#harmonia ☕️
indouloureux · 2 years
you can’t stop thinking about kissing your pretty best friend stevie who you’re so in love with :( he’s the first person you have ever wanted to kiss :( you’re demiromantic/demisexual and have very high standards and is shy and so you want someone that wants to love you and spend their lives with you and that is as obsessed with you as you are with them :( and it’s been getting worse and worse lately to hold back so you’re always fidgety because you have to constantly stop yourself from kissing stevie’s pretty lips and spoiling him rotten and cuddling him close and being overly sweet to him and pressing lil kisses all over his pretty face and his moles and his freckles :( you want to love him so badly :( but there’s no way your stevie, your best friend ever, would want that… right….? :(
thinking about kissing steve, pushing his pretty hair behind his ears, rubbing his earlobes between your index and thumb as you do so. it's a chaste kiss, innocently making out but your tongues touch, lips locking together like you plan to be tethered that way.
thinking about being in his lap while doing this. his hands exploring the dips of your hips, scratching softly at the pudge of your stomach, squeezing at your thighs, massaging your shoulders and gathering your hair to the side as he sighs against your mouth with a content hum.
thinking about steve breaking away just so he could look at you like the most interesting, unique, prettiest statue in a museum that he's gaping upon, though his eyes with sheen adoration that lusters. he smiles, softly, sepia freckles moving and his eyes mimic his lovesick grin and he just tells you how pretty you are, how he loves you, how perfect you are before he kisses you again [sobs]
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sweetbarista · 10 months
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saudadessemfimdvc · 3 years
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⚐"Que tudo aquilo que tocar o nosso coração, possa encher nossa vida de paz, nossa alma de alegria e nosso caminho de luz."
-Yla Fernandes.
É na paciência que encontramos a raridade da vida. Então acalme seu coração e apenas aprecie a paisagem do seu caminho.⁠ Que Deus esteja contigo! Wladimir Moreira Dias
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Wandy Luz
Pra hoje...Que meus passos sejam leves, que minhas angústias sejam breves, que o amor seja a única força que me atraia, que Deus seja meu abrigo e minha família esteja longe de todo e qualquer perigo.  Vitor Ávila
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Às vezes tudo que a gente precisa é de uma pausa... Pausa para agradecer, porque não é só receber. Pausa para cultivar, porque não é só colher. Pausa para um café, porque não é só lutar. Pausa onde a corrente seja apenas o vento, trazendo sossego e paz. Andrea Domingues
►Agradeço a Deus pelo dia de hoje, mesmo com todas as lutas que a gente enfrenta e que poucos sabem, vamos vencendo em nossos silêncios, vamos nos reerguendo sem deixar que o medo e a maldade nos pare, vamos prosseguindo na Fé.
(Cecilia Sfalsin)
Que a estrada seja percorrida com gratidão. Que a harmonia seja a companheira de viagem. Que o respeito, amor e carinho, estejam em cada parada. Que no final, ao olhar pra trás, tenhamos a certeza de que, a vida valeu a pena. Rosely Meirelles
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.....🌤️ .....𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿🅱️🇴 🇲 🇩 🇮🅰️☕ ┗╯\ ╲🤟 Que os ventos de Deus soprem em sua vida trazendo o que for bom e levando o que for ruim. Que nada te impeça de avançar e conquistar os sonhos de Deus para sua vida. Que nenhuma força contrária te atrase. Que nenhuma inveja te toque.  Yla Fernandes
No abrir dos olhos. No respirar. Na saúde. No andar. São infinitas bênçãos concedidas a cada segundo de vida. Agradeça. Louve. Sorria. Abrace esse céu que te presenteia. Foi Deus. É Deus. Sempre será Deus em tudo. Rachel Carvalho
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┊B. ┊┊o. ┊┊m┊┊..D┊┊i..┊. ┊a..┊
❝ Nunca haverá uma borracha para apagar o passado, mas sempre haverá um lápis para escrever o futuro.❞
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"Que nossa memória guarde amor e não rancor. Que a dor seja amenizada pela força do tempo. Que tenhamos fé pra enfrentar as esperas. Que venha o que tiver que vir. Que seja o que tiver que ser.''
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⁀⋱‿« 🄱🄾🄼 🄳🄸🄰! »⁀⋱‿__As vezes parece que nada vai dar certo… As vezes parece que nada vai acontecer… As vezes parece que o melhor é desistir de tudo, as vezes parece que não vale a pena continuar mas ai eu ouço uma voz sussurrando bem baixinho me dizendo Calma, Calma Filho Se eu não te abandonei até agora porque vou te abandonar logo hoje… Calma, todo dia mal passa… Não tome decisões erradas, esse dia já vai terminar, não te abandonei Jamais te deixarei pode confiar… Pode descansar, em todos os momentos do seu lado estou, calma vai passar e um novo dia em breve chegará.
