#has a thing where they show obscure parts of history and Singapore in the 1970s is the point where Farms in Country were greatly reduced
mayday396 · 8 months
Reverse 1999 character idea
An Arcanist Gardener/Farmer who is Singaporean and Peranakan from the 1970s, they have to deal with Plants and Arcanum in Crops and Fungal Diseases like Fairy Rings.
"Cibai! Who left Fairy Rings here! Argh I have to go deal with them"
"Oi Vertin! Ni gan ma?"
"I have to work with Teammates? heh Skali I do all the Dirty work"
"Wah Manus look dam Jia lat sial"
Talk in Singaporean Hokkien and/or Baba Malay and lol Singlish, I want Sonetto's VA to laugh and Cry at the Voice.Also because 1970s Singapore has always been largely ignored, it's always 1940s to 1960s then 1980s.Its never solely 1970s and that era was an interesting time.
I want it to be made clear that I want the character to be born in Ama Keng Village, Lim Chu Kang.Somewhere near that Area of Singapore, there is BBC Far Eastern Relay Station in 1978 that broadcasts radio programmes addressing the largest audiences in Asia.
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