#harold supporting his husband's brand
hl-obsessed · 1 year
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x / x / x / x / x
harry in rose hoodie
❗🆕 ✨ ot5 ✨ 🆕❗
harry in 28 jacket
turtleneck + love bite!!!
harry in pink shirt
harry in green ! jersey !
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
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🤣🤣🤣 I have never laughed so hard in my life, whoever wrote this is a mindless "journalist".
Danneel is no longer recognizable as Rachel Gatina and people bafely recognize Jensen's wife when he is out with her. Also, mentioning work she did decades ago is not the flex they think it is. There is a reason actors keep their resume update and always remove old roles. Danneel has aged out of the highschool bracket aaaages ago and no longer matches that type. She already looked 40 compared to the rest of her cast mates even back then. "Iconic role"? 🤣 No one remembers stripper girl, which, let's face it was her main role in just about every movie or series. Rachel does not have a fanbase because she was not a beloved character and her acting was horrible. There are just a few Jensen obsessed stans who push Rachel still because they worship Jensen. She is not known on her own, she is known for sleeping with Jensen.
What "paved the way" for her appearances in Harold & Kumar were her scantilly clad photoshoots and easy behavior. They needed a woman that was believable as weed smoking, slutty counterpart. Again, same role she plays over and over again and that she has aged out of so, if you are branding smart, stop mentioning her trashy past.
When her roles dried up( there's only so many times you can play "stripper girl" and "the other woman" when you have zero talent and presence), Jensen proceeded to ensure she was cast by nepotism in SPN. Where her role was clearly written to try to rebrand her image. Epic fail, Sister Jo was the lamest, most useless, senseless character on SPN and her acting was not even remotely credible and all she was playing was a ditzy goldigger who preyed on people just like in real life.
She did not form anything with her huband. He was offered Chaos Productions and negotiated her into the deal (nepotism again). After epic failing with their TW they betrayed the studio who had given them that production company and moved on with Amazon. Danneel proved she has no production knowledge whatsoever and did not deserve her title even remotely. She also wasted seed money on book rights for projects that were rejected by the previous studio
She did not executive produce anything, she had a VANITY title, just like her husband. Meaning her name was used to promote the project and her title was just a publicity stunt. No one, I repeat, no one in the industry will ever take her seriously as a producer and Jensen lost major credibility by putting a woman with Danneel's image (see above paragraphs about her roles) at the "forefront" of his project.
Danneel never was nor ever will be at the helm to develop television and future projects. That is not how Amazon works and,aside from this, Danneel has zero skill and talent.
She is trying really hard to rebrand her image by selling herself as a successful well known producer now. 🤣🤣🤣 What success? The movie rights of projects that were all rejected? the Winchesters which as an embarassing flop that ruined the SPN legacy? Her stripper roles who required no acting skill whatsoever? Her shady modeling gigs? What are we even talking about? That bio wants to make her seem like a woman she will never, ever be. You are trying to sell her as a "leader" when she can barely spell on her social media 🤣 As a producer when the only thing she "produces"( Jensen's words not mine I could never speak so creeepily about a woman) is children. We all know why too. 🤣 There are so many actual rolemodels, actually authentic women to support and yet stick is being put on an "actress" who made her way thanks to the casting couch and then continued to make her way thanks to who she is sleeping with. Danneel Ackles is merely a gold digger, that is her main career. Outside of that she just puts on smokes and mirrors and only people who don't do their research fall for such antics. Whoever wrote that bio was clearly trying to shift her image through full on lies. This might anger Amazon who might pull the plug on their collaboration.
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expatimes · 4 years
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Democrats see chance of Texas victory for first time in decades | US & Canada
Democrats once wrote off Texas as a guaranteed victory for Republican presidential candidates, but in 2020, Democratic party activists sense an opportunity to snatch victory from the GOP for the first time in more than four decades.
With 38 Electoral College votes at stake - the second-highest number in the country - Democratic success in Texas would all but eliminate a path to victory for President Donald Trump.
“The only thing Republicans have to do, typically, to win an election in Texas is to win their primary and avoid getting hit by a bus by election day,” said Harold Cook, a political analyst and a veteran of Democratic Party campaigns in Texas . "But Trump has damaged the Republican brand such that it has made it competitive in a general election."
Jimmy Carter was the last Democratic presidential candidate to win Texas, in 1976. In 1994, Bob Bullock was re-elected Lieutenant Governor, the last year Democrats won in state-wide elections.
Over years of Republican dominance, Democrats largely avoided pouring resources into the state and the party's power continued to shrink. For Democrats, Texas became something of a forgotten state, much like California for Republicans.
'Blue' Texas?
But as the population of Texas began to change in the 2000s, Democrats started to see glimmers of hope for a turnaround. Dreams of a “Blue Texas” swelled in 2018, when voters in the state flipped two US House seats from Republican to Democrat. That year, Democratic Senate challenger Beto O'Rourke came within just 2.6 percentage points of defeating the Republican incumbent, Senator Ted Cruz.
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Ted Cruz, left, and Beto O'Rourke, right, shake hands following their first Senate debate in Dallas, Texas, on September 21, 2018 [File: Nathan Hunsinger/The Dallas Morning News via AP, Pool]
O'Rourke drew voters from increasingly Democratic metropolitan centers like Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and even Houston, where Cruz lives. O'Rourke's momentum drew attention - and fundraising dollars - from Democrats nationwide, and despite his narrow loss, the close race provided Democrats with a roadmap for how they could turn the state blue by boosting voter turnout in those cities and the surrounding suburbs.
