narasnooze · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
[ 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒 ] ― sender steals an item of receiver’s clothes because it smells like them
   He probably walked through his home five times searching for his uniform shirt with no luck in finding it before he finally went back to the bedroom. “Hey, Sakura.. Have you seen my––” 
   A thin eyebrow climbed his forehead and a slight smirk appeared on his lips, followed by a light chuckle. He stepped closer to the bed, leaned over the woman in his bed, and brushed pink hair away from her face. “I’m afraid I need that...” He told her with a gentle voice.
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narasnooze · 3 years
   “I’m telling you... this is not necessary.” Shikamaru said, eyebrow arched as he sat awkwardly on the hospital bed for a check up after the fight where he was injured. It wasn’t that bad. A cracked rib or two was all there was and they would heal on their own. No fuss needed.
   Yes. Okay... Maybe he had suffered from a bit of tunnel vision lately and felt a bit faint, but it too would pass eventually, wouldn’t it? That’s why he hadn’t mentioned it before... That until someone just had to notice...
   “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
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narasnooze · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
[shock] @haruno-sakura-san
[ shock ]  –  for the sender to recoil a bit in shock at how quick the receiver latches onto them in a moment of high emotion, before returning the affections.
   It had been one of the more stressful, draining and dangerous missions. He had known it would be a tough one, and the last thing he wanted was to send someone he really cared about to deal with it. But honestly, there had been no better suited for it than Sakura. Of course he’d made sure that somebody above great had accompanied her; Aoba, as well as another medic of her choice.
   ‘Pick someone you would trust with your life. Choose not only with your head, but your gut as well... All three of you must be as stubborn to back each other up and not give up, like Naruto.’ He had told her a month ago, a week before their departure.
   He couldn’t bare losing her. He would’ve picked the third one himself if he’d known them better but.. he trusted Sakura to make a satisfying choice for a third member.
   Now, what felt like an eternity of constant worry, Shikamaru himself and two other Jōnin had gone after the first team when they hadn’t heard from them for a while. When they eventually found them, and for having thought the worst had happened, Shikamaru had taken her hand firmly without even announcing their arrival. He still didn’t say a word as he just stared at her with as much fear as relief at seeing her alive.
   He was sorry for startling her, but at the same time... he didn’t care about that at all. He was so damn glad and relieved that she was standing there. And he sort of wanted to yell at her for not giving them the slightest sign of life for the past two weeks.
   He was close to snap at Aoba as well, for not reporting either. But, obviously there was a reason for them not doing so...
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narasnooze · 3 years
Anonymous said:
Can I kiss you?  @haruno-sakura-san
   The shōgi piece nearly slipped from his slim fingers as he picked it up to make his move. However... it seemed as Sakura’s move made him even forget what he was looking down at. What on earth is this board and all these pieces? What the hell is even written on them? What did she just say?
   Shikamaru lifted his gaze, looking ironically much like a deer who just heard someone approach. He slowly began nodding, still very much surprised though. Maybe he shouldn’t be as surprised as he was... they had spent a lot of time together for a while now, after all. But perhaps he hadn’t thought Sakura felt the same..?
   Oh, God. Maybe this was a joke. And he just nodded like an idiot.
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narasnooze · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
[ ADJUST ] : sender adjusts an item of clothing or jewellery that the receiver is wearing, resulting in them being very close together.
Harry Potter AU since you seem to be on a kick. 😉🌸
    “I’m fine..” Shikamaru said softly, but it seemed as if his words didn’t reach her or matter. His robes was adjusted by her as well as his tie, and he felt his chest tighten as she did so. 
   “It was my fault for not being wiser. I should’ve foreseen this... Gryffindor and Slytherin students has always had an obvious dislike for each other and I was a fool for teaming these two particular students up together, and against each other to duel...”
   Surely his tie wasn’t that difficult to fix...? Her beautiful hands were still adjusting and soothing the silk by his neck. She was very close to him and he had no idea of how much longer he could stand there before his knees would give in and have him fall to the floor. Focus. Focus... 
   He cleared his throat, “I was pleasantly surprised, though. They are getting very good at the Dark Arts..  Guess I’m doing something right..”
    If she failed to hear his heartbeat...
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narasnooze · 3 years
    A New Year.
@haruno-sakura-san    s m i l e. 
   The New Year parties were always the ones that went by the slowest... He usually managed to slip away early, since his friends and all other people he barely knew got drunk enough before midnight to sort of forget his presence, or at least enough to not miss him if they couldn’t find him anywhere.
   But at the New Year party, he had to stay and wait for the obvious reason.  Why? No clue. Everyone went off with their partner or date and he didn’t have one. He might’ve had, if he had just... tried a little more. But honestly, it wasn’t his strong suit. Ino and Chōji had named a few things he had to do something about if he ever wanted to get serious about finding someone.
   Which was a bit of a drag... Why pretend to be something he’s not? He wouldn’t want anyone to act differently for him. He’d feel lied to.
   Mirai told him that he will find his princess in due time. It had sounded adorable and he hand’t been able to resist picking her up to hug the six year old.
