#harry holland appreication
lamptracker · 6 years
You,Harry and you little boy celebrating Harry’s birthday❤️
“So, today is Daddy’s birthday?” Your son Paul, who is five, asks you.
“Yep, Paulie, today’s the day.” You smile as you carefully pour blueberry batter into the waffle iron.
Paul’s tiny brow furrows in confusion. “But today is Valentine’s Day!”
“Sure is. Sometimes people can have their birthdays on a holiday.”
“Oh.” Paul goes back to drawing a picture on the card he’s making for Harry. “Hey, Mommy! Today is Uncle Sammy’s birthday too!”
You laugh as you close the lid on the waffle iron. “Yes, sweetheart, it is. They’re twins. That means Granny Nikki had them both in her tummy together, and they were born on the same day.”
Paul’s little brown eyes grow wide. “Wow. I bet she didn’t like that at all!”
“Probably not. But, I mean, she did decide to have your Uncle Paddy after that. So it must not have been that bad.” 
“Mommy? Do you think the new baby is going to be twins?” Paul puts his crayon down and holds up the card at arms’ length, admiring his handiwork.
“They’d be able to tell by now if it was,” you reply. “But, there’s just one baby in here.” You pat your seven-months-pregnant belly slightly. 
“That stinks, I think two babies would be really fun.” Paul, obviously deciding his card needed more embellishment, digs in his art supply box for a sheet of stickers. He finds the perfect ones: Spider-Man. “What is her name going to be, again?”
The waffle iron beeps; you pull out the waffles inside and add more batter. “Elise,” you reply. “Elise Alexandra.”
“That’s such a pretty name. Look, I put Uncle Tommy on Daddy’s card!” He holds up the card, pointing at the Spider-Man sticker affixed to the front. “Do you think he’ll like it, Mommy?”
“I think he’ll love it, Paulie.” 
“Do I smell blueberry waffles?” Harry pads softly into the room, wearing only his pajama pants; his red hair is wild and his voice is raspy with sleep.
“Daddy!” Paul springs from his seat, racing over to Harry. “Happy birthday, Daddy! Look, I made you this.” He hands the card he’s just finished making to Harry, smiling timidly.
Harry takes the card and studies it carefully, a smile creeping over his face.
“Do you like it?” Paul asks quietly.
“I love it, buddy, thank you so much. You must have worked really hard on this.” He hugs his son close to his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
“Mommy’s making breakfast,” Paul chirps excitedly as he climbs back into his chair. “Then she says she has a present for you, I know what it is but I’m not allowed to say. She says sometimes people have their birthdays on holidays, just like you and Uncle Sammy, Daddy!”
“Did you even take a breath at all during that sentence, Son?” Harry laughs as he crosses over to you. He wraps his arms around your middle, just above your swollen belly. “G’morning, love,” he murmurs into your neck, his head dropping tiredly onto your shoulder.
“Happy birthday, babe.” You turn your head slightly to kiss the tip of his nose before removing the last of the waffles from the waffle iron. “Paul, can you pick up your crayons, please?”
“Sure, Mommy.”  As Paul gets to work picking up his mess, you turn around as carefully as you can in Harry’s arms. 
“So, a present?” Harry wiggles his eyebrows at you; you laugh.
“You can open it after breakfast, okay? I’m starving.”
“Right, right, eating for two.” Harry bends town to press a soft kiss to your belly. “Hello in there, Elise. You hungry? Your mum makes the best blueberry waffles.”
You put the waffles on plates and carry them to the table; you help Paul cut his up before pouring some syrup over the top.
“Do you like your birthday so far, Daddy?” Paul asks, between bites of waffle.
“I love it, Paul,” Harry says. “I’m spending it with the two people I love the most. And you know what? That’s the best present of all.”
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