“What Beto's campaign showed us is that when people show up to vote and have hope that their vote will matter, then it is in play,” said Andy Brown, who served as finance director on O'Rourke's 2018 Senate campaign. “There's no longer a defeatist attitude that there's no possible way to win in Texas. In fact, it is very possible. ”
The Real Clear Politics polling average shows Trump pulling slightly ahead late in the race, leading by 2.6 percentage points. Although during the summer, the two were neck and neck, which signalled to Biden's campaign that this reliably red state could be obtainable.
Biden's campaign went on the offensive in July with an advertisement addressing the novel coronavirus pandemic that addressed Texas by name.
Democrats took another swing in October, spending $ 6 million on Texas ads while Biden's wife, Jill Biden, attended events in three major Texas cities. Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris, is scheduled to campaign in the state on Friday, notable for a member of the Democratic ticket to be in Texas so close to election day.
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Jill Biden, right, waves to supporters while campaigning for her husband Joe Biden on October 13, 2020, in Dallas, Texas [LM Otero/AP Photo]
Just four years ago, the thought of Democrats pouring precious campaign resources into a state like Texas would have seemed ludicrous. Trump walloped Hillary Clinton by nine percentage points.
Trump's win, however, was by the smallest margin of victory for Republicans in Texas since 1996, a possible sign that more Texans could be open to hearing a Democratic pitch. This year the Republican National Committee sent the Texas state party $ 1.3 million in support funds for the election, a sign that Republicans in the state could need extra help.
Republican skepticism
Texas Republicans, however, are sceptical Democrats can bring in enough votes to overcome years of support for the GOP. Rick Perry, Texas's longest-serving governor and Trump's former Secretary of Energy, pointed to the lack of Democratic victories in recent elections as evidence that democratic hopes for success in the state are overblown.
“It's the same old story,” Perry told Fox News in an August interview. "I hope the Democrats come and spend a tonne of money here, because they will get their hat handed to them again in Texas."
While the Senate race was close in 2018, the gubernatorial contest was anything but. The incumbent, Republican Greg Abbott, dominated the race with 55 percent of the votes. Four years earlier, nearly 60 percent of Texans supported him.
Demographic shifts
But the Texas population is rapidly changing. Between 2018 and 2019, more people moved to Texas from other regions than any other state. The population grew by 367,215 during this time, swelling to 29 million people. Most migrants arrived from California, according to estimates from the Texas Realtors' Association.
As the number of Texans grows and the demographic makeup becomes increasingly younger and less white, the Lone Star State is looking within reach for Democrats, whose success has depended on high turnout from a diverse coalition of ages and ethnic backgrounds.
While Trump has worked to fire up his base, he has done little to bring in new voters, particularly minorities and women, groups that are gaining in political power in rapidly changing Texas.
“It's the combination of the Biden-Harris ticket, the demographic changes, but above all: Donald John Trump. He's a terrible fit for Texas Republicans, and they were slow to realise that, ”said Richard Murray, a professor of political science at the University of Houston. “Texas doesn't have many older whites that didn't go to college. Our working force here is now largely minorities, particularly Hispanic. What worked elsewhere - just blowing off Latinos, immigrants - is a disaster in Texas. ”
Like battleground states around the country, the presidential race in Texas will likely be won or lost in the suburbs of the state's largest cities. These areas have seen massive growth in numbers of non-white voters, as well as a population boom from people moving from other states.
Latino voters, in particular, could help swing the vote this year, experts said.
A poll conducted in September by the University of Houston and Univision found that 66 percent of Texas Latino voters planned or were inclined to vote for Biden, compared to 25 percent for Trump. Perhaps more consequentially, the surveyed an incredibly high level of enthusiasm from these voters, with nine out of 10 responders saying they “are certain” to vote in 2020.
“We have not seen numbers that high for several election cycles. Those are impressive and possibly historic numbers. This is definitely a year where the Latino vote in Texas will be significant in potentially shaping the state politically, ”said Brandon Rottinghaus, a University of Houston political scientist and host of a podcast centred around Texas called Party Politics. “Latino voters are not a monolith. But what we're finding is the slow trend is towards them supporting Democrats. ”
Record turnout
Texas is already shaping up to see record voting turnout. By the end of the first day of early voting, more than 900,000 Texans cast ballots either in person or by mail, a record. By the end of the first week, more than four million people had voted, according to the Texas secretary of state. As of this writing, nearly 17 million Texans are registered to vote, an increase of 1.85 million from four years ago. The state does not register voters by party, so it can be difficult to decipher how many of those registered are likely to swing either way.
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Voters line up and wait to cast a ballot at the American Airlines Center during early voting on October 15, 2020, in Dallas, Texas [LM Otero/AP Photo]
But Texas Democrats are heading into the final stretch of the election feeling more bullish about a presidential election than they have in years.