❝ Não subestime a força de quem já passou pelos desertos da vida. Você não imagina a resistência que essa pessoa tem, nem o tamanho da fé que ela carrega.❞
╭━━━ ╰♥️...🤟P O S I T I V I D A D E 🤟Peѕѕoαl 
.....🌤️ .....𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿🅱️🇴 🇲 🇩 🇮🅰️☕ ┗╯\ ╲🤟Se você tem Deus em sua vida, então não se preocupe. O teu caminho ninguém atrapalha, a tua luz ninguém apaga, as suas bênçãos ninguém impede e a proteção de Deus sobre a sua vida ninguém anula.
Yla Fernandes
❝ Cuida do presente, minha mãe dizia, porque é nessa estação que você vai passar o resto de sua vida.❞Facundo Cabral  
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𒁂''Aprendi uma coisa: só se conhece realmente uma pessoa depois de uma discussão. Só nessa altura se pode avaliar o seu verdadeiro carácter.''
Anne Frank
"Que nossa memória guarde amor e não rancor. Que a dor seja amenizada pela força do tempo. Que tenhamos fé pra enfrentar as esperas. Que venha o que tiver que vir. Que seja o que tiver que ser.''
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╙╜╙╜╜╜║ ╙╜ ╨╟╢ Preste atenção na maneira como Deus “conversa” com você. Seja paciente e inteligente o suficiente pra entender. Tem coisas que por mais que você faça nunca dará certo, mas não porque não mereça e sim porque simplesmente não é o que Deus quer pra você. Então não se cobre além do necessário, pense bem sobre tudo e lembre-se: Os planos d’Ele sempre serão maiores do que os nossos.
''Cuidado ao analisar demais o que sente, apenas sinta. Lembre se que : As autópsias sempre estão onde já não existe mais vida.''Zack Magiezi
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➭''Se houvesse algum meio de voltar atrás, nós nunca aprenderíamos a seguir em frente. ''🤏🏻👩🏻‍🦳
"Quando você realmente despertar, não terá interesse em julgar aqueles que ainda estão dormindo."Eckhart Tolle
Fᥱᥣιz࿐Sᥱxtᥲ Fᥱιrᥲ Prᥲ Vᥴs Mιᥒhᥲ Gᥱᥒtᥱ
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amora-iam · 2 years
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Oi, d(esperto)! Como você vai começar a semana 37 de 2022? Já estou com o expresso feito ☕️ e metas no papel. Análise tudo o que fez na semana anterior e tudo que vai colocar em prática essa semana. E você? Me conta alguma coisa que precisa fazer ou que já faz toda segunda-feira para começar com o pé direito rumo ao sucesso. 👇 Juntos ILUMINAMOS o Planeta! 🌎💫 Desperte! Manifeste! Que o AMORa desperte em você! A modern lifestyle brand w/ love ❤️🍃 Como Eu posso te ajudar? LINK na Bio ou manda DM. @amora_iam Venha se ILUMINAR com o ThetaHealing® 🧬✨ O Universo @amora_iam deseja que você tenha felicidade, alegria e harmonia em seu dia! In lak’ech SPAVOH https://www.instagram.com/p/CiaaBRPOIXs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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indouloureux · 2 years
hey augie !!! <3 can you give us a sneak peak of your wips? like titles or pairings?
harmonia!! hi honey, how are you??!! yes of course hehehe
— cherry bomb!: rockstar!eddie x (maybe)groupie!reader. basically, eddie sees her in the crowd and piqued his interest. spoiler alert: they fuck
— talk down, turn the radio down: im considering making this a series. just a few parts to progress the story more. basically, you're an adopted!henderson!reader, eddie aells you drugs (it's heavy content with drug usage), but decides that he'll stop selling special k to you and takes you out on dates. it's interesting, trust me, i just suck at explaining 😭
— mirrorball: you know this one babes ;) (steve harrington x reader)
— summer thing (pt1): a fic inspired by taylor swift's august, separated into two parts. part 1 will be reminiscing the one summer you had with steve. heavy angst, heavy smut, heavy fluff
— summer love (pt2): basically steve realizing his stupidity and tries to win you back hehe
— closer: vamp!eddie. 10% progress. will be released SOON 😭 it's a period fic too hehe. i made a cool poster for it too so i rlly hope i get to finish it
— gold skinned, eager baby: friends to lovers with steve. smut!!
