#harem baby bump gate daniel
onboardsorasora · 6 months
Harem baby bump gate Daniel in the sponsor max verse opens up new kinks for max that he hadn’t thought of — all of them related to getting Daniel pregnant
But he is less than happy when Daniel starts rambling about all his boyfriends and max does not under how this other version of himself could share Daniel with other men who in his opinion were undeserving of him
Sponsor Max is like: 'Breeding kink activated'. his hindbrain is like lit up like a fucking christmas tree.
He's ready to jump Daniel because firstly- he already said that the baby was Max's soooooo that clearly means he gets free reign to fuck Daniel to his hearts content. And his heart takes a lot to be content.
but then Daniel starts talking about how Charles made him breakfast and how he idk sucked him off at the table. and Max is like wait what? And Daniel then brings up how Carlos was resting in bed from the surgery and the dr says he can't have any vigorous activity for a little bit but he insisted on giving Daniel a handy cause he really needed it.
Anyway, Sponsor Max does jump Daniel, if only to get him to stop talking about these other men
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Okay but what about harem baby bump gate Daniel with reclamation max??
Daniel is pregnant and so confused about why max is angry at him, Charles isn’t trying to undress him, and Lewis is dating Seb.
He’s just so confused and sad then he sees Jules and he gets sadder because oh my god it’s one of his best friends and he looks older but still so much like the Jules he remembers. And this is what Jules would’ve looked like
oooohhhhh I had an actual logical answer and then my brain rebooted itself like the twitter timeline refresh
Daniel Exchanges during Wreck Me. in between seeing Charles at he elevator and going into Max's office. He walks in being like 'nice digs, why do you even need an office'
and Max is like 'why are you here, lemme guess youre about to tell me its mine." rolls eyes.
And Daniel's like *eyebrow raise* "uh yeah, we went to see Dr Nicole last week. the fuck are you on about?"
Max is glaring at him- this isn't fucking funny. why is Daniel here? Doesn't he know I hate him?
Charles comes in and Daniel leans in for a hello kiss and Charles pulls back confused as hell. Daniel frowns, Max's face turns red because sure he fucking hates Daniel's guts but why is he trying to kiss Charles???????
Also, why the fuck is he pregnant??? HOW the fuck is he pregnant???
Max goes to start yelling and Daniel's phone rings, Jules' nickname pops up on the screen and Daniel's eyes widen- he turns ashen. Shakily brings the phone to his ears while looking at Charles who is so confused and goes 'hello?'
AND ITS JULES!!! HIS VOICE, HIS EXASPERATED TONE! cussing daniel out for going to see Max after he told him not to. Daniel faints and Charles catches him
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Hii, if you don’t mind and if it isn’t too difficult, could you maybe create a list of all the different Max and Daniel’s in your au’s and give very brief descriptions of them and their relationship? And saying what fic they belong to? Sometimes I get a little confused 😭
Allo! This one is gonna be probably a long post. and I apologize from now for my potentially shitty descriptions😭 All can be found on my Maxiel Masterlist 1 and Masterlist 2. I do have a lot of stories, but I'll only talk about the ones that feature the most in my ask box currently.
