#harima Takami Tsumi
wentasch · 3 months
I just noticed…
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And I did really love this sketch of the 2nd Generation of the Takami siblings
You can see little Tsumi (which is my Oc) and her big brother Hayato (which is @takami-flock‘s) carrying her.
I really adored Tsumis hairstyle here ^~^
These two are from the universe where Fear of You plays which is the fanfiction by @sleepwalkersqueen. (Im sorry for the many pings these days. I’m having a creative high I guess)
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takami-flock · 2 months
The amazing @wentasch recently drew some impressive pieces for our interpretation of Harima Clan (based on @sleepwalkersqueen’s “Fear Of You”) featuring OC’s of all three of us, and so I decided to edit them ^^
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wentasch · 6 months
Have some sibling sleepover action :o
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Wish their relationship could’ve stayed like that but the Takami sibling syndrome kinda pulled through, I guess.
Hayato (left) is from @takami-flock and Tsumi (right) is mine-ish. Ines is like a godmother for her.
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wentasch · 3 months
Tsumi, my beloved 🙏
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Have a sketch of my Oc whose (sadly) the daughter of Junto by @sleepwalkersqueen and my Oc Shunko.
Fun fact about their kids: They both look like Junto. I don’t know if I conveyed it too good with Tsumi here but Takami genes are strong as hell. Just look at Keigo xD
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wentasch · 4 months
Dear friends. Dear strangers.
After some more days of brainstorming and designing I can finally show you a version of Okane that I find acceptable.
There you go.
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Soo some things about him.
Like Hone is Okane a high rank of the Harima clan from the FoY universe by @sleepwalkersqueen. His whole moral in life is that he wants to live to its fullest but he doesn’t want to die for it. He enjoys gatherings and events the clan does more than his sometimes dangerous missions.
And saying this with the deepest disrespect I have for him deep down he’s a scaredy cat and terrified of dying. He plays things mostly safe well as safe as Harima lets him. He doesn’t show his fear of course but it’s there.
His undying loyalty towards Harima comes from the fact that Okane is deeply convinced that Harima is something you can’t run away from when you wrong him. So he just never tried yet he saw so many try and die because of it. He’s not naive and not as reckless as… others -looking at Shinyo-
Okane is in his forties when FoY starts. He is only 8 years younger than Harima himself (if I’m right that Harima was in his thirties when Shinyo was on the boat if not it’s ooc) and because of it he’s one and I even think the last of the first boat kids generation. As a person he is let’s say a creepy gentleman but not as bad as Junto.
Also even though he is scared of dying he will stir a little drama and rub salt into somebodies fresh or old wounds. He’s the highest rank for a reason and one of the longest there too so you can’t really talk against him.
That guy is also known for playing games with lower ranks just for fun or to get some kind of advantage. He does this when meeting Junto. He sticks around and sits back watching what Junto will do while making him be in his debt with for Okane easy favors.
Moving on to his Quirk.
I don’t have a name yet. I’m open to ideas but let’s just say it has to do with fungus and spores. Under his skin there is a an extra layer of fungus growing and on his lower arms/neck it even grows out of the skin. I imagine they got bigger with time. There’s also some scarring on his face because normally half of his face would be grown over with fungus too but Okane got it removed under Harima’s order to make him look presentable.
Coming to the main thing of his quirk. If he cuts his skin open spores will be set free and if people inhale these they can get a little delirious kinda like the affect alcohol has on you. If they breath in too much they get fully immobile though. (I also imagine they’re able to get into your blood through open wounds)
Even more dangerous about this whole immobile state of his victims is that if Okane speaks to them with a certain tune they will do everything he says. And I say everything.
The very thing that made him so deadly was that the people who did the order completely loss their memories and self. I can see his victims just rocking front and back while whispering about that voice.
If Okane gets bored he will also use his quirk on normal people and watch the news grinning while they scream about the aftermath of his doing.
His quirk kinda give a of Last of Us vibe but we also had the topic of fungus in university some weeks ago so both probably molded my mind while thinking about it.