“I think we are right on the cusp,” said Cook of a Democratic turnaround. “I don't know if we'll get over the finish line two years from now or four years from now. But Texas doesn't just get to be a Republican freebie anymore. They have to work for it or it's not going to happen. ”
#world Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=12879&feed_id=12421
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Conisbrough - The Ups and Downs of a Medieval Castle
By F.G. Dannatt Conisbrough Castle, the Grade 1 listed building, is an unbelievably beautiful place to visit, sitting on a prominent, steep hilltop that overlooks the picturesque village of Conisbrough in South Yorkshire; a village that itself has a long history and like a lot of the villages in South Yorkshire can be dated back to Doomsday Book. But, it's the castle itself that really catches the eye and the imagination from people around the world - from being the inspiration to one of the greatest novels, Ivanhoe, to the legend of a ghostly lady wondering the keep, this Medieval Castle has it all and is one of Britain's treasures.
photo by Rob Bendall via CC Licence
Dating back to the 11th century, the land and surrounding area was originally called 'Cyningsburh' which was the Anglo-Saxon word for 'The King's Borough' and was first owned by a Saxon nobleman named Elheim. It was granted to him by Wulfric Spott who was a minister to Edward the Confessor. It then went on to be owned by King Harold II and Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, after King Harold fell at the Battle of Hastings. The area was granted to William the Conqueror's greatest supporter, William de Warenne – who was to become the 1st Earl of Surrey - along with estates in Sussex and Norfolk By all accounts William didn't really do that much with Conisbrough, seeming to prefer his property at Castle Acre in Norfolk and so all that was achieved with Conisbrough was little more than a very basic castle, a wooden motte and bailey which would have been surrounded by palisades made of wood and earthen-works. The castle did stay pretty much untouched for the next three generations, as it passed from father to son and so on, and it wasn't really until Isabelle de Warenne inherited the castle that changes really started to happen, and after that it stayed within the de Warenne family right up until the 14th century where the last Earl of Surrey, John de Warenne, died without heirs and all de Warenne land, including Conisbrough Castle reverted back to the crown. During the civil war between King Stephen and his cousin Empress Matilda over who controlled England, the Countess of Conisborough Castle was Lady Isabelle de Warenne, the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Surrey - who had died during his foray into the Crusades.
De Warenne Coat of Arms - image supplied by author via English Heritage
Isabelle was by far one of the most sought-after women in England at the time; she was ridiculously wealthy with a title that dated back to William the Conqueror with some of the most sought-after properties in the country. Every man in England would have wanted her, but it was King Stephen that managed to align his house with the de Warenne estates. Stephen married Isabelle off to his son William, who most likely thought he had an advantageous arrangement – that is until his father made a deal with Empress Matilda that on Stephen's death the crown would go to Matilda's son, Henry of Anjou. William and Isabel seemed to accept what would happen and when Henry succeeded Stephen, William served King Henry II loyally until his own death. On the death of her husband, and without a child to pass on the title to, Isabelle was once again the powerful and much sought-after heiress and yet again regarded by England and the nobility as a great prize. King Henry II, by all accounts, was desperate to unite his house with the Countess and in 1162 Henry's youngest brother William was seeking a marriage with her, but his request was refused by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, and William died shortly after – legend has it that he died of a broken heart after losing Isabelle. King Henry though was not put off by this and he was determined to get the de Warenne estates into royal hands, so he pushed for a marriage between Isabelle and his illegitimate half-brother Hamelin Plantagenet, and in 1164 they were married. It was through Hamelin that Conisbrough Castle became the magnificent castle that it is today. Hamelin, I think, was a man who was decades ahead of his time - on his marriage to Isabelle he took the very unusual decision to take her name of de Warenne. Even though he would have been the Earl of Surrey on their marriage, he took on her family name as well. For me that speaks a lot about his character, it appears that he could have had a genuine fondness for his wife and in taking her name he was showing her the ultimate respect by honoring her family. Not just him honoring her family but the marriage by all accounts seems to have been a success, as they went on to have four surviving children: only son and heir William and three daughters Ela, Isabel and Matilda – even though it was rumored that Matilda was Hamelin's daughter from a previous relationship and one of their daughters – it is believed to be Isabel - was reported to have birthed the illegitimate son, Richard Fitzroy, of her cousin and future King, John. Both Hamelin and Isabelle were very loyal to his brother Henry II.
photo by Rob Bendall via CC Licence
As well as his political work at court, Hamelin was busy having the castle renovated and brought right up to date. During the 1170s/1180s Hamelin had the mighty hexagonal stone keep built which is 28 metres (92 feet) high, the stairs to the keep used to be accessed across a drawbridge. The curtain wall (as it has been called) and the out buildings that lined the wall, which included the great hall and a chamber block which could have been reserved for servants – these were either built along the same time as the keep or added by William after his father's death - and in 1189 Hamelin and Isabelle founded a chapel lain to be established at the castle. Once Hamelin's nephew John became king, it is widely known that King John liked to stay at Conisbrough Castle for long periods of time, and cementing it as the de Warennes' most principal seat. Over the next few generations life at Conisbrough Castle went along peacefully enough, passing from father to son, that is until the 8th and last Earl of Surrey, John de Warenne - who by all accounts was a bit of a character and John's exploits changed Conisbrough's future forever. John married Joan of Bar who was Edward I's granddaughter, their marriage wasn't happy – or even amicable. John tried and failed to be granted a divorce, and after this failure Joan decided to leave Conisbrough to live in London under the protection of Edward II, leaving John at Conisbrough to carry on living with his mistress. It was after Joan had left, that Conisbrough was center stage of political rivalry, sieges and a legendary kidnapping. At one point the castle was besieged by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster and taken from John, only for Thomas to rebel against the King and who was defeated and executed. Conisbrough Castle was then again returned to John in 1326. Unfortunately, John died 20 years later without any heirs and all of the de Warenne lands and estates were reverted to the crown. But in a way the castle was still connected to the de Warenne family, as Edward II handed his fourth son Edmund Langley - who was the godson of John de Warenne - the castle. When Edmund Langley died in 1402, the castle and the Dukedom were inherited by his elder son, Edward. His second son, Richard of Conisbrough, Earl of Cambridge, was left with nothing as his paternity was constantly in doubt, so with nothing to his name Richard had no choice but to lease a portion of the land from his brother. It was said that he was by far the poorest Earl in the country at the time. It was while living there that Richard was caught in a conspiracy plot to assassinate Henry V, for which he was tried and executed. Only three months later, Edward died at the Battle of Agincourt, and as Edward died without an heir, the castle and all estates were inherited by Richard's son from his first marriage - Richard, the third Duke of York. After Cambridge's death his widow and 2nd wife, Maud Clifford, decided to take up permanent residence at Conisbrough up until her death. Sometime in the 15th century Conisbrough Castle seems to have been abandoned; even with its lofty aristocratic and royal connections it was left to ruin. In 1538 when Henry VIII had his various surveys of castles done around the country, it was noted that Conisbrough had lost its roof, floors and gatehouse and a good potion of the south curtain had collapsed into a ditch (that part of the castle can still be seen today.) In 1559 the castle was gifted to Elizabeth I, who didn't seem to want to be burdened with it and passed it to her cousin Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon. During the next couple of hundred years the castle passed from one family to another, no one seeming to want to bring it back to its former glory and all the while the castle was getting more and more ruined and dilapidated.