Lets start with Enchanted AU - Daniel is a Disney Princess with magical powers. Max is Max. They meet in Monaco and Max is confused and in love. fluffy, funny, tooth rottingly cute
De-Aged Daniel AU- Daniel gets Exchanged with a younger version of himself (as of right now, he is 5yrs old). Max is Max. Max is taking care of Little Daniel, Older Daniel is at his Parents' house in the past. Currently a prompt fic, and i am woefully behind
Tennis AU - Daniel is a Tennis Pro, Max is Max. They meet at the Monaco GP. Very feral and horny for each other. Horny wag daniel before horny wag Daniel AU
Horny Wag Daniel - Max is Max, Daniel is a model/influencer/we never really fleshed that out. Only lives as tumblr ask prompts. Actually feral about each other. Turns marketing people's lives upside down (i hope that link works)
Sponsor Max AU - Max is a high powered/wealthy Vcarb sponsor. Daniel is Daniel. Max is obsessed about Daniel and uses his power, wealth and influence to get what he wants. fairly dubcon. currently (using this loosely) being written as an actual story but most lives in tumblr ask prompts
Harem Verse- ok so the problem with this one, we went through so many different prompts before it became a harem that theres no reasonable way to tag this properly (sorry). They're all drivers, except Josh. Daniel has like 5 boyfriends on the grid- Max, Lewis, Carlos, Charles, George. And then Josh. this started out as like a jealous Max over pregnant Daniel verse and spiralled into its own universe of beautiful chaos
Alpha Max vs Grid Kids - unfortunately I don't remember the actual tag for this one, but essentially its Alpha Max complaining that Omega Daniel is spending too much time taking care of his grid kids (Oscar, Liam, Jack, Logan and Zhou i think) and neglecting him and then eventually became the grid kids claiming Max as their grid dad
Adore You Verse - Mafia/Organized Crime AU. Daniel and Max are high ranking members of their organizations. Action fics, 95,523 words. Daniel deals with a lot of isolation and grief in parts
Reclamation AU - Angsty, slow burn, getting back together. Alt universe where no one is a driver. Max and Daniel had a really bad break up, and they eventually make up. 73,191 words
Mob Wife Daniel - Max is a bodyguard, Daniel is the wife of Chr*stian, a high ranking mob boss. Originally an poly pairing but for obvious reasons we strayed from that and actually kinda strayed from this au all together. Mobwife Daniel is very unhinged and dangerous and Max loves it
I hope that was all of them!
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Okay but what about adore you Daniel getting ready to shoot up some bad guys but finds himself in the middle of an orgy meant just for him
He recognizes most of the people there, but Josh is a complete unknown
It was suspiciously quiet, when just ten minutes ago they were returning gunfire. Daniel came downstairs slowly, the back up ammo back that he'd gone for was slung around his shoulders. It was a lot brighter than before- did Cyril shoot out the windows?
Turning the corner, he reached for his secondary gun and clicked that safety off. Daniel stopped suddenly when Charles quite literally barreled into him mostly naked.
"Geeze, were you starting up there without us?" Charles pouted, before taking in Daniel's fully dressed and dirty form. And the guns. His eyes widened. "Daniel what the fuck?!" He yelled in French, which grabbed the attention of Carlos and Max.
Daniel took in the men assembled around him, backing up until he hit a defensible wall.
"Danny, whats going on? Where did you get those?" Lewis asked slowly, Daniel narrowed his eyes at him.
"Lew what the fuck is going on?" Daniel clenched his jaw but looked at everyone in turn; Max, Lewis, Carlos, Charles. He raised his eyebrow at the Williams' boy, surprised Claire let him out of her sights and with this lot. He didn't see Val, Daniel's head whipped around to look for the missing blonde in this collection of Kens. They all looked like they were ready for a beach party, or an orgy.
"Guys I found the lube we all- what the fuck man?!" A tall man turned the corner and froze when Daniel swung both guns at him.
"Danny-- whoa. Ok lets just calm down maybe." it was Lewis again, stepping out slowly towards Daniel with his arms up.
"You look different." George commented, Max nodded.
"I feel like I'm in a fucking barbie dream house." Daniel muttered.
"Thanks!" Charles grinned in pride.
"Ok, how about we put down the guns and talk." Lewis tried again, everyone exhaled a large sigh of relief when Daniel clicked on the safety on both guns and put them away.
"Fuck. I think I need to change my shorts." Josh exhaled which caused Daniel to snort.
"Uh, sorry?" He scratched his dirty cheek sheepishly. He looked at them all again, before looking around the house. Then he nodded. "I've been Exchanged."
"That makes sense." Carlos nodded, "Where is our Daniel?"
"Yeah, our." Max repeated in a challenging tone. Daniel's eyes widened.
"All of you?" He choked.
"So?" George folded his arms.
Daniel shook his head, he'd wrap his mind around that one later. "Uh, your Daniel is in a house that just got attacked by Renault. Cyril's been trying to kill me for a few years now."
There was a lot of noise and Charles' squawk of outrage.