The problem about his quirk is that the fungus in him grows and starts to take over cells they shouldn’t. Like his eyes for example. He is going slowly blind and that’s a big fear of Okane because he won’t be as useful as he was if he’s blind. (That’s also why he wears glasses and has a staff to help him) I imagine there’s very big tension in first ranks to perform and if you don’t then you’re useless and uselessness means death in this clan.
Okane is one of Harima’s moneymakers. He strikes deals. With the help of his quirk or without.
WARNING FOR GROOMING (not the sexual kind)
One last thing. I didn’t want him to at first but because of the “connection” Okane has with Junto, Okane also got meet his kids and more important their quirks. Hayatos quirk is an useful asset but nothing to thrilling for Okane but when Tsumi got her quirk things got interesting for him.
Tsumis quirk is being able to mold peoples body to her willing. It’s hella dangerous not trained but after she mastered it she could fix Okanes eyes.
And don’t get me wrong Okane has all rescources to get himself a good surgeon but this eye surgery would be hella risky and there’s no saying his fungus won’t just simply grow back so that surgery is out of question.
Tsumi is the answer for Okane.
So what does he do? The same thing Harima does to his clan members, groom them to be loyal to him. Okane becomes a sorta “uncle” for Tsumi. He brings her presents (even his prized spores), takes her to gatherings and just simply gives her the attention Junto never gave her.
Everything so Tsumi fixes his eyes.
Okay that’s all for now.
Let me know what you think :3
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wentasch · 2 months
Tsumi and her „not-so“ Uncle
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I did a comic to show how Okane and Tsumi interact when she is younger.
Read from left to right.
Characters are my OC Tsumi and kinda also my OC Okane who are living in @sleepwalkersqueen‘s FoY universe.
Here Okane comes back from a long mission and Tsumi just has too much energy. So she runs to greet him.
You have to remember that Okane is the highest rank there is in the Harima clan. Respected and even more important feared by everybody. Only looking at him funny could get you killed.
And then there is this 9 year old that runs/flies with full force against him(not like she has enough power to even make him budge but still). People are deeply shocked whenever they see this.
(Junto teaches her to not do that but Tsumi is a bad learner)
I love how these two smile at each other on the last drawing✨ Makes me laugh.
My new headcanon is that Takamis when they smile look very scary and kinda primal maybe. A similar smile to how Toga does it. I just find it too cool ^^
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takami-flock · 9 months
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I wanted to draw a piece for the weirdos in my FoY server (affectionate) so I decided to dump all our OCs together (plus Shinyo and Keigo who brought us together). I made a quick animation of it too but tumblr is being dumb and won't play it ;-;
From left (above) to right: Kuro from @kodiakkino , Shunko, an OC by @wentasch, Dex by @xdyrknymphx then Shinyo Takami by @sleepwalkersqueen followed by Keigo who is canon. After is Tsumi also by Wentasch and me followed by Hayato who is mine.
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wentasch · 4 months
Have some Generation two Takami siblings✨
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The boy, Hayato, is by @takami-flock and Tsumi is by me-ish.
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wentasch · 11 months
Sooo, I’m a little late to it but to celebrate Hayatos birthday I’ve got a a drawing.
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We‘ll start from left to right. Hayato is by Ines ( @takami-flock ), Junto by ( @sleepwalkersqueen ), Shunko is my character and the little girl is Tsumi is kinda from Ines and me.
So Ines and I have been busy ranting about this since weeks. It was fun to think about how Junto and Shunko would act as parents.
(They wouldn’t do a good job x-x)
I just gotta say growing up in Harima’s ranks with two high ranked parents is definitely not the best way to grow up.
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takami-flock · 8 months
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Tsumi my beloved! <3
She's character me and @wentasch developed together. She'll appear in the story I'm writing, and yeah, she's sadly (also) one of Junto's kids (Yikes)
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wentasch · 2 months
Here are the new pieces I drew for the edit that @takami-flock beautifully made.
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Shun Harima
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Shunko Harima
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Hayato Takami Harima
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Junto Takami Harima
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Tsumi Takami Harima
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And the big boss himself, Oji Harima. (Probably my favorite because of that creepy smile)
Shinyo is not part of this edit because me and Ines both agreed that this guy would not wear a suit, especially Harima’s.
The OCs are from @takami-flock, @sleepwalkersqueen and me.
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