Aerial View - see here for attribution
It wasn't really until the early 19th century that Conisbrough Castle got the attention that is so deserved. After a trip to Doncaster Sir Walter Scott visited the ruins and he used the location in his best-selling novel Ivanhoe. In the book it called 'Coningsburgh Castle'. Obviously, this got a lot of people's attention and people were visiting the castle as a tourist attraction. In 1950 the castle was taken into state guardianship and in the 1960s The Ministry of Works began extensive repairs on the castle and during 1967-69 the castle underwent important excavations and later in the 1970s brand new stairs were built into the keep. It wasn't until the 1990's that The Ivanhoe Trust took over management of the castle and they re-roofed and re-floored the keep and finally in 2007 this historic building was under direct management by English Heritage. ~~~~~~~~~~ F.G. Dannatt owns a blog site called Walking in History, which can be found at https://walkinginhistoryblog.wordpress.com/
Hat Tip To: English Historical Fiction Authors
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day
Females who have roles in the government have a very toughjob. Not exclusively are they expected to prove that they are just as intelligent and worthy as their male colleagues, they too have to appear just right to the press.
If they establish too much leg or cleavage, they will be labeled “sexy” and “slutty, ” but if they establish too little, they will be called “harsh” or “barren.”
Have beings ever had to worry about their look being a factor of their political cost? No, of course not. Regrettably, these women were evaluated more for their assets than for their political achievements.
1. Sarah Palin- Former Governor of Alaska
When Sarah Palin decided to run for vice president alongside John McCain, the media didn’t take her earnestly for a minute. This was partially because of her crazy statements, such as that “waterboarding is how we’d christen gunmen if I was in charge, ” but likewise because she is an attractive woman.
“Sarah Palin’s Booty Is Out There! ” was one favourite headline.
2. Jackie Kennedy Onassis- Former US First Lady
First girls have always been appreciated for their lookings and their mode, rather than for their actual attainments. Conducting this institution was Jackie Kennedy, who did, surely, have impeccable charm and style.
However, it is a little known information that she was a reporter for the Washington Times-Herald, where she interviewed both Richard Nixon and wrote about the the opening ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Kirsten Gillibrand- Senator of New York
Senator Gillibrand is the second female senator of New York after Hillary, and hitherto much of the media smothering her concentrated on her image. At a fundraiser, 70 -year-old Tea Party Member Senator Harry Reid praised Kirsten for her magnitude of knowledge about protection laws, but he likewise couldn’t assistance mentioning that she is the “hottest member” of Senate.
4. Belinda Stronach- Canadian Parliament Member
Belinda is an impressive business girl, donor and politician. She even started a philanthropic organization, which supports the development of women and healthcare. Yet, numerous essays have been written about her glossy blonde mane and lean organization, one section even equating her examines to Paris Hilton.
5. Carly Fiorina- Former US Presidential Candidate
Carly Fiorina holds the view that sexism is a large dilemma in her expedition. I’ve been are working with[ sexism] all my life, Fiorina said, after an interviewer commented on her pink nail glos. “You choose to confront, Fiorina said, and sometimes you choose to ignore it and simply keep going.
6. Liz Kendall- British Parliament Candidate
Liz Kendall, who is running for the Labor Party, has has abundance of sexist bullsh* t written about her. She has been critiqued for being single and having no children.
However, when faced instantly with sexism, Kendall doesn’t take any sh* t. When a reporter tried to ask her about her weight, she told him to “f* ck off.”
7. Hillary Clinton- US Presidential Candidate
A list of Hillary’s accomplishment could fill up sheets and sheets of articles, yet full articles have been written exclusively about her hairstyles.
USA Today featured a piece called, “Hillary’s Headbands: Zippy or Just Dippy? ” A reporter expressed the view that her brand-new foregrounds are apparently a signaling of imminent victory, and there has been speculation about whether or not she wears a wig.
However, Hillary has stated that she doesn’t care what the media reckons. “I feel so relieved to be at the stage I’m at in my life right now, ” she said on CNN. ”If I want to wear my glass, I’m wearing my glasses. If I want to pull my “hairs-breadth” back, I’m drawing my fuzz back.”