"He's with my team. Lewis, Seb, Valtteri and Max." Daniel couldn't keep the pride out of his voice if he tried. or the yearning. "But if he's dressed like you guys, then I'm in for it when I go back." He groaned which caused Lewis to snort with laughter at the thought
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Okay but how would the harem deal with a de-aged Daniel???
And max from the de-aged verse is still laying hide and seek with deaged daniel and then finds a pregnant 34 year old Daniel
The harem would be very confused then concerned. Little Daniel would look around all scared and start biting his palm. Then he'd see Max and run to him.
"Daniel? How old are you?" Max would ask and lift up his little body while Daniel hides his face in his neck.
"five." Daniel would whisper and Max would turn wide eyes to the rest of the guys who are barely holding on to their panic.
After about an hour or two tho, they'd all have Little Daniel giggling and playing while they try to figure out what happened.
Max would peak out from his hiding place as soon as the house got quiet. Little Daniel giggles when he counts. Max walks into the living room to see Daniel. Older Daniel. He's happy but also disappointed
He's happy that Daniel felt safe and relaxed enough to switch back but disappointed because he never got a chance to say bye to Little Daniel. He would miss him.
Then Daniel struggles up from the couch and Max's eyes widen at his very pregnant belly. What the fuck?
"Maxy, do we have any more of that pineapple juice?" Daniel looks at him with a tired smile, looking like he maybe just woke from a nap.
"Daniel? Uh.. whose baby...is ..that?" Max was so confused.
Daniel raises a curious brow, he looks at Max strangely. "it's yours, remember? The doctor said I'm too far along for it to Josh's or Lewis'."
Max grabs onto the wall so he doesn't faint.
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Now I’m just thinking of different Daniel variants going switching places with reclamation Daniel and seeing Jules
Adore you Daniel seeing reclamation Jules 😢😢😢
Bestie what if we cry??????
He'd been in hiding for months now, Guilia and her family helped him pack up the house and he thinks he can head back to Monaco, sneak back maybe. He was waiting on Charles to tell him the plan worked, that Renault's hit was done.
But he couldn't wait anymore. He was tired. It was like dangling a carrot in front of a horse but never actually giving it to him. He just wanted his life back. Max was gone, Max wanted him for Red Bull. He just wanted to be where he felt safe, fuck everything else.
He pulled into his building, heading straight for the secondary parking at the back of the lot like always. So far so good. He grabbed his smallest bag- if it all went to shit then he wouldn't need to repack. If it worked out then he'd have time to unpack.
He sagged against the wall in the elevator, it was 8pm, he was exhausted. All he wanted was a shower and bed. It took him a minute to remember the code to his door, salvation was almost at hand. His bag dropped off of his shoulder as he used one foot to step out of his shoes, then vice versa. fuck his shoelaces right now- they didn't matter.
He zombie walked past the entryway, before stopping dead.
"You're back quick. They didn't have you waiting for fuck ever this time." A jovial voice welcomed him in Italian. Daniel scrubbed his hand over his eyes.
His mouth dropped open in shock and he blinked a few times. This had to be a hallucination. He'd been awake for close to 36 hours with only energy drinks to sustain him. it had to be a hallucination.
Jules looked back at him curious, his smile lessening at Daniel's behaviour.
"Are you really here?" Daniel's voice cracked as he whispered, before shaking his head fiercly. "Of course not. Fuck, I really should have taken that nap five hours ago. Fuck." He rubbed his hands down his face and cracked his neck before walking further into the space, walking around where he was 'seeing' Jules.
"Mate, are you for real right now? What did they give you?" Jules' quirked a brow and reached out to grab Daniel's shoulder. Daniel whirled on him and pulled him into a chokehold before letting him go just and quickly and stepping back as if burned.
"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck????" Daniel's breathing quickened, as if he was having a panic attack. Jules coughed before holding his neck gingerly.
"Daniel are you tripping or something? Fuck, if you're relapsing I'm calling Seb." Jules muttered, watching his friend warily.
"This isn't real, this is not fucking real. woosaah, fuck. wooosaaaah." Daniel muttered to himself while trying to regain control of his breathing. He slid down against the wall, sitting on the floor. Yes the floor sounded lovely right now. The floor was stable and close. The floor wouldn't lie to him like his senses. The floor was safe.