— films and parnassian wounds: inspired by your ask babygirl. steve finds the new girl mysteriously ethereal and tries to ask her out through films hehe
check more here!
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indouloureux · 2 years
steve’s little shy angel best friend goes to ask if he wants to have a sleepover at her place by asking “d’you wanna sleep with me tonight, stevie?” and then gets all shy and flustered bc that sounded dirty 🥺
she just wanted someone to be with her but steve's all lovestruck and pudding in her gaze 🥹🥹🥹
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indouloureux · 2 years
STEVE HARRINGTON ASKS HIS BEST FRIEND TO MARRY HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE GIVES HIM HER FIRST KISS !!! and he briefly fears he’ll drive you away by being too much too fast but of course his sweet girl wouldn’t leave him :( and she tells him she’ll say yes when he truly proposes one day :( ‘cause she’d never consider being with anyone but him :(
harmonia this is so cute you don't understand im
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indouloureux · 2 years
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thats us <3 how are you honey???
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indouloureux · 2 years
augie 🥺 listen 🥺
how do you think steve’s soft little angel baby (they’re still in that we’re-crazy-in-love-but-no-one-confessed-yet phase) would react to learning the story of steve and nancy’s breakup and how she called him bullshit? 🥺 i think she’d just get so defensive and so protective and she’d make her meanest face which is really just pouting real hard and squinting her eyes and crossing her arms and looking fucking adorable so her stevie would take her seriously when she tells him he absolutely is not bullshit and he’s perfect to her and dreamy and the best guy she’s ever ever met and anyone would be the luckiest person in the whole wide world to have him as their boyfriend and oh gods she wants him to be her so badly but doesn’t say it 🥺 and poor steve didn’t expect her to take this so seriously but oh my god he wishes he could just kiss her and spoil her and make her his
but what do you think?
i think you, the reader, would absolutely try your best to reassure steve.
i think that once someone you love has said something so mean and cruel to you, you just can't help but replay it in your head over and over again until it takes over your life and suddenly you're walking on eggshells and standing on the edge of a cliff.
you're like, worried that it's what everyone else thinks so suddenly, you're not yourself. but the thing is, when it came to steve, he was, in fact, bullshit.
he knew he was. he's an asshole. he used to be, at least. and even though he knew he was bullshit, that doesn't mean it didn't hurt him. it pulled him back to the ground if not buried him to the ground. it's a word he fears because it's him and it kind of ruined him. but also changed him.
so when you find out about the whole bullshit thing, you try your best to reassure poor stevie. he needed to accept his past self, give himself some closure before he can move on into his changed life. but you told steve all his mistakes, and what he did to change those mistakes.
i think you would have pointed out the good things he's done since his shitty era. i think you would have made steve face the mirror, said some encouraging things, and made him confirm it himself.
that he's not bullshit. that he's a changed man who's a pretty goddamn good babysitter and that he's steve harrington. you're teaching him how to love himself again.
and yeah, it's probably when he's come to full realization he loves you. but that's the second thing that happened. i think the first manifesto he had was that he finally loved and accepted himself. that he's no longer bullshit.
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indouloureux · 2 years
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i hath gift for you in 3 hours <3333
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indouloureux · 2 years
AUGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes yes yes
goodness gracious, im so very happy for you! you’re so talented and so kind and so deserving. thank you for always intertwining my messy lil concepts and for always being so sweet and for freaking out over steve with me 🥹🥹🥹 i appreciate you so so so much and i’m so glad almost ten thousand other people do too <3 love ya
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HARMONIA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! hoping i come back from the writer's block hole and shitpost all over again. happy new year mwahs
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indouloureux · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve (12) nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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indouloureux · 2 years
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indouloureux · 2 years
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity.
i love u mwah
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indouloureux · 2 years
hi bubby <3 please know you’re so special and liked here, whether you post your lovely stories or not. take your time, focus on yourself, don’t worry about followers. we’ll be here when you want to / can post. love ya <3 please please please take care <3
harmonia!! i love you angel, thank you so much take care of yourself!! <33333
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indouloureux · 2 years
🖤🧡🧛🏽‍♀️ for being a badass with a good heart, have a pair of fangs to bite your favorite mutuals! 🧛🏽‍♀️🧡🖤
(pass it on to your favs)
i love u so much harmonia ur such an angel 🥹
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