8. Grace Coolidge- Former US First Lady
Grace is a major maid in society, and her husband Calvin loved this about her. Bland and nerdy himself, Calvin dressed Grace in bold, flapper full-dress and enjoyed exposing her on his arm.” She was vivacious, the camera affection her, ” Corman O’Brien wrote of her in his book, “Secret Lives of the First Ladies.”
Aside from her pattern appreciation, Grace also worked with organizations such as Red Cross and wrote for various magazines.
9. Erika Harold – Former Illinois Congress Candidate
When 2003 ’s Miss America decided to run for state congress, the majority of news attention she got was about her great bikini person, rather than the fact that she was previously an attorney.
In fact, much of the Republican Party did not support her; one soldier even called her a “streetwalker.” Needless to say, she did not get elected.
10. Orly Levy- Israeli Parliament
Former member of the Israeli Air Force, example and TV emcee, Orly has achieved a lot in her lifetime. Nonetheless, she is listed in many clauses as one of the “hottest politicians.” What hasn’t stimulated headlines is the fact she passed legislation that preventions sexual offenders to work at organizations, such as schools and hospitals.
11. Michelle Obama- US First Lady
When Obama was loping for chairperson, what was Michelle Obama most known for? Not the facts of the case that she is a grad of Harvard Law School, but for her muscular arms.
As first lady, Michelle has developed a mentorship platform for young women and “Let’s Move, ” which promotes children to exercise. Yet, more sections have been written about the fitness program she employs than these successes.
12. Ccile Duflot – French Parliament
As a member of the Green Party, Duflot once swam in the Seine to make a statement about river pollution. She is clearly much more than precisely a beautiful face. Nonetheless, when she spoke at the National Assembly about urban development, she received wolf whistles and “ahhs” for wearing a simple floral dress.
13. Elizabeth Halseth- Former Nevada Senate Member
Halseth sufficed as Nebraska Senator for two years, but then abdicated while having a public divorce with husband, who she accused of sexually assaulting her.
After leaving the Senate, she was unable to get a job in Nevada( although she did constitute for Maxim Magazine ). She said this was because she was being “regularly demonized by selfish partisans and a handful of negligent bloggers with personal plans of salacious, unfounded personal attacks on me.”
Clearly, Nevadans could not manage having a strong, sexy lady as their senator.
14. Eva Kaili- Greek Parliament Member
A former TV bulletin presenter, Eva Kaili, has always been judged by her appearing. She was previously called the “Hottest Newscaster, ” and now is considered one of the “Hottest Female Politicians.”
However, she should also be recognized for her impressive accomplishments, such as being nominated for the MEP Award for her research and invention as a member of parliament.
15. Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Former Prime Minister of Denmark
Helle is a extremely accomplished maiden; she was the first lady to be premier of Denmark, and now is the chief executive of Save The Children. However, when she called America, the only thing the press “was talkin about a” was her apparent flirtation with President Obama( and Michelle’s envious face ).
16. Michele Bachmann- Former US Representative
Michele Bachmann ran in the 2012 poll for the Republican situate. The Tea Party candidate has obligated headlines for her ultra-conservative perspectives, such as that being lesbian is “a part of Satan.”
However, she has also made headlines for her “lean legs.”
The post These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
ABC News’ app adds support for multi-stream viewing on Apple TV
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/26/abc-news-app-adds-support-for-multi-stream-viewing-on-apple-tv/
ABC News’ app adds support for multi-stream viewing on Apple TV
News junkies, have fun. ABC News is rolling out an updated Apple Television software, live today, which makes the Information division the primary to provide a simultaneous multi-circulate viewing experience in its tvOS software. At release, there is a dozen one-of-a-kind live streams users can choose from, presented in a row as the lowest of the display screen. These can be located in either a dual-screen mode or maybe a quad-display screen view, depending on your options.new aids vaccine
It’s somewhat unusual to see a News app pushing forward with a function like this.
More than one stay streams are something you’d usually accomplice with sports apps – like the MLB at Bat Apple Tv app, as an instance, which shall we viewers watch video games side with the aid of-aspect. Fox sports and Canal in France also provide a comparable function.
ABC Information, but, sees the danger to apply multi-streams as a way to hold up with the huge amount of Information content material that’s on the internet day by day, consisting of thru social platforms like Fb and Twitter. It almost seems like a reaction to those systems’ pass into live streaming content as of the past due and is derived in advance of Twitter’s plans to open up its personal live streaming API to media businesses.
“All through periods of breaking Information, there are often More than one tale threads and video sources being surfaced concurrently – the multistream experience enables our users to keep an eye on all of the developments without lacking a beat,” explains Doug Vance, Vice chairman, Product Development at ABC News, as to why the enterprise desired to construct out a feature like this for Apple Tv.
Whilst you first launch the up to date ABC News app, you’ll be shown the top Information stories of the day inside the principal menu. to apply the brand new function, you’ll click into the “stay Streams” phase in place of scrolling via the other content.
From right here, you’ll be provided with an interface wherein you could scroll via the available streams, then click those you want to observe within the new, multi-window layout.
The stay streams are a combination of the stay content material that’s produced by way of the ABC Newsgroup and supplemented with content from ABC companions and affiliates. The streams will consist of breaking Information, political Information, lifestyle, and entertainment content material, the company says. Which means such things as pool shots (White Residence press pool, e.G., UN forums, state trips, and many others.), streams from 1/3-birthday celebration assets, and produced streams from area manufacturers at the ABC Newsgroup.