   Anyway, he wasn’t there to find his princess... He was there to celebrate the year that had been and greet the new to come. A few drinks, throw a couple of words with some of the least drunk friends around, and then wait...
   When everyone finally hooked onto their date and went out on the dance floor, Shikamaru sighed tiredly in relief and slouched down. Just a couple more minutes...
   He watched Ino dance with Sai, shimmering in happiness like a star. Chōji with his date, too, and Shikamaru smiled to himself. What meant the most to him was seeing his two best friends happy. He then glanced over to Naruto and had to restrain a chuckle. Well, he sure seemed happy too...  Good.
   He yawned after having tossed another eye at the watch and then yawned some more. He sank down onto his chair and suddenly felt as though being watched. By whom, though? Everyone was on the floo– 
   Ah. Apparently not.
   Sakura sat further away, smiling with a... glass of juice in her hand. Was she really planning on going back to work after this? He would’ve passed out, surely..
      Well... If he’s just going to wait for this awful song to end and have this party over with, he’d very much rather wait it out with someone he knew. And someone who wouldn’t slur and pinch his cheeks, telling him how cute but sulky he’s being.     So, he smiled gently and then, after another five seconds of thinking about it, pushed him off his chair and walked over to her table.
   “Not a dancer, either?”
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narasnooze · 3 years
illwork4anime asked:
💗 my girl Sakura!
Tumblr media
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narasnooze · 4 years
Send 💟 for a kiss on a wound
Send to get a kiss from my muse.
   The fight was over, they had won and gotten out of it fairly okay. A few cuts here and there, a couple of close death moments but nothing out of the ordinary. Or maybe he’s being a bit overly confident...
   Kneeling down in front of the pinkette, he reaches for her cheek and lets his thumb move carefully, wiping away a bit of blood from a fresh cut before he leans in and presses his lips to it.
   Shikamaru pull himself back just as slow as the kiss had been and meets her eyes. “That’s about all I can do, medical-wise...” the stupid joke is followed by a soft smile before he stands up and walks off, confirming their enemy is still knocked out or unfortunately worse.
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narasnooze · 4 years
@haruno-sakura-san  x. 
“You have to,” she winces as her words stretch the burned skin on her cheek. She tries to focus her vision on his face, but only one eye will open, the other burned shut. “That explosion -” She hisses again, “It wasn’t just an explosion.”
Her arms vibrate like tuning forks with each thrum of chakra stuttering through her destroyed pathways and her body trembles. The explosion had just been a cover for chakra needles that had shredded through her, making it impossible for her feet to stay stuck to the side of the ravine. She’d fallen. Badly. And though she couldn’t even do a diagnostic scan, the paired sharp ache and dull throb  inside her marching to the rhythm of her heartbeat told her there was bleeding that couldn’t be seen.
She holds up a hand to show him the damage. It flickered green, then went out.
“I’m not - an idiot.” Her words are clipped with sharp breaths in between, “I can’t - heal. I can’t - summon.” Even if she activated her seal, the chakra had no pathway to get to the bleeding inside her. “I have a broken leg - severe burns and - internal bleeding. I’m going - to die.”
And although she should be braver than this, her one good eye tears up because she can feel death pressing in on her with every breath shorter than the last. “So what I need - is a sappy goodbye speech - and you to - run home alive before - they find us again.” She finishes with a wobbly, watery smile.
   He hates this. He hates seeing her, Sakura.. one of the strongest kunoichi he knows, hurting this much. He hate seeing Sakura in pain and he hates not knowing what to do, how to help her.
   Shikamaru felt a pressure right underneath his eyes and he fought the tears from appearing by blinking rapidly, only making his eyes glossy for the time being. He watched her hands, watching the pleasant green disappear all too quickly.
   I’m going to die. He felt sick hearing it. He shut his eyes, tears slipping out through the corners. He swallowed hard and shook his head, refusing to believe it or let it happen. “No.. No, no you’re.. no. Stop that. You’ll be fine. We’ll get you help.. I’ll get you help, okay? You just.. fight.”
   Looking at her again, he chewed his lip, shakily breathing in an attempt to calm himself. She’ll be fine.. She must be fine. She must live... Please..     Don’t take her...
   Again he shook his head at her wishes, tears now constantly falling as he reached up to place his hands gently on her cheek. “I.. can’t..   I can’t leave you. I won’t leave you... please... don’t... leave me..”
   Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers. Something he should have done sooner. “Sakura, don’t leave me..” He whispered against her lips, forehead resting against hers while pleading and praying for her life.
   “Fight... Fight through this, please... Haruno Sakura, you don’t ever let anyone boss over you... don’t let Death, either...  Please...”
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narasnooze · 3 years
Anonymous asked: 
“ you here for business? or pleasure? ” @haruno-sakura-san (picturing in Suna but do what feels right 😘)
   Shikamaru startled before he turned his head to see the woman the voice belonged to. He blew the smoke he’d just inhaled to the side, letting the wind take it in another direction away from them.
   “Sakura?” Pleasure? What on earth did she...? It hit him not too many moments after as he recalled Ino nudging his side with her elbow an awful lot and make suggestive comments before he left the village to come here. 
   “What did she tell you...”
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