"Daniel?" Jules' voice was worried, he moved to squat infront of Daniel but froze the moment he saw his best friend tense as if waiting for a blow.
"You're not real. You're not real. You're just a figment of my brain breaking. woosaahhh I'm just having a tiny menty-b from being awake for so long. thats all. wooosah. Jules is not here Danny, Jules is not here." Daniel closed his eyes and dropped his head backwards towards the wall.
"Mate... I'm legit right here. What the fuck?" Jules' whispered. Whatever was happening with Daniel right now was not good. This was maybe one of the worse relapses he's ever seen.
"Jules is not here. Jules has been dead for 3 years. Jules is not here. Jules is not here-"
"Mate what the fuck? This isn't funny anymore bro." Jules knew his voice was hysterical.
"Why won't you go away.." Daniel whined, tapping his head forcefully against the wall. Jules rushed forward and pulled him into a hug, clutching Daniel into his chest. Daniel shuddered in his hold.
"This isn't real. This isn't real. Please." Daniel's voice sounded ragged and Jules felt his eyes tear up at the anguish his friend was going through. What the fuck happened at his appointment?
"Danny, I'm real! I'm here. I'm here for you. God y.ou're scaring me." Jules clutched Daniel as his sobs got harder- shaking them both.
"I miss you so much. Every fucking day I miss you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry we went to that stupid bar. I'm sorry I dragged you there. I-" Daniel hiccupped before continuing his litany of sins. Jules was still so confused but he'll let Daniel get this out, let him tell him what he thinks he needs to get off his chest, what he needs forgiveness for. He'll absolve Daniel of whatever wrongs he thinks he's committed.
some more
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
In the bump gate au, the dirlies are truly going through it. Pregnant Daniel is so great and happy and they love that for him, but he also tends to disappear and they rarely see him until he’s got a new baby on his arm
RIGHT! and when you think about it Max isn't a big social media poster, neither is Josh. Sometimes Lewis does go off the grid, BBUUUTTTTT the rest of the harem do like to post semi regularly.
I feel like the dirlies would get cute random moments- but they would be few and far between for sure. Daniel would show up with a new baby like 'oh, this happened' and all the dirlies are like 'we know...this is your MO'
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
ahhh - maxiel baby bump gate. by that point, max'll just want the baby to come there and then in the paddock to remind everyone daniel's his jfc. daniel has a harem of boyfriends and max is rightfully jel
Max is crossing the paddock WISHING Daniel's water would break. He needs everyone to stop touching him.
That's Max's baby in Daniel's belly and he needs to assert dominance by being the only one allowed to follow Daniel to the hospital
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
Okay so Charles and Daniel have just started dating or maybe in the harem baby bump gate au and Charles makes Daniel some pesto pasta that is more crocante than al dente
Daniel, not wanting to tell Charles that the pasta is too crunchy, is just eating it with a smile on his face because his nonna and mum taught him to be respectful if someone cooks you a meal when Charles slaps the fork out of his hand when he realizes that pesto has nuts and Daniel has a nut allergy
Charles is freaking out about how he’s hurt Daniel and Daniel’s just there giggling and tells Charles that he can have pine nuts and if anything was going to hurt him it was the crocante pasta
Daniels grinning cheekily at him pretty much saying if there was something he was allergic to he wouldn't even be in the room but it's fine- the pasta is just.... Under. But it's also ok because it's sweet of Charles to cook for him!
And Charles is like sweating because he thought he for sure a) killed Daniel and b) was going to be killed by everyone. But he's so happy that neither of those things happened that he doesn't even mind the dig at his under cooked pasta
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
harem baby bump gate, thinking about how the boys would be there for daniel through the complications of pregnancy!
like not even the more serious stuff (though it does make my hurt/comfort brain go brrrr).
but just the regular parts of pregnancy that are a struggle!
who’s always hovering with ginger ale and saltines when daniel is struggling with morning (all day) sickness? idk i feel like lewis is the type to carry a tote bag and i think he’d start adding that stuff to the bag! and maybe one time daniel got sick at a gpda meeting and all of the guys ran off and followed him to the bathroom
who’s giving him piggy back rides when his feet are swollen and his whole body hurts? josh duh but i think max would too
who cooks him the most niche recipes because daniel has a craving in the middle of the night? but has to draw a line at the pesto pasta dish he begged for. because daniel, it’s not a “mild” allergy
Oh oh oh! They all take turns lifting his belly for him, he goes cooked noodle relaxed every time.