When NEWS Is Simply Too Much Information
Information: A Story of Too much Information and a Lady – by way of Simon Plaster – ISBN: 978-0-9914480-7-4. Posted by using Mossik Press (December 21, 2016). ($7.ninety nine USD Amazon Paperback Edition) Reviewer obtained ebook from Creator as an alternate paperback.
Overview by means of Chris Phillips
There is the classic Who, What, While, Where and Why in this comic thriller.
The solid of characters are settling in for his or her new conditions. They think that nothing tons should be going on to disenchanted that international, but, they’re especially wrong.
This Tale of innuendo, gossip, lies, misdirection and intrigue comes across authentically as a comedy of mistakes and misinformation. The basis is easy sufficient and just subtle sufficient to offer a terrific base.
Ma Foster presents housing for her “girls,” Bella, Chloe, and Kitty. Presently the three in residence are lacking. Ma makes a big deal approximately it. She even goes to the neighborhood newspaper While the local police do now not act on her fears. She does catch the eye of the out-of-paintings detective, the brand new editor of the neighborhood newspaper and remaining however not least the town itself.
The important character is Henrietta, who was named after the town in question, Henryetta, Oklahoma. Henrietta has loads going for her in recent times, she has moved to the huge metropolis, OKC, Adequate and landed a process with the nearby t.V. Station. Despite the fact that this does not help your journalistic profession, it does get her inside the middle of News and events of the day. The usual players for Henryetta are Wynona Sue, Henrietta’s hairdresser mother stars in a “reality” show, see later. Her husband, Professor LeHough, a neighborhood bug expert is bald from a marvel shaving. Rodney, Henrietta’s boyfriend, digital camera guy pal and ordinary best friend is pulled and tugged by means of Henrietta and her instant boss Omit Peg. Harold Mixon, the owner and editor emeritus of the local weekly newspaper, simply lately put online is trying to have a pleasing and quiet Labor Day weekend along with his friends at the Global Order of Unusual Fellows (I.O.O.F.).
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Apple’s most distinctive product excellent has constantly been awesome person revel in and simplicity in layout and that is what makes it so remarkably different. At a time whilst the marketplace was congested with speedy promoting manufacturers like Nokia, Sony, Motorola, and so on. The iPhone got here with the maximum innovative concept of touchscreen era which became person friendly and without problems handy. Although touchscreen has been in use for past many many years however its use become restrained to unique technologies, however, iPhone controlled to offer the widest platform to this touchscreen era by making the telephone completely touchscreen enabled. The easy and innovative layout without too many buttons and distractions iPhone became an immediately hit and big name inside the eyes of the users and the trend have become so excessive that human beings started out queuing stores before the launch of latest variations and the same has been maintained for the 9 generations of iPhone’s launched until date. easy slate layout, interactive interface, very own running device, high pace, notable camera, specific and the most important IOS app keep are a number of the capabilities which have always made iPhone’s stand apart from the crowd and maintain their exclusivity.
Apple could be launching its new iPhone 7 and its variant 7s this year and the hype around the phone and its era has already started out constructing. people as usually are curious approximately the brand new techniques so as to be used in this installment of iPhone and the precise functions with a view to enhancing it.
The iPhone’s have constantly controlled to provide faster speeds in spite of low ram because of their incorporated circuits and advanced technology and with iPhone 7 and 7s the trend is predicted to preserve. With excessive resolution 12 MP number one and five MP secondary digicam this telephone may be a pleasure for the self-fanatics. Siri, the smart non-public assistant, one of the most revolutionary and distinguishing sights of iPhones is anticipated to be more superior with natural language command and dictation and as a result interacting with the cellphone is going to be tons simpler than ever.
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day
Females who have roles in the government have a very toughjob. Not exclusively are they expected to prove that they are just as intelligent and worthy as their male colleagues, they too have to appear just right to the press.
If they establish too much leg or cleavage, they will be labeled “sexy” and “slutty, ” but if they establish too little, they will be called “harsh” or “barren.”
Have beings ever had to worry about their look being a factor of their political cost? No, of course not. Regrettably, these women were evaluated more for their assets than for their political achievements.
1. Sarah Palin- Former Governor of Alaska
When Sarah Palin decided to run for vice president alongside John McCain, the media didn’t take her earnestly for a minute. This was partially because of her crazy statements, such as that “waterboarding is how we’d christen gunmen if I was in charge, ” but likewise because she is an attractive woman.
“Sarah Palin’s Booty Is Out There! ” was one favourite headline.
2. Jackie Kennedy Onassis- Former US First Lady
First girls have always been appreciated for their lookings and their mode, rather than for their actual attainments. Conducting this institution was Jackie Kennedy, who did, surely, have impeccable charm and style.
However, it is a little known information that she was a reporter for the Washington Times-Herald, where she interviewed both Richard Nixon and wrote about the the opening ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Kirsten Gillibrand- Senator of New York
Senator Gillibrand is the second female senator of New York after Hillary, and hitherto much of the media smothering her concentrated on her image. At a fundraiser, 70 -year-old Tea Party Member Senator Harry Reid praised Kirsten for her magnitude of knowledge about protection laws, but he likewise couldn’t assistance mentioning that she is the “hottest member” of Senate.
4. Belinda Stronach- Canadian Parliament Member
Belinda is an impressive business girl, donor and politician. She even started a philanthropic organization, which supports the development of women and healthcare. Yet, numerous essays have been written about her glossy blonde mane and lean organization, one section even equating her examines to Paris Hilton.
