boy a confused look on his face. ‘’Uh….Seven…?’’ With a weak smile, Seven leaned forward and brushed his lips over Yoosung’s, and like a man with nothing more to lose, he pressed their lips together, deepening it enough to taste all of Yoosung. His lips were soft and supple, tasting like sweet caramel, a perfect combination, the sweetest thing Seven has ever tasted so far. ‘’Yoosung…’’ The hacker pulled away only slightly enough to moan the boy’s name. His eyes unfocused and full of love, there was only one thing left to do. ‘’I like you, Yoosung…’’ He whispered with all his heart. Seven pushed their lips together once again, lost in the desperation of what’s to come, not wanting to think about the consequences. He could do that once in a while, could he? Though this time, this could be the second hardest decision he made—voluntarily making Yoosung hate him and avoid the living lights of him. ‘’Wha—what are you doing?!’’ Seven was pushed, their lips separated. The warmth is gone, the sweet taste still lingering on the hacker’s twisted lips. He hung his head low, unable to look at the man he loves so dearly…and who just rejected him. ‘’…..’’ Yoosung said nothing, but Seven could hear him sniffling for a while before getting inside the cab, it driving away. The hacker stared at the back of the car for a while, disregarding the curious looks of the people around him. ‘’It’s over…I can go back to my work now…Vanderwood will be relieved…’’ He wanted to break down here and then, but pulled himself together and went back home. He’ll have time to cry and scream all he wants inside his bunker without anyone interrupting him, after all. He had…no one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 months have passed. At first, Yoosung’s absence from the messenger worried all the other members. Even V, who hardly logged in, noticed the blond’s inactivity and voiced his concern. Then the members decided to visit him if he didn’t pick up their calls, but every time they came over, Yoosung would act like nothing happened and serve them tea, saying that he’s been too busy playing LOLOL to really check in. In truth, the blond’s LOLOL hours were extended from usual; he spent much more time on it, sometimes skipping a few days of school in a row. Seven believed this was done in order to avoid ever running into him. It took about a month until Yoosung began logging in like normal again, and as Seven predicted, the blond so obviously avoided him in chat, making up a random excuse and logging out almost instantly when Seven was on. The hacker, on the other hand, took a couple of days off before he could log onto the messenger again, in order not to raise suspicion. He also kept joking around as usual, even when Yoosung logs in and later excuses himself. Having no interaction for almost half a year, Seven felt himself slowly tear up from the inside. His ‘plan’ didn’t quite work; he still held strong feelings for the younger man, feelings that were eating him up and making his life a living hell. When did he become this weak? Was there anything he couldn’t overcome ever since having no choice but to leave what he loved most behind him? Seven somehow knew why…he could still taste the younger man’s sweet caramel lips on his…no matter how many times he tries to get rid of it. ‘’How long are you gonna keep sulking for?’’ Vanderwood uttered, standing behind the hacker as the latter worked his magic and typed away. For a while, nothing could be heard but clicking sounds in the bunker. The brunet sighed when Seven didn’t answer him; he didn’t know what happened between him and the blond boy, but he could guess. All he needed to know was that Seven messed up, anyway. ‘’Answer me when I’m talking to you, agent Seven Zero Seven.’’ ‘’You’re especially grumpy today, Madam.’’ Seven answered in a monotone voice, still not looking away from the screen. ‘’No, you’re being a real pain in the ass, you know that?’’ ‘’What of it?’’ Seven turned his chair around to look at the brunet. ‘’I’ve done nothing but work for 5 months, is that a problem? My attitude is not getting in the way of my duties.’’ Vanderwood groaned and sighed again; Seven right now reminded him very clearly of how the hacker was before receiving a certain letter that contained god-knows-what that made Seven lighten up drastically. Back then, Seven never smiled and only did his job, was secluded from everyone else and never slept, nor joked nor pulled pranks. Is he going back to that time…? ‘’Well, whatever…’’  Vanderwood rubbed the back of his neck and clicked his tongue before leaving the bunker. To tell the truth, he’s been resting a lot more now that Seven is doing his job properly…but still, something felt off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few weeks passed, and Seven’s appearance in the chatroom diminished greatly. He tried as best as he could to be like how he used to be before, but even that is proving to be difficult as the younger boy kept avoiding him. Of course he would…first, he was asked out by someone he barely knew, then kissed and confessed to by that someone… ‘’That…must have been his first kiss, too.’’ Seven thought, disgusted with himself for feeling both guilty and glad. How much lower can he get? ‘’He’s…here.’’ Seven sighed and threw his phone elsewhere. He had decided to check out the messenger, hoping to crack a joke then get back to work but…Yoosung was there. Should he try to…? In any case, the boy must have left already. A minute later, the hacker checked his phone…but to his surprise, Yoosung didn’t leave but was instead asking why he wasn’t answering him…along with a crying emoji. Seven’s heart was beating fast and his fingers shaking tremendously; when was the last time they had an ounce of contact with each other? ‘’Yoosung…’’ <Seven O Seven is here! Did someone call for help??> <This handsome defender of justice is~ at~ your~ service!!~> His shaky hands stopped typing, hoping this was enough…what, or rather, how should he deal with this? As soon as he thought that, Yoosung left the chatroom. Seven fell to his knees, feeling weak. Did he make a mistake…was Yoosung not looking for him but someone else? His eyes weren’t showing him what his heart wanted, were they? A few minutes passed and then Seven heard his phone ring. He thought it was his boss calling him in for another load of work but his eyes widened as he saw the name on the screen. ‘’Yoosung….?’’ No way, did the boy press the wrong button? If he didn’t, then that means Seven will have a chance to hear that voice again…the voice that calls out his name ever so soothingly…He took a deep breath to calm himself before picking out his phone and pressing the green button, hoping the younger boy won’t hang up. To be honest, simply hearing his voice would do. It’d make his life less of a living hell for a while. He was looking forward to even hearing his breathing through the phone, just the fact that are in contact with one another is fine, anything is fine…Didn’t the hacker want to be avoided…? Isn’t that why he messed everything up? So why….why, why, why? Why did Yoosung call? With sweaty hands and a quick beating heart, Seven let out his trembling voice. ‘’H-Hello…?’’   [End]
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