George absolutely is a tote bag queen as well. And he'll have the Dramamine or whichever medication makes Daniel feel better as well
Carlos and Lewis are always trying out tea blends to see what Daniel likes best. They figured out a new sleepy time blend for him that also helped with his evening sickness
Daniel is falling asleep everywhere and Charles will always find him and run his hands through Daniel's curls.
Carlos makes him pancakes in the middle of the night so he doesnt go off sniffing jars looking for snacks.
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
I've had some angsty harem bump gate ideas:
-Daniel being scared to tell his boyfriends he's pregnant because he's scared they'll be mad
-Harem getting into an argument and Daniel kicking everyone out of the house and then he goes into labour and gives birth by himself at home
-Some (you can pick how many) of the guys get into an accident on the track
-Scotty or Josh get so injured they can't compete for a while and Daniel gets really annoyed with them being at home (it feels like they're encroaching on his space a little)
-Jos trying to force max to leave Daniel
-Daniel being told he can never race again because the FIA have never had a pregnant man and don't know what the health effects could be
-Another member of the harem (most likely Charles) also getting pregnant?
-The harem can't get enough paddock passes for Daniel, Josh, Scotty, and all the babies
ooh these are all so ouchie
I think initially Daniel would be very hesitant to tell them, cause it wasn't planned. They never really talked about a baby. And he's been on birth control but he was sick and on antibiotics and didn't realise that it affects the potency of his birth control for a while. they're all shocked and the harem aren't quite sure who the dad is at first. but theyre all excited for a baby
He kicks them out but they're not actually leaving him alone. Especially if he goes into labour. Our pookie can't do pain and he's very nervous about the birth. He'll get so scared that he forced himself into early labour he'd be crying to everyone to come back.
Oh no, harem accident and Daniel watches it happen at home and he can't do anything???
I can see Scotty being annoying long term if he's injured lmao
I think Jos maybe thinks the poly life isn't the life for Max but Max sets him straight very quickly and tells him he's gonna be a grandfather so he can choose now if he wants to be banned from seeing the baby or not
the FIA would try to cancel Daniel's super license but he has a badass doctor who goes to bat for him and says he should be fine to drive after he gives birth. Daniel's depressed because his season's come to an end again but he knows its not forever.
Daniel and Charles being bump buddies is so ON BRAND
Lmao I'm sorry this is a hilarious problem. They better knock some of those influencers off the list!!
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
harem bump gate needs at least three au pairs. and max, lewis and carlos are so insistent on their mums being there to look after daniel bc he's just ALWAYS pregnant so looking after the kids is so tricky and he's always sore and kinda miserable and it really sucks bc he's on bedrest and all his boyfriends are away at sporting events :(
yeah after a while he has to go on bedrest earlier and earlier. He has an army of mums to help him. Grace all but moved to Monaco to see all her grandbabies and her baby boy.
they agree to wait for a little for the next pregnancy. everyone in the harem promises to not listen when Daniel begs to be knocked up
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
soft dewis anon- I see you get out of my head its freaky!
I WILL respond, but I'm about to head out for dentistry so we're tabling it for a lil bit (🫣🫣sowee)
actually. since I'll be down for the count again for at least the weekend, please send me prompts!🥹🥹🥹 and I'll answer them when I can. they can be about anything! mob wife au (I literally have a mob wife au harem ask that I'm sitting on I havent forgotten!!!), baby bump gate lol, enchanted au! tennis au! what other aus do i have? vampire au?
Idk just send me things! we can make up new aus. so that when I'm giggling to my phone my husband doesn't think its the drugs lmao
*****editing to add lewis/charles/daniel anon, I SEE YOUUUUUU
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