5. Carly Fiorina- Former US Presidential Candidate
Carly Fiorina holds the view that sexism is a large dilemma in her expedition. I’ve been are working with[ sexism] all my life, Fiorina said, after an interviewer commented on her pink nail glos. “You choose to confront, Fiorina said, and sometimes you choose to ignore it and simply keep going.
6. Liz Kendall- British Parliament Candidate
Liz Kendall, who is running for the Labor Party, has has abundance of sexist bullsh* t written about her. She has been critiqued for being single and having no children.
However, when faced instantly with sexism, Kendall doesn’t take any sh* t. When a reporter tried to ask her about her weight, she told him to “f* ck off.”
7. Hillary Clinton- US Presidential Candidate
A list of Hillary’s accomplishment could fill up sheets and sheets of articles, yet full articles have been written exclusively about her hairstyles.
USA Today featured a piece called, “Hillary’s Headbands: Zippy or Just Dippy? ” A reporter expressed the view that her brand-new foregrounds are apparently a signaling of imminent victory, and there has been speculation about whether or not she wears a wig.
However, Hillary has stated that she doesn’t care what the media reckons. “I feel so relieved to be at the stage I’m at in my life right now, ” she said on CNN. ”If I want to wear my glass, I’m wearing my glasses. If I want to pull my “hairs-breadth” back, I’m drawing my fuzz back.”
8. Grace Coolidge- Former US First Lady
Grace is a major maid in society, and her husband Calvin loved this about her. Bland and nerdy himself, Calvin dressed Grace in bold, flapper full-dress and enjoyed exposing her on his arm.” She was vivacious, the camera affection her, ” Corman O’Brien wrote of her in his book, “Secret Lives of the First Ladies.”
Aside from her pattern appreciation, Grace also worked with organizations such as Red Cross and wrote for various magazines.
9. Erika Harold – Former Illinois Congress Candidate
When 2003 ’s Miss America decided to run for state congress, the majority of news attention she got was about her great bikini person, rather than the fact that she was previously an attorney.
In fact, much of the Republican Party did not support her; one soldier even called her a “streetwalker.” Needless to say, she did not get elected.
10. Orly Levy- Israeli Parliament
Former member of the Israeli Air Force, example and TV emcee, Orly has achieved a lot in her lifetime. Nonetheless, she is listed in many clauses as one of the “hottest politicians.” What hasn’t stimulated headlines is the fact she passed legislation that preventions sexual offenders to work at organizations, such as schools and hospitals.
11. Michelle Obama- US First Lady
When Obama was loping for chairperson, what was Michelle Obama most known for? Not the facts of the case that she is a grad of Harvard Law School, but for her muscular arms.
As first lady, Michelle has developed a mentorship platform for young women and “Let’s Move, ” which promotes children to exercise. Yet, more sections have been written about the fitness program she employs than these successes.
12. Ccile Duflot – French Parliament
As a member of the Green Party, Duflot once swam in the Seine to make a statement about river pollution. She is clearly much more than precisely a beautiful face. Nonetheless, when she spoke at the National Assembly about urban development, she received wolf whistles and “ahhs” for wearing a simple floral dress.
13. Elizabeth Halseth- Former Nevada Senate Member
Halseth sufficed as Nebraska Senator for two years, but then abdicated while having a public divorce with husband, who she accused of sexually assaulting her.
After leaving the Senate, she was unable to get a job in Nevada( although she did constitute for Maxim Magazine ). She said this was because she was being “regularly demonized by selfish partisans and a handful of negligent bloggers with personal plans of salacious, unfounded personal attacks on me.”
Clearly, Nevadans could not manage having a strong, sexy lady as their senator.
14. Eva Kaili- Greek Parliament Member
A former TV bulletin presenter, Eva Kaili, has always been judged by her appearing. She was previously called the “Hottest Newscaster, ” and now is considered one of the “Hottest Female Politicians.”
However, she should also be recognized for her impressive accomplishments, such as being nominated for the MEP Award for her research and invention as a member of parliament.
15. Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Former Prime Minister of Denmark
Helle is a extremely accomplished maiden; she was the first lady to be premier of Denmark, and now is the chief executive of Save The Children. However, when she called America, the only thing the press “was talkin about a” was her apparent flirtation with President Obama( and Michelle’s envious face ).
16. Michele Bachmann- Former US Representative
Michele Bachmann ran in the 2012 poll for the Republican situate. The Tea Party candidate has obligated headlines for her ultra-conservative perspectives, such as that being lesbian is “a part of Satan.”
However, she has also made headlines for her “lean legs.”
The post These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2xyeaki via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day
Females who have roles in the government have a very toughjob. Not exclusively are they expected to prove that they are just as intelligent and worthy as their male colleagues, they too have to appear just right to the press.
If they establish too much leg or cleavage, they will be labeled “sexy” and “slutty, ” but if they establish too little, they will be called “harsh” or “barren.”
Have beings ever had to worry about their look being a factor of their political cost? No, of course not. Regrettably, these women were evaluated more for their assets than for their political achievements.
1. Sarah Palin- Former Governor of Alaska
When Sarah Palin decided to run for vice president alongside John McCain, the media didn’t take her earnestly for a minute. This was partially because of her crazy statements, such as that “waterboarding is how we’d christen gunmen if I was in charge, ” but likewise because she is an attractive woman.
“Sarah Palin’s Booty Is Out There! ” was one favourite headline.
2. Jackie Kennedy Onassis- Former US First Lady
First girls have always been appreciated for their lookings and their mode, rather than for their actual attainments. Conducting this institution was Jackie Kennedy, who did, surely, have impeccable charm and style.
