#harper calling his bf: hwhwhhwhh whw hw hhwhhw hw hwh boyfriend :)
sunfollows · 10 months
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"oh, hi, i'm so glad you answered !!" harper breathes a sigh of relief when taesoo answers, and he grips his phone tightly as he leans against his front door. while the fluttering in his chest that starts up the second he hears the other's voice isn't new, it still makes him shy for a moment before he remembers, hearing astrid's muffled meow on the other side of the door, why he called. he can deal with his feelings for taesoo later, especially since he'd just seen him a few hours ago. "you know how to pick locks, right ?? i kind of need a favor ..." maybe a wild assumption to make, but they'd honestly be more surprised if taesoo said no. / @wcvensouls ♡
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