#harris is a master journalist fr
deathenfield · 6 months
The whole James Somerton affair perfectly encapsulates why I say I do not trust rich, affluent queers. The pursuit of money and privilege inherently dehumanizes you and turns you against your fellow man, or in his case, his fellow queers.
You cannot be a capitalist, to value money above all over things, and be ethical, they're opposite concepts. It doesn't matter how earnestly Somerton felt about his work, how he claimed he did everything for the LGBTQ+ community, everything he did was for money, and it if meant fucking over other queer people to do that, so be it. To me, the LGBTQ+ community is about love, support, and community, all of which capitalism stands in direct opposition of. Someone who desires capital more than anything will inevitably betray their humanity, inflicting cruelty onto others in pursuit of higher profits.
The queer writers who tried to make their voice and their communities' voices heard as they were dying of AIDS, the journalists who wrote about their experiences hoping that someone would learn something about themselves through them. Every LGBTQ+ writer who deserved to have their voices heard, but instead had their work stolen and obfuscated by a hack fraud who couldn't give less of a shit about queer voices. This is the price of capital.
It comes as no surprise that the person who does not value the labor of writers is also a virulent misogynist. This is the mindset of someone who cannot think about anyone other than themselves - just pure disdain for anything they think is lesser than them. James Somerton adopts the persona of a highly academic activist but in reality is a cynical, greedy, bigoted, uncreative fraud who built his entire career stealing from the voices he claimed to be supporting. If Somerton truly cared so little about our community that he would sell us out for profit, then maybe he should just fuck off and never come back. There's no place for capitalists and bigots in the LGBTQ+ community. FUCK JAMES SOMERTON FR‼️
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