However, it is a little known information that she was a reporter for the Washington Times-Herald, where she interviewed both Richard Nixon and wrote about the the opening ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Kirsten Gillibrand- Senator of New York
Senator Gillibrand is the second female senator of New York after Hillary, and hitherto much of the media smothering her concentrated on her image. At a fundraiser, 70 -year-old Tea Party Member Senator Harry Reid praised Kirsten for her magnitude of knowledge about protection laws, but he likewise couldn’t assistance mentioning that she is the “hottest member” of Senate.
4. Belinda Stronach- Canadian Parliament Member
Belinda is an impressive business girl, donor and politician. She even started a philanthropic organization, which supports the development of women and healthcare. Yet, numerous essays have been written about her glossy blonde mane and lean organization, one section even equating her examines to Paris Hilton.
5. Carly Fiorina- Former US Presidential Candidate
Carly Fiorina holds the view that sexism is a large dilemma in her expedition. I’ve been are working with[ sexism] all my life, Fiorina said, after an interviewer commented on her pink nail glos. “You choose to confront, Fiorina said, and sometimes you choose to ignore it and simply keep going.
6. Liz Kendall- British Parliament Candidate
Liz Kendall, who is running for the Labor Party, has has abundance of sexist bullsh* t written about her. She has been critiqued for being single and having no children.
However, when faced instantly with sexism, Kendall doesn’t take any sh* t. When a reporter tried to ask her about her weight, she told him to “f* ck off.”
7. Hillary Clinton- US Presidential Candidate
A list of Hillary’s accomplishment could fill up sheets and sheets of articles, yet full articles have been written exclusively about her hairstyles.
USA Today featured a piece called, “Hillary’s Headbands: Zippy or Just Dippy? ” A reporter expressed the view that her brand-new foregrounds are apparently a signaling of imminent victory, and there has been speculation about whether or not she wears a wig.
However, Hillary has stated that she doesn’t care what the media reckons. “I feel so relieved to be at the stage I’m at in my life right now, ” she said on CNN. ”If I want to wear my glass, I’m wearing my glasses. If I want to pull my “hairs-breadth” back, I’m drawing my fuzz back.”
8. Grace Coolidge- Former US First Lady
Grace is a major maid in society, and her husband Calvin loved this about her. Bland and nerdy himself, Calvin dressed Grace in bold, flapper full-dress and enjoyed exposing her on his arm.” She was vivacious, the camera affection her, ” Corman O’Brien wrote of her in his book, “Secret Lives of the First Ladies.”
Aside from her pattern appreciation, Grace also worked with organizations such as Red Cross and wrote for various magazines.
9. Erika Harold – Former Illinois Congress Candidate
When 2003 ’s Miss America decided to run for state congress, the majority of news attention she got was about her great bikini person, rather than the fact that she was previously an attorney.
In fact, much of the Republican Party did not support her; one soldier even called her a “streetwalker.” Needless to say, she did not get elected.
10. Orly Levy- Israeli Parliament
Former member of the Israeli Air Force, example and TV emcee, Orly has achieved a lot in her lifetime. Nonetheless, she is listed in many clauses as one of the “hottest politicians.” What hasn’t stimulated headlines is the fact she passed legislation that preventions sexual offenders to work at organizations, such as schools and hospitals.
11. Michelle Obama- US First Lady
When Obama was loping for chairperson, what was Michelle Obama most known for? Not the facts of the case that she is a grad of Harvard Law School, but for her muscular arms.
As first lady, Michelle has developed a mentorship platform for young women and “Let’s Move, ” which promotes children to exercise. Yet, more sections have been written about the fitness program she employs than these successes.
12. Ccile Duflot – French Parliament
As a member of the Green Party, Duflot once swam in the Seine to make a statement about river pollution. She is clearly much more than precisely a beautiful face. Nonetheless, when she spoke at the National Assembly about urban development, she received wolf whistles and “ahhs” for wearing a simple floral dress.
13. Elizabeth Halseth- Former Nevada Senate Member
Halseth sufficed as Nebraska Senator for two years, but then abdicated while having a public divorce with husband, who she accused of sexually assaulting her.
After leaving the Senate, she was unable to get a job in Nevada( although she did constitute for Maxim Magazine ). She said this was because she was being “regularly demonized by selfish partisans and a handful of negligent bloggers with personal plans of salacious, unfounded personal attacks on me.”
Clearly, Nevadans could not manage having a strong, sexy lady as their senator.
14. Eva Kaili- Greek Parliament Member
A former TV bulletin presenter, Eva Kaili, has always been judged by her appearing. She was previously called the “Hottest Newscaster, ” and now is considered one of the “Hottest Female Politicians.”
However, she should also be recognized for her impressive accomplishments, such as being nominated for the MEP Award for her research and invention as a member of parliament.
15. Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Former Prime Minister of Denmark
Helle is a extremely accomplished maiden; she was the first lady to be premier of Denmark, and now is the chief executive of Save The Children. However, when she called America, the only thing the press “was talkin about a” was her apparent flirtation with President Obama( and Michelle’s envious face ).
16. Michele Bachmann- Former US Representative
Michele Bachmann ran in the 2012 poll for the Republican situate. The Tea Party candidate has obligated headlines for her ultra-conservative perspectives, such as that being lesbian is “a part of Satan.”
However, she has also made headlines for her “lean legs.”
The post These Female Legislator Face Sexism In The Workplace Every Single Day appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2xyeaki via